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Meeting Health Question of the Month 2013

  • December    
    Does your FA group consistently attract newcomers? Are they the primary focus before, during the break and after the meeting? How is your meeting spreading the hope of FA recovery to the local suffering food addict?

  • November     
    If you have time in abstinence beyond 90 days, are you waiting for members who do not yet have 90 days to raise their hands to read so that they, too, can reap the benefits of service?

  • October         
    FA is a program of honesty. How do you ‘do what you can when you can’ at your committed meetings? Ask yourself honestly: How am I contributing to the strength of my meetings? Then talk to your sponsor about how to stretch yourself in a weighed and measured way to ‘give back what you have so generously been given.’

  • September    
    Do you find yourself dozing at your meetings? If so, are you reaching out to your sponsor and fellows to talk about how to best manage your time and energy? For your own recovery, it’s important to be awake and alert to get the message. It’s also respectful to the speakers and sets a good example for newcomers.

  • August          
    Before and after your meeting and at the break, are you remembering to reach out to newcomers and to anyone who looks like they might need a friendly welcome?

  • July              
    Meeting health is strengthened by meetings made up of individuals who are committed to their recovery. To deepen your commitment to your own recovery, are you engaged in service outside your committed meetings, such as participating in 12th-Step outreach, attending health fairs, or serving on an Intergroup committee?

  • June             
    When sharing at your meetings, do you ever find yourself veering away from your personal story to give advice, air a grievance or entertain the group? Are you staying humble in your own experience and speaking from your heart to reach the newcomer? What you were like, what happened, and what you're like now is what has been proven over time to help your fellows.

  • May               
    Are you reading your 'smartphone' or texting during meetings? Is your cell phone completely turned off? Vibrating phones disturb others in the meeting. Using them during the breaks takes away from being available for new members and fellows at the meeting. Let's not be distracted from getting our medicine.

  • April              
    When you share at meetings, are you refraining from mentioning food by name as well as avoiding detailed descriptions? Painting an elaborate picture can trigger fantasies that may lead to the bite — for the speaker and others. Please be considerate.

  • March            
    Do you have a personal profile on the FA website? Having a personal profile helps facilitate the service and the business of FA. Having members who are well-informed and committed to the fellowship helps strengthen individuals, meetings and FA as a whole. If you haven’t established or updated your online profile, be sure to do so as soon as possible so that you can receive important communications from World Service. If you need assistance or are experiencing issues with your profile, contact web@foodaddicts.org.

  • February        
    When called on to speak at a meeting, are you remembering to share hope with the newcomer? Are you expressing the joys and relief that FA recovery has brought you?

  • January          
    Is your meeting’s literature table easily visible for the new member to find? Is it well stocked, neatly and attractively arranged, and does it contain only appropriate FA-approved literature? Is the Literature person present at the table before the meeting, at the break and after the meeting?

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