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FA-EAI Continuing Effect Motion Manual

The following motions are adopted by the group conscience of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous Eastern Area Intergroup, and intended to remain in effect unless changed by majority vote of FA-EAI. Not included in this list are Bylaws, Policy and Procedures or motions temporary by their nature.


1998 - November - Setting of Meeting Dates.

2002 - June - Setting Of Agenda

2002 - June - Secretary to the Board

2002 - October - Policies and Procedure Approval

2002 - October - Change in Meeting Dates

2002 - October - Editing Texts of Motions

2003 - June - Change in Fiscal Year

2003 - September - Quarterly Donations

2003 - September - Chapter Committees

2003 - December - Terms of Secretary and Treasurer

2004 - June - Annual Meeting

2004 - June - FA-EAI Street Address

2006 - May - Service requirements

2009 - September - Main Motions

2010 - October - Main Motions

2010 - November - Change in Meeting Time

2011 - April - Main Motion Process

2013 - September - Main Motion Process

2019 - May - Start Time Change

2020 - July - Start Time Change



1998 November

It was adopted that:

The dates for the next year’s FA-EAI meeting will be proposed in November by the FA-EAI Chairman and voted on at that meeting by the voting members present.

2002 June

It was adopted that:

The agenda for each FA-EAI meeting will be set by the FA-EAI Chairman.

2002 June

It was adopted that:

A secretary separate from the FA-EAI secretary shall be appointed to take minutes at all FA-EAI Board meetings.

Amended May 2004 to read: A secretary separate from the FA-EAI secretary may be appointed to take minutes at any FA-EAI Board meetings.

2002 October

It was adopted that:

Each committee will establish and vote in its policies and procedures for the FAEAI Policies and Procedures Manual. Prior to the vote of the committee, each Policy and Procedure will be reviewed by the Board of Trustees and Bylaw Committee. Said Manual will be available on request of any FA member. Any member who wishes to change a Policy and Procedure, if unsatisfied after consultation with the appropriate committee, may bring the change to the body as a motion.

2002 October

It was adopted that:

EAI will meet on the second Sunday of every month, except for three day weekends, religious and secular holidays, Mother's and Father's day. The dates of EAI meetings for the following year will be proposed in November by the EAI Chairman, and voted at that meeting by the voting members present.

2002 October

It was adopted that:

The Bylaw Chair is authorized to edit bylaws, motions, policies and procedures for grammar, spelling, punctuation and usage without changing the effect of the text, after consulting with English usage experts.

2003 June

It was adopted that:

The FA-EAI fiscal year is defined as July 1 through June 30 of any calendar year.

2003 September

It was adopted that:

EAI and its Chapters may make donations to FA-WSO or FA-EAI, or to both, in any amount, as the group conscience dictates, but such donations should be made on a quarterly basis.

2003 September

It was adopted that:

The Committees of FA-EAI Chapters shall each develop “Policies and Procedures” to govern said Committee, which shall be voted in by the Committee, after approval by the FA-EAI Chapter Liaison Committee and the FA-EAI Officers.

December 2003

It was adopted that:

For the election scheduled for April 2004 only, the term of office for the Secretary and Treasurer will be one year.

June 2004

It was adopted that:

The FA-EAI meeting at which elections are held shall be designated the Annual Meeting.

June 2004

It was adopted that:

The street address of FA-EAI, Inc shall be the residential address of the secretary- clerk, if he or she is a resident of the Commonwealth; otherwise, a resident agent shall be designated.

May 2006

It was adopted that:

In any FA-EAI sponsored activity, during which FA members directly and personally speak to or with groups of persons who are not affiliated with FA, only members with 90 days of abstinence may participate. Also, there must be two FA members present, at least one of which is required to have two years or more of continuous abstinence, have completed one AWOL, and maintain an ongoing participation in AWOL. FA-EAI committees may set a higher requirement for their FA-EAI sponsored activities.

