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FA WSI Bylaws


Article I: Name and Place of Business
Article II: Fundamental Principles
Article III: World Service Conference
Article IV: Constituent Groups
Article V: Officers and Trustees
Article VI: Board of Trustees
Article VII: Executive Committee
Article VIII: Annual Meeting
Article IX: Committees
Article X: Finances
Article XI: Parliamentary Authority
Article XII: Amendments to Bylaws
Article XIII: Amendments to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, or Twelve Concepts of FA

Appendices: Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of FA
The Twelve Steps of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
The Twelve Traditions of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
The Twelve Concepts of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous – The Short Form
The Twelve Concepts of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous – The Long Form


Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience and mutual support, are recovering from food addiction.

We welcome all who want to stop eating addictively. There are no dues or fees for members; we are self-supporting through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations. FA is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine. We take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to abstain from addictive eating and to carry this message of recovery to those who still suffer.

Article I.  Name and Place of Business

Section 1. Name

  1. The name of the corporation is Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Inc. Internally to this organization, this entity is known as World Service Incorporated (WSI).
  2. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (abbreviated FA) refers to the program of recovery that makes it possible for those suffering from food addiction to recover through the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, as adapted by FA. It is to be distinguished from the name of the corporation by the absence of the abbreviation “Inc.”
  3. An FA member is any person with the desire to stop eating addictively who joins FA. Use of the term member in designating such persons should not be understood as conferring upon such persons the legal powers and authorities of members of WSI, as the latter are defined by Massachusetts General Laws (Mass. Gen. Laws) c. 180, sec. 2 and the Articles of Organization, unless such persons are also voting members of WSI as that term is defined in Article III, Section 2 of these bylaws.
  4. FA Fellowship refers to the society of FA members. In these bylaws, the FA fellowship will be referred to as the fellowship, and FA members will be referred to as members of the fellowship, to distinguish members of the fellowship from members of WSI. 

Section 2. Place of Business

  1. WSI will maintain a central business office, known as the World Service Office (WSO), in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the state of incorporation.
  2. The specific location of the WSO will be designated by the WSI Board of Trustees, also known as the World Service Board (WSB). 

Article II.  Fundamental Principles 

Section 1. Objectives

  1. WSI has but one primary purpose, that of serving the fellowship, and is charged with the obligation to preserve and protect the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of FA, and to function in accordance with their principles.
  2. WSI is an agency created and designated to provide services to the fellowship. 

Section 2. Limitations

Neither WSI, nor its board, nor any of its officers or trustees, has any authority over, or means of controlling, the recommendations that FA sponsors make to those they sponsor, including but not limited to recommendations on methods of sponsoring or medical issues, such as the use of medications.

Section 3. Terminology

  1. Food addiction is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit for which there is no cure, but it can be arrested a day at a time by our adapting to a disciplined way of eating and the Twelve-Step program of FA. When we abuse food by using it as a drug, our lives become unmanageable.

    Food addicts have an allergy to flour, sugar, and quantities that sets up an uncontrollable craving. The problem can be arrested a day at a time by the action of our weighing and measuring our food and abstaining completely from all flour and sugar.

  2. Abstinence is defined as weighed and measured meals with nothing in between, no flour, no sugar and the avoidance of any individual binge foods.

Article III.  World Service Conference

Section 1. Definition

World Service Conference (WS Conference) refers to the assembly of all voting members of WSI. 

Section 2. Voting Members

  1. Voting members (WSC members) are (1) members of the fellowship elected by FA meeting groups to represent the fellowship at the annual meeting, known as the World Service Business Convention (WSBC), (2) all duly elected members of the WSB as defined in Article VI, Section 1, (3) chairs of standing committees of the WSB, (4) all duly elected and appointed board members of FA intergroups, as defined in Article IV, Section 2, and (5) all duly elected and appointed Board members of FA chapters, as defined in Article IV, Section 3.
  2. In order to serve as a WSC member, a member of the fellowship must have at least five years of continuous abstinence in FA and have completed one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps in sequence, using a method focused on food addiction and requiring abstinence throughout each Step, within the current term of abstinence.
  3. The WSC members shall be the members of WSI defined by Mass. Gen. Laws c. 180, sec. 2 and the Articles of Organization. 

Section 3. Terms of Elected WSC Members

Elected WSC members serve a term of one year or until their successors are elected and qualified. The term of elected WSC members shall begin at the time their registration is received by the WSO.

