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Letter to Radio Stations accompanying Public Service Announcement CD or MP3

Instructions: Email or call the radio station you wish to have play the PSA (See Appendix C). Once you have had email or live contact with the appropriate PSA contact person at the station, ask them if they’d like to have the PSA in MP3 format. If they say yes, email them the MP3’s. Often times radio dj’s want to record the PSA’s in their own voices, so be sure to attach the second page of the PSA letter, which includes the PSA text which they can then record or read on air. Note: If a media outlet requires a CD and won’t accept the PSA in MP3 format, please contact the PI Committee at pi@foodaddicts.org for approval to burn a CD. Otherwise, please send the MP3 files.



(Radio Station Address)

Dear (Name of Radio Station Programmer/Station PSA Coordinator):


Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) has prepared MP3’s to carry its message of recovery from food addiction to the many people who still suffer. Our MP3’s contain 10-, 20-, and 30-second PSA's. We have also included with this letter a set of text scripts for different FA PSA's if you prefer to read them yourselves. As a service to the community, we hope you will help others by carrying this crucial PSA on your station.

About FA

Experts have come to understand that sugar and flour can set up cravings in some people. A Twelve Step program designed to target this problem has proven extremely effective. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous can help people suffering from this misunderstood problem.

Many of our members have weight losses ranging from ten to over two hundred pounds and have maintained normal and healthy body sizes for many years. Many others are in recovery from undereating or bulimia. Newcomers to our program may be startled to learn that some members have maintained normal body sizes and freedom from obsession with food for 10, 15, even 25 or more years.

FA has a substantial presence in many states, as well as in Canada, Germany and England. FA is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization. There are no dues or fees for membership. Anyone, from any walk of life, who seeks recovery from food addiction, is welcome in FA.

We appreciate your consideration and hope that you will air our PSA on your station as frequently as possible. We would be happy to answer any questions you may have about FA. Please email us at fa@foodaddicts.org, call our World Service Office at (781) 932-6300 or view our web site at www.foodaddicts.org.




[Name/Title of Local Chapter or Intergroup PI Chair] [Number of Local Chapter or Intergroup PI Chair]


Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous PSA Scripts on attached MP3’s:


30 seconds

A message from Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous: I came to Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous overweight and depressed. I was dieting, bingeing, stealing food and lying about it for years. For help call, 781-932-6300. I knew I had a weight problem, I didn't know I was addicted to food. The FA program gave me a healthy body. I'm free from obsessing about my weight or food. call FA: 781-932-6300 or visit our website: www.foodaddicts.org


20 seconds

A message from Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous: I knew I had a weight problem, I didn't know I was addicted to food. I'm free from dieting and overeating. I've lost the extra pounds and kept it off for over sixteen years. call FA: 781-932-6300 or visit our

website: www.foodaddicts.org 10 seconds

I knew I had a weight problem, I didn't know I was addicted to food. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous: 781-932-6300 website:  foodaddicts.org


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