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Meeting Health Question of the Month 2015

  • January       

  • February     
    When sharing at your meetings, do you ever find yourself veering away from your personal story to give advice, air a grievance or entertain the group? Simply staying humble and speaking from the heart from your own experience – what you were like, what happened, and what you’re like now – is what has been proven over time to help your fellows.

  • March          
    When you qualify at a meeting, are you calling on a diversity of fellows to speak after the break? Calling on a variety of people expands the messages heard by the fellowship and provides the opportunity to be of service – service which strengthens the individual, the meeting, and FA as a whole.

  • April            
    Do you consistently arrive ten minutes early to your meetings to help greet newcomers and set up the room?

  • May             
    Are you keeping your cell phone turned off and tucked away during the entire length of your meetings so that you and the others around you are not distracted?

  • June           
    If you are a WAI, WSI, or Web & Directory Contact, are you preparing for your monthly business meetings by printing out and reviewing the necessary documents in advance? For those taking on new service positions next month, please refer to document 7, “Service Positions—Description of Responsibilities,” on the FA website.

  • July            
    If you are going to be out of town during one of your meetings, have you asked someone to cover your service position while you're gone?

  • August      
    Does your meeting post signs at your meeting location at least ten minutes before it starts so that newcomers coming for their first time feel welcomed and know where to go?

  • September 
    Are you making an effort not to save seats at meetings so that others don't feel left out, especially newcomers?

  • October    
    Are you running out the door as soon as the meeting has ended? Or are you relaxed and unhurried, talking to the person God has put in your path, helping to put the room back in order, and attending your meeting's business meeting?

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