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EAI PI Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Where can I publicize my meeting online?
  2. How can I tell my doctor about FA?
  3. I want to do a Public Information Session. What do I need to know?
  4. I want to participate in a Health Fair. What do I need to do?
  5. What should I say when reaching out to a reporter?
  6. Where can I post printed FA flyers, and what materials should I use?
  7. What FA material can I leave in waiting rooms?
  8. What does the EAI Public Information Committee do?
  9. How can I get involved with the EAI PI Committee?
  10. There’s so much to do for PI! How can I keep from getting overwhelmed?

Where can I publicize my meeting online?

Free online calendars are a great place to publicize your meeting. Examples include national online calendars such as Eventbrite and local online i.e. local newspapers that have an online calendar. For instructions on posting to these databases and sample templates that you can use immediately, email weblinks@foodaddicts.org.

How can I tell my doctor about FA?

One-on-one time with your doctor is a good time to share about the FA program. In the exam room say something like, “I want to let you know about the free program that helped me lose 100lbs and keep it off for 5 years.”

Hand your doctor a FA trifold.

The healthcare brochure can be purchased from the FA website along with other literature. The hope is that meetings cover the cost of this brochure and individual members should not have to pay to bring a brochure to their doctor.

I want to do a Public Information Session. What do I need to know?

Detailed information on how to run a Public Information Session is available by clicking this link. You’ll find a list of tasks that needs to be done to run an Information Session, and other helpful documents such as the Information Session Meeting Format.

Sample templates for getting the word out about your PI session are available by clicking this link. These include calendar announcements, PSAs, and a sample script for speaking with a radio or TV station’s PSA cFA Events Calendaroordinator.

Click here to see a list of all upcoming information sessions.

I want to participate in a Health Fair. What do I need to do?

We sometimes have the opportunity to provide information about FA at health fairs in our communities. Click a helpful link to organize and run a Health Fair. Health Fair Guidelines

What should I say when reaching out to a reporter?

“I’d like to inform your readership about a free effective solution for food addiction.”

It’s helpful to give a reporter a press release that they can either print directly or modify for their audience. To get a press release that you can customize with the details of your info session, email eaipi@foodaddicts.org.

Where can I post printed FA flyers, and what materials should I use?

Good places to post FA flyers are community bulletin boards at coffee shops, supermarkets, gyms, laundromats, libraries, hospitals, and community resource centers. Ask permission by saying something like: “May I post this on the community board? It’s info about a free local support group.”

A Trifold Brochure / Meeting Directory is a great thing to post. You can download your local Meeting Directory / Trifold from this page. Or download the one-page flyer that you can edit to advertise your meeting.

What FA material can I leave in waiting rooms?

For doctors’ offices, libraries, and other places where people wait, you can ask to leave a rack of FA Trifold Brochures / Meeting Directories. Here are the guidelines for a sponsor-a-rack program. You can get racks for free at EAI Intergroup meetings, or you can buy them at an office supply store.

Remember to check up periodically to refill the rack.

What does the EAI Public Information Committee do?

The goal of the Public Information committee is to inform the general public about the fact of FA’s existence as well as support PI Reps and EAI meetings. For example, the committee may organize and attend health fairs or provide financial assistance to an LSG to put the FA books in local library branches. This committee can also help individual FA meetings plan FA information sessions in their area. In addition, any inquiries about newspaper articles, radio, or TV should go through this committee. Contact the EAI PI Committee Chair at eaipi@foodaddicts.org.

How can I get involved with the EAI PI Committee?

The monthly EAI PI Committee meeting happens on EAI Sundays from 7:30am - 8:45am ET and all are welcome and encouraged to join us. Join us on Intergroup Sunday at 7:30am ET, when members of the EAI PI Committee will be available prior to the start of the regular committee meeting to answer questions for PI Reps or any other fellow with PI-related

questions. Click here for the direct link to the meeting on Zoom.com or use the Zoom App on your smartphone and enter Meeting ID: 845 8695 6527. The password is2020. For phone only (US), call 646-558-8656 and enter Meeting ID: 845 8695 6527. To find your local phone number, click here. The committee meeting will follow at 8:00am ET. All are welcome to join us!!!

There’s so much to do for PI! How can I keep from getting overwhelmed?

Here’s some encouragement from Helpful PI Resources:

  • No one member ever represents FA as a whole.
  • Remember that Public Information work is a service – do what you can when you can.
  • LET GO AND LET GOD. Pray, show up, do your 1% - then get out of the way, and let God do the rest.
  • Don’t judge success by the number of people who are interested in FA, you are planting seeds and you never know when they will sprout!


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