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Information Session Calendar Announcement (Short Version)


From: Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous

Re: Calendar or Community Announcement Submission

Please place the following notice in the Calendar Section of the Health or Wellness section of your newspaper. Please also place it in the online Calendar Section, as well.

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is a 12 Step Program for individuals suffering from food obsession, overeating, under-eating and bulimia. There will be a free community information meeting on (date) at (location) in (town/city) at (time).

No dues, fees or weigh-ins. Everyone is welcome, including those who think they may have a food problem or are concerned about someone who may. For more information, call------ or visit our website at www.foodaddicts.org.

Thank you,

[Local Contact]

[Local Contact’s Phone Number]

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