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From a Traditions Perspective (Document 8)


The Twelve Traditions provide a practical framework to help meeting groups operate, preserve FA unity, and carry the message of recovery to newcomers. 

When concerns arise related to FA meetings, FA members are invited to reach out to the Traditions Review Committee (TRC). The role of the TRC is to reply to the concern using a Traditions perspective. The meeting can, if they choose, use this perspective to help them discuss the issue and develop group conscience. 

The Traditions perspective may also guide individual members. A member may be inclined to carry out an idea that is likely well intended. However, such ideas may (unintentionally) negatively affect newcomers, the meeting group, or FA as a whole.

The excerpts on the pages that follow illustrate a Traditions perspective on some of the most common questions posed by FA members/meetings.

Access some of the most common questions posed by FA members/meetings via the link in the gray box.

How to use this document

  • Read through it independently to personally learn more about each Tradition.

  • Read one Tradition each month at your business meeting, along with one or more of the examples. Engage in a brief discussion if the group so chooses.

  • Use these examples in conjunction with an AWOL (A Way of Life) or other method of studying the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions.

  • Keep in mind, as you read through the examples, that many questions or issues relate to more than one of the Traditions.

If a member is interested in additional concerns that have been presented and reviewed by the TRC, can be accessed via the complete Traditions Review Committee Index.

Revised August 2024


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