


New to FA






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For Members



For Professionals












A Call for Service: 12 Ways to Carry the Message

  1. Dedicate yourself to reaching out to a newcomer or fellow sufferer daily.
  2. Commit to a small meeting or qualify at a small meeting. When qualifying, provide at least one name of a fellow FA member who is also willing to qualify – Ask One Get One (AOGO)!
  3. Submit art & articles to the Connection Committee. For details on how to submit, visit the Submit to Connection webpage.
  4. Subscribe to Connection magazine.
  5. Study the Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous book and purchase a copy for someone interested in FA.
  6. Subscribe to the Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous podcast.
  7. Notify Media Watch MediaWatch@foodaddicts.org or Health Care Watch  HealthCareWatch@foodaddicts.org if you see or hear news about food addiction, dieting, body image, etc.
  8. Notify Web Links  WebLinks@foodaddicts.org if you see a website where FA could be listed.
  9. Post trifolds in your community and ask your meeting to sponsor a rack.
  10. Share the Food Addiction and the FA Solution pamphlet with your Health Care Provider or Faith Community Leader, and be open to telling your personal story of recovery from food addiction. Ask your FA meeting’s Public Information (PI) Representative for copies of the pamphlet.
  11. Volunteer for service. In order to stay abstinent, you must give it away! Give back and shape FA's future by committing to a position posted on the service opportunities portal.
  12. Stay abstinent, practice gratitude, and pass on the FA program!



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