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Quarterly Report 2012 - Oct-Dec

WSI CHAIR’S REPORT – October/November/December 2012

(Elissa P., WSI Chair)

In October 2012, the WSB met for their annual in-person board meeting. The meeting took place in Woburn, MA. The WSB met from 9 to 5 on Saturday, October 27th and again from 8 to noon on Sunday, October 28th. In addition to reviewing standard agenda items, the board engaged in a very useful process to help differentiate between urgent matters and absolute priorities. The result: four smaller working groups were developed to continue to address issues related to publicizing the book; carrying the message to newcomers; planning/designing more effective conventions; and strengthening the design committee, the IRC, and Intergroups. Over the past 2 months, the working groups have been meeting regularly to address these topics and will continue to do so. The WSB met by phone for two hours in November and will meet again as a whole, by phone in January.

The Office Committee Chair, Ruth M., from CA stepped down in early December. A new Office Committee Chair will be appointed soon to carry out Ruth’s term which ends in June, 2014. In the meanwhile, Joan M., of CA has been appointed to oversee the website project.

WSB PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT – October/November/December 2012

(Dave I., Chair of Personnel and Vice-Chair of WSI)

  • My primary work this quarter was to support the office committee and website project team in completing this most intensive and worthwhile project. With the early resignation of the Office Chair, I have been able to support the continuation of the web project to ensure that the website is launched in January.
  • The Personnel Committee also gave guidance and support to the Office Chair in managing the performance reviews of our office support, as well as for the potential hiring of a contract position for the PI Committee.
  • On behalf of the WSB, I also spent extensive time exploring options for the Literature Committee for the distribution and marketing of our upcoming FA book.
  • I also provided ongoing support to our chair, as well as chairs of various committees, regarding WSB related issues.

WSI COMMITTEE REPORTS – October/November/December 2012 Bylaws Committee (Sue H., Chair)

The bylaws committee submitted two motions to the Board Motions Review Committee for their feedback.

Chapter and Intergroup Support Committee (Misch E., Chair)

  • October 2012
    • o The Chapters, Michigan and Maine, gave reports at the
    • o The meeting topic was “Strategies on how to involve meetings and service areas with their intergroup or chapter when they are located too far away to attend the business ”
    • o The Southeastern Area Intergroup [SAI] voted to become a

·       November 2012

  • o The Eastern Area Intergroup [EAI] hosted their annual Chapter, Region and Meeting Weekend, the first weekend in November. One hundred seventy-three people participated, and it was a great success. Regular members of this committee were able to attend and do service at the
  • o The Intergroups, Western Area Intergroup [WAI] and EAI, gave reports at this
  • o The Chair of the World Service Board [WSB] Office Committee attended the meeting, gave an update on the website, and answered concerns regarding possible website
  • o The meeting topic was “How can intergroups, chapters, and local service committees help struggling meetings that are not geographically close to any established meeting?”
    • An effort had been made to invite contacts from small FA meetings.
    • There were over 50 participants in the meeting which usually runs between 20 and 30; the topic did attract many newcomers from small, isolated meetings.
  • December 2012 – We are not having a meeting in the month of December; our next meeting will be January 20, 2013.
  • Minutes from CISC meetings are available upon request. CISC.foodaddicts.org

connection Committee (Anna B., chair)

  • connection magazine is entirely funded by subscriptions from the FA fellowship, to the tune of $29,000 a year but falls short by $4,000 a year. Two hundred extra subscriptions a year will make a difference. If you would like to support the magazine -- subscribe today at www.foodaddicts.org. Need help? Email connection@foodaddicts.org. We're happy to give you a hand!
  • The next connection rep conference call is Sunday 17th February, 5pm PST/ 8pm EST.
  • The next Writing Team Leader call is Sunday 3rd March, 5pm PST/ 8pm EST.
  • For more information about these calls and any other inquiries, comments or suggestions regarding connection, please email connection@foodaddicts.org.

Convention Planning Committee (Adrienne P., Chair)

  • The next World Service Business Convention will be June 7- 9 2013, at the DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel in Danvers, MA. Hotel reservations may be made by using the following link: http://doubletree.hilton.com/en/dt/groups/personalized/B/BOSNSDT-FAA- 20130603/index.jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG Please note: reservations must be made by May 10, 2013 in order to insure the group rate of $128 per night, (single-quad occupancy).
  • FA members may register online beginning February 1, 2013. All prospective attendees must register by May 10, 2013, (there will be no food plans available after this date, but onsite registration for the convention will be available along with a $15 late fee).
  • Meetings are encouraged to elect a WSC member as soon as possible. All WSC members must register by March 7, 2013.

Literature Committee (Jane M., Chair) Accomplishments for Current Quarter

FA Book

Pre-story material reviewed and specifications for the book design were sent to the book designer.