Article IV.  Constituent Groups

Section 1. FA Meeting Groups (a/k/a FA Meetings or FA Groups)

  1. An FA meeting group is an association of two or more food addicts who regularly meet in person, or using videoconferencing technology which allows telephone access, or telephone conferencing to share experience, strength, and hope about recovery from food addiction through the Twelve Steps of FA. FA meeting groups are the primary service body of FA.
  2. The primary purpose of an FA meeting group is to carry the FA message of recovery to those who still suffer.
  3. An FA meeting group must register with an FA intergroup and comply with applicable provisions of these bylaws and the bylaws of the affiliated FA intergroup.
  4. Registered FA meeting groups must meet the following requirements:
    1. Welcome all who have a desire to stop eating addictively.
    2. Adhere to the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA.
    3. Use one of the FA Meeting Formats in the Meeting Guidelines Documents posted on the FA website. Each format must include the following:
      1. The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA.
      2. The definitions of food addiction and abstinence, as stated in Article II, Section 3 of these bylaws.
      3. The requirement that only members of the fellowship with 90 days or more of continuous abstinence in FA be invited to share.
      4. The requirement that only members of the fellowship with 90 days or more of continuous abstinence in FA shall have a voice and vote at FA meeting group business meetings.
  5. Each FA meeting group may elect one of its members as a WSC member to represent the fellowship at the WSBC. WSC members must regularly attend the FA meetings electing them and must meet the requirements defined in Article III, Section 2(b).
  6. The conference may adopt standards, in conformity with these bylaws, for recognition of groups. The conference empowers the WSB to refuse to recognize a group for failure to comply with the adopted recognition standards, through procedures established by the WSB with the approval of the conference.

Section 2. Intergroups

  1. An FA intergroup is a regional association between FA meeting groups. 
  2. The primary purpose of an intergroup is to support its affiliated FA meeting groups and chapters in the work of carrying the FA message of recovery. It is obliged to preserve and protect the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA and to function in accordance with those principles.
  3. An FA intergroup must meet the following requirements:
    1. Be incorporated as a legal non-profit corporation under applicable state law.
    2. Be registered with the WSO.
    3. Define in the intergroup bylaws:
      1. Requirements for election or appointment to office, including a stated term of continuous abstinence in FA, and, in that term of abstinence, completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps in sequence, using a method focused on food addiction and requiring abstinence throughout each Step, as well as ongoing involvement in the same type of Twelve-Step study during the term of office.
      2. Requirements to qualify as a voting member, including a stated term of continuous abstinence in FA of at least 90 days. 
    4. Conduct intergroup business in accordance with these bylaws, to the extent applicable, and any applicable law.
  4.  FA intergroup bylaws will be approved by the WSB before the intergroup is registered. Amendments to the bylaws of an FA intergroup will be effective only upon the earlier of (1) approval of WSB, or (2) after the FA intergroup has proposed changes and no action has been taken by the WSB for six months.

  5.  Following such procedure as the WSB may adopt, which will at minimum require notice and an opportunity to be heard, the WSB may revoke the registration of any FA intergroup for failure to comply with the Traditions or Concepts of FA or with WSI policies. Upon revocation of registration, all funds held by the intergroup will be forwarded to WSI.

Section 3. Chapters

  1. An FA chapter is an unincorporated association between six or more FA meeting groups formed for geographical convenience to perform certain administrative functions common to its constituent FA meeting groups. An FA chapter is a sub-group of an FA intergroup. 
  2. The primary purpose of a chapter is to serve its constituent FA meeting groups in the effort to carry the FA message of recovery to still suffering food addicts.
  3. To qualify as an FA chapter, the chapter must be registered with an FA intergroup and adopt the registering intergroup’s bylaws.
  4. All chapter business must be conducted in accordance with applicable provisions of these bylaws and the bylaws of the affiliated intergroup. 

Article V.  Officers and Trustees

Section 1. Titles of Officers and Trustees

  1. The Officers of WSI are WSI chair, vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer.
  2. The trustees are the elected chairs of the standing committees, which are Bylaws, Connection,  Convention Planning, Literature, Office, Public Information, Service Group Support, Traditions Review, and Twelfth Step. 

Section 2. Duties of Officers

  1. Officers shall perform the duties prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority designated in Article XI. All officers shall perform such additional duties as designated by the WSB.
  2. The WSI chair acts as chief administrative officer of WSI, presides at the WSBC and WSB meetings, has authority to sign all documents necessary to carry out the will of WSI, and is an ex officio member of all standing committees.
  3. The vice-chair shall preside over meetings in the absence of the WSI chair. In case of the death, resignation, or incapacity of the WSI chair, the vice-chair shall succeed the WSI chair and serve for the remainder of the WSI chair’s term.
  4. The secretary serves as chief recording and corresponding officer, supervises the recording of the minutes of the WSBC and WSB meetings, serves as custodian of the corporate records, and prepares and sends required notices of meetings and proposals. In case of the death, resignation, incapacity, or refusal to serve of the secretary, the most senior officer then in office shall serve all necessary notices.
  5. The Treasurer acts as chief financial officer of WSI, has responsibility for the collection, safekeeping, and expenditure of all funds of WSI, and keeps an accurate financial record.

