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Adopt New and Revised Meeting Formats - 2022 WSBC Motion

Download the PDF to view the full Adopt New and Revised Meeting Formats motion with all of the formats included.


The World Service Board moves to amend the adopted Sample Meeting Format by substituting the revised Sample FA Meeting Guideline Document 4 listed below for the current Sample FA Meeting Guideline Document 4 and by inserting the new documents: Meeting Guidelines Documents 4c, 4d, and 4e: Sample FA Meeting Formats, listed below.


The current wording for Document 4 can be found below and is labeled “Current Document 4”.

Current Document 4


All new and revised documents can be found below.

Exhibit 1 – [revised] Document 4: FA In-Person Meeting Format

Exhibit 2 – [new] Document 4c: FA Videoconference Meeting Format

Exhibit 3 – [new] Document 4d: FA Telephone Meeting Format

Exhibit 4 – [new] Document 4e: FA Videoconference Meeting Format - Readings Only

What is the purpose of this motion, and how will it strengthen the effectiveness of WSI/FA service?


This motion serves dual purposes: (1) to introduce brand-new meeting formats and (2) to revise an existing meeting format. 

  1. New Formats

With the introduction of videoconference and telephone meetings as official FA meetings at the 2021 World Service Convention, the Board had a need to create consistent new formats for all to use, as represented by Documents 4c-4e. Each new format is available on the FA website as a Google document, a Google Slide deck, and a PowerPoint slide deck.

Note that Document 4e is a partial version of Document 4c, the Videoconference Meeting Format. Document 4e is offered for videoconference meetings in which the group prefers to display on the shared screen only the readings for participants (such as the tools, the Steps, and the Traditions). Meeting leaders at meetings using Document 4e for screen sharing will refer to Document 4c, the Videoconference Meeting Format, for portions of the format that are read by them but not displayed on the screen.

  1. Existing In-Person Format

The last revision of the existing In-Person format was completed in 2019. According to the  World Service Board manual, the WSI board has the option of presenting, for conference approval, revised sample FA meeting formats every two years.

How Will This Motion Strengthen FA?

FA is well served by a periodic review of our meeting formats. This year’s motion is particularly focused on creating consistency across all of the formats. This year’s changes are designed to improve the flow of meetings; eliminate extraneous wording (especially pertaining to functions such as muting microphones and raising hands in videoconference meetings, with which many members have become familiar); and correct grammatical or other errors. In addition, attention was paid to incorporating a welcoming tone to the formats. 

Suggestions for revising the formats were solicited from the entire fellowship. The changes represent careful consideration of numerous recommendations solicited via email and two fellowship-wide conference calls. 

Five changes of note affect all of the formats:

  • We modified the sentence that introduces the “How It Works” reading.
  • We removed AWOL announcements.
  • We corrected a recently introduced error in Tradition 10, changing “opinions” back to “opinion.”
  • We corrected a long-standing error in Tradition 12, changing the wording to “our traditions” rather than “these traditions.”
  • We eliminated page number references to the Big Book readings because page numbering differs among editions of the Big Book published in different languages.

Bear in mind that these formats are suggested templates for meetings. Meetings are free to adapt or amend their meeting formats based on group conscience, with important exceptions noted in the next section. 

Meetings may need to address matters in their formats such as members with allergies to perfumes, members needing service animals, or vision- or hearing-impaired members. However, by providing well-thought-out wording for the entirety of each format, the World Service Board hopes to save time and effort for meetings for which the generic language is sufficient.

Required Components of Meeting Formats

  1. No Wording Changes Allowed

Every FA meeting format must contain the following, with no wording changes from that shown in the sample formats: 

    • The FA Preamble
    • The Definition of Abstinence
    • The Definition of Food Addiction
    • The Twelve Steps of FA
    • The Twelve Traditions of FA 
    • The FA Tools of Recovery
    • The “How It Works” reading from the AA Big Book
    • “The Promises” reading from the AA Big Book
  1. Wording Changes Allowed

Every FA meeting must contain the following, though the wording suggested in the sample formats may be changed:

    • The introductory language for the sharing portions of the meeting may be re-worded but must include these requirements for sharing:
      • they must have at least 90 days of continuous abstinence in FA
      • they must be working with an FA sponsor
    • The language about FA business meetings may be re-worded but must include these requirements for members with a voice and a vote:
      • they must have at least 90 days of continuous abstinence in FA
      • they must be working with an FA sponsor
      • they must regularly attend the meeting
    • Seventh Tradition collection announcement
    • Welcome for newcomers
    • Identification of available sponsors
    • A break midway through the meeting for greeting newcomers