Pamphlets and New Literature Requests

All currently published pamphlets in English and Spanish, plus two newly translated German pamphlets have been printed and are available with the website launch.


Four additional English speaking CDs recorded at the 2012 Business Convention, processed and available with the website launch.

Goals for Next Quarter

FA Book

Fully completed manuscript to the printer for publishing and for sale to FA members by the 2013 Business Convention.

Members of the fellowship who have experience with book distribution, particularly

e-publishing, and who meet the abstinence/AWOL requirements, are invited to submit an application for membership to the Literature Committee at literature@foodaddicts.org.

Applications can be found on the For Members section of the website under the Literature Service page/Documents and Forms/Literature Committee and Application Process.


While preserving anonymity, the committee continues to develop CD subtitles to make it easier for FA members to distinguish between or identify CD’s. This project should be finished in four months. Sixty-four are complete, 15 remain to be done.

Identify four English speakers to record their stories at the June 2013 Business Convention.

Language Translation

Spanish – Meeting Format to be updated to reflect updates in the English version.

German – Continue to discuss future priorities. Possibly: Meeting Guidelines (Documents 1-7), Teens/Twenties, Men in Recovery, To Our Families/Friends, Before You Take the Bite, Just For Today card and 7th Tradition.

Public Information Committee (Kris M., Chair)

The highlights of the past three months (October, November, December) for the Public Information committee include the following:

·       Convention – interactive sessions and book support

The PI committee started planning PI-focused interactive sessions for the annual World Service Business Convention in order to think about how to best promote the FA book and how to reach doctors.

·       Waiting room booklet

The PI committee discussed the success of the waiting room booklet within the Eastern Area Intergroup and when it might be made generally available once it’s gone through the design committee process.

·       Supporting smaller areas conversation

We discussed how to help smaller areas build a fellowship through PI activities such as sending out PSA’s to radio stations.

·       Information Sessions

Dallas, TX - Dallas held an info session which led to a local nightly news TV story which yielded 16 newcomers. http://www.wfaa.com/video?id=173962711&sec=552922&ref=articlevidmod Melbourne, Australia - Melbourne also held an info session which yielded five newcomers and an interview on a popular morning radio show: http://soundcloud.com/899lightfm/what-is-food-addiction

·       National Health Conventions

Diabetes Expo – American Diabetes Association (ADA) - Minneapolis

FA members from the Wisconsin fellowship traveled to Minnesota to host a booth at this important health convention where they gave out trifolds and literature to the general public and six health professionals.

National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA) conference – Tampa, FL

FA members traveled to the Tampa, Florida, area to hand out waiting room booklets to health professionals and collected their business cards for follow-up.

Southern Obesity Summit – Charlotte, NC

FA members in Charlotte had a booth at what is the largest regional obesity prevention event in the United States.

American Public Health Association (APHA)

Members in San Francisco, California, hosted a booth at this national conference.

·       Earlier in the year:

National Association of Addiction Treatment Professionals conference (AZ)

The Healthcarewatch committee sent 400 trifolds for bag inserts.

Annual Primary Care Today convention in Toronto, Canada

FA members hosted a booth.

International Conference on Eating Disorders (TX)

Members in Austin, TX, manned a booth.

Binge Eating Disorder Association conference (PA)

Members from the Philadelphia fellowship distributed trifolds.

If you hear of a doctor you’d like to have contacted or know of a national or regional convention or conference that might be relevant for FA to attend, email: healthcarewatch@foodaddicts.org

·       Regional Highlights:

Atlanta PI activities

The local fellowship has put up trifolds at local gyms, one of which has a literature table on certain days that includes FA literature.

Michigan Chapter PI activities

The local FA fellowship in mid-Michigan was involved with three health fairs. Two were at the local colleges and one at Covenant Health Care. One person has come to FA meetings from those health fairs so far.

·       National Magazine Editorial Calendar project

Shape magazine, Fitness, Self, Prevention, Men’s Health, and People magazine are among the first publications where members of the PI committee are gathering their editorial calendars to be prepared to reach out when there are relevant topics, i.e. when Self magazine recently highlighted Compulsive Eaters Anonymous.

·       Weblinks

The Weblinks team continues to reach out to public, corporate and university websites where FA’s webpage link can potentially be posted. They are currently reaching out to bariatric surgery clinics and using the Healthcare Outreach Tool, located on the website under Public Info: hwww.foodaddicts.org/members/professionals-and-faith-community- outreach

To recommend a site where FA should be listed in the resources section or a college site where FA should be listed as a resource, email: weblinks@foodaddicts.org

·       MediaWatch

We responded to over 20 articles, including the New York Daily News article, and are now on 20 blogs. If you see a blog where comments can be made, and it would be a relevant topic to have FA post a comment, email blogwatch@foodaddicts.org

·       BlogWatch

We are now on 20 blogs. If you see a blog where comments can be made, and it would be a relevant topic to have FA post a comment, email blogwatch@foodaddicts.org

·       Cision Media List requests

Ten to fifteen requests were filled by members around the US who requested lists of their local media to contact for PI activities. To request a list for your area, send an email with the name of your local cities and zip codes to: pi@foodaddicts.org

Traditions Review Committee (Dan B., Chair)

Individuals, meetings, chapters, intergroups, or the World Service Board may submit Traditions related inquiries by email to the Traditions Review Committee (TRC) at traditions@foodaddicts.org.

