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Maine Manage Meetings Guide (Submitting a Meeting Change Form)

Note: Only “Contacts” with the Manage Meeting link in their Profile Links box on their Profile Page will be able to access the following screens (Chapter, Meeting Contact, WSI, or Intergroup Contact).

If you are a “Contact” service position holder and you have a Manage Meeting link in you Profile Links box, you can request changes to your meeting registration information, including  update the day, time and location of your meeting and the names of the service position holders at your meeting. If you are a “Contact” service position holder and you do not have a Manage Meeting link in you Profile Links box, contact MEOffice@foodaddicts.org for assistance.  

To Submit a Meeting Change Request:  In the Profiles Links box on your Profile page, click the “Manage Meetings” link.

You will be directed to the Manage My Meetings screen – here you will find a listing of the meetings associated with your profile.   

Next:  Select the meeting you wish to update, click “Request Changes” to access the Meeting Change Form. 

At the Meeting Change Form screen you will see your meeting’s current on-line registration information and input boxes for your new information.  Enter only the information that you wish to change.  An effective date is required to submit this form; click “Submit Changes”.  Your request will directed to the Maine Chapter Office and changes will generally be made within 10 days of receipt of the request if the information is complete. 

Helpful Hints: the Maine Chapter Office is only able to complete changes of service position information for members who have an existing profile on the FA website; if the member does not have a profile, changes can not be effected until a profile has been created. The name you enter in the input box should be the member’s name as it appears on their profile; as members can be known by different variations of their name, you should ask them how it appears on their profile (ex. Catherine, Cathy, Kathy…or Robert, Bob, Rob).   

Updates to profile information (phone, email…) must be made by members directly on their profile page; the Maine Chapter Office is unable to change personal information. If the Maine Chapter Office is unable to complete the requested changes, you will be contacted for further information. 

Revised February 2021

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