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FA World Service Board (WSB) Manual

I. Introduction

The WSB realizes the importance of keeping a record of general procedures and policies. This manual contains those policies and procedures that impact each board member. Committee and executive board details can be found in the committee manuals.

The manual is maintained in Google docs via a shared folder so that it can be easily changed and adapted to meet the needs of any board at any given time. Since this manual impacts all of its members, all changes will be approved by the board. The WSI bylaws committee chair oversees the manual and makes all agreed upon edits.

As this resource document is likely to remain a work in progress, ideas and comments for how to improve upon it are always welcome. Happy reading and welcome aboard.

II. World Service Board Mission Statement

In accordance with Concept 7, the World Service Board is charged to serve the FA fellowship as the principal planners and administrators of policy, finance, and day-to-day operations. Our mission is to:

  • Support strong, clear FA recovery from food addiction at all levels of our organization through the World Service Office and the development of systems, structures, web, and written materials; and
  • Seek our collective understanding of our Higher Power’s will in every aspect of our work, recognizing that we are asked to serve our fellowship worldwide in its growth and development, in accordance with the World Service Bylaws and the Twelve Concepts of FA.

Guiding Principles: 

We value in our individual recoveries and seek to encourage in FA as a whole:

  • Honesty, humility, and reliance on a Higher Power;
  • A focus on the needs of newcomers; and
  • Generosity of service.

The above statement articulates a vision of the central purpose and guiding principles of the work of the World Service Board. It is intended to help clarify for all in our fellowship the role and function of the board, and it will help the board remember the central purpose that should guide its decision making.

III. Overview of the World Service Board

A. General responsibilities of WSB Members

  • All WSI officers and committee chairs should familiarize themselves with the FA WSI Bylaws, the Continuing Effect Motions Manual, WSB Board Manual, WSI Standing Committees Manual for their specific committee, and the Twelve Concepts of FA (accessible via the FA website).
  • All committee chairs appoint a core committee. Committee chairs may determine term limits and abstinence requirements for committee members. Rotation of positions is always a key consideration when appointing committee members.
  • WSI officers and committee chairs are encouraged to be mindful of selecting a committee or subcommittee with as much diversity as possible.
  • Each committee chair is responsible for their committee’s budget and spending.

B. WSB Executive (Exec) Committee and WSI Officers

The exec committee (also called the exec board) is authorized to act on behalf of the WSB between regularly called board meetings and in the event of an emergency, except where prohibited by law. These four positions are described below.

Technically, the executive (exec) committee is a WSB standing committee; officers and/or the exec board are referred to frequently throughout this manual and are therefore described here instead of the section on WSB standing committees.

The exec committee comprises four WSI officers:

WSI chair acts as chief administrative officer and legal representative of WSI. In that capacity the chair:

  • Is responsible for big picture planning and direction setting, and working with the board and its members;
  • Supports, encourages, and helps guide the work of individual board members, establishes (with input from the exec board) WSB standing committees and special committees as needed, and appoints chairs to those committees;
  • Signs letters or documents as needed;
  • Sets agenda (with the exec board) and leads board meetings, and sets agenda and leads executive committee meetings;
  • Presides over the World Service Business Convention (WSBC);
  • Represents and speaks for the organization to non-FA members, as needed; and
  • Serves as the board contact for the design committee.

WSI vice-chair facilitates monthly board meetings and/or sets agendas if the WSB chair is not able to be present. The vice-chair also:

  • Supports the WSB chair whenever the chair asks for help;
  • Supports committee chair members when approached for help;
  • Sits on the executive committee;
  • Aids in trouble-shooting and problem-solving;
  • Serves as chair of the personnel committee;
  • Serves as an ex-officio member of the finance committee;
  • Serves as an ex-officio member and board contact for the inquiry response committee; and
  • Serves on or chairs other committees or working groups as needed (e.g. serves as it pertains to the WSO and website).

WSI secretary prepares minutes at board meetings, executive committee meetings, and annual business conventions. The secretary also:

  • Maintains final electronic versions of WSB and other FA documents on Google Workspace;
  • Prepares annual calendar of important dates for WSB (drafted each year in March);
  • Maintains current record of WSB member contact information;
  • Controls access to WSB shared folders in the cloud;
  • serves as the “gatekeeper” of parking lot issues (i.e. issues set aside for later);
  • Collates and edits the mid-term and the World Service Business Convention (WSBC) reports;
  • Reviews final proofs of documents, for content and grammar, which are going to be disseminated to the FA fellowship from the WSB; and
  • Determines standard nomenclature for titles of electronic files of WSB and WSI documents in consultation with the WSI office chair and WSO staff.

WSI treasurer serves as the chief financial officer of FA and guides its financial activities, working with the board and its members. The treasurer also:

  • Has general charge and custody of the funds and financial transactions of FA, ensuring accurate records, financial reports to the board, budget plans, and tax reports;
  • Consults with the WSO to ensure accurate financial transactions and records with the WSO to determine pricing for items that are sold by FA (literature, audio recordings, etc.);
  • Does not have power to borrow money or issue funds or checks except as authorized to do so by the board, the WSC, or the bylaws;
  • Serves as a member and the board contact for the finance committee,
  • Works as point person for the biannual review of the meeting guidelines, and
  • Oversees and supports paid WSO staff (or designates an alternate) in the event that the office committee chair is unable to function in that capacity.

C. WSI Standing Committees

WSI standing committees serve the World Service Conference (WSC). Per the FA WSI bylaws, chairs of these committees are elected by the conference and serve as WSC members. Members of these committees are appointed by the committee chair. Procedures for each of these committees can be found on the FA website and are maintained by the committee chair.

Bylaws Committee  

The bylaws committee reviews the bylaws, suggesting amendments and assists with any additional amendment to the bylaws and any motion being presented at the WSBC.

