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Quarterly Report 2013 - Oct-Dec

Letter from WSI Chair:

January 2014

Dear FA Members:

Please go to www.foodaddicts.org, to view this quarter’s report from the World Service Board. The report contains details of many of the WSI endeavors completed during October, November, and December.

Thank you to our entire fellowship for all that you do! If you are personally looking to do more service, please let the board know by sending an email to fa@foodaddicts.org. Your help is always needed!

Reminders: The next annual FA World Service Business Convention will take place June 6- June 8, 2014 in Danvers, Massachusetts at the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel. The hotel is now accepting reservations. Registration is also now open at fooddicts.org. Please reserve your room and make your reservation as soon as possible. Early completion assures you a room, meal plan and materials, and helps considerably with successful planning!

WSC members, please remember to register twice, once as an attendee and once as a voting member.

If you haven’t done so already, please mark your calendars: The next Fellowship Convention will take place October 24-26, 2014 at the Santa Clara Marriott in Santa Clara, California.

On a separate note, we hope everyone is continuing to enjoy the FA book. We have now sold nearly 9,000 copies! Thank you to our whole fellowship for your support.

With gratitude, Elissa P.

WSI Chair

WSI CHAIR’S REPORT – October/November/December 2013 – Elissa P.

The board met in-person, in Woburn, MA on October 19th and 20th. During the course of these two days, the board discussed many critical topics. Topics included: FA’s presence at National conventions; redesign of PI materials; prioritizing the 2014-15 budget; criteria for determining the need for paid service work; four potential motions for the 2014 WSBC; agenda for the business sessions at the 2014 WSBC; a variety of IRC and TRC issues; the 2014 Fellowship Convention; changeover of board members in 2014; and calendar items as they pertain to future WSB meetings.

The board had its regular monthly meeting by phone on November 24th. Smaller working groups of board members have also met intermittently during this quarter. The board did not meet as a whole in December. It will meet again in late January.

The board will enlist the help of the BMRC (Board Motions Review Committee) next quarter. The other WSB Standing Committees (e.g. Finance committee, Design committee, IRC) are all functioning as needed. The IRC in particular, responded this quarter to 10 separate inquiries.

WSB PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT - Dave I., Chair of Personnel and Vice-Chair of WSI

  • I continued to provide ongoing support to the WSB Chair, and remained actively involved on the Executive Committee in ongoing matters related to the WSB. I also offered ongoing support and suggestions to many of the chairs in their respective areas.
  • As the liaison to the board, I continued to give ongoing support and direction to the chair of the literature’s “publishing and distribution” sub-committee.
  • As Vice-Chair of the WSB, I sat on the finance committee and continued to give support and direction to this committee on behalf of the WSB and the executive board.
  • As the liaison to the board, I continued to give ongoing support to the IRC for issues emerging in the fellowship.

Chair, Personnel Committee:

  • As chair of the Personnel Committee, I (along with my committee) continued to provide support to the chair of the office committee on personnel issues related to the salary range of an employee.
  • We offered support to the PI chair in regards to the hiring process of a potential new employee, a PI coordinator.

WSI COMMITTEE REPORTS – October/November/December 2013

Bylaws Committee (Sue H., Chair)

  • The Bylaws Committee submitted a motion to the Board Motions Review Committee, for presentation at the 2014 WSBC this June. The motion involves a name change for the Chapter Intergroup Support Committee.
  • Also in the works is a motion about distribution procedures for the FA book. This motion will also be voted on at the 2014 WSBC.
  • The WSB Manual has been updated, and the newest version can be found on the FA website under Governing Documents.

Chapter and Intergroup Support Committee (Norma Jean P., Chair)

  • The CISC has presented a motion to change the name of the committee to the “Service Group Support Committee” (SGSC). This name is more representative of the work being done by the committee. It will continue to support Chapters, Intergroups, and any other service group, including local area service committees and meetings of the meetings.
  • A new sub-committee has been established to develop Document 9: Meeting Best Practices. This committee will meet monthly, beginning in January 