Section 3. Qualifications

  1. Officers and trustees must be members of the fellowship with at least seven years of continuous abstinence in FA, as defined in Article II, Section 3 of these bylaws, and must demonstrate recovery.
  2. All officers and trustees must have completed two in-depth studies of the Twelve Steps in sequence, using a method focused on food addiction and requiring abstinence throughout each Step, within the current term of abstinence, uninterrupted by a break in abstinence, and must continue to be actively involved in the same type of Twelve-Step study during their term of office. 

Section 4. Nomination Procedures and Election Rotation

  1. Any member of the fellowship who meets the qualifications stated in section 3 of this article and who seeks nomination for an officer or trustee position shall submit a resume to the current WSB at least 90 days prior to the WSBC.
  2. The résumés of all qualified officer and trustee candidates will be sent to the WSC members at least 30 days prior to the WSBC.
  3. All officer and trustee candidates must be present at the WSBC to qualify for election to office.
  4. Nominations will not be accepted from the floor at the WSBC.
  5. Elections will be held annually at the WSBC on the following rotating schedule:
    1. Even years: WSI chair, vice-chair, bylaws chair, Connection chair, convention planning chair, office chair, and traditions review chair.
    2. Odd years: secretary, treasurer, literature chair, public information chair, service group support chair, and twelfth-step chair. 

Section 5. Elections and Term of Office

  1. Elections will occur at the first business meeting of the WSBC.
  2. The officers and trustees shall be elected by ballot to serve for two years or until their successors are elected and qualified. If there is only one nominee for any office or trustee position, the election may be by voice vote. Their term of office will begin at the close of the WSBC at which they are elected. Officers and trustees may not serve more than two consecutive terms in the same office.
  3. No individual shall hold more than one office at a time.

Section 6. Resignations, Removals, and Vacancies

  1.  Resignation of an officer or trustee is effective immediately upon written notice to the WSI chair or secretary, unless such notice specifies a later time at which resignation will become effective. Officers and trustees who break their abstinence will be deemed to have resigned as of the time the WSI chair or secretary receives notice of the break.
  2. The position of an officer or trustee who, without good cause and prior notice to the secretary, fails to attend two consecutive board meetings, may be declared vacant by majority vote of the WSB.
  3. Any officer or trustee may be removed with or without cause by a two-thirds vote of the WSC members at the WSBC. If good cause exists, an officer or trustee may also be removed by a two-thirds vote of the WSB. Any officer or trustee subject to a removal procedure will receive at least 30 days' prior notice and have the opportunity to present a defense.
  4. A vacancy in an officer or a trustee position due to death, resignation, disqualification, or removal may be filled by appointment by two-thirds of the WSB without need for prior notice. The appointed officer or trustee will serve the remainder of the vacated term.    

Article VI.  Board of Trustees

Section 1. Membership

The Board of Trustees, also known as the World Service Board (WSB), will consist of the officers and the trustees.

Section 2. Duties and Powers

  1. The World Service Board will
    1. Be authorized to take any and all actions on behalf of WSI.
    2. Maintain the WSO.
    3. Set the date and location of the WSBC.
    4. Recommend actions to the fellowship, FA intergroups, FA chapters, and the WS Conference.
    5. Appoint a resident agent if the secretary is not a resident of Massachusetts.
  2. At all times, the WSB remains subject to the direction of the WS Conference. None of its acts may conflict with those taken by the WS Conference.
  3. The WSB is authorized to adopt its own procedures, to be effective immediately, subject to review, amendment, or rescission by the World Service Conference. The WS Conference shall be notified in the next annual WSC members’ notice of the fact that procedures have been adopted or amended and that the details will be available from the WSO.

Section 3. Meetings

  1. Unless otherwise ordered by the WSB, regular meetings of the WSB will be held on the last Sunday of each month.
  2. Special meetings of the WSB may be called by the WSI chair and will be called upon the written request of eight members of the WSB. Notice of special meetings shall state the purpose of the meeting.
  3. Notice of regular meetings and, except in case of emergency, special meetings of the WSB, will be given electronically to WSB members at least 10 days prior to the meeting date.
  4. Meetings of the WSB may be held by telephone or any electronic means, provided that all participants may communicate simultaneously.
  5. A majority of the WSB members in office will constitute a quorum.

