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Quarterly Report 2013 - July-Sep

October 2013

Dear FA Members:

Please go to www.foodaddicts.org, to view this quarter‟s report from the World Service Board. The report contains details of many of the WSI endeavors completed during July, August, and September.

Thank you to our entire fellowship for all that you do! If you are personally looking to do more service, please let the board know by sending an email to fa@foodaddicts.org. There is no shortage of ways to be useful!

The next annual FA World Service Business Convention will take place from Friday, June 6th through Sunday, June 8th, 2014 in Danvers, Massachusetts at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel. This is a change from the dates that were previously announced in June. Please mark your calendars accordingly. The dates for the 2014 Fellowship Convention have remained the same. That convention will take place on October 24th-26th at the Santa Clara Marriott in Santa Clara, California.

We hope everyone is enjoying the FA book. We have already sold over 8,000 copies, and are well on our way toward a third printing of another 5,000 books. Please continue to pass it on!

There are currently 545 FA meetings worldwide. To date, all but 2 of these meetings (contact pending), have reregistered with the FA office, thus acknowledging their adherence to the FA Conference-Approved Meeting Requirements and Standards. How wonderful to have such consistency within our program of recovery! It surely supports our organization‟s intent that, “No matter where in the world one finds an FA meeting, one can readily recognize and find FA recovery in that room.”

With gratitude, Elissa P.

WSI Chair

WSI CHAIR‟S REPORT – July/August/September 2013 – Elissa P.

The WSB last met on September 22, 2013. Minutes from the previous meeting (June 28, 2013) were passed unanimously. A new simplified version of the Treasury report was reviewed and unanimously accepted.

This report will offer greater clarity, easier forecasting, and more simplicity when being passed on to successive treasurers. We are very grateful to our current treasurer, and the whole finance committee.

The WSB also reviewed and passed Section I of the WSB Manual, assuring that all committee responsibilities are clearly defined, and that all current board members are aware of the workings of every WSI committee.

In addition to all of the work being done by each committee chair and each WSI standing committee, the WSB continues to be supported by several other WSB standing committees. The IRC (Inquiry Response Committee) responded to 5 issues this quarter. The Book Committee monitored purchase and sales of the new book, including completion of a second printing, and a proposal for a third printing. The Book committee also continued to monitor feedback regarding how the book is being used. The Design Committee has continued working on projects to ensure that the new logo is added to FA materials, where necessary. The WSB will likely employ the help of the BMRC (Board Motions Review Committee) in this upcoming quarter. See below for update on the Personnel Committee.

The WSB spent significant time this quarter determining an agenda for the upcoming in-person board meeting to be held in MA on October 19th and 20th. We look forward to a fruitful outcome!

WSB PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT - Dave I., Chair of Personnel and Vice-Chair of WSI

  • As chair of the Personnel Committee, I (along with my committee) provided extensive support to the chair of the office committee in personnel issues related to the salary range of an employee.
  • I received input from several FA members, at large, regarding the literature committee‟s request to re-write some FA pamphlets.
  • I gave the concluding remarks at the June Business Convention, and supported the chair and the board throughout the convention.
  • As the liaison to the board, I gave ongoing support and direction to the chair of the Literature Committee‟s “publishing and distribution” sub-committee.
  • I provided ongoing support to the WSB Chair and was actively involved in the Executive Committee in ongoing matters related to the WSB. I also offered ongoing support and suggestions to many of the chairs in their respective areas.

WSI COMMITTEE REPORTS – July/August/September 2013

Bylaws Committee (Sue H., Chair)

  • The Bylaws Committee worked with members of the EAI on a motion they want to present at the Convention, regarding the process of Intergroups and Chapters bringing motions to the Conference. After much discussion, EAI has decided to present the idea/motion to its own voting body as a Continuing Effects Motion.
  • Continued to update the WSB Manual.

Chapter and Intergroup Support Committee (Norma Jean P., Chair)

The Chapter and Intergroup Support Committee has taken on a new direction this year. This year, the CISC will focus on supporting all service groups: Intergroups, local service committees, and areas in which fellows from 2 or more meetings are gathering, informally, to organize Information Sessions or otherwise reach the still suffering food addict. With our new direction, we will also have a new name. The new name requires a change to the FA bylaws. The new name will be proposed at the 2014 Business Convention.

