Health Fair Evaluation Form
Use this form to report on the results of FA's participation in a health fair event.
Event Name: ________________________________
Location: ________________________________
Date/Time: ________________________________
Est. Number of trifolds given out: ________________________________
Other materials given out: ________________________________
Projected attendance: ________________________________
Actual attendance: ________________________________
Parking expenses: ________________________________
Cost of booth or table: ________________________________
Approximate # of actual connections made: ________________________________
What worked well? ________________________________
What did not work? ________________________________
What could be changed or done differently? ________________________________
Was this an effective outreach venue? Y or N
Were we well-received? Y or N
Did the event host group provide all needed info? (directions, parking passes, etc) Y or N
Was lunch coverage manageable? Y or N
Did the Health Fair Kit facilitate this event? Y or N
Reporting Member Name ________________________________
Home ________________________________
Cell ________________________________
Email address ________________________________
Email Completed Form as soon after the event as possible to:, , or