Responsibilities of the chair include:

  • The maintenance and accuracy of the World Service governing documents which include the WSI Bylaws and Continuing Effect Motions Manual, the WSI Organizational Chart, the WSC Manual, and the WSB Manual;
  • Acting as the primary liaison with the attorney and parliamentarian for WSB;
  • Serving as liaison to the BMRC/RC; and
  • Supporting the convention chair regarding emails and processes related to the motions.

connection Committee  

The connection committee is responsible for the content and production of the fellowship’s magazine, connection.  Responsibility for all member writing, editing, illustration, and production planning resides with the committee and its various subcommittees. The committee is also responsible for production of the yearly magazine compilation, connection Collection. 

Responsibilities of the chair include:

  • Working closely with core committee members in each area of production;
  • Writing the agenda for and facilitating conference calls;
  • Pulling and compiling articles to be included in the upcoming connection issue;
  • Sending monthly drafts to the proofreader;
  • Communicating with the designer and approves the monthly invoice from the design committee chair;
  • Proofreading hard copy draft of monthly issue; and
  • Working with the office committee and printer to coordinate subscription data and resolve subscription issues.

Convention Planning Committee

The convention planning committee is responsible for planning and overseeing all aspects of the annual World Service Business Convention (WSBC), typically held in late spring, and the FA Fellowship Convention, held periodically as determined by the WSB. This includes all matters related to publicity, registration, hotel logistics, food and entertainment, contract negotiation, hospitality, and anything else required to ensure a smooth-running convention.           

Responsibilities of the chair include:

  • Reviewing and maintaining contracts with the venue (whether in person or virtual);
  • Acting as main contact person for the convention venue;
  • Coordinating publicity, registration, schedule, and convention logistics (whether in person or virtual);
  • Planning activities to supplement the non-business portion of convention;
  • Sending drafts of all emails pertaining to motions for review by the bylaws chair;
  • Creating and sending all convention notifications to the fellowship and WSC members; and
  • Coordinating and facilitating convention planning meetings with the parliamentarian, chair, bylaws chair, and event planner, if virtual.

Literature Committee

The literature committee oversees the ideation, creation, development, and maintenance of pamphlets, books, audio recordings, and other literature used within the FA fellowship (except connection magazine, the PI Kit, and any newsletter produced by a WSI committee). Ideas for literature come from the fellowship and World Service Board recommendations. The literature committee also reviews existing literature periodically and oversees the translation of conference-approved literature into languages other than English as directed.

The chair of the committee:

  • Oversees all projects and functions of the literature committee;
  • Sets the agenda for committee meetings, establishes meeting dates and times, facilitates meetings, acts as an information resource, prepares reports, and serves as a member of the WSI board;
  • Provides a bi-annual and annual written report of literature committee activities;
  • Coordinates audio recordings of qualifications;
  • Coordinates and processes all motions related to new or revised literature according to the May 2009 Continuing Effect Motion; and
  • Collaborates with the design committee regarding the written production of any literature (most specifically, pamphlets and books).

Office Committee 

The office committee maintains the website and the physical World Service Office (WSO), which keeps records of all financial transactions, and assists with the production and distribution of all FA conference-approved and produced literature.

The website, www.foodaddicts.org, houses all meeting information, informative material for the general public, and materials related to each service body of FA. It also offers interactive transactions pertaining to online ordering, convention registration, and intergroup/chapter event registration.

The WSO serves as the central hub for communication with the fellowship as well as the general public. The World Service Office (WSO) interfaces with the WSI treasurer to determine pricing for items that are sold by WSI (literature, MP3s, etc.). 

WSI employees and the office committee send emails to the fellowship on behalf of the WSB and its committees and ensure that postings on the FA website are accurate and up-to-date.

The committee chair:

  • Oversees the FA office and office committee (OC) and its subcommittees that serve as a resource to the fellowship, World Service Board (WSB), and World Service committees, intergroups, and chapters as outlined above;
  • Manages the office director;
  • Is responsible for processing the payroll for paid office employees
    • At the end of the year, the OC chair is responsible for sending a non-taxable gift to each office staff member (amount of which is determined by the budget at the discretion of the personnel committee [PC] and the executive board with input from the office committee chair).
  • Sits on the project review committee (PRC) and reviews and makes recommendations with regard to service-related expenses submitted by the WSB.

Public Information (PI)

The PI committee serves as a resource for the fellowship to carry the message of recovery from food addiction through the Twelve Step program of FA to those who still suffer. The committee also provides support to local FA intergroups, chapters, meetings, and individuals in their PI work. This includes assistance and guidance with the most effective and appropriate means of communication to use for the general public and professional community through various media, abiding by the Twelve Traditions.

Responsibilities of the chair include:

  • Overseeing the PI sub-committees;
  • Setting the agenda and facilitating PI committee meetings;
  • Preparing WSI-PI reports for the WSB six month fellowship updates;
  • Engendering a culture of respectful invitation, practicing cultural responsiveness and accountability in outreach efforts;
  • Overseeing the development of materials, information, best practices, and resources to assist the fellowship in outreach to the community; and
  • Ensuring that outreach efforts and all PI materials adhere to FA’s Twelve Traditions.

Service Group Support Committee (SGSC)

The SGSC provides a monthly forum for dialogue related to developing and maintaining intergroups, chapters, and local service groups throughout the world. The goal of these discussions is to support these groups as they assist their meetings in reaching food addicts who are still suffering. Persons doing service in these areas or wishing to form a service group are encouraged to participate in bi-monthly conference calls.  This committee also provides a venue for cooperative work and instructive dialogue with other World Service committees and the WSB.

The committee chair:

  • Evaluates the effectiveness of the committee regarding the support of both new and existing LSGs, chapters, and intergroups;
  • Sets the agenda and facilitates the core committee meeting;
  • Coordinates the agenda and schedule for global meetings;
  • Assists in the education of the function of local service groups, chapters, and intergroups while encouraging fellows to combine resources to do service;
  • Coordinates the application process to appoint interim chapter and intergroup officers for new chapters and intergroups; and
  • Facilitates monthly meetings with the SGSC chair and intergroup chairs.