We have continued to have regular conference calls. The calls take place on the third Sunday of every other month from 3:30pm – 5:00 pm EST. All are welcome. At these calls, service groups report on activities from the past 2 months. The calls offer FA members the opportunity to gain new ideas for their own Fellowships, and to ask questions. We also have discussions about topics, such as „The service structure of FA,‟ and „How to use Weblinks.‟ Minutes are generated from the meetings and are posted under the IG/Chapter tab on the home page of our website. There is an index of prior minutes on the website, as well. If you would like to attend a conference call meeting, please refer to the July or September 2013 minutes, on the FA website, for the phone number and access code.

connection Committee (Anna B., chair)

  • Finances: For the fiscal year July 2012 – June 2013, the connection generated a positive income, for the first time. Net Income = $3,200 (Income = $36,060, Expenses =$32,860). Thank you for supporting the magazine by buying it, rather than borrowing it!
  • Digital connection: The connection Committee has continued to look into producing a digital version of the magazine. We are exploring how to do so, technically, as well as the impact, financially. As the initial expense is considerable, the committee is planning to survey a sampling of the fellowship, to gauge the demand for a digital version.
  • Author Contact List: In order to enable readers to contact authors when an article is particularly meaningful to them, the connection Committee has begun an Author Contact List. This will come into effect once the database of author‟s contact info has been built up.
  • Subscription Reminders: Subscribers should be receiving email reminders as their subscription draws to an end, and once it has expired. If you are still not getting reminders, please let us know at connection@foodaddicts.org.
  • Artwork Submissions: connection is always looking for artists, illustrators and photographers. There are artist‟s guidelines are at www.foodaddicts.org (under Magazine/ Get Involved).
  • Article Submissions: More articles are needed. There are writer‟s guidelines available at www.foodaddicts.org (under Magazine/ Get Involved) and writing coaches happy to help you. They can be reached at connection@foodaddicts.org.
  • connection Representative call: The next connection Rep Network Conference call is November 24th, 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT. Please email connectionrep@foodaddicts.org for further details and to make sure you are on the email list for the connection Rep Network.
  • EAI Writing Sessions: connection committee members have been facilitating Writing Sessions throughout the Eastern Area Intergroup, providing opportunities in which FA members can discuss what kind of stories work best for the magazine, prompts to stimulate story ideas, and uninterrupted time, in which to write. If your meeting, region, or chapter, would like to host a writing session, please contact eaiconnection@foodaddicts.org.
  • Content Subcommittee: At the June Business Convention, the Content Subcommittee hosted a session on writing quality, looking at the AA Grapevine to discover essential elements that can be used to write impactful connection articles that best serve the FA fellowship. WAI held similar sessions on writing quality at its August and September meetings. The Grapevine receives about 2500 article submissions a month (as of 10 years ago) and connection receives about 12 submissions a month.

Convention Planning Committee (Adrienne P., Chair)-

Since our last successful Business Convention in Danvers, MA, June 7-9th 2013, the Convention Planning Committee has been firming up plans for next year. We signed a contract with The Doubletree by Hilton Hotel for both 2014 and 2015, (at the same Danvers location). Please note, the dates for our next Business Convention have been changed, the new dates are June 6th-8th 2014. Please mark your calendars, as we would love to see you there! We are also beginning to think about our plans for the 2014 Fellowship Convention, which will be held on October 24th-26th at the Santa Clara Marriott in California, (the same location where it was held in 2009). We hope to have people there from every part of our worldwide community, as there will be many opportunities for both service and fellowship. Please feel free to contact us at convention@foodaddicts.org if you have any questions or would like to get involved.