Article VII.  Executive Committee

Section 1. Membership

The executive committee will consist of the WSI chair, vice-chair, secretary, and treasurer.

Section 2. Duties and Powers

  1. The executive committee is authorized to act on behalf of the WSB between regularly called Board meetings and in the event of an emergency, except where prohibited by law. Actions prohibited by law include, but are not limited to (1) the filling of vacancies, (2) the removal of officers or trustees from office, or (3) change in the location of the WSO. The executive committee will perform such other duties as directed by the WSB and these bylaws.
  2. At all times, the executive committee is subject to the direction of the WSB. None of its actions may conflict with those taken by the WSB.
  3. The executive committee may make rules for its own procedures, subject to review of the WSB.

Section 3. Meetings

  1. Meetings of the executive committee may be called by the WSI chair or upon request of any two members of the executive committee. Notice of called meetings will be given electronically to executive committee members at least two days prior to the meeting date.
  2. Executive committee meetings may occur by telephone or any electronic means provided that all participants may communicate simultaneously.
  3. The executive committee will report to the WSB at every regular board meeting.

Article VIII.  Annual Meeting

Section 1. Date, Location, and Attendees

  1. The WSB will set the date and location for the annual meeting of WSI. This is formally known as the World Service Business Convention (WSBC) of WSI.
  2. Members of the fellowship may attend business meetings at the WSBC; however, only Conference members have the right to make motions, speak from the floor, and vote on corporate actions.

Section 2. Notice

  1. FA intergroups, FA chapters, and FA meeting groups will receive notice electronically of the WSBC at least 120 days before the opening day of the convention. This is known as the “Constituent Group Notice.” 
  2. The Constituent Group Notice will include
    1. Date and location of the WSBC.
    2. Deadline for submitting motions and notice that procedures for submission have been sent to the boards of intergroups and chapters.
    3. Officer and trustee nomination requests and procedures.
    4. Procedure for registering WSC members.
    5. Notice that elected WSC members must be elected and registered at least 90 days prior to the first day of the WSBC.
  3. Registered WSC members will receive notice electronically of all proposed main motions, including bylaws amendments, 60 days prior to the opening day of the convention. This is known as the “WSC Members’ 60-Day Notice.” Duties of WSC members upon receipt of this notice are stated in Section 3(d) of this Article VIII.
  4. Registered WSC members will receive notice electronically of the proposed WSBC agenda at least 30 days prior to the opening day of the convention. The agenda will include all approved main motions and notice of elections, including all submitted nominees. This is known as the “WSC Members’ 30-Day Notice.” 
  5. Motions requiring prior notice by law or under these bylaws include, but are not limited to, election of officers and trustees; amendments to the bylaws; and conference approval, adoption or withdrawal of FA Conference-approved literature. All such items will be included in the WSC Members’ 30-Day Notice.

Section 3. Main Motions 

  1. Main motions may be submitted by (1) executive boards or committees of FA chapters or FA intergroups, (2) WSI committees, or (3) the WSB. Procedures for submitting motions will be sent to the boards of intergroups and chapters at least 120 days before the opening day of the convention.
  2. Main motions, including proposed bylaw amendments, must be submitted in writing to the secretary at least 90 days prior to the first day of the WSBC.
  3. Motions to amend the bylaws will be referred to the bylaws committee for review pursuant to Article XII. All other main motions will be referred to the resolutions committee (a special committee, as defined in Article IX, Section 10) for review.
  4. Upon receipt of the WSC Members’ 60-Day Notice described in Section 2(c) of this Article VIII, WSC members will be entitled to vote on which proposed main motions will be heard at the WSBC. Ballots must be received electronically by the WSO within 15 days of receipt of notice. Main motions that receive an affirmative vote from a majority of the responding WSC members will be placed on the WSBC agenda. 
  5. Main motions requiring emergency action may be submitted fewer than 90 days prior to the start of the WSBC or during the WSBC. The Resolutions Committee will review emergency motions and make a recommendation to the WS Conference as to their hearing. The WS Conference will decide by a 2/3 vote, without debate, whether the motion will be placed on the agenda. Main motions to approve FA literature or to amend the bylaws will not be submitted as emergency motions, as they require prior notice for adoption, as stated in Section 2(e) of this Article VIII. 
  6. Motions submitted by the WSB may be placed on the agenda without prior approval from the WSC members. 
  7. Main motions require a vote of substantial unanimity to pass.

Section 4. Business Conducted

  1. Election of officers and trustees, officer reports, committee reports, and any other business that may properly arise, may be conducted at the WSBC.
  2. WSC members may not vote or otherwise act by proxy.
  3. The WS Conference, in its deliberations and decisions, will be guided by the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts of FA.