  • The TRC reviewed more than ten issues during the past quarter and held a quarterly conference call in December.
  • The TRC formed a new sub-committee to consolidate and index historical TRC issues and responses and a second committee to focus on providing exposure to meetings and individuals of practical applications of the Traditions within FA - both committees will begin work in 2013.
  • Inquires received this quarter requested TRC input on the following items:
    • o Whether the Traditions apply to AWOLs;
    • o Whether announcing non-FA meetings, including “phone meetings”, “12-step study groups” (not AWOLs), or “writing groups” conflict with the Traditions;
    • o Whether allowing water drinking at meetings conflicts with the Traditions;
    • o A group of meetings in an area hundreds of miles away from an intergroup meeting location expressed concern about potentially losing their opportunity to vote at intergroup based on proposed bylaw changes;
    • o A member authoring a book had multiple questions regarding the 11th Tradition (maintenance of personal anonymity at level of press, radio, film);
    • o Whether circulating a second separate basket at a meeting (in addition to the 7th Tradition collection) to be used as a special fund to fly in a speaker for an FA Information Session conflicts with the Traditions;
    • o Whether earmarking 7th Tradition collections (at a meeting held at a hospital that donates the space at no cost to FA) towards a specific program that supports employee health, rather than a general donation, raises Traditions related concerns; and
    • o Whether setting up an internet video conference broadcast from a meeting to members more than 100 miles away raises Traditions related issues.
  • The TRC also referred a handful of issues to the WSB Inquiry Response Committee.
  • Committee members continue to work on finalizing responses to these issues and will be responding to the inquirers in the near future. As well, responses to key issues will be communicated to the fellowship. Members are always welcome to contact the TRC at the above email address for additional information on any reviewed issues.

Twelfth Step Committee (Jim S., Chair)

Gratitude in Action, FA’s e-newsletter with stories of FA news and service, is sent to every FA member who is registered on the website: www.foodaddicts.org. Recent issues have covered “How to Start a New Meeting” and “Holding an FA Information Session”.

The Frontier Phone List is sent monthly to members with no FA meetings and to FA WSI contacts for distribution on meeting literature tables. Frontier status has been defined as 100 miles / 161 km from a meeting. The email to members on the Frontier contains a monthly message that supports abstinence when no FA meetings are available. These messages included:

  • A story written by one of the founders of the fellowship in Canada about staying abstinent with no meetings, and forming a fellowship where none existed before;
  • Information on Thank-a-thons around the U. S; and
  • How Bill W. started to pass on the message of recovery;

The Frontier Sponsor List is a list of members who are willing to help members without meetings locate a sponsor, and is being sent quarterly to members with no FA meetings and to FA WSI contacts for sign-up on meeting literature tables.

The Universal Language List is a list of members with at least conversational abilities in languages other than English, and is being sent quarterly to WSI contacts for distribution and sign-up on meeting literature tables.

The Meeting Effectiveness, Accessibility, Safety and Effectiveness Sub-Committee is meeting to discuss and collect for timely consideration inquiries on meeting guidelines and requirements, and other meeting issues, and to support and encourage the Intergroup’s monthly meeting health messages. These messages included:

  • If you have a service position at your meeting, do you get someone to cover for you if you won't be at your meeting? (EAI)
  • If eligible, when was the last time you served as your meeting’s leader? (SAI)
  • Do you frequently do the service of answering or returning phone calls from FA members? (SAI)
  • Service is essential to our recovery. No amount of service is too small – and it’s never too early to begin. If you don’t yet have your 90 days, are you consistently raising your hand to read at your meetings? (WAI)
  • Are members with less than 90 days given priority for reading tools and Big Book passages from the format? (EAI)
  • Is your meeting taking advantage of the Public Information tool kit located on the FA website to carry the message of recovery to your area? (WAI)
  • Are all members of your meeting with 90 days of abstinence staying for monthly business meetings? (EAI)
  • At your meetings, are you refraining from engaging in activities that might distract others? Such activities may include texting, talking or whispering, leaving your phone on (even on vibrate), chewing gum, drinking water, talking back to the speaker or putting on hand lotion. (WAI)

The Intergroups report that over 18 Thank-a-thons were held on U. S. Thanksgiving Day, and that over 1,000 people attended.


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