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Document 6: Literature, Phone List, Audio Files


FA conference-approved literature, conference-recognized material, and World Service Board-approved material are available at all FA meetings. This includes the following: 

  • Printed FA pamphlets 

  • Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous 

  • Audio files

  • Connection magazine 

  • Alcoholics Anonymous

  • Twenty-Four Hours a Day 

  • The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous  

  • The Little Red Book

Only the materials needed by FA members or necessary for FA service work are made available at meetings. This includes:

  • Some or all of the publications above 

  • Telephone lists or directories of registered FA meetings 

  • The literature price list

  • Notices of FA Information Sessions 

  • Newcomer packets

  • Materials distributed by boards or committees of FA World Service Inc., Intergroups, or FA Chapters. 

Documentation such as signage, flyers, banners from other Twelve-Step programs and outside enterprises must not be displayed or distributed at meetings in keeping with FA’s Twelve Traditions.

Literature for newcomer packets includes:

  • “Food Addiction and the FA Solution” 

  • “Are You Having Trouble Controlling the Way You Eat”

  • “Just for Today” 

  • The meeting’s phone list

  • Local meeting directory

  • Recycled copies of the Connection magazine

A complimentary new in-person meeting starter kit from World Service includes the following: 

  • Selection of FA pamphlets 

  • Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous 

  • Alcoholics Anonymous 

  • Twenty-Four Hours a Day 


Additional FA books and pamphlets are available online through the FA website.

It is suggested meetings refrain from photocopying literature to avoid an unprofessional and inconsistent presentation of FA material. 

Copies of Alcoholics Anonymous, The Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous, the Twenty-Four Hours a Day and The Little Red Book are available online through their publisher’s website and through other commercial vendors.

Suggested readings for Literature Meetings may be found at Format Types for FA Meetings (Meeting Guidelines: Document 3).

Literature Price List for display at FA meetings can be found at Meeting Information on the FA website.

Phone Lists

Each meeting provides a phone list so newcomers may connect with FA members committed to the meeting. Up-to-date lists are important for newcomers who may be otherwise discouraged by calling someone who has left FA, or confused by seeing contact information for people who are not attending the meeting regularly. 

Combining phone lists with other nearby meetings may confuse new members when trying to reach people from their committed meeting.

NOTE: Listing the names of cell phone and long-distance carriers is in conflict with Tradition Six, as an FA group “ought never endorse” any outside enterprise.

Audio Files

Audio recordings are available via the FA website and any podcast platform. These qualifications are of individual members with long-term abstinence in FA. Audio recordings vary in length from approximately 30 to 45 minutes.

Some meetings use their Seventh Tradition funds to purchase a device such as a “Bluetooth” speaker that can be paired to a cell phone to play FA audio podcast qualifications at their meetings (Format Types for FA Meetings - Document 3).

Revised August 2024


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