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Homebound Meeting Guidelines: Western Area Intergroup (WAI)

*Note: Please contact the Homebound Committee Chair before planning or conducting a Homebound Meeting. The Homebound Committee can assist in planning and provide necessary information. This also allows WAI to document the Homebound Meetings held in our area. You can reach the Homebound Chair at this address: waihomebound@foodaddicts.org.


The purpose of a Homebound Meeting (HBM) is to offer support to an FA Member who is unable to attend a regularly scheduled meeting due to a physical condition or surgery. Homebound Meetings are for Members who are working with an FA Sponsor.


Homebound Member: An FA Member who is unable to leave their home, a hospital, or a care facility due to a physical condition or surgery.

Homebound Area Coordinator: A member of the HB Committee who provides assistance and support to an FA Member by coordinating a HB Meeting.

Homebound Committee Chair: An FA Member who oversees operations of the HB Committee and HB Meetings.

Homebound Meeting (HBM): An FA Meeting that takes place in a home or care facility for an FA Member.


  1. Contact the HB Committee Chair prior to holding a HBM.
  2. Contact the Committee Chair by email @ waihomebound@foodaddicts.org.
  3. Contact the Committee Chair at least one (1) week prior to the projected planned date of the HBM.
  4. Provide the following information to the HB Committee Chair:
    • Your Name and contact information
    • Reason for a HBM
    • Name and Phone Number of the HB Member
    • HB Member agrees to have a HBM
    • Location of HB Member (if a member is in a hospital or care facility, the member in need of a HBM must have approval from the facility to have a meeting)
    • Expected date and time of the HBM
  5. Once it has been determined that a HBM would be helpful, a HB Area Coordinator will follow-up to help coordinate the HBM.


  1. The HB Committee Chair will notify the HB Area Coordinator.
  2. The HB Area Coordinator will then contact the FA Member within 24-48 hours upon receiving notification from the HB Committee Chair.
  3. The HB Area Coordinator will assist and support as follows:
    • Organize the HBM details in conjunction with the HB Member.
    • Verify that an approval was obtained from the hospital or care facility.
    • Provide a HBM Format and HB Guide.
    • Provide additional support and assistance as needed.
    • Follow-up after the HBM by conducting a brief, informal survey to best serve HB Members.


Homebound Meeting Location: A HBM can be held wherever an FA Member is located. This can be at a hospital, a care facility, or in their home. Wherever the HBM is located, the space must be safe and provide privacy.

Scheduling a Homebound Meeting: A HBM should occur at a reasonable time during the day or early in the evening with consideration of mealtimes. A HBM should not conflict with scheduled times of any FA Meetings that are held nearby.

Homebound Meeting Set-Up: The set-up will depend on the number of attendees and the allotted space. If feasible, the set-up of the chairs should model a regular meeting.

Duration of a Homebound Meeting: The HBM is one (1) hour in length with no breaks.

Leader of a Homebound Meeting: Just like a regular FA Meeting, the leader of the HBM must have ninety (90) days or more of continuous abstinence to lead the meeting.

Attendees of a Homebound Meeting: It is essential that the HBM must have at least two (2) members with ninety (90) days or more of continuous abstinence to be present and available to speak. The recipient of the HBM may provide a list of names of other FA members they would like to invite to the HBM; however, the HB Area Coordinator is always available to do the coordinating of the attendees of the meeting, as needed. The space for the meeting will be taken into consideration.

Homebound Meeting Details:

  • Seventh Tradition: There is no Seventh Tradition Collection.
  • FA Announcements: There are No FA Announcements.
  • Breaks: There are No Breaks.

Follow-up: The HB Area Coordinator will check with the HB Member and other attendees within five (5) days after the HBM for feedback. This follow up information should be sent to the HB Committee Chair within one (1) week after the HBM.


Q: Who may request a Homebound Meeting?

A: Anyone may request a HBM by contacting the HB Committee Chair, by email @ waihomebound@foodaddicts.org.

Q:  How is the need of the Member determined?

A: The HB FA Member has a conversation with the HB Committee Chair.

If a member is unable to attend an FA meeting due to an illness or an injury and has discussed this matter with their sponsor they will then reach out to the HB Committee Chair.

Q: Who determines the need of the Member?

A: It is a cooperative decision between the HB Member and the HB Committee Chair.

Q: Do I have to be working with an FA Sponsor?

A: Yes.

Q: Can I request more than one meeting if needed?

A: Yes.

Q: How do I select a time to hold a Homebound Meeting?

A: A HBM should occur at a reasonable time during the day or early in the evening with consideration of meal times. Additionally, the HBM should not conflict with scheduled times of any FA Meetings that are held nearby.

Q: How long is the Homebound Meeting?

A: The HBM is one (1) hour in length with No Breaks.

Q: Where do I hold a Homebound Meeting?

A: A HBM can be held wherever an FA Member is located and when there is a need. This can be at a hospital, care facility, or in their home.

Wherever the HBM is located the space must be safe and offer privacy.

Q: How many people may attend the Homebound Meeting?

A: The number of people to attend the HBM depends on the need of the HB Member and the space available.

Q: Is there a special HBM format and where do I find it?

A: Yes. The HBM Format can be obtained from the HB Area Coordinator.

Q: Who provides the FA resources for the Homebound Meeting ie. Speaker, CD’s, Big Books, Connection Magazines or FA Books?

A: The HB Area Coordinator will be available to be of assistance.

Q: Is there any special way to set up the room?

A: The set-up will depend on the number of attendees and allotted space. If feasible, the set-up of chairs should model a regularly held Meeting.

Q: Is there a Seventh Tradition?

A: No.

Q: Can a Homebound Meeting be regarded as a replacement meeting or an extra meeting?

A: Please defer this question to your Sponsor.

Q: Who can I contact with any questions?

A: The HB Committee Chair by email @ waihomebound@foodaddicts.org.

Revised 2020 1121