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PI Rep Business Meeting Announcements

The following can be announced at monthly business meetings as part of the PI report.

  1. EVERY MONTH, ask “Is anyone going to see a healthcare professional this month --doctor, dentist, nurse, psychotherapist, chiropractor, physical therapist, etc.? Who’d like to take them a brochure?” (Hand them out right then, with a few Meeting Directory Trifolds tucked inside. We’ve noticed this seems to work better than just having them on the literature table.)
  2. EVERY MONTH, announce one of the following. You can rotate them:
    1. “I just want to remind you to take several Meeting Directory Trifolds to post in the community—at grocery stores, coffee shops, gyms, Laundromats, or community bulletin boards. Just ask permission of the proprietor. It is also great to have a few on hand as you go about your day, in case you meet someone who might need one.”
    2. “If you see anything in the media where you think, ‘I wish they knew about FA,’ please note the location, date and journalist doing the article or interview and send it to mediawatch@foodaddicts.org. Or you can give it to me and I will send it on. The Mediawatch team will send a board-approved letter to the journalist or researchers featured in the piece.”
    3. “Weblinks is a PI subcommittee that helps organizations place a link to the FA website on their online resource list. If your employer, doctor’s office, faith community, college or any other organization you know of might benefit from posting FA’s website, let me know or write to weblinks@foodaddicts.org.”
    4. “If you see a blog or social media posting, we ask that rather than compromising your anonymity and recovery, you send the link to Blogwatch@foodaddicts.org, The Blogwatch team will send a Board approved response to provide a consistent FA presence online.”
    5. “We now have two tools for letting Faith Community Leaders know about FA recovery. One is the packet on the literature table, which introduces the program. The other is a letter asking Faith Community Leaders to post FA meeting announcements in their bulletins. Let me know if you would like to use this template.”
    6. “Does anyone have ideas for community spaces, businesses, health agencies, workplaces, colleges, community health fairs, or faith organizations, where we could provide information about FA? This could be a trifold rack, information session, or health fair.” (If there are leads, notify Intergroup or Chapter PI committees.)
    7. “There are several opportunities for service available: (Announce any calls for service from PI Committees at World Service, Intergroup, Chapter, or from Local Service Groups.)”


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