Traditions Review Committee (TRC)

The TRC has been charged by the WSI to review and discuss how the Twelve Traditions might guide the consideration of specific issues and concerns raised by individuals, meetings, intergroups, chapters, local service groups, or the WSB. The TRC will share its thoughts with those who have sent inquiries and with the general fellowship when appropriate.

Responsibilities of the chair include:

  • Reviewing each email that comes in from a member;
  • Keeping a log of each item;
  • Referring each item to another committee or place it on the agenda for the following committee meeting; and
  • Facilitating and chairing committee meetings as needed (usually every other month).

Twelfth Step Committee (12th Step)

The mission of the twelfth step committee is to help members of the fellowship grow in recovery through service at meetings, intergroups, chapters, and World Service; to develop written and audio resources for members via phone and internet; and to offer support to those members isolated due to distance, language barriers, and physical limitations.

 Responsibilities of the chair include:

  • Engendering a culture throughout the fellowship of diversity, equity, and inclusion for all members;
  • Encouraging members to actively serve the fellowship through meetings, WSI, the intergroups, and chapters;
  • Developing and organizing new committees according to the evolving needs of the fellowship;
  • Supporting the activities of the TOR and MESA subcommittees at all levels of the fellowship;
  • Coordinating and promoting the thank-a-thon event held annually during the American holiday of Thanksgiving; and
  • Facilitating communication regarding the activities of the 12th step subcommittee chairs and the 12th step chairs from EAI, WAI, and the Maine Chapter through a monthly 12th step core call.

D. WSB Standing Committees

WSB standing committees serve the World Service Board. Chairs of these committees are appointed by the WSI chair (except for the personnel committee, which is typically chaired by the WSI vice-chair). These chairs serve as voting members at the annual WSBC.  Members of these committees are appointed by each committee chair. Chairs are encouraged to be mindful of selecting members with as much diversity as possible.

Personnel Committee

The personnel committee advises or, at the request of the board or relevant committee chair, handles matters related to the employment of personnel or independent contractors working for WSI. The committee and the WSB should be guided at all times by legal requirements, fairness, and confidentiality. Committee members must be recused from all discussions related to the job and candidates if they have a personal relationship (friend, relative, sponsorship) with a candidate or if they are a candidate themselves. This committee reports to and is chaired by the WSI vice-chair. For additional information, refer to section V below.

Finance Committee

The purpose of the finance committee is to advise the executive committee and the board regarding finances. The WSI treasurer and WSI vice-chair are ex-officio members for a basic system of checks and balances. For additional information, refer to section V below.

Design Committee

The design committee serves as a resource for guidance and thinking regarding the design and corporate identity of FA literature and the FA website. General priorities for the committee's work will be discussed by the committee's chair and the WSI chair and will be approved by the executive committee. The design committee  chair will report directly to the WSI chair. For additional information, refer to the section V below.

Inquiry Response Committee (IRC)

The inquiry response committee is responsible for handling inquiries made to the World

Service Board or to the WSO, as directed by the executive committee.  The purpose of the committee is to ensure that such inquiries will be addressed in a timely manner with utmost thoughtfulness so that a helpful dialogue can occur. The IRC can expect to receive inquiries from either the WSB executive committee or individual WSI committee chairs. The vice-chair is an ex-officio member and the primary WSB contact for the IRC. For additional information, refer to section V below.

Board Motions Review Committee (BMRC)

The BMRC is charged to assist the WSB throughout the year as potential motions arise. The committee may also be asked to assist intergroups and chapters in the development of motions and rationale. The committee provides feedback on the clarity, intent, and value of the motion(s). This committee also fulfills the role of the resolution committee, which serves the WSI Conference from March through the WSBC. The bylaws chair is an ex-officio member of the committee and maintains all communications between this committee and the WSB. For additional information, refer to section V(E) below.

Project Review Committee (PRC)

This committee is chaired by the WSI chair. The PRC is  made up of the WSI chair, WSI treasurer, WSI office committee chair, and the WSI traditions chair. It provides recommendations to the WSB regarding project proposals submitted by WSI committee chairs. The goal of the PRC is to provide information that will assist the WSB in its decisions about proposed projects, web-based enhancements, and vendor/venue contracts.

E. WSB and WSI Standing Special Committees

WSB and WSI special committees provide essential services to the WSB or to WSI, respectively. Typically, WSB special committees are created for a specific short-term purpose. The individual committees are not listed in this manual since they are created and dissolved as needed.

WSB Special Committees: WSB special committees provide services to the WSB in relation to a specific assigned task. WSB special committees are created by the executive board or WSB as the need arises. Their composition and duties may vary based on the needs of the WSB at the time. Chairs of these committees are appointed by the WSI chair. 

WSI Special Committees: WSI special committees provide services to the Conference in relation to a specific assigned task. Chairs of WSI special committees are appointed by the WSI chair with the approval of the executive board. Members of these committees are appointed by the committee chair. (Note:  For purposes of continuity, the same person will typically be appointed to chair the Resolution Committee as well as the Board Motion Review Committee, which is a WSB standing committee.)

  • Resolutions Committee (RC) This committee is a recurring special committee. It functions from the motion submission deadline (usually the beginning of March) through the WSBC for that year. Prior to the deadline, the BMRC assists motion makers. The purpose of the RC is to process a final review of any motion submitted for the WSBC. In addition, if duplicate or similar motions are submitted by various intergroups, chapters, or WSI committees, the RC will work with the groups to create one motion. The committee does not issue an opinion for or against the adoption of the motion by the WSC, but may be asked by the WSB or WSC to offer an opinion on whether or not a motion would be heard at the WSBC. Any motion submitted after the deadline will be considered an emergency motion and will follow emergency motion procedures [refer to WSI Bylaws Article VIII section 3(e)]. Emergency is defined as a “sudden unforeseen crisis usually involving danger.” The resolution committee will process and review any emergency motion following the emergency motion procedures.