Section 5. Quorum

A majority of WSC members who have enrolled at the WSBC will constitute a quorum.

Section 6.  Special Meetings

  1. Special meetings of the WSI may be called by the WSI Chair, WSB, and/or upon the written request of five percent of the WSC members and will state the purpose of any meetings. Any decision made at a special meeting will be readdressed no later than the following annual meeting.
  2. Notice of special meetings of the WSI will be given electronically to all WSC members at least 30 days prior to the meeting date and will state the purpose of the meeting. Special meetings will be held virtually. Participation by remote communication will be subject to procedures adopted by the board, provided that the board will implement reasonable measures to (1) verify that each person participating is a registered WSC member; (2) provide each person participating electronically with a reasonable opportunity to propose, object to, and vote upon a specific action, and to see, read or hear the proceedings of the meeting substantially concurrently with those proceedings; and (3) record and maintain a record of any votes or other actions taken by electronic communication at the meetings. 
  3. The WSC may direct the WSB to create any policy or procedure necessary to meet the primary purpose of FA and continue FA business during a period of emergency, notwithstanding any existing bylaws of the corporation with which the proposed policy or procedure might conflict.
    1. A 2/3 vote of the WSC members in attendance at a special meeting will be required to pass a policy or procedure that would override any of the bylaws of the corporation for the period of the emergency.
    2. A majority vote of the WSC members in attendance at the special meeting will be sufficient to pass a policy or procedure that does not have the effect of overriding any of the bylaws of the corporation.

Article IX.  Committees  

Section 1. Bylaws Committee 

  1. Members are appointed by the bylaws committee chair.
  2. The bylaws committee maintains and clarifies the bylaws and the standing rules of order, monitors adherence to the bylaws and standing rules, and may propose organizational changes and perform other related tasks as directed by the WSB.  It will review proposed amendments to the bylaws for recommendation to the WS Conference as detailed in Article XII of these bylaws. 

Section 2. Connection Committee

  1. Members are appointed by the connection committee chair. 
  2. The Connection committee is responsible for overseeing the publication of Connection

Section 3. Convention Planning Committee

  1. Members are appointed by the convention planning committee chair.
  2. The convention planning committee oversees the WSBC and any fellowship convention.

Section 4. Literature Committee 

  1. Members are appointed by the literature committee chair.
  2. The literature committee oversees the development of FA literature and the process of approval of FA literature by the WS Conference. 

Section 5. Office Committee

  1. Members are appointed by the office committee chair.
  2. The office committee manages the WSO.

Section 6.  Public Information Committee  

  1. Members are appointed by the public information committee chair.
  2. The public information committee serves as a resource for the fellowship as to the most effective and appropriate means of communicating the message of FA to the public, consistent with the Twelve Traditions of FA.

Section 7. Service Group Support Committee

  1. Members are appointed by the service group support committee chair. 
  2. A local service group consists of two or more FA members from more than one FA meeting group who combine resources to do service for FA. In situations requiring a formal decision, only members with at least 90 days of continuous abstinence in FA who are working with an FA sponsor shall have a voice and a vote. 
  3. The service group support committee assists with the development and maintenance of local service groups, chapters, and intergroups and facilitates worldwide communication among them.

Section 8. Traditions Review Committee

  1. Members are appointed by the traditions review committee chair. All members of the traditions review committee must have a minimum of five years of continuous abstinence in FA; completion of one in-depth study of the Twelve Steps in sequence, using a method focused on food addiction and requiring abstinence throughout each Step; and knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA. 
  2. The traditions review committee reviews and deliberates upon questions concerning the traditions of FA, submitted by members of the fellowship, constituent groups, WSI committees, or the WSB, and offers a considered opinion and advice pertinent to each issue.

Section 9. Twelfth-Step Committee   

  1. Members are appointed by the twelfth step committee chair.
  2. The twelfth-step committee helps FA intergroups, FA chapters, and FA meeting groups implement strategies to carry the message of recovery. The committee assists FA meeting groups or FA members in areas with limited FA resources with making effective outreach to members who are isolated due to distance, language barriers, or physical constraints. 

Section 10. Special Committees

Special committees, including a resolutions committee, may be created by the WSB when needed to perform essential services for WSI. With approval of the WSB, (1) chairs of special committees shall be appointed by the WSI Chair, and (2) additional members of each special committee may be appointed by the special committee chair. Committee members may commence service upon notification of appointment by the special committee chair.

