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Meeting Health Question of the Month 2014

  • January       
    When called on to speak at a meeting, are you remembering to share hope with the newcomer? Are you expressing the joys and relief that FA recovery has brought you?

  • February      
    In FA, the telephone is a tool. It’s one of the main ways we stay connected and supported in between meetings. When leaving a voicemail for your fellows, are you speaking slowly and clearly, and repeating your callback number? Are you doing everything you can to assist fellows in returning your calls?

  • March          
    Service is essential to our recovery. No amount of service is too small – and it’s never too early to begin. If you don’t yet have your 90 days, are you consistently raising your hand to read at your meetings?

  • April             
    Are you introducing newcomers to the literature table and offering them FA pamphlets? Are you encouraging them to buy the Big Book, the Twenty-Four Hours A Day book, and the connection magazine? FA members often say that it has been reading the literature in times of stress that has kept them from taking that first bite.

  • May             
    The World Service Inc. (WSI) Contact is a key person for keeping FA members at their meeting apprised of important news and opportunities for service. Is your WSI Contact’s personal profile up to date on the FA website so that they are receiving correspondence from the WSI Board and the FA office? Are they making copies of the Frontier Sponsor List, Frontier Phone List, Universal Language List, and Gratitude in Action Newsletter available on the literature table at your meeting? Are they reading WSI announcements they receive via email at your business meeting, and are they announcing the annual Business Convention and this year's Fellowship Convention?

  • June             
    If you are an Intergroup Contact, your role is to serve as a liaison between your meeting and the Intergroup. Responsibilities include ensuring your contact information is accurate on the FA website, receiving and reading all correspondences from Intergroup at your monthly business meeting, announcing the date of the upcoming Intergroup meeting, submitting meeting information changes in the absence of a Web & Directory Contact, and attending Intergroup if you live within 100 miles of the meeting location. If you are the Intergroup Contact for your meeting, are you performing the responsibilities required of the position?

  • July             
    As the Web & Directory Contact, it is important to remember that you are the main resource for keeping meeting information up-to-date on the FA website. One of the primary responsibilities is making changes to contact information on the "Manage Your Meeting" section of the website. Without current information on contacts, your meeting will not get emails sent by Western Area Intergroup and World Service; therefore, meetings will be in the dark about what is going on in FA. And, if changes to a meeting day, time, or location do not get posted, newcomers and current members will not get accurate information regarding a meeting they want to attend. We want to do everything we can to make it possible for the food addict who's still suffering to find us. As the Web & Directory Contact, are you keeping your meeting information on the FA website current?

  • August         
    As treasurer of a meeting, it's your job to collect the 7th Tradition each week, pay rent, and to serve as a liaison to the meeting location. The treasurer also records all expenses and income, gives a financial report at the monthly business meeting, and donates 75% of leftover funds to World Service Inc. and 25% of funds to Western Area Intergroup.   Other than keeping a prudent reserve for the meeting, WSI does NOT recommend that meetings set aside money for other purposes, such as purchases for PI materials, funding a member to attend the annual Business Convention or Fellowship Convention, or for babysitting at meetings. As treasurer, are you fulfilling your required duties?

  • September   
    The main purpose of the Secretary position is to ensure your meeting is adhering to FA WSI meeting guidelines and that service positions are being covered. You can find the description of responsibilities in Document Seven on the FA website. If you are the Secretary for your meeting, are you aware of your responsibilities?

  • October       
    The Speaker Seeker is a critical position because the speakers chosen for your meetings provide the first impression of FA to newcomers. If you are the Speaker Seeker for your meeting, are you finding strong, committed FA members to lead your meetings each week?

  • November    
    The tool of the telephone is a lifeline for us as food addicts in recovery, and it is critical that the newcomer has access to current phone lists. Is there a current phone list available on the literature table at each of your meetings?

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