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Quarterly Report 2012 - July-Sept

Dear FA Members:

Over the last three months, countless hours of work have gone into revamping the newly designed FA website. Things are moving along nicely and the website is due to go live before the end of 2012. The reregistration process for all meetings will follow shortly thereafter. 

Similarly, over this quarter, many FA members have been diligently involved in the ongoing development of the FA Book. The writing, editing, and publishing plans are in full swing and the book is due out in late spring, 2013.

Thank you for your continued patience on both these projects. We are hopeful that all efforts are in sync with the plans of a higher power and will serve beautifully to help suffering food addicts all over the world!

Two reminders: 

  • 1) The Meeting Guidelines, i.e. Documents 1-7, have been revised and were recently posted on the website. Please review as needed, as we hope you will find the documents to be a valuable tool.
  • 2) If you haven’t done so already, please mark your 2013 calendars. The next annual FA World Service Business Convention will take place from Friday, June 7th through Sunday, June 9th, in Danvers, Massachusetts at the Coco Key Water Resort and Hotel.

For more information on all committee work, please go to foodaddicts.org to view this quarter’s report from the World Service Board. 

Thank you to our entire fellowship for all that you do! If you are looking to do more service, please let the board know by sending an email to fa@foodaddicts.org. There is no shortage of ways to be useful! 

With gratitude, Elissa P.

WSI Chair


WSI CHAIR’S REPORT – July/August/September 2012 – Elissa P.

During this quarter, the board met in late June and again in September. General business at both meetings included the passing of minutes, the passing of each month’s treasurer report, and monthly check-ins from each member. Committee work was reported on in detail; board input was offered to provide clarity and insight when help was needed. The board also began preparing for their upcoming in-person meeting which will take place on October 27th and 28th.

The IRC (Inquiry Response Committee) responded to six issues this quarter. The Finance Committee and Personnel Committee both met regularly as well. The Design Committee continued to address issues related to the website and pamphlet production. The BMRC did not meet this quarter as there are no motions pending at this time for the 2013 WSBC.



(Dave I., Chair of Personnel and Vice-Chair of WSI)

As vice-chair of the WSB, this quarter I provided ongoing support to the Chair and was actively involved in the Executive Committee in ongoing matters related to the WSB. I also offered ongoing support and suggestions to many of the chairs in their respective areas.


Chair, Personnel Committee:

  • Provided ongoing support to the chair of the Office Committee in managing the ongoing website project.
  • After reviewing the performance evaluations of our two full-time office staff, we approved a 4% raise for them both.
  • Provided our hiring document and checklist to the Chair of the Literature Committee for an upcoming editing position for the new FA book.


Bylaws Committee (Sue H., Chair)

The Bylaws Chair updated the WSB Manual with changes from the various committees.


Chapter and Intergroup Support Committee (Misch E., Chair)

The Chapter and Intergroup Support Committee (CISC) is currently serving two chapters, three intergroups and eight areas which have formed committees to assist the work of their local meetings.  The areas that have formed local committees may or may not aspire to become a chapter; one was formerly a chapter.  These local groups choose to call themselves, “Pre-Chapter Meetings,” “Local Service Committees,” “Meeting of the Meetings,” or something similar. The CISC is re-examining its mission in light of these evolving models.  Questions are being considered as to how the CISC and the intergroups and chapters can work best to support these emerging service groups.

The monthly CISC meetings focus on sharing information, resources and experiences as each group reports their activities and achievements, as well as their challenges. Each month a topic is explored and discussed – the topics are frequently on up-to-date methods for using today’s technology to get the word out regarding FA. 

connection Committee (Anna B., chair)

  • The connection WAI survey results were presented to the entire WAI meeting in July, and of special note was the following: Over 50% of those who answered the survey question said connection has helped their recovery; almost 90% believe the magazine is good for newcomers as well as long-time members.
  • The EAI connection committee is once again offering writing sessions throughout the Eastern Intergroup area. Writing sessions provide an opportunity to engage in the service of writing for FA's magazine - a service to other food addicts, as we learn to share our stories on paper, and a service to our own recovery, as we are prompted to describe on paper moments of our own progress.  Please let us know if your meeting, chapter, or region would like to bring your fellowship together around a writing session by emailing eaiconnection@foodaddicts.org.  Our committee is also developing a design session to offer later this year, in which we can bring together FA members interested in making a visual contribution to the magazine with their photographs, drawings, cartoons, or collages.
  • The writing team coordinator is looking for writing team leaders for Sacramento, CA; Central Valley, CA; Western MA, VT and NH; and TX. Please email connection@foodaddicts.org for details.
  • The connection Rep Network’s next conference call is Sunday, October 21 at 8.00 pm EST. To make sure that your meeting’s connection Rep is registered, please email connectionrep@foodaddicts.org.
  • The connection Rep coordinator is developing a pamphlet called “Now you are a connection Rep.”

Convention Planning Committee (Adrienne P., Chair)

The Convention Planning Committee is getting ready to start sending out correspondence and details for our next FA Business Convention, to be held at The CoCo Keys Water Resort and Hotel in Danvers, MA, June 7th-9th, 2013.  The hotel has assured us that their internal renovations should be completed by then and the conditions of the hotel will be vastly improved.