VII General Procedures of the WSB

A. Communication

Requesting help from the WS Office or inquiries about any procedure involving the office. Requests for help from any WSO staff (i.e., the office director, office manager, etc.) should be sent to the office director. The office director’s email address is officedirector@foodaddicts.org. The office committee chair’s email address is officechair@foodaddicts.org. Before sending a request, check the Office Procedures Directions Manual. 

Information sent from the WS office to WSI contacts

Board members will automatically receive all mailings intended for WSI contacts, regardless of whether or not they are a designated contact for one of their own meetings. WSI emails are routinely sent to WSB members, WSI contacts, intergroup and chapter chairs. 

Inquiries from both FA and non-FA members

  • The office manager will forward to the entire board any substantive correspondence to and from FA members.
  • Board members are asked to forward to the entire board any substantive and/or informative correspondences to and from FA members. 

Formatting standard for documents being posted on the website

  • All documents to be posted should have a footer on each page listing the page number(s), the title of the document, the date of the document, or the date of the most recent revision. The format to be used for dating material is as follows: year, month, and day (e.g., January 28, 2014, would be noted as 14 0128).
  • Note that if any WSB member or committee requires a hard copy of documents, a FA-WSI tax exempt number is available. 

Board approval of communications

  • Documents created by a WSI committee that represent FA as a whole (e.g., meeting guidelines and intergroup guidelines) are subject to the following approval process:
    • The committee chair sends draft to entire board.
    • Board gives feedback in a timely fashion to the committee chair.
    • The board will decide if the final document needs approval from the entire board or from only the exec committee.
    • The WSI secretary will review final for grammar and formatting prior to posting.
  • Documents created by a WSI committee that do not represent the views of FA as a whole, (e.g. GIA, connection) do not require exec committee or board approval before publication. However,
    • All such documents must include the following disclaimer: “The opinions and views expressed herein are the author’s only and do not represent those of FA as a whole.”
    • Committee chairs are encouraged to review all such documents keeping the following guidelines in mind:
      • Proper use of FA terminology (e.g., WSC member, WSI contact vs. WSI rep, FA Information Session vs. PI Meeting; PSA vs. “an FA ad,” explanation of terms like “sister meeting” or “partner meeting”, etc.)
      • Clarification of ideas that may be misleading or controversial (e.g., starting a meeting alone; phrases like, “I discontinued my medication,” etc.). Comments should give strength and hope to the newcomer, but stay away from editorializing

B. Review of Meeting Guidelines, Meeting format, WSB Manual, Committee Manuals

Meeting Guidelines and Meeting Format

Once every two years the WSB will review the Meeting Guidelines and Meeting Format. The executive committee holds primary responsibility for these board-approved documents, with the WSI vice-chair overseeing the necessary work. Note that according to a CEM, the format is the only meeting guideline document that is Conference-approved. The WSB must present a motion to the Conference for a modified format. When the motion is adopted, the format may be posted.

WSB Manual and Committee Manuals

As a matter of good practice, each incoming board is responsible for reviewing and approving the WSB Manual. Updates to the WSB manual are coordinated by the bylaws chair. Each committee chair is responsible for creating/updating the operating procedures specific to their committee in their committee manual no later than May 1st so any new committee members in June have good information.

C. WSB Voting

  • When needed, voting electronically amongst the board is acceptable. The WSI secretary shall record such votes in the permanent record by noting it in the next set of minutes.
  • The 2021 WSB voted that all board decisions would be made using substantial unanimity. Two thirds of those casting a vote must agree in order for a motion to be adopted. Each new board should review this decision and decide if they will continue this policy.

D. Transitioning of Officers and Committee Chairs

Officers and committee chairs who are stepping down, or who choose to resign, should provide to the incoming officer or committee chair, and the WSB Chair:

  • An email with a description of the basics of the committee (e.g., the committee’s operating procedures);
  • An email with all electronic files created and/or used by the committee (e.g., literature pamphlets, manuals, etc.), with the rationale for why and how each was created and how each is used. Where relevant, files for literature should include design specs for each and names of designers and specific instructions for printing each, etc.; and
  • A snail-mail or in-person hand-off of all hard copies that do not exist in electronic form; and
  • Minutes of all past committee meetings.

In addition, the outgoing officer or committee chair should arrange for a direct conversation with the incoming officer or committee chair to answer any questions and help with orientation; and let the secretary know the new board member’s contact information.

E. Hiring

The hiring of any personnel must be coordinated with the personnel committee. Refer to section V.1

F. “How To”

Check the Office Procedures Directions Manual for instructions on how to:

  • Send an email to the fellowship;
  • Post a document to the website;
  • Update a web page;
  • Post an event on the WSB event coordination calendar; and
  • Manage payment for a new vendor or contractor

G. WSI Mid-term and Convention Reports

The secretary notifies board members of the deadline and style guidelines for the mid-term and convention reports. Note: Reports from intergroups and chapters are also included in the convention report and coordinated by the WSI secretary.   

Mid-Term Report

A Mid-Term Report will be prepared each year. The reports will be compiled by the secretary and sent to the office director for distribution and posting on the website. The WSO coordinates the distribution to the WSI contacts in time to be read at the February business meetings. The cover letter with this report, written by the WSI chair, should consist of a summary of highlights from the six-month period. 

