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FA Eastern Area Intergroup

EAI Purpose

  • Further the FA program following the FA Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions
  • Maintain a communication center for all FA Meeting groups and Chapters affiliated with EAI
  • Provide unity for all FA Meeting Groups and Chapters affiliated with EAI
  • Educate the public about the FA program

Next EAI Monthly Meeting - April 6, 2025

Please join us at the EAI Monthly Meeting via ZOOM from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. ET. Join by telephone in US by dialing 646-558-8656 or click here to find your local number. If you have any questions, please email eaiit@foodaddicts.org.

  • Meeting ID: 847 548 759
  • Passcode: 2020
  • Click here to sign in to the EAI Monthly Meeting Attendee List. Attendees will be emailed the phone list. The phone list is a great way to connect with other EAI fellows!

2025 EAI Meeting Dates

April 6, May 4, June 8, July 13, August Recess, September 14, October 5, November 2, December 14

EAI Orientation

Have you heard about "EAI" at your monthly business meeting but not sure what it's all about? EAI stands for Eastern Area Intergroup, and it is a larger service body with the purpose of supporting meetings throughout a large geographical area. Now you can learn about how EAI can help your meeting by watching an Orientation Video or reading through an EAI Newcomer Orientation Guide. The orientation includes an overview of EAI, the services it provides, its committees, and ways that FA members can get involved in Intergroup.

EAI Committee Conference Call Information

  • All Committees meet at 8:00 a.m. EST on Intergroup Sunday. Passcode for each meeting is 2020. See the details below for joining the meeting.
  • For phone only (US), call 646-558-8656 and enter the Meeting ID identified below and the passcode 2020.
  • To find the Zoom International Dial-in Number, click here.



Direct LInk

Meeting ID

12th Step Committee

Maggie O., eai12thstep@foodaddicts.org

Zoom link

879 3380 5639

Office Committee

Berit M. eaioffice@foodaddicts.org

Zoom link

882 7441 2321

(7:30 am)
Kathryn W. ​eaipi@foodaddicts.org

Zoom link

845 8695 6527

Service Support Committee​

Zoom link

843 8867 7998

Service Support Weekend Planning

Zoom link

825 9732 0638

10am after Body Meeting

Don D., eaitreasurer@foodaddicts.org

Zoom link

812 5057 4139

Donate to EAI

For instructions to make a donation to EAI, click here.


Website: www.foodaddicts.org/eai-home
Email: eaioffice@foodaddicts.org  -  Phone (voicemail only): 781-438-9700  
To contact all members of the EAI Board, please email eaiboard@foodaddicts.org.