We are also beginning negotiations to secure a date and location for our next FA Fellowship Convention, to be held in the Bay Area in the Fall of 2014.  There will be ample service opportunities for those who are interested in helping out with the events.  Please feel free to contact us at convention@foodaddicts.org for more information.

Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to seeing you at either or both conventions!


Literature Committee (Jane M., Chair) 

Accomplishments for Current Quarter

FA Book

Thirty-two stories have been finalized and the pre-story material, doctor’s opinion, and FA History have been written.


Pamphlets and New Literature Requests

All currently published pamphlets in English and Spanish, plus the newly translated German pamphlets have been redesigned and are awaiting coordination for printing with the website launch.



Four new CDs have been published, one in Spanish and three English speaking CDs.  Four additional English speaking CDs recorded at the 2012 Business Convention have been processed and are awaiting online availability.


Language Translation

Translations Completed:  

  • German-Food Addiction: There is a Solution
  • German-Are You Having Trouble Controlling the Way You Eat


Goals for Next Quarter

FA Book

Review to be completed by professional editor and a professional book designer will design the layout of the book in collaboration with the Design Committee.  Remain on track for publishing by 2013 Business Convention with initial printing of books for sale.  


Members of the fellowship who have experience with book distribution, particularly e-publishing and who meet the abstinence/AWOL requirements are invited to submit an application for membership to the Literature Committee at literature@foodaddicts.org.  Applications can be found on the For Members section of the website under the Literature link/Documents & Forms/Literature Committee and Subcommittee Application Process.


Pamphlets and New Literature Requests




While preserving anonymity, the committee continues to develop CD subtitles to make it easier for FA members to distinguish between or identify CDs.  This project should be finished in four months.  Sixty-four are complete; 15 remain to be done.


Identify four English speakers to record their stories at June 2013 Business Convention.


Language Translation 

Spanish – Meeting Format to be updated to reflect updates in the English version.

German – Meeting Guidelines (Documents 1-7); Teens/Twenties, Men in Recovery, To Our

Families/Friends, Before You Take the Bite, Just For Today card and 7th Tradition will be reviewed for translation.


Office Committee (Ruth M., Chair)

In the last three months, many hours of dedicated work have gone into continuing the final steps needed to complete the immense task of redesigning our FA website.  Thank you for your patience and support.  If you have questions or concerns about the website, please contact web@foodaddicts.org.


Public Information (Kris M., Chair)

The highlights of the past three months (July, August, and September) for the Public Information (PI) Committee include the following:  


  • We participated in the following events either by having a booth or by sending trifolds to be included in the events’ giveaway bags: National Conference on Addiction Disorders, Lifestyle Intervention National Conference, Walk From Obesity in California, New York, Ohio & Pennsylvania.
  • One of our committee members made a list of national rehab centers to find out whether they have a place for weblinks or to send letters to the healthcare professional. Of the 65 listed, some of them have food treatment programs to which letters and trifolds are being sent. 
  • The Weblinks team successfully got FA’s website added to additional university and health organization websites, including:
    • Food Addiction Institute: http://foodaddictioninstitute.org/for-food-addicts/recommended-resources/
    • Fletcher Allen Health Care: http://www.fletcherallen.org/health_information/?id=shc42
    • Bulimia: http://www.bulimia.com/client/client_pages/links_helpful.cfm


Traditions Review Committee (Dan B., Chair) 

Process for Consideration of Traditions Issues:

  • Issues and concerns are submitted in writing, by email, to traditions@foodaddicts.org by individuals, meetings, chapters, intergroups, or the World Service Board.
  • The Traditions Review Committee (TRC) meets on a quarterly (or as needed) basis to review and discuss how the Twelve Traditions might guide consideration of issues and concerns and respond to those who have sent inquiries.
  • Issues are also reviewed over email, as needed.
  • The TRC responds in a timely manner to those who have sent inquiries.
  • A summary of issues and responses is sent to the general fellowship, when appropriate, through WSB quarterly and annual reports.


Sample Traditions issues reviewed this quarter:

  • Issue: A member asked if the TRC saw any issue with launching a new website which lists open live AWOLs.
  • Response: The TRC did not see any issue with this because AWOLs are not FA meetings and FA has no opinion on outside issues.


  • Issue: The WSI PI committee inquired about an advertising opportunity that was brought to them by two FA groups which were considering an offer to place FA advertising on their local pharmacy's prescription bags. The opportunity was to print the FA logo/information on 24,000 prescription bags for distribution to their customers over approximately one year. The cost would be approximately $600 (non-profit rate). The PI Committee would like the TRC’s input specifically regarding Tradition 11.
  • Response: The TRC does not recommend proceeding with this opportunity. Traditions 6 and 11 were considered. Tradition 6 states that “an FA group ought never endorse…or lend the FA name to any outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property, and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.” Having the FA logo on the pharmacy’s bags could result in a misunderstanding that FA is somehow affiliated with or endorses the specific pharmacy. Tradition 11's first sentence about attraction rather than promotion was also considered which states that “our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion.” Having FA information and the logo on the bags could be interpreted as a form of advertising leaning towards “promotion.” The desire to reach food addicts through this means is understandable since 24,000 people are a large number of people to reach for what seems to be a reasonable price. However, the TRC was unanimous in the interpretation that this idea is not in line with FA Traditions.