September 2009

It was adopted that the EAI Procedure for “Main Motions” for submission to the WSO Business Conference is as follows:

  1. Motions may only be submitted by meeting groups and must be received into the EAI Office one week before the December Intergroup meeting. The EAI Bylaw Chair (with the assistance of a small committee) will partner with the Motion-Maker as needed to (a) draft the Motion and put it in proper format, (b) work with the Motion Maker to clarify the Motion intent and language, and (c) detail the procedures and next steps with the Motion-Maker. Motions will not be considered by EAI if they violate the Bylaws, Traditions, or if they duplicate issues-motions already decided.
  2. The ‘Proposed Motion’ will then be heard during the January Intergroup meeting. Note - the Motion-Maker (or representative) is required to attend this meeting to present the merits of the Motion to the Intergroup membership. The ‘Proposed Motion’ will receive as full a discussion as time permits. Amendments and edits to the Motion can be made at that time.
  3. All EAI members with more than two years of continuous abstinence will vote on whether to submit the ‘Proposed Motion” to WSI at the February Intergroup meeting. If the decision is to move the Motion forward, the Executive Board will follow up administratively and to ensure the Motion is submitted by WSI’s deadline.
  4. Thereafter, WSI will forward the proposed motion to all the Voting Members (formerly delegates) for decision as to whether the motion ought be placed on the Agenda at the Convention.

October 2010

It was adopted that EAI change the language in the CEM passed in September 2009 for submitting “Main Motions” so that the procedures are consistent with WSI Bylaws. EAI moves that the following language be added to the September 2009 CEM that outlines EAI procedures for submitting “Main Motions” to the WSI Business Convention.

At the February Intergroup meeting, all EAI members with two or more years of continuous abstinence will vote on whether to submit the ‘Proposed Motion” to WSI. If the decision is made by the membership to move the Motion forward, it will be put to a vote by the entire Board. If a majority of the Board vote to submit the motion, the Executive Board shall submit the Motion before the WSI deadline. If the motion is not supported by a majority of the Board, the Board may return the Motion to the Membership for reconsideration. If the majority of the membership still votes in favor of the motion, the Executive Board reserves the right to withhold the motion. With regard to each motion submitted to WSI, the Executive Board will designate a person to be the Motion Maker at the annual World Service business convention, or the Bylaw Chair will serve as the Motion Maker.”

November 2010

It was adopted that EAI would change the start time of Intergroup from 9:30 to 9:45 beginning in January 2011.

April 2011

It was adopted that beginning in July 2012, EAI shall evaluate the EAI main motion process on an annual basis. By evaluating the main motion process annually, it allows EAI to determine whether any additional changes would better serve the fellowship. In July of 2013, EAI commits to review the WSI Main Motion bylaw and determine if EAI should submit another Main Motion addressing a motion that gives Chapters and Intergroups the authority to have group conscience bind the executive board.

September 2013

It was adopted that the EAI Procedure for “Main Motions” for submission to the WSO Business Conference is as follows:

  1. Motions may only be submitted by meeting groups and must be received into the EAI Office one week before the December Intergroup meeting. The EAI Bylaw Chair (with the assistance of a small committee) will partner with the Motion-Maker as needed to (a) draft the Motion and put it in proper format, (b) work with the Motion Maker to clarify the Motion intent and language, and (c) detail the procedures and next steps with the Motion-Maker. Motions will not be considered by EAI if they violate the Bylaws, Traditions, or if they duplicate issues or -motions already decided.
  2. The ‘Proposed Motion’ will then be heard during the January Intergroup meeting. Note - the Motion-Maker (or representative) is required to attend this meeting to present the merits of the Motion to the Intergroup membership. The ‘Proposed Motion’ will receive as full a discussion as time permits. Amendments and edits to the Motion can be made at that time.
  3. All EAI members with more than two years of continuous abstinence (“the assembly”) will vote on whether to submit the ‘Proposed Motion” to WSI at the February Intergroup meeting. If two-thirds or more of the assembly agree that the merits of the motion are substantial enough for EAI to propose the Motion to the WSC, the Executive Board or its designee is mandated to submit the Motion. The Executive Board retains discretion to withhold any motion that violates a Tradition, damages FA as a whole with the Media, or potentially incurs legal, regulatory, or financial liability. The Executive Board may also unilaterally submit a main motion to WSI.
  4. Thereafter, WSI will forward the proposed motion to all the Voting Members (formerly delegates) for decision as to whether the motion ought be placed on the Agenda at the Convention.

May 2019

It was adopted that the start time of the monthly EAI meeting, on a trial basis for one year, was changed from 9:45 am EDT to 8:00 am EDT beginning June 2019.

July 2020

It was adopted to continue indefinitely, the current start time of the monthly EAI meetings: 8am ET – 10am ET. Committees meet 8am ET – 8:45am ET, EAI Body meets 9am ET – 10am ET.

Revised 2020 0725


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