Business Convention Report

  • The Business Convention Report covers business convention highlights including motions and election results. In addition, it contains reports from WSI officers and WSI committees covering the previous July to June. In addition, the Business Convention Report will include brief annual reports from the intergroups and chapters.
  • The report will be compiled by the secretary in the month following the annual business convention, approved at the WSB meeting in late June, and then sent to the WSO for distribution and posting on the website. The report will include remarks from the chair and vice-chair, election results, results of any motions that were voted on, and an update regarding changes to the year-end financial report. For the July business meeting, WSI contacts will be asked to read aloud the summary of highlights included in the report’s cover letter. Those wishing to see a full copy of the entire report can do so by logging onto www.foodaddicts.org or by asking their WSI contact for a printed copy. The cover letter with this report, written by the WSI chair, should consist of a summary of highlights of the WSC’s decisions and deliberations and any significant annual highlights.

H.  Board Meetings

Standard Protocol

  • Per our bylaws, the current edition of American Institute of Parliamentarians Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, governs WSI in all parliamentary situations. All board members should own a copy of this book. Board members should purchase the book on their own, and may, if they wish, submit their receipt for reimbursement.
  • All officers and trustees of the WSB are expected to review the minutes and treasurer’s report, and upcoming agenda items, prior to each month’s board meeting.
  • All board meetings will open and close with the Serenity Prayer.
  • Prior meeting minutes will be approved.
  • When applicable, the board approves the treasurer’s quarterly and annual budget reports.
  • Brief update from each board member present if time permits.
  • Agenda
    • Chair will create the agenda and facilitate the meeting accordingly.
    • Each agenda item is presented by the committee chair that placed them on the agenda or at the request of the WSB chair.
  • First Official Meeting of the Newly-Elected Board The first official annual meeting of the WSB takes place on Sunday morning of the annual WSBC, (typically held in late May or in early June). Minimum order of business to be conducted:
    • Open and close the meeting with the Serenity Prayer.
    • Minutes to be taken by the WSI secretary.
    • The WSI secretary will provide the board with a proposed calendar of dates noting in particular upcoming board meetings and exec committee meetings.
    • The secretary will contact WSB members for demographic information (including email addresses, phone numbers, and street addresses of all officers and trustees, and of all WSB standing committee chairs)
    • Historically, Sunday has been the best day for board meetings, but each board needs to determine a standard meeting time/date frame.

In-Person Board Meeting

  • This board meeting (usually held in September or October) will happen in person and may require travel on the part of most board members. Additionally the meeting will take place over the course of two days, from approximately 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Saturday and 8 a.m. to noon on Sunday. If held in conjunction with the Fellowship Convention, meetings are usually held on Friday and last only one day from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • The finance committee has agreed that board members should be reimbursed in full for all expenses related to the in-person board meeting each fall (effective immediately, but not retroactively). The only caveat is that plane reservations need to be made 30 days in advance to ensure a more reasonable price.  Also, if the meeting is to be held at the Fellowship Convention, board members are still asked to cover their expenses if they would be going to the FC, regardless of being on the board. The finance committee will continue to be consulted to determine feasibility for the in-person board meeting for the following year. For planning purposes, this consultation may need to happen one year in advance.
  • Expenses will not be reimbursed for any regularly scheduled WSBC, as attending the WSBC is considered a responsibility of the role.
  • The WSI chair will appoint individuals to handle various retreat logistics, i.e., securing the following: meeting space for the meeting times; a dining facility for the Saturday night dinner; hotel accommodations; and catering services for both retreat lunches.

Remaining Board Meetings

Remaining board meetings will be held virtually.

I.  Finances

Budget Planning Timeline

The WSI fiscal year runs from July 1 through June 30. Budgets are typically determined in the spring. The treasurer will notify all board members of due dates and requirements.

  • The draft of the budget will be reviewed at the May board meeting.
  • The final review and approval of the budget will be passed by the WSB at the board’s first meeting after the end of the convention.

Quarterly Reviews of Budget and Expenditures  

Quarterly summarized budget reports are reviewed by the treasurer, the finance committee, the office chair, and the board. These quarterly reports are emailed to the WSB one week before the next regularly scheduled board meeting so that there is appropriate time for the board to review. The board will be asked to approve the report at the board meeting. Detailed monthly financial reports are emailed to the finance committee every month for review, and one of the finance committee members reviews, in depth, monthly QuickBooks reconciliation reports (for the checking, savings, and credit card accounts), along with the monthly bank statements (for the checking, savings, and credit card accounts). Any discrepancies are reported to the treasurer for follow up and resolution.

  • October: Fiscal year first quarter review and revision if needed (Jul – Sept).
  • January: Fiscal year mid-year review and revision if needed (Oct - Dec).
  • April: Fiscal year third quarter review and revision if needed (Jan - Mar).  Start budget planning for the new fiscal year as noted above in V. A.
  • Committee chairs are also responsible for monitoring their committee spending.
  • When planning a large expense, it is recommended that a minimum of three quotes be obtained prior to deciding upon which vendor to use.
  • Budget requests for new funds up to $5,000 per project can be approved by the exec committee.
  • Budget requests for new funds above $5,000 per project are to be submitted to the finance committee. The finance committee will then make its recommendation to the exec committee for review and then to the WSB for approval.
  • Treasurer updates the budget based on new budget approvals.

Reimbursement/outstanding bills

Refer to the Office Procedures Directions Manual.

Seventh Tradition Monies

The WSB asks that meetings consider sending 75% of their surplus to WSI and 25% to their respective chapters and intergroups. Important note:  An intergroup or chapter may have special needs and could ask its meetings and chapters to donate differently, (i.e., 50/50%). By January 31 each year, the intergroup (or chapter) would inform its meetings, chapters (or intergroup) and WSI about the reasons and timeline for that change.

J.  Convention Protocol

The agenda for the convention is set by the convention planning chair in conjunction with the WSI chair and WSI bylaws chair. The agenda is finalized by approval of the board and includes board motions and motions submitted by intergroups and/or chapters that are approved for the agenda by the WSC.

Board Application Procedures

Returning and new board applicants are responsible for submitting their applications to fa@foodaddicts.org. The convention chair sends a notification to all FA members regarding open board positions and instructions for applying. Board members applying for a second term may choose to use the information already submitted from their previous application which is on file with the office manager. However, they will need to sign the signature page.

