FA-EAI Main Motion Submission Form
The FA MEETING GROUP (include City, State/Country, Day of Week, and Time of Day):
Proposes the following MOTION: Title of Motion
PROPOSED WORDING: How would the by-law or continuing effect motion read?
CURRENT WORDING: If this motion proposes a change in an already established bylaw, policy or Continuing Effect Motion, please indicate the current wording. Identify the current bylaw section.
PURPOSE: What do you hope to accomplish through this motion and how will it strengthen the effectiveness of EAI/Chapter/FA service?
Contact Person:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Instructions for Submission:
- Download this form as a PDF.
- This form must be submitted by November 30, 2024.
- You can save this form as a PDF to your computer if you wish to edit it, or email from the PDF.
- Email PDF as attachment to EAIoffice@foodaddicts.org.