Literature Committee (Tracy G., Chair)

Along with the WSB, the Writing and Editing Subcommittee (WES) started discussing the possibility of rewriting many FA pamphlets. The committee feels that four of the pamphlets may someday need to be rewritten. We also proposed writing a new pamphlet for medical providers. We wrote a very rough draft of the Men‟s pamphlet. The WSB reviewed this pamphlet and asked that efforts in this direction be tabled. Currently, the WES is revisiting the idea of a tools

pamphlet to replace “Living Abstinently.” We feel that the individual tools found in the FA format must be reviewed first. Ongoing and thoughtful discussion on this topic will take place over an extended period of time.

The CD Subcommittee titled/subtitled and submitted to the office for production and distribution the 4 speaker CDs recorded at the June 2013 business conference. We are in the process of contacting past speakers/recorders to make recommendations for future speakers/recorders. The subcommittee is starting to think about speakers for the 2014 business and fellowship conventions. We are considering the possibility of working with the FA archiving project to record old-timers in new ways (very beginning conceptual stage, maybe to tie in with 2014 fellowship convention).

The Translation Subcommittee has turned over four German pamphlets to the Office Committee to be placed on the website. These include: the Just For Today card, 20 Questions, Food Addiction There is a Solution and Are you having Trouble Controlling the Way You Eat? Some Thoughts on Sponsoring is in the final editing stage and will be ready to be placed on the website in the next week or two. The German website was updated and the German tri-folds are ready to be placed on the website. In the queue are the Teens and Twenties pamphlet, To the Families pamphlet, Men in Recovery pamphlet and updating the meeting format all in German.

The Publication Subcommittee has nothing at this time.

Office Committee (Jane M., Chair)

Accomplishments for Current Quarter:

The months of July through September have been devoted to organizing 46 members on three subcommittees, and one ad hoc subcommittee, to support the World Service Office (WSO) so that it may better serve the needs of the newcomer, FA members, FA service bodies, and the public at large.

The subcommittees of the Office Committee (OC) are:

Meeting Information & Registration subcommittee (MI & RS) Website Quality Review subcommittee (WQRS)

Secretary & Documentation subcommittee (S & DS) Online subcommittee (ad hoc) (OS)

Meeting Information & Registration subcommittee (MI & RS)

There are four distinct service bodies that make up the MI & RS:

  • Intergroup and Chapter Office Committee Chairs, and their support persons
  • WSI Chapter/Intergroup subcommittee chair (CISC)
  • Website Database Committee
  • Local Service Area/Frontier Area Committee

The purpose of these groups is to assist the WSO, Intergroups and Chapters, and Local Service Area/Frontier service area fellows to effectively perform back office functions that support meetings and members. In addition, these groups educate members and meetings so that they can operate efficiently and correctly within the methodology set up by WSI and the WSI Office Committee. For example: ensuring that meeting contacts are familiar with their roles and how to send meeting changes, how to properly send work requests, etc.

Website Quality Review subcommittee (WQRS)

There are five distinct service bodies that make up the WQRS. The following are updates from these service bodies:

  • Website Documentation Consistency Committee: Clarified tasks among new group members; reviewed documents for next steps.
  • Website Editing Committee: Began work on editing the "New to FA" section of the website.
  • Website Testing Committee: No report at this time
  • FAQ Committee: Clarified responsibilities and tasks; began reviewing current FAQs
  • Website Integration Committee: Identified most utilized sections of the website in order to prioritize integration projects; recruited two committee members.

Secretary & Documentation subcommittee (S & DS)

There are four distinct service bodies that make up the S&DS. The following are updates from these service bodies:

·       Archive Committee:

  • o Preliminary areas of inquiry have been determined: early history of FA in the Boston area; documentation of business conventions, (working backwards from 2013); history of FA in other countries, including England and Australia; history of FA
  • o The committee has established a
  • o The committee has begun to establish procedures for storing physical artifacts. In addition to studying AA archiving strategies, a member will join an archiving society, in order to learn and adopt proper procedures for this project.
  • CD Speaker Contact Info Committee: Committee members will presently start contacting all FA CD Speakers to verify that speaker information is up to date.
  • Newcomer Email Response Committee: Currently under formation.
  • Phone Support Committee: Committee is in place, and has received instructions on standard procedures for responding to phone calls after hours. One FA member for each weeknight, and all day on weekends, will monitor the FA office voicemail system, and will respond within 24 hours to phone inquiries requesting basic information about FA.