Motions from the Board

  • Motions should be discussed and finalized no later than the February board meeting.
  • Motions must be submitted to the WSI secretary by the deadline which is usually around March 1.

Powerpoint Slides

The convention chair will provide reminders to WSI committee chairs regarding content and deadline for convention slides.

Board Member Participation

  • Each committee chair will be introduced so that the body can put faces and names together. Committee chairs will present motions or agenda items as appropriate.
  • All officers and trustees of the WSB must register each year as a WSC Member on the FA website. WSB members will also need to register there as convention attendees.
  • All board members are expected to attend the convention from beginning to end. If early or late departure is needed in order for a board member to be present (i.e. arrival the day before the convention begins or departure the day after the convention ends), they will be reimbursed accordingly for extra lodging.
  • Each committee chair will preside over their committee meetings at the convention. It will be each chair’s responsibility to run the meetings in a way that meets the committee’s needs, keeping in mind that we want WSC members to be able to see how committees operate and to be able to learn about how to participate in these operations. Although our bylaws indicate the new committee chairs take over their responsibilities at the end of the convention, it has been our practice that during Sunday’s meeting, the new committee chair will preside when appropriate.
  • Any board member unable to attend the convention is expected to designate a substitute. This person should meet the abstinence requirements of all WSC members, at a minimum.  This person will be expected to present information to the body as needed and to facilitate the committee meetings. This person should also be available to the board to answer questions if needed, but will not attend actual board meetings.
  • If a board member requires financial assistance in order to attend the convention, they should contact their intergroup and follow the intergroup’s procedures for requesting financial assistance. If the intergroup is unable to provide sufficient financial assistance, contact the WSB chair so provisions can be made.

V. Procedures for WSB Standing Committees

A. Personnel Committee

  • The personnel committee advises or, at the request of the board or relevant committee chair, handles matters related to the employment of personnel or independent contractors working for WSI. The committee and the WSB should be guided at all times by legal requirements, fairness, and confidentiality.  Committee members must be recused from all discussions related to the job and candidates if they have a personal relationship (friend, relative, sponsorship) with a candidate or if they are a candidate themselves.
  • Chairperson: The WSI vice-chair will typically serve as the chair for the personnel committee and will appoint at least two other members to serve on this committee.
  • Membership requirements: All members of the committee must have at least five years of continuous abstinence and completion of at least two AWOLs.
  • Primary Functions of the committee
    • Planning: Before the search process begins, the committee will discuss with the hiring manager (i.e. WSI committee chair) their plans for advertisement/recruitment, the screening of candidates, interviewing and the selection process.  The search cannot proceed without the personnel committee’s prior approval of all steps of the process.
    • Job descriptions: The committee will review job descriptions for all positions, including contractors.
    • Salary: The committee will also review, or sometimes establish, a salary range to ensure appropriate pay.  Proposed salaries are to be submitted to the committee by the hiring manager (i.e. the WSI committee chair) with the job description. An hourly and/or monthly comparison of what would be earned for this same job in the marketplace should also be included.
    • Interviews and decision making: Personnel committee members may ask to be involved in the interviewing of candidates (by phone or in person), or in discussions regarding final decisions, or they may delegate these steps of the process to the hiring manager and their committee.  Where applicable, a working interview between the candidate and hiring manager may be useful.
    • Offer of Employment
      • Before an offer is made, the personnel committee will confirm that at least two reference checks and a criminal background check have been completed and that the selected candidate’s credentials match the job description.
      • The committee will also help ensure that the letter of agreement meets legal requirements and WSI needs. Prior to hiring, the committee chair must submit a draft letter of agreement/hire letter to the personnel committee, based on the standard WSI hiring template. The personnel committee will review the draft and forward it with comments to the executive committee for final approval.
      • The personnel committee chair will work with the office committee chair to coordinate the mailing and signing of the letter of agreement/hire letter and to ensure that a copy of the letter is kept on file on a password protected server administered by the WSO, with access provided to supervisory authority on an as needed basis.
    • Annual Reviews
      • The personnel committee will discuss personnel review forms proposed by managers, and will suggest necessary adjustments before such forms are used by the manager. The personnel committee will ensure that all such forms include space for employee comments and sign-off.
      • After committee discussion of the manager’s annual written review of staff and staff salaries, it will forward to the executive committee a brief summary of the review with recommendations regarding any issues or proposed changes regarding salary and/or benefits (where applicable).
    • Employee Relations
      • The personnel committee is a resource for managers and employees if there are difficulties. It will help employees, contractors, and their supervisors to deal directly with one another. In difficult situations when resolution cannot be reached, the personnel committee is available to provide mediation.  Mediation may be requested by either party or the WSB chair.  A summary of any mediated discussions will be emailed to all parties involved.
      • The result of mediation may be that successful and harmonious relationships are reestablished. Alternatively, a corrective plan will be established for either the employee or the manager. If a corrective plan is necessary for either party, forty-five days will be allowed to carry out the proposed suggestions.  In cases where decisions are unclear, the executive committee will provide resolution.
    • Termination
      • Standard situations
        • If there are significant problems with an employee, and if mediation was unsuccessful and the behavior continues, or if there is another issue that evolves, a Written Warning is in order. A total of two Written Warnings could be issued by the manager if need be, unless the infraction is deemed so great that immediate dismissal is appropriate (i.e. stealing).
        • When termination is being considered the manager must consult with the personnel committee regarding the situation. The committee will ensure that the ongoing assessment process is fair and meets legal requirements should termination become possible or necessary.
        • If the manager and the personnel committee agree that termination is necessary, the committee will forward the recommendation to the executive committee for final approval. In cases of disagreement, responsibility for the decision lies with the executive committee.
        • Notification of termination is to be delivered by the manager.
        • Upon termination, the personnel committee will schedule an exit interview with the former employee. This interview should take place within one month of termination.  The committee will submit a written report to the executive committee indicating its assessment.  This will include any suggestions the committee may have for the improvement of WSI policies, procedures, or handling of similar situations in the future.