  • Issue: A meeting passed a motion to discontinue asking if there are any FA or AWOL announcements. The reason given was that AWOLS that did not allow mood-altering medications and caffeine were violating the 10th Tradition which states FA has no opinion on outside issues. The individual stated that “traditional” AWOLS not allowing mood-altering medications and caffeine were violating Tradition 10 because the AWOL was opining on outside issues. What are the TRC’s thoughts on this? Can individual meetings make this type of change in the meeting format?
  • Response: Based on the TRC’s understanding of FA’s Meeting Requirements and Standards, AWOL announcements are not required as part of a meeting format. By group conscience, a meeting may choose to leave AWOL announcements out of their format. That being said, the FA Conference voted at the 2012 Business Convention to include AWOL announcements in the FA Sample Meeting Format. Specific wording for announcing AWOLs is included in the new FA Meeting Guidelines published in September 2012. If the AWOL announcement is made as suggested, the TRC does not believe that there is a 10th Tradition issue. By merely announcing that a live local AWOL is open or opening, stating the date and time of the AWOL and stating the names of the leaders, the announcing member is not expressing an opinion regarding an outside issue.  The recommended AWOL announcement does not include references to “traditional” or “non-traditional” or list any of the AWOL commitments as this could become Tradition 5 (negative impact on the newcomer) and/or Tradition 10 issues. When the next live AWOL opens, or is going to open, the inquirer may want to bring up this issue again, at the business meeting, and reference the above thoughts.  Ultimately, using the suggested FA AWOL announcement, as written, may be the simplest way to resolve this situation.



  • The TRC responded to inquiries from the Writing and Editing Subcommittee (WES) of the Literature committee regarding both specific content within the FA Book and the publishing method.
  • The TRC supported the FA Office in responding to a member’s question about the suggestion in the new FA Meeting Guidelines not to hold open 12 step meetings or use the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions (“12 and 12”) for a literature meeting and, as well, the suggestion to skip certain pages of the Big Book during a big book meeting.


TRC Referrals:

  • If the TRC receives inquiries that are not specifically related to the Twelve Traditions, the committee reviews the issue or concern and decides to which WSB committee or intergroup/chapter board the inquiry and the resulting TRC comments should be forwarded.
  • Often the inquirer is encouraged to review the FA Meeting Guidelines & seek group conscience at their business meetings.


Twelfth Step Committee (Jim S., Chair)

  • Gratitude in Action, FA’s e-newsletter with stories of FA news and service, is sent to every FA member who is registered on the website: www.foodaddicts.org.  The last two editions included:
    • o Opening and closing remarks at the FA World Service Convention and o Information on participating in an FA Thank-a-thon.
  • The Frontier Phone List is being sent monthly to members with no FA meetings and to FA WSI contacts for distribution on meeting literature tables. The email to members on the Frontier contains a monthly message that supports abstinence when meetings are unavailable.  The last several communications have included:
    • o Traveling and staying abstinent by connecting with FA folks and doing service. An FA member's experience of going to the state of Washington and planning trips near FA meetings to receive medicine while traveling. o An FA member's experience receiving strength and hope from attending the business convention. o Ways to stay connected by doing service, being open to share your experience with others about FA recovery:
      • Posting trifolds in the community.
      • Distributing letters to healthcare professionals and faith care providers.
      • Attending the business convention.
      • Connecting with FA members who are doing service at the Intergroup and Chapter levels and seeing how they can be of service and  Writing an article for the Connection magazine.
    • The Frontier Sponsor List is being sent quarterly to members with no FA meetings and to FA WSI contacts for signing-up new sponsor-getters on meeting literature tables.
    • The Universal Language List is being sent quarterly to WSI contacts for distribution and sign-up on meeting literature tables.
    • The Meeting Effectiveness, Accessibility, Safety and Effectiveness Sub-Committee meets as needed to discuss inquiries on meeting guidelines and requirements and other meeting issues, and to support and encourage intergroup’s monthly meeting health messages. In the last quarter, these have been: o Are the members of your meeting arriving 10-15 minutes early to set up the room and greet newcomers?
      • o Does your meeting start on time?
      • o If you have a service position at your meeting, do you get someone to cover for you if you won't be at your meeting?
      • o How do you "do what you can when you can" in your committed meetings?
      • o Do you use writing as a tool for your recovery and if you have 90 days or more of continuous abstinence have you submitted an article for the Connection magazine lately?
      • o If eligible, when was the last time you served as your meeting’s leader?
      • o Are you making sure that you are connecting with those new to the meeting before talking amongst your peers at the break and before and after the meeting?
    • Conversations between the three intergroup 12th Step committee chairs and the WSI 12th Step Committee are encouraged and facilitated.




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