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Document 4f: FA Thank-a-Thon Videoconference Meeting Format


What is a Thank-a-Thon?

  • Thank-a-Thons are special meetings traditionally held on American Thanksgiving that focus on gratitude. Fellowships outside the US are encouraged to establish this tradition on their Thanksgiving Day (where applicable), or another day of their choosing.

  • Thank-a-Thons are 60-120 minutes long, depending on the size of the meeting and whether or not two speakers and/or a break is desired by the coordinating group.

  • Thank-a-Thons can be in-person or virtual. 

  • Large fellowships may want to schedule multiple Thank-a-Thons that run consecutively throughout a geographical area with a single speaker at each.

  • Thank-a-Thons should not replace a regularly scheduled FA meeting; instead, meetings can choose, by group conscience, to use one of the format types listed below in their weekly 90-minute meeting.


To maintain the consistency of all FA meetings, meeting groups are asked to avoid changing the design, color, wording or sequence of the format. Leaders are encouraged to avoid ad-libbing. Decide on the meeting format type(s), using group conscience. An editable copy of this format may be accessed via the links in the gray box.

Necessary Edits

  • Before using this format, all meetings will need to insert the meeting day, time, and location in the “Introduction” section.

  • Update the methods available to collect the Seventh Tradition.

  • Include the word “Chapter” where applicable.

Optional Edits

Using group conscience at your business meeting, groups may:

  • Make additions to the Meeting Guidelines section, if necessary.

  • Include the wording: “We ask that you please refrain from clapping” in the Qualification section.

Meeting Format Types

  • Qualification Meeting (single or multiple speakers) focused on gratitude.

  • Sharing Meeting focused on gratitude.

  • Tools Meeting using the “Gratitude” section from “Living Abstinently.”

Revised July 2024


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