B. Finance Committee (FC)

The purpose of the FC is to advise the executive committee and the board regarding specific questions regarding the WSO’s financial health and practices.

  • Composition and selection process:
    • The chair must have 7 years of continuous abstinence, have completed two AWOLs, and be currently working an AWOL.
    • Members must have 5 years of continuous abstinence and have completed one AWOL.
    • Members should possess a basic understanding of finances, spreadsheets, and budgeting.
    • Non-FA members may be appointed, based on financial knowledge and sound judgment. The number of non-FA members on the committee would be as defined by the board.
    • The following board members are also members of this committee:
      • ■ As active members: WSI treasurer, WSI office committee chair
      • ■ As ex-officio member: WSI vice-chair
    • Primary functions of the committee:
      • Review the WSI monthly financial reports, which may be done by email.
      • Review finances quarterly (reports from September, December, March, and June), including actual vs. budgeted income and expenses.
      • Advise the board regarding budget projections and future planning.
      • Serve as a resource to committee chairs as they prepare their budgets and review the final committee budgets.
      • Review the proposed annual budget and advise the board regarding its feasibility and wisdom.
      • Advise the board regarding FA financial investments, maintaining a prudent reserve and a conservative investment philosophy.
      • Assist in the hiring and evaluation of WSI employees and independent contractors to ensure that WSI meets federal and state legal requirements related to its financial practices.
      • Ensure that the financial practices of the FA organization align with the stated purpose and intent of FA as a whole.

C. Design Committee (DC)

The DC will serve as a resource for guidance and thinking regarding the design and corporate identity of FA literature, other materials, and the FA website. General priorities for the committee’s work will be discussed by the committee’s chair and the WSI chair and will be approved by the executive committee. The DC chair will report directly to the  WSI chair.

  • Composition and selection process:
    • The committee will include a chairperson, as appointed by the WSI chair.
    • All members of the committee must have at least 7 years of continuous abstinence and completion of at least 2 AWOLs.
    • At least two other FA members will serve on the committee, as appointed by the chair of the committee, with exec board approval.
  • Primary functions of the committee:
    • To ensure that all FA printed and digital materials, including the website, adhere to the FA brand.
    • To review FA printed materials and the website and to either provide guidance as to how to make them reflect the FA brand or undertake re-designing them.
    • To create a user-friendly style guide that all FA members can access to help generate consistency regarding commonly used printed materials.
    • To work with the WSI chair to determine priorities each year, and to propose an annual budget to accomplish those tasks.
    • To provide a summary of what was accomplished to the WSI chair each year and to provide a list of priorities for the following year.

D. Inquiry Response Committee (IRC)

The inquiry response committee is responsible for handling inquiries made to the WSB or to the WSO, as directed by the executive committee.  In addition, inquiries made to other WSI committee chairs may also be forwarded to the IRC. The purpose of the committee is to ensure that such inquiries will be addressed in a timely manner with utmost thoughtfulness so that a helpful dialogue can occur.

  • Composition and selection process:
    • The committee will include a chairperson, as appointed by the WSB chair.
    • All members of the committee must have at least seven years of continuous abstinence and completion of at least two AWOLs.
    • The WSI vice-chair is an ex-officio member of the committee. At least two other FA members will serve on the committee, as appointed by the chair of the committee.
  • Primary functions of the committee:
    • Respond primarily by telephone to inquiries received from both FA and non-FA members as needed. Responses should occur within two weeks of the initial inquiry.
    • Document/summarize the outcome of any such phone conversations to provide the board with a written record in case the same questions arise again. The vice-chair will update the board at each monthly meeting regarding relevant issues.
    • If a written response is warranted, several members of the committee should review the response before it is sent to the inquirer.
    • If the committee believes the inquiries may have legal ramifications, the committee is required to consult with the executive committee before responding to the person inquiring.
    • The committee will submit Traditions related issues to the TRC for their review and response, and then use that information in responding to the inquiry. If warranted, the committee may ask a member of the TRC to make the phone call to the inquirer in order to better communicate a Traditions perspective.
    • The committee will submit meeting related issues to MESA for their review and response, and then use that information in responding to the inquiry. If warranted, the committee may ask a member of MESA to make the phone call to the inquirer in order to better communicate a meeting accessibility, safety, or effectiveness perspective.

E. Board Motions Review Committee (BMRC)

  • The BMRC is charged to assist the WSB, WSI committees, intergroups, chapters and meeting groups throughout the year as potential motions arise. The committee will be asked to provide feedback on the clarity, intent, and value of the motion(s).
  • The WSB bylaws committee chair is the WSB liaison of the committee.
  • The BMRC is composed of 5 - 7 members. Members should include as diverse a population as possible.
  • Members should have 7 years of continuous abstinence and be actively involved in an in-depth study of the Twelve Steps during the entirety of those 7 years.
  • The BMRC is in effect from the close of a convention to the deadline date for motion submission for the following year. At that time, they will change their name to the resolutions committee. Refer to Section VI for details on the function of the resolutions committee.

F. Project Review Committee (PRC)

  • Committee members

The project review committee is composed of the WSI Chair, WSI Treasurer, WSI Office Committee Chair, and the WSI Traditions Review Chair. The PRC may invite the FA Office Director to join their discussion, if needed.

  • General background and function

Any financial item with a cost in excess of $5,000 must receive approval by the WSB. The WSI executive committee approves financial expenditures less than $5,000. At any time, the WSI executive committee may ask the PRC to perform preliminary research.

