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FA Resource List: 12 Ways to Get Help

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) possess a wealth of resources, generously created and lead by volunteers in our fellowship, for the benefits of our members and to fulfil the promise of a life of sane and happy usefulness. Here is how you can get information and connect with fellows:

  1. Prioritize staying informed by reading the bi-monthly emailed FA Newsletter and regularly checking the Events Calendar.
  2. Participate in the Newcomer Support and Assistance (NSA) Committee monthly Resource Calls. For more information contact the NSA Subcommittee NewcomerSupport@foodaddicts.org.
  3. Attend Intergroup, Maine Chapter or Local Service Group (LSG) monthly meetings. For more information contact the Service Group Support Committee SGSC@foodaddicts.org.
  4. View the Eastern Area Intergroup (EAI) EAI Orientation Video and EAI Orientation and Resource Guide if you are new to EAI. For more information contact the EAI Vice Chair EAIViceChair@foodaddicts.org.
  5. Contact the Western Area Intergroup (WAI) Office Committee WAIOffice@foodaddicts.org> if you have WSI Intergroup-related questions. An Office Committee member will respond within two to four days.
  6. Participate in monthly Connection Representative meetings. For more information contact ConnectionRep@foodaddicts.org.
  7. Refer to the Meeting Guidelines for helpful information and resources. The FA meeting guidelines ensure that a food addict will feel at home in an FA meeting anywhere in the world.
  8. Participate in monthly Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance (MESA) Resource Calls covering diverse topics where members share meeting best practices and ways to enhance engagement. For more information contact the MESA Subcommittee MESA@foodaddicts.org. A MESA Subcommittee member will respond within two business days.
  9. Reach out to the Conference (Voting) Member Support and Assistance (CMSA) Subcommittee Voting@foodaddicts.org for inquiries if you are a World Service Conference (WSC) Member or Meeting Contact.
  10. Contact the Inquiry Response Committee (IRC) InquiryResponse@foodaddicts.org  if you are unsure how to address a concern related to meeting standards and requirements.
  11. Contact the Traditions Review Committee (TRC) Traditions@foodaddicts.org if you have a concern related to the Twelve Traditions.
  12. Seek help from your sponsor, your fellows, and your Higher Power!



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