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EAI Financial Aid and Resource Committee (FARC)

Financial Aid and Resource Committee (FARC) Mission

Through a thoughtful application and approval process, the FARC evaluates and approves need-based, financial aid requests for FA Eastern Area Intergroup (FA-EAI) members wishing to do service. The goal is to support and encourage the attendance of FA-EAI members at the annual FA World Service Business Convention as well as other service-related activities.   

FARC Activities

  • FA Business Convention: provide financial aid to EAI World Service Conference (WSC) members in need of funding to attend the World Service Business Convention. Meetings are asked to elect a World-Service Conference (WSC) Member at their January or February business meeting. 
  • EAI Service Support Weekend: provide financial aid to EAI members actively participating in service at the local level who are in need of funding to attend the event.
  • Travel Fund Requests: provide funding for EAI members who have been asked to qualify at FA Information Sessions requiring travel.

World Service Business Convention 2025

FA-EAI has money budgeted to assist World Service Conference Members who require financial assistance to attend the 2025 Business Convention, either remotely or in person.

Available funding will depend on the number of submitted application requests that the FARC receives. The FARC will strive to distribute funds to as many fellows as possible. 

The application deadline to request financial aid through Eastern Area Intergroup has been extended until February 28, 2025. 

Please complete your application here.

FARC Membership

To protect the anonymity of its financial aid applicants, membership in this committee is by invitation, and the meeting is closed to visitors. Those interested in joining this committee, please contact the FARC Chair at eaifinancialaidandres@foodaddicts.org.

Contact Information

Bronna G., Financial Aid and Resource Committee Chair