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Document 4c: FA Videoconference Meeting Format


To maintain the consistency of all FA meetings, meeting groups are asked to avoid changing the design, color, wording or sequence of the format. Leaders are encouraged to avoid ad-libbing. Decide on the meeting format type(s), using group conscience. Download the Meeting Format in Google Slides or PowerPoint via links on this page.

Necessary Edits

  • Before using this format, all meetings must insert the meeting day, time, and location in the “Introduction” section.

  • Clarify methods for collecting the Seventh Tradition and include the word “Chapter” if applicable.

Optional Edits

Using group conscience at your business meeting, groups may:

  • Make additions to the Meeting Guidelines, if necessary.

  • Replace timing descriptions in brackets such as [Approximately 40 minutes after the meeting start time, proceed to the WELCOME.] with specific times such as [At approximately 10:40 AM, proceed to the WELCOME.]

  • Adjust the length of reading in Literature/Connection meetings.

  • Add the wording, “Members with 90 days or more of continuous abstinence in FA, currently working with an FA sponsor, may raise their hand to share during any part of the reading,” at meetings where literature is read.

  • Include the wording: “We ask that you please refrain from clapping,” in the Qualification section.


Click here for the Google Slide version of the Videoconference Meeting Format. This link will ask you to sign into to login to your Google account and then it will create a copy of the Videoconference Meeting format in Google Slides. You can revise this copy to put in your meeting's information.

Click here for the PowerPoint version of the Videoconference Meeting Format. This link will automatically download a copy of the Videoconference Meeting Format in PowerPoint.

Revised June 2024