Section 11. Procedures[1]

Committees are authorized to adopt their own procedures, to be effective immediately, subject to review, amendment, or rescission by the WSB. Any such committee procedures or changes to such procedures shall be reported to the WSB upon adoption or amendment. The World Service Conference shall be notified in the next annual WSC members’ notice of the fact that procedures have been adopted or amended and that the details will be available from the WSO. In case of dispute, the Conference shall determine whether a procedure adopted by a committee is within the power of the committee.

[1] The addition of section 11 to these bylaws does not have the effect of automatically rescinding all previously adopted committee procedures.  Committees do have the authority to amend or rescind specific committee procedures in accordance with section 11, notwithstanding that such committee procedures were previously adopted by the Conference.

Article X.  Finances

Section 1. Budget

The WSI draft budget will be prepared by the executive committee and adopted by the WSB.

Section 2. Contributions

  1. The activities of WSI will be funded primarily through contributions of its constituent groups and members of the fellowship.
    1. An individual member of the fellowship may donate directly to WSI no more than $3,000 in a single calendar year and, in addition, may make a one-time bequest of no more than $5,000 directly to WSI.
    2. The identity of individual donors will be disclosed only to the treasurer or designees of the treasurer as may be approved by the WSB. The treasurer and such designees shall keep such information confidential.
    3. The acceptance of bequests or donations from non-members, outside organizations, and anonymous donors is prohibited. Donations restricted to a particular use are prohibited.
  2. WSI may authorize other sources of income from projects or activities consistent with the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of FA.
  3. No part of the net earnings of WSI will ever be used for the benefit of, or be distributed to, its members, officers, trustees, or other private persons.
  4. WSI is empowered to pay compensation for services rendered, and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the tax-exempt purposes for which it was formed.
  5. Notwithstanding any other provisions of these articles, WSI will not carry on any activity that is inconsistent with its status as a non-profit corporation that is exempt from federal income tax under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 3. Financial Structure and Reporting

  1. The fiscal year of WSI starts on July 1 and ends on June 30.
  2. WSI will comply with all financial reporting, disclosure, and record-keeping requirements imposed by state and federal law, the articles of organization, and these bylaws.
  3. WSI’s financial statements and audit reports, if any, shall be made available to any WSC member upon request.

Article XI.  Parliamentary Authority

The current edition of The Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure governs WSI in all parliamentary situations that are not provided for under state and federal law, or in WSI’s Articles of Incorporation, bylaws, or standing rules of order. 

Article XII.  Amendments to Bylaws

Section 1. Proposals to Amend the Bylaws

  1. Only members who may submit motions pursuant to Article VIII, Section 3 may submit proposals to amend the bylaws.
  2. Amendment proposals must be submitted in writing to the secretary at least 90 days prior to the first day of the WSBC, pursuant to Article VIII, Section 3 (b).
  3. The bylaws committee will consider and make recommendations on each amendment proposal submitted.

Section 2. Notice

Notice of proposed amendments and bylaws committee recommendations will be sent to WSC members pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2(c). 

Section 3. Consideration and Vote

Motions to amend the bylaws require a two-thirds vote of the WSC members.

Article XIII.  Amendments to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, or Twelve Concepts of FA

The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of FA may only be amended with the written consent of Alcoholics Anonymous. The change must also be accepted by 75 percent of WSC members present at the WSBC and casting a vote.


The Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, and Twelve Concepts of FA


  1. We admitted we were powerless over food, that our lives had become unmanageable.
  2. Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
  3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
  4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
  5. Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
  6. Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
  7. Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
  8. Made a list of all persons we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
  9. Made direct amends to such people wherever possible except when to do so would injure them or others.
  10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
  11. Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
  12. Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message of recovery to food addicts and to practice these principles in all our affairs.


  1.  Our common welfare should come first; personal recovery depends upon FA unity.
  2. For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority—a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants; they do not govern.
  3. The only requirement for FA membership is a desire to stop eating addictively.
  4. Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or FA as a whole.
  5. Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the food addict who still suffers.
  6. An FA group ought never endorse, finance, or lend the FA name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.
  7. Every FA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.
  8. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous should remain forever nonprofessional, but our service centers may employ special workers.
  9. FA, as such, ought never be organized; but we may create service boards or committees directly responsible to those they serve.
  10. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues; hence the FA name ought never be drawn into public controversy.
  11. Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.
  12. Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.


Terms and Definitions. For purposes of these Concepts, the following terms and definitions shall be used.

  • World Service Conference (WS Conference). The voting body at the annual FA business conference, which serves as the collective conscience for the FA fellowship. The voting body comprises voting members elected by FA meeting groups to represent the fellowship, the Board of Trustees of FA, and the board members of any FA service entities (i.e., intergroups, chapters, and any other service entities which may be developed in the future).
  • World Service Board (WSB). The Board of Trustees of FA, elected by the fellowship of FA as represented by voting members elected by FA meeting groups to represent the fellowship and board members of all FA service entities.
  • World Service Office (WSO). Refers to the central office of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, based in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at a location designated by the WSB.
  • Annual FA business meeting (WSBC). Yearly meeting of the WS Conference, FA members, and visitors.

