These pamphlets are available for sale in print, or you can read them online for free.
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Food Addiction and the FA™ Solution:
for anyone who wants to learn more
What makes some people continue to eat when they’re not hungry and unable to stick to a diet despite doctors’ warnings and their own willpower? This pamphlet is for anyone who wants to learn about food addiction and the solution offered by Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA™).
The First Two Chapters
This booklet is comprised of the first two chapters of the FA™ book which lay out, clearly, effectively, and concisely the basis of the FA™ program: the definition of a food addict, the symptoms and experiences of food addiction, a medical perspective, and FA™’s solution.
Living Abstinently
This booklet represents the collective wisdom and experience of FA™ members with decades of unbroken abstinence. It describes the practices FA™ members use to gain freedom from the craving, obsession, and compulsion of addiction.
Overweight? Obese? Overeating? There is a Solution
In this pamphlet, FA members who were overweight or obese share dozens of brief stories—specific memories of moments in time— describing their experiences in addiction and recovery. Although not all the details will match your own, you may identify with some of what you read here and feel that there is a place for you in FA.
Food Addiction: Stories of Men in Recovery
The stories in this pamphlet were written by men who tried diets, exercise, and other approaches without lasting success. When they found FA™, they realized that their problem was not gluttony or lack of willpower, but addiction.
Before You Take That Bite, read this pamphlet and remember --- today you have a choice.
This pamphlet suggests positive actions you can take to avoid breaking your abstinence. It is a reminder of how painful it was to be active in food addiction and how good it is to have a solution. This pamphlet is a useful reminder to old-timers and essential for newcomers.
Just for Today Card
"Just for today, I will try to live through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once. I can do things for twelve hours that would appall me if I had to keep them up for a lifetime." This is one of the nine attitude adjustment suggestions on a wallet-size card.
20 Questions/What is FA™? *Card version
Answering these 20 questions can help determine whether you are a food addict. This two-sided card also includes basic information about FA™, such as who joins and whether the program works.
Are You Having Trouble Controlling the Way You Eat?
This trifold includes the 20 Questions that can help determine whether you are a food addict. It also includes three basic questions: What is FA™? Who joins FA™? and Does the program really work?
Food Addiction: Undereating? Underweight? Purging?
Can a person be addicted to food? Recovering food addicts say yes. Members experience their relationship with food as a form of addiction. They are powerless over where, when, and how much they eat, although many have tremendous willpower in other areas of their lives. Members who were underweight, bulimic, or restrictive tell their stories of willpower, purging, laxatives, or excessive exercise. They all found a way to live in peaceful remission as a result of working the FA™ program.
Food Addiction: Stories of Teens and Twenties in Recovery
Food addiction does not discriminate by age. In this pamphlet, young people tell the stories of their addiction, the solution they found in FA™, and how they maintain social lives in abstinence.
To Our Families and Friends
Families and friends of FA™ members often struggle to understand food addiction and FA™’s program of recovery. For instance, they often ask, “Why do you need to keep going to meetings even after you’ve reached your goal weight?” Stories in this pamphlet explain this and other mysteries for the people who share our lives.
Some Thoughts on Sponsoring
We begin our recovery from food addiction with the guidance of a qualified sponsor, and as we get on our feet, we begin to sponsor others. This act of passing on what we have been given is the spiritual principle behind the recovery process, but it can be daunting at first. This pamphlet offers some thoughts and help for beginning sponsors as well as inspiration for those who have been around awhile.
Your FA™ Seventh Tradition
This pamphlet describes the purpose of Seventh Tradition funds, the spiritual principles used for FA™ finances, and guidelines for meetings about handling donations.
FA's pamphlets, along with other tools of the program, support members in their recovery from food addiction.
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