The primary function of the PRC is to perform preliminary research and analysis regarding any financial cost in excess of $5,000 in order to facilitate decision making by the WSB.  Areas may include:

    • Providing recommendations to the WSB regarding project proposals submitted by WSI committee chairs for the following budget year
    • Providing recommendations to the WSB regarding priority of web-based enhancements/modifications
    • Providing recommendations to the WSB regarding contracts with outside vendors/venue
  • Review WSI Committee project proposals for budget planning each spring
    • Current WSI committee chairs must submit proposals to the PRC by February 1 (if a proposal involves the FA website, see section B) by sending an email with attachments to the WSI Chair at chair@foodaddicts.org.
    • New project proposals must contain a description of the project, the project’s intended purpose, specifics of the functions needed, specifications, any data regarding anticipated value to the fellowship in furthering the goals and purposes of WSI, and the impact, if any, on the FA website.
    • Recurring project proposals must contain a detailed summary of ongoing positive impact on FA, using data from committee work, from the FA office, and any other sources.
  • Procedures for submitting WSI project proposals that involve the FA website
    • If a project involves the FA website and will be proposed for the following year’s budget, it must be submitted to the WSI Office Committee Chair and the WSI office director by December 1.
    • The Office Director will work with FA’s web developers, the WSI committee chair, the WSI Office Committee Chair, and appropriate members of the WSI Office Committee to evaluate the proposal, make recommendations to the WSI committee chair based on the findings, and come up with a cost estimate for the project.
    • If the WSI committee chair wishes to continue with the proposed project, they will submit the proposal (with the cost estimate if it exceeds $5,000) to the PRC by February 1 via email to the WSI Chair at chair@foodaddicts.org.
    • If the project has immediacy and the WSI committee feels they are unable to wait until the following budget year, the WSI committee chair should submit the project overview to the PRC immediately. The proposal must include an overview of the project, projected costs, along with the rationale for the immediacy of the project. If the PRC agrees the project has an emergency nature, they will request a cost estimate from the WSI Office Chair.
  • Procedures for Submitting WSI Project Proposals involving a vendor and/or venue
    • Proposals should be submitted to the PRC at least 4 months prior to the proposed event/hiring.
    • Proposals should include the purpose of the contract along with proposals from at least 3 vendors with pros and cons for each vendor.
    • Note that the PRC may request additional information in order to make a solid recommendation.

VI. Procedures for WSI Special Committees (recurrent)

Resolutions Committee

The purpose of the resolutions committee is to assist intergroup/chapter boards and committees who wish to bring main motions to the floor of the convention.  This committee is active from the deadline for WSBC motion submission through the closing of the WSBC. Currently, the members of the BMRC fulfill this role.

The committee accepts and reviews any motion submitted after the deadline. It will make a recommendation to the WSC, offering its opinion on whether or not the main motion is truly an emergency and should be heard at the WSBC.  The committee does not issue an opinion for or against the adoption of the motion by the WSC. Note that main motions to approve or revise FA literature or to amend the bylaws shall not be submitted as emergency motions, as they require prior notice for adoption pursuant to Article VIII, Section 2 (d) of the FA-WSI Bylaws.

In addition, if there are duplicate motions, the committee will work with motion makers to combine motions so that the conflicting motions are not presented at the same WSBC.

  • Committee chair and membership
    • In accordance with Article IX, Section 10 of the bylaws, the RC chair shall be appointed by the WSI chair.
    • Additional members of the committee shall be appointed by the committee chair, with approval of the executive board.
    • The RC will consist of 5 - 7 members representing a diverse cross-section of the fellowship.
  • Primary functions of the committee
    • Assist the motion makers regarding emergency motions.
      • The committee shall contact the motion maker and set up a meeting to discuss the motion. The committee’s role is to confirm that the motion as submitted meets the motion-makers’ intent; that the language is clear and grammatically correct; and that the proposed motion does not duplicate or conflict with already existing provisions in the bylaws or policies. The committee should encourage awareness of the context created by our Traditions and Concepts.
      • Gather information: The committee shall seek comments and opinions from all members interested in a particular proposal. The purpose here is only to receive information and opinions. The committee members may ask questions to be sure that they understand the opinions expressed, or may answer questions if a member seeks clarification, however, the committee members cannot enter into arguments with speakers or express opinions during this phase.
      • Issue an opinion: The committee evaluates the proposal and opinions expressed by the members and may call on officers, relevant WSI committees, or other consultants/experts to gain as much information as possible on which to base their recommendation. Following deliberation, the committee shall report its findings to the WSI chair. The report will include the committee’s recommendation for or against the placement of the motion on the business session agenda and an explanation for the recommendation.
    • Assist motion makers in combining similar or conflicting motions prior to the convention using the same process as above.
  • Bringing emergency new business motions to the convention floor:
    • Motions will only be accepted on fully filled out forms and only from (1) executive boards or committees of FA chapters or FA intergroups, (2) WSI committees, or (3) the WSB and are submitted to the RC.
    • The RC will meet as often as necessary to address emergencies.
    • The maker of the motion will be informed as to the approximate time at which their motion will be heard.
  • Procedure during the WSBC
    • Any member of the presenting intergroup or chapter executive board may speak to the motion. This will be contingent upon the volume of motions and time available.
    • During the general business session, the committee will present to the WSC its recommendation regarding whether or not the Conference should hear the motion. The standards for a positive recommendation are the following:
      • The motion must be an emergency that cannot wait until next year. Emergency is defined as a “sudden unforeseen crisis usually involving danger.”
      • The motion must fall within the Twelve Traditions.
      • The motion cannot be redundant with stipulations already made in FA governance documents (bylaws, policies and procedures, and continuing effects motions).
      • The motion must not be frivolous.
    • Procedure at the general business session
      • The RC chair will give a report and recommendation for each motion that was presented to the RC and will give a brief summary of the process involved in determining the recommendation.
      • The voting body will then hold a yes or no vote, without debate, to determine if the motion should be added to the agenda.
      • If the motion receives a two-thirds vote from the WSC members who cast a vote, the WSI chair places it on the agenda. Once on the agenda it proceeds as any other motion.

Revised 2022 0602


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