The Short Form of the Twelve Concepts of FA:

  1. Final responsibility and ultimate authority for FA world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole Fellowship.
  2. The World Service Conference of FA is understood to be, for nearly every practical purpose, the active voice and the effective conscience of our whole society in its world affairs.
  3. To ensure effective leadership, we should endow each element of the WS Conference, including the World Service Board, the group delegates, and any other corporate entities, staffs and committees that may be created in the future, with a traditional “Right of Decision.”
  4. Every service responsibility should be matched by an equal service authority, with the scope of such authority well defined.
  5. Throughout our world service structure (groups, chapters, intergroups, the World Service Board, and the World Service Office), we ought to maintain a traditional “Right of Participation,” allowing a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each individual or group of our world servants must discharge.
  6. Throughout our world service structure, a traditional “Right of Appeal” ought to prevail, so that minority opinion will be heard and personal grievances receive careful consideration.
  7. The WS Conference recognizes that the chief initiative and active responsibility in most world service matters should be exercised by the trustee members of the Conference, acting as the World Service Board. In this capacity, the trustees shall serve as the principal planners and administrators of overall policy and finance, as well as the overseers of any subsidiary entities that may be established.
  8. The bylaws of FA are a legal instrument, empowering the trustees to manage and conduct world service affairs. The WS Conference itself is not a legal entity; it relies upon tradition for final effectiveness, and its practical power will nearly always be superior to the legal power of the trustees. The trustees are the principal planners and administrators of overall policy and finance.
  9. At all levels, good service leadership by those demonstrating long-term physical, mental, and spiritual recovery is indispensable for our future functioning and safety. Primary world service leadership, initially exercised by the group of members who founded FA, must necessarily be assumed by the World Service Board of Trustees.
  10. The trustees should always have the best possible committees, corporate service directors, executives, staffs, and consultants. Composition, qualifications, induction procedures, rights and duties, just financial compensation, and the nature of working relationships, will always be matters of serious concern.
  11. Among Twelve Step programs, FA is unique in that food addicts must work with their drug, food, each day in order to survive. Therefore, our program must differ from other Twelve Step programs with respect to structure and disciplines. Notwithstanding our immeasurable debt to Alcoholics Anonymous and other Twelve Step programs, our ultimate source of direction must always remain our collective experience of recovery through the FA program and our personal understanding of the will of God, as each of us understands God.
  12. The WS Conference shall observe the spirit of FA tradition, taking care that it never becomes the seat of perilous wealth or power; that sufficient operating funds and reserve be its prudent financial principle; that it place none of its members in a position of unqualified authority over others; that it reach all important decisions by discussion, vote, and, whenever possible, substantial unanimity; that its actions never be personally punitive nor an incitement to public controversy; that it never perform acts of government; that, like the Fellowship it serves, it will always remain democratic in thought and action.


Terms and Definitions. For purposes of these Concepts, the following terms and definitions shall be used. 

  • World Service Conference (WS Conference). The voting body at the annual FA business conference, which serves as the collective conscience for the FA fellowship. The voting body comprises voting members elected by FA meeting groups to represent the fellowship, the Board of Trustees of FA, and the board members of any FA service entities (i.e., intergroups, chapters, and any other service entities which may be developed in the future).
  • World Service Board (WSB). The Board of Trustees of FA, elected by the fellowship of FA as represented by voting members elected by FA meeting groups to represent the fellowship and board members of all FA service entities.
  • World Service Office (WSO). Refers to the central office of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, based in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts at a location designated by the WSB.
  • Annual FA business meeting (WSBC). Yearly meeting of the WS Conference, FA members, and visitors.

The Long Form of the Twelve Concepts of FA:

  1. The final responsibility and ultimate authority for FA world services should always reside in the collective conscience of our whole fellowship.
  2. When, in 1998, the FA fellowship, as a unified body, confirmed the corporate documents of the organization of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Inc., they thereby delegated to the World Service Conference complete authority for the active maintenance of FA’s national and worldwide services. In doing so, they made the Conference the actual voice and the effective conscience for our whole fellowship, except with respect to any possible change in the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, or Twelve Concepts of FA. (Any changes proposed to the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions, or Twelve Concepts, require approval by a majority of the worldwide FA groups, as specified in the World Service Bylaws.)
  3. To ensure excellence and effectiveness in leadership, and as a traditional means of creating and maintaining clearly defined—and therefore effective—working relationships between the Conference, the World Service Board and any service corporations, staffs, committees and executives which may be formed in the future, it is here suggested that we endow each of the elements of our organization with a traditional "Right of Decision."
  4. Every service responsibility should be matched by an equal service authority the scope of such authority to be always well defined whether by tradition, by resolution, by specific job description or by appropriate charters and bylaws. Accordingly, voting rights shall be established at the Conference level for all officers and committee chairs of service bodies beyond the group level, such as FA chapters, intergroups, and the World Service Board of Trustees. In addition, the principle of trust in delegation, i.e., the assumption that our trusted servants will effectively carry out the service tasks which have been delegated to them by the FA groups, as necessary to run the organization underlies the structure of decision-making throughout the service operations of FA. This is known as the “Right of Decision.” Only through reliance on this principle will we maintain a harmonious balance between the group conscience as the ultimate authority and the trusted servant as the delegated authority.
  5. Throughout our world service structure, we ought to maintain at all responsible levels a traditional "Right of Participation," taking care that each individual or group of our world servants shall be allowed a voting representation in reasonable proportion to the responsibility that each must discharge. These responsibilities are primarily set forth in the World Service Bylaws.
  6. Throughout our world service structure, a traditional "Right of Appeal" ought to prevail, thus assuring us that minority opinion will be heard and that petitions for the redress of personal grievances will be carefully considered. Such opinions or grievances may be considered through group conscience at the group, chapter, intergroup, or World Service Board level. They may also be considered by the WSB Twelve Traditions Committee, or by the WS Conference at the annual business meeting.
  7. Our WS Conference has the principal responsibility to act on behalf of FA as a whole in the maintenance of our worldwide services, and it traditionally has the final decision respecting large matters of general policy and finance. But the Conference also recognizes that the chief initiative and the active responsibility in most of these matters should be exercised primarily by the trustee members of the Conference when they act among themselves as the World Service Board of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous. The fundamental principle of trust underlies this system of mutual delegation and is confirmed by our Second Tradition. Accordingly, our leaders (both the voting members of the WS Conference, and our World Service Board of Trustees) are to be considered trusted servants whose decisions are assumed to be based on good motives and each person’s understanding of the will of God, though always subject to questioning where appropriate.
  8. The Conference recognizes that the corporate documents (i.e. the World Service Bylaws, Policies and Procedures, and Standing Rules of Order) of the corporation of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, Inc. are legal instruments, through which the Trustees are fully empowered to manage and conduct all of the world service affairs of FA. The Trustees of the World Service Board are the principal planners and administrators in the larger matters of overall policy and finance. They and their committees should exercise chief initiative and active responsibility in most of these matters. 
  9. Good service leadership based on tolerance, responsibility, flexibility, and vision at all levels is indispensable for the future functioning and safety of FA. Primary world service leadership, once exercised by the group of members who founded FA, must necessarily be assumed by the World Service Board of Trustees.
  10. The trustees should always have the best possible committees, corporate service directors, executives, staffs, and consultants. Composition, qualifications, induction procedures, rights and duties, just financial compensation, and the nature of working relationships will always be matters of serious concern. Decisions regarding such matters will necessarily be decided at times by the World Service Board, which maintains responsibility for day-to-day world service matters. Such decisions, however, will always be subject to the approval of the Conference, whose vote determines the content of the World Service Bylaws, which are used to determine the outcome of many of such matters.
  11. Among Twelve Step programs, FA is unique in that food addicts must work with their drug, food, each day in order to survive. Therefore, our program must necessarily differ from others with respect to the way of life, including both structure and disciplines, to which we must surrender to maintain the health of FA as an organization. In light of this, and notwithstanding our immeasurable debt to Alcoholics Anonymous and other Twelve Step programs, the final authority for all decisions regarding service in FA must always be our collective and individual experience of recovery through the FA program and our individual understanding of the will of God as we understand God, rather than any other programs, whose structures and approaches may differ from our own.
  12. General Warranties of the Conference: in all its proceedings, the World Service Conference shall observe the spirit of FA Tradition, taking great care that the conference never becomes the seat of perilous wealth or power; that sufficient operating funds, plus an ample reserve, be its prudent financial principle; that none of the Conference members shall ever be placed in a position of unqualified authority over any others; that all important decisions be reached by discussion, vote, and, whenever possible, by substantial unanimity; that no Conference action ever be personally punitive or an incitement to public controversy; that, though the Conference may act for the service of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous, it shall never perform any acts of government; and that, like the fellowship of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous which it serves, the Conference itself will always remain democratic in thought and action.

Revised 2024 0620


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