Online subcommittee (OS)

Developed purpose and functions of the subcommittee.

Goals for Next Quarter

Meeting Information & Registration subcommittee (MI & RS)

Continue to develop the subcommittee and organize processes that will be most effective for supporting WSO, Intergroups and Chapters, and Local Service areas/Frontier members.

Website Quality Review subcommittee (WQRS)

Inventory the PI section of the website, update/edit any documents that require the new logo or other changes; re-post the PI Toolkit as separate links on the website so that members can access individual documents more readily; re-write language on the website about how to request a Word version of the most frequently requested documents; complete review and updates to the pages in the “New to FA”, “Meetings”, and “Media and Professionals” sections of the website.

Secretary & Documentation subcommittee (S & DS)

Continue to interview early members, gather physical artifacts, and document all progress for the archiving project; complete the first round of updating on the CD Speakers list; begin a coordinated effort of providing after hours response to email inquiries received by the FA office from people asking for basic information about FA; begin assessment of procedures and best practices for performing committee work; continue documenting all committee activities, so that written procedure manual can be formed.

Online subcommittee (OC)

Discuss and develop procedures for WSI, IG and Chapter Boards or Committees to propose Website Work Projects.

Public Information (Kris M., Chair)

The PI Committee focused its efforts on creating a generic newspaper/media article available for placement by members of the FA fellowship. This article is now Board-approved. We also focused on starting new sub-committees for placing national PSA‟s and for contacting health reporters and magazine editors.

  • Generic article For those who may have been approached by journalists seeking an article they can easily plug in to their publication, this generic article is now available by requesting a copy from pi@foodaddicts.org
  • Posters, Tablecloths, signs, etc. We ask that all FA members please hold off on making their own signs, posters, flyers, cards or tablecloths, per request of the design committee. These are all under development for your future use with our current logo and design. If you urgently need a sign or tablecloth, etc., please email: pi@foodaddicts.org
  • Paid Advertising Three FA areas reported paying for placement of the FA text ad in local papers, including areas in California, Florida and Maine.
  • Survey The PI committee determined that we will be conducting another survey versus a census. We are now looking for volunteers to help with this service.

·       MediaWatch

  • o Mediawatch established 393 contacts, including sending out 371 emails and 22 hard-copy (Received 15 personal responses including some from notable experts in the field of obesity and addition.)
  • o We have noticed dramatic increase in volume. Previous volume was about 318 for a full year; now we have more than that for a quarter. (Volume increase likely due to AMA declaring obesity as a disease, as well as a major Canadian study suggesting that 1 out of 20 Canadians is a food addict. Also, there has likely been an increase of scanning the internet by FA members.)
    • Due to increase, we are re-structuring how MediaWatch works and asking for more volunteers to both research the articles AND send emails out. This will streamline the process and reduce the amount of administrative tracking.
  • o Sent the FA Book to three doctors who expressed interest in FA: David Ludwig,

M.D. (Harvard, Boston Children‟s Hospital); Robert Lustig M.D. (UCSF School of Medicine); Marvin Seppala M.D. (Chief Medical Officer at Hazelden)

  • o Communicated with several notable public figures about FA:
    • Anahad O‟Connor (Science and Health writer from New York Times)
    • Lindsay McGhay, Marketing Manager for Obesity Action Coalition (she asked us to contact her in September 25-28 2014 to participate in their annual convention in Fall 2014 in Orlando FL)
    • Guang Sun, M.D. Memorial University of Newfoundland (one of the researchers on the Canadian study suggesting that 5% of Canadians are food addicts)
  • Marvin Seppala, M.D., Chief Medical Officer at Hazelden (he responded “Thanks for your information about FA. I am glad to hear of your organization and will use your resources as I can. We have patients with the need for your meetings and we will offer this as an option.”)


  • We attended the Childhood Obesity Conference from June 18-20, 2013, in Long Beach, CA. Our participation was worth the investment. Approximately 100 trifold brochures were distributed.
  • We provided 500 trifold brochures for the “take-one” table at the American Psychological Association (APA) conference from July 31-August 4, 2013, in Honolulu, HI.
  • We provided 750 trifold brochures for participant take-home bags at the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior conference from August 9-12, 2013, in Portland, OR.
  • Three researchers responded to us with interest in further dialogue. Two researchers in Australia (Claire Collins and Kirrilly Pausey from University of Newcastle – small town north of Sydney); and Nicole M. Avena, Ph.D. New York Obesity Research Center, Columbia University is also interested in further dialogue and research of food addiction.

Weblinks Links Posted - Colleges: 3

Organizations: 39

Sites Contacted: 67

Links to date include:

Gradient psychotherapy (Boulder, CO) Boulder Integrative Therapies (Boulder, CO) 211 (Alameda County, CA)

211 (Nevada County, CA)

211 (Orange County, CA - service and agency links) 211 – (Volusia & Flagler Counties, FL)

Cleveland Clinic: Support groups (OHIO) 211 (Cleveland, all counties in OH) Network of Care (Cuyahoga County, OHIO)

Glenbeigh ACMC Healthcare System, Affiliate of Cleveland Clinic (OHIO) Network of Care (Delaware County, PA)

Seattle Crisis Resource Directory (Seattle, WA) Cigna: Overweight support groups (USA)

Forderkreis fur Ganzheitsmedizin (Council for Holistic Medicine, Germany) Addictions unplugged (USA)

Marin Network of Care (Marin County, CA)

Dartmouth Hitchcock Healthcare System (Dartmouth, Massachusetts)

Sierra Tuscon treatment center (Arizona); Behavioral Medicine Assoc. Atlanta (Georgia)

University of Michigan Health Systems Organization (Michigan) Mission Peaks Unitarian Universalist Cong Church (Fremont, California) PickyEaters (Jakarta, Indonesia)

Macomb Co Support Services (Michigan)

New Mexico Behavioral Health Resources (New Mexico) College of the Desert, Palm Desert CA (Palm Desert, California) Healthy Place has article re FA (USA)

Wikipedia (Worldwide)

University of Texas, Austin (Austin, Texas) Treasure Coast Recovery (Stuart FL)

NCADD Sacramento - Fellowships inspired by AA (Sacramento, California) Psychosocial Rehabilitation (book) (USA)

Sunlight of the Sprit (Sacramento, California) Elisa Project (Texas & Maryland) Supportworks (Charlotte, North Carolina) 211 Mendocino (Mendicino County, CA) 211 Alameda County (Alameda County, CA) Katimorton website

Healthy Mind, Healthy Body: resources BLOG (USA)

Friends of Choices: Supporting recovery from Chemical dependency (Los Angeles, CA) My Recovery Basics.Com (USA)


North-shore University Health systems, University of Chicago Sober Austin

Traditions Review Committee (Dan B., Chair)

  • The TRC reviewed thirteen issues since the annual report was published, referring three to other WSB committees
  • We held two meetings at the June, 2013 FA Business Convention
  • We held two conference calls (July and September)
  • The TRC has formed two subcommittees:
    • o Historical Index Subcommittee - with a mandate to improve maintenance of historical TRC information and records
    • o Communication Subcommittee - with a mandate to implement methods to communicate resolutions to Traditions related inquiries to the FA fellowship (in addition to communication provided in annual/quarterly reports)

The following are selected examples of Traditions issues reviewed this quarter:

Issue: A member asked whether it would be acceptable for a meeting to store qualifications electronically (on a portable media player, transferred from the original CDs) for playback at that meeting in lieu of a live qualification.

Response: The TRC and Literature Committee both reviewed the issue and did not see an issue with this idea, provided the meeting legitimately purchased the CD from the FA website and simply uploaded the purchased CD onto a storage device/player to be played at an FA meeting. This feedback was based on the assumption that the intent was not to reproduce the content of the purchased CD to store on multiple devices, or to use at multiple meetings. In addition to any electronically stored qualifications, ideally, the meeting would continue to maintain a CD library for use by its members.

Issue: A meeting was considering beginning the practice of holding hands during the serenity prayer at the end of the meeting. They asked the TRC whether this would violate any standards for FA meetings.

Response: Rather than looking to the FA Meeting Standards or Requirements, the TRC looked to the 5th Tradition, which asserts that the primary purpose of the group is to carry its message to the still suffering food addict. The committee believes that for some newcomers, who are coming out of isolation and may be somewhat nervous about even attending an FA meeting, the idea of holding hands, could be off-putting and a little too

intimate. Another consideration is that some people are “germ phobic” and being obliged to hold hands could negatively impact their first FA experience.

Issue: A pamphlet advertising a “Fellowship Weekend” being organized for FA members at a retreat center was sent to the TRC for review.

Response: The TRC reviewed the pamphlet and noted a “Reminder” disclaimer in the document stating that the event was not an “officially-sanctioned FA event.” The TRC assumed that this was a step taken to ensure alignment with Tradition 6. The committee felt, however, that to fully align with Tradition 6, as an outside enterprise not affiliated with FA, the event organizers would be best to completely exclude any references to Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) in the pamphlet, in other related literature and during the weekend. As an alternative, the organizers could refer to meetings as “fellowship meetings” rather than “FA meetings.” If this event was organized through an Intergroup, Chapter or WSI, it would be “inside” rather than “outside” FA, and Tradition 6 would not apply (i.e. the EAI weekend in November). An additional factor is that since money is changing hands, applying the principles of Tradition 6 becomes even more important.

Issue: A university student, who was writing a paper on support groups, asked an FA member for permission to attend an FA meeting. The student wanted to better understand what FA does so she could better communicate about available resources and could possibly provide referrals. The member asked for guidance regarding the application of Tradition 11.

Response: The TRC consulted the Public Information Committee, and particularly the “Healthcare Watch” group, and provided a joint response. Both committees believed that it would not be a problem for the student to attend the meeting, provided the personal anonymity of individual FA members was respected and maintained. Also, it would be prudent to request that the student not take notes or record the meeting.

Issue: The TRC was asked by some meetings and the Intergroups to review the issue that some meetings have been or are considering taking up a “special collection” to provide funding for elected World Service Conference Members to pay for or subsidize their travel and attendance at the annual FA World Service Business Convention.

Response: The TRC reviewed their index of historical inquiries and noticed that this question has been asked multiple times and involves multiple Traditions. The TRC has drafted a response and is in the process of consulting with the Intergroup and World Service Board as to the best method to pass this response along to the fellowship ahead of the 2014 World Service Conference Member selection process later this year.

Issue: Multiple members have made inquiries to the TRC regarding what they feel to be “Crosstalk” at their meetings. Examples include: some note there are members at their meetings who shout from the crowd things like “Amen”; “Hallelujah”; “you go girl” in response to sharing from the front of the room. Others note that some members make references to, or casually converse with audience members while sharing from the front of the room. Others note that when sharing after a qualification, members speak directly to the speaker (meeting leader) and comment on specifics of their qualification. The TRC has been asked for its thoughts, or whether these practices rub up against the Traditions and whether FA has a formal “statement” regarding “Crosstalk”?

Response: In conjunction with the Inquiry Response Committee, the TRC is in the process of reviewing historical responses to similar issues. The TRC will draft a summary document and once this document is complete, will submit it to the World Service Board for review and thoughts as to the best method to pass along to the fellowship.

Issue: It was brought to the attention of the TRC that a group of FA fellows from a particular geographic area have been publishing a newsletter containing, among other things, FA content (i.e. notices of meetings, events). This newsletter is distributed at meetings and through an email listing of FA members. The committee inquired as to the TRC‟s thoughts regarding the newsletter in light of the 6th and 10th Traditions.

Response: The TRC reviewed the newsletter and believes that there is a 6th Tradition issue regarding the distribution of the newsletter in its current form. The newsletter could easily be mistaken as being published by an FA affiliated organization and is endorsing outside issues (i.e. book studies, non-FA events and literature that is not FA conference approved). Some of this content could be construed as having an opinion on outside issues, whereby Tradition 10 would come into play. The newsletter also announces FA events/meetings. The TRC suggests, in light of the guidance of Tradition 6, that the authors of the newsletter remove all references to FA and Intergroups, to ensure clear detachment from FA. Separately from the Traditions considerations, distributing this newsletter at FA meetings is a Meeting Requirements and Standards related issue. The publishers of the newsletter may consider approaching their Intergroup to find out how they could feed into the existing structure of FA service work, while achieving similar objectives. This would likely help resolve the noted Traditions related issues.

Individuals, meetings, chapters, intergroups, or the World Service Board may submit Traditions related inquiries by email to the Traditions Review Committee (TRC) at traditions@foodaddicts.org

Twelfth Step Committee (Linda N., Chair)

  • Four service positions on committee were filled: Frontier Subcommittee Chair, Frontier Phone List Manager, Universal Language List Manager, Frontier Communications Liaison.
  • Held two bi-monthly Service Council meetings in July & September.
    • o Continued to focus on encouraging service among FA members, and support for members on the frontier & meetings in outlying
  • Started Thank-a-thon preparation: information regarding Thank-a-thons to be held on November 28, 2013, U.S. Thanksgiving Day, will be posted on the website in early November.

Updates from individual sub-committees:

Communications Subcommittee

  • Continued to work on bringing relevant and timely information to FA fellowship, with goal of inspiring members to get involved and do service in support of recovery at individual and group levels.
  • Gratitude in Action (GIA) newsletter that was published in July included a re-cap of the 2013 WSBC opening remarks of WSI Chair and closing remarks of WSI Vice-Chair.
  • Committee then began to work on the next issue of GIA, due out in October, which will focus on holiday travel tips for staying abstinent.
  • Universal Language List was updated and distributed as scheduled, which is on a quarterly basis. It currently represents members in FA from all over the world and contains fourteen unique languages.

Frontier Subcommittee

  • Held quarterly Frontier Subcommittee meeting in September. Individual sub-sub-committee reports:
    • o Frontier Phone List Manager: Published monthly the Frontier Phone List.
    • o Frontier Communications Liaison assured preparation of a monthly E-letter, with a message of inspiration & support that was distributed to all members on the Frontier Phone List along with their updated list.
    • o Frontier Sponsor List Manager: Published the Frontier Sponsor List as scheduled, which is quarterly.

Meeting Effectiveness, Safety & Accessibility Subcommittee (MESA)

  • Committee appointed one new member to replace outgoing member.
  • Committee has responded to inquiries from two members: one concerning a meeting space issue, and one concerning a potential member who is deaf.

EAI 12th Step Committee

  • Orientation Conference Call held in July.
  • Organized two homebound meetings for member following knee surgery.
  • Reviewed and updated the committee‟s annual goals
  • Reviewed and updated the committee‟s Resource Guide for EAI Area meetings
  • Reviewed and updated the committee‟s Orientation Guide for newcomers to Intergroup.
  • Began process of getting word out to members, and organization of, Thank-a-thons to be held on U.S. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 2013.

Maine Chapter 12th Step Committee

  • Supported meetings requesting assistance through organization of three FA Road Trips.
  • Updated Speaker‟s List.
  • Provided support with outreach calls to members on the Frontier Phone List.
  • connection subcommittee held its second writing session.
  • Began update of Orientation to the Maine Chapter packet, which will include information about New Meeting Support Committee.
  • Thank-a-thon Coordinator began process of getting word out to members, and organization of Thank-a-thons to be held on U.S. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 2013.

WAI 12th Step Committee

  • connection subcommittee held two writing workshops at Intergroup to encourage & inspire members to write
  • connection subcommittee assisted with online connection subscriptions following monthly intergroup meetings.
  • Homebound Subcommittee organized two homebound meetings.
  • Target Area Resource/Partner Meetings committee continued support for outlying area meetings by monthly phone calls to outlying area meetings. Informed members about Intergroup activities & resources, and offered to coordinate connections with partner meetings to support meeting health.
  • Australia meeting partnered with a U.S. meeting in California.
  • Thank-a-thon Coordinator began process of getting word out to members, and organization of Thank-a-thons to be held on U.S. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 2013.


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