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Service Opportunities

Service is fun, interesting, and a chance for fellowship with new members. Take advantage of your opportunity to participate in how FA works in these opportunities below. There is plenty of support and all you must do is show up. FA needs YOU!

Service positions can be posted on the FA website via the personal profile page by members of the world service board, western and eastern intergroup committee chairs and chapter chairs.


WSI Convention Planning Committee Positions

WSI 12th Step Committee Positions

Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance Committee (MESA) Positions

Newcomer Support and Assistance Committee (NSA) Positions

Literature Committee Positions

Connection Committee Positions

EAI Public Information(PI) Committee Positions

Maine Chapter Public Information(PI) Committee Positions

WSI Board Positions

Bylaws Committee Positions

EAI Office Committee


WSI Convention Planning Committee

Signs/Printing Subcommittee Chair 

Description: Create, print, and distribute signage for the 2024 Business Convention.  

Requirements: Manage and Work with WSI Office to get supplies on site.

Work with other committees and hotel to develop signs and other printing materials needed for the weekend.

Order, ship and manage the creation and distribution of materials throughout the weekend.

Apply: Please email the Convention Chair at convention@foodaddicts.org

WSI Tech Committee

Technology Support

Description: Are you a fellow with a knack for technology? The WSI Tech Committee is on the lookout for individuals like you to join us in our mission to tackle the ever-evolving world of technology within FA. Here are just a few of the ways you can make a difference:

  • Facilitating Technology Office Hours: Help guide fellow members through tech challenges.
  • Creating video conference-related training videos: Share your expertise to enhance our members' digital experiences.
  • Serving as a tech resource: Assist meetings and individuals with tech queries, from optimizing video conferences to setting up shared online documents.

Requirements: If you're ready to leverage your tech skills to support our organization's growth and reach, and if you've maintained at least six months of abstinence, seize this opportunity!

Apply: Reach out to wsitechnology@foodaddicts.org to get involved today.

WSI 12th Step Committee

Portal Administrator

Description: Make updates to the service opportunities webpage as needed.

Requirements:  Five years of continuous abstinence in FA, working with an FA Sponsor and have completed one 12-Step study. 

Preferred but not required: 

  • Experience using Google Workspace including Sheets, Docs, and Forms.
  • Experience submitting the foodaddicts.org Work Order Request Form.

Apply: Email the 12th Step Chair 12thStep@foodaddicts.org providing your contact information.

Voting Member Support and Assistance (VMSA) Subcommittee

Chair and Core Members

Description: Members are needed on this new subcommittee to support voting members and meeting contacts, encouraging timely elections, providing information and assistance as needed, and discussing or addressing any related issues that may arise. 

Requirements: Five years of continuous abstinence in FA, working with an FA Sponsor and have completed one 12-Step study. 

 Preferred but not required:

  • Experience being a World Service Conference (WSC) voting member.

Apply: Email the 12th Step Committee Chair 12thStep@foodaddicts.org, providing your contact information.

Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance Committee (MESA)

MESA Team Writer

Description: Write, edit and review MESA Documents.

Requirements: Five years of continuous abstinence, working with an FA Sponsor and have completed one 12-step study. Writing Skills required with proficiency in MS Word, Powerpoint, and Google Docs.

Apply: Email MESA@foodaddicts.org

MESA Core Team

Description: Create and refine effective questions for meetings. Collaborate effectively with others.

Requirements: Reasoning, coordination, planning skills, and proficiency in Google Docs are required. Five years of abstinence is necessary. Completion of the 12th step study is mandatory. The application process is subject to approval.

Apply: Email MESA@foodaddicts.org for the application.

Various Other Positions

Description: The MESA committee is looking for meeting scribe, crosstalk, helpline, and technology support.

Requirements: Five years of abstinence is necessary. Completion of the 12th step study is mandatory.

Apply: Email MESA@foodaddicts.org

Newcomer Support and Assistance Committee(NSA)

Core Member

Description: We need people on our committee to help out on various projects that are aimed at helping to improve the newcomer experience after members join FA.

Requirements: 5 years of Abstinence

Apply: Email newcomersupport@foodaddicts.org

Literature Committee

Audio Recording Committee (ARC)

Description of Positions and How to Apply

Literature Operations Subcommittee

Description: The Operations Subcommittee is seeking members who are skilled in literature production or archiving and preservation.  This Subcommittee is responsible for the proofreading, production, and printing of nearly all FA literature (except Connection magazine.)

This position would be good for someone who:

  • is very organized and detail oriented
  • is comfortable using various software (e.g., Word, Excel, GoogleDocs, GoogleSheets and GoogleDrive)
  • collaborates with others easily

Requirements: Members must have a minimum of three years uninterrupted abstinence in FA, be working with an FA sponsor, and have completed one twelve step study and be actively participating in the study of the twelve steps.

Apply: Email literature@foodaddicts.org

Connection Committee

Admin Subcommittee Secretary

Description: Takes minutes at all Connection Committee meetings and disseminates minutes to all members for approval.

Requirements: 2 years of continuous abstinence

Apply: Contact Angie R. at connectionvicechair@foodaddicts.org

EAI Public Information(PI) Committee

EAI PI Chair

Description: Overseeing the PI sub-committees (Health Fairs & Information Sessions); Setting the Agenda and facilitating the PI committee meetings; Preparing WSI-PI reports for the WSB six month fellowship updates;
Engendering a culture of respectful invitation, best practices, and resources to assist the fellowship in outreach to the community; and Ensuring the outreach efforts and all PI materials adhere to FA's Twelve Traditions. 

Requirements: The person must have 5 years of abstinence, completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps in sequence, follow FAs Policy & Procedures and be familiar with the PI Resources Index section of the FA website.  

Apply: Email Kathryn at eaipi@foodaddicts.org

Maine Chapter Public Information(PI) Committee

None available at this time. Please check back later for updates.

WSI Board

Design Review Committee Chair

Description: The position of Design Review Committee (DRC) Chair is an excellent service opportunity to grow in your recovery and guide FA's branding into the digital age. All print and digital materials, including the FA website, fall under the DRC, now looking for a new Chair. For detailed information on the responsibilities please review them here.

Requirements: 7 years of continuous abstinence, experience in graphic design or creative direction, and looking for an exciting position working directly with the Chair of WSI.

Apply: Please reach out to chair@foodaddicts.org.


Description: The WSB Design Committee needs members who have experience with publications, website user experience, project management, branding, and visual editing skills to help FA's service groups to create and manage design projects. Projects may include proofing printed and web materials, helping to create signage for events, along with materials for conferences and other gatherings.

Requirements: Must be abstinent for at least one year. Also must have experience in the field of publications or design. Knowledge of design software such as Adobe CC, Canva, or Microsoft Office design tools.

Apply: Email the Design Committee chair at design@foodaddicts.org.

Bylaws Committee

None available at this time. Please check back later for updates.

EAI Office Committee

Phone List Coordinator

Description: If you have an hour or two once a month, and are familiar with Excel, we are in need of a volunteer to generate a phone list from the monthly EAI meeting. Training provided.

Requirements: 1 year of continuous abstinence and working with an FA sponsor.

Apply: Contact Berit M. at eaioffice@foodaddicts.org

Instructions on How to Post and Remove a Service Position

To post a position:

  1. Log in to your profile on foodaddicts.org.
  2. On the profile page look for the header "Volunteer for Service."
  3. Select "Post a Service Position."
  4. Complete the Google form.

To remove a position please email serviceopportunities@foodaddicts.org with the position you want to remove.