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Financial Aid for EAI PI-related Expenses Application

Eastern Area Intergroup Public Information Financial Aid Application

Part I : Eastern Area Intergroup Public Information Financial Aid Application for

Public Information Outreach supported by one or more meetings or LSGs.

Eastern Area Inter-group’s provides funds to be used by EAI meetings with limited resources in their Public Information Outreach efforts. These efforts include FA Information Sessions, booth fees at health fairs etc. Note –funding is limited to a maximum of $250.00 per meeting, per year.

Please submit this application at least 60 days prior to your outreach effort so that we can plan our expenses as accurately as possible. Please email the completed application to eaipi@foodaddicts.org.

Please provide detailed information including documentation about the PI Outreach effort you are planning:






Amount Requested $ _______________

Meeting Contact Name___________________________________________

Meeting Contact email ___________________________________________

Meeting Contact Address _________________________________________


Meeting Contact phone___________________________________________

Meeting Location/Day/Time _______________________________________


How long has your meeting been in existence? _______________________

Approximately how many people attend this meeting per week? ________

Have you requested funds in the past? __________________

If so, when? ____________________________

Part II:  Eastern Area Intergroup Public Information Financial Aid Application for Public Information Outreach with no meetings or LSGs in the area.

Eastern Area Intergroup’s provides funds to support expenses incurred for Public Information Outreach efforts where  no FA meeting or LSG is in the area, therefore the work cannot be funded by FA meetings. When financial resources are not available, EAI is offering limited financial  reimbursement to support these FA members group efforts. Hence, the message of FA is spread and the fellowship strengthened in all areas, even when there are no established FA meetings in the area. The goal of these funds is to inspire and kickstart the presence and strength of FA recovery, rather than be a continual or indefinite funding source for an area.

The FA member group can apply for up to $400 in a fiscal year.  This amount is not guaranteed. Approval is contingent upon several factors including available funds, number of requests, and the proposed  project. 

Funds can be used for activities, such as:

FA Public Information Outreach costs for events such as lodging fees for volunteers and travel fees for volunteers.  

Email the completed application to: eaipi@foodaddicts.org and eaitreasurer@foodaddicts.org. 

1. Name and location of Event:


2. Total Amount Requested for Reimbursement (submit receipts once activity is completed):


3. Full name and address of FA member to be reimbursed (EAI Treasurer will mail reimbursement check to the address given in the name of the FA member provided):




4. PI Outreach effort you are planning for which funds are needed:









Have you asked your Higher Power for help, before beginning any Public Information Outreach where more finances are required than are available.  Do we wait until the people and resources grow to support the effort?


Revised December 2023



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