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Directions to Submit a Close Meeting Request

Note: Only a meeting’s Meeting Contact, WSI Contact, Intergroup Contact, and Chapter Contact can submit a Close Meeting Request.

To Submit a Request to Close an FA Meeting:

  1. Go to www.foodaddicts.org.
  2. Login to your FA profile.
  3. In the Manage My Meeting section in the right-hand column, find the meeting for which you need to make changes.
  4. Click the red button to Close Meeting.
  5. The Close Meeting Request form will open on your screen.
  6. Enter the Effective Date for the meeting’s closing.
  7. In the Comments, enter any questions or notes for your Intergroup or Chapter Office person.
  8. Click the box next to I confirm I want to close this meeting.
  9. Click the blue button to Close this Meeting.
  10. You will receive a Thank You confirmation screen. Please allow 7 to 10 days for your Intergroup/Chapter Office to process your close meeting request.
  11. If you have any questions, please contact your Intergroup/Chapter Office:
    1. EAI Office: eaioffice@foodaddicts.org 
    2. Maine Chapter Office: meoffice@foodaddicts.org 
    3. WAI Office: waioffice@foodaddicts.org 
  12. If you have technical difficulties, please contact web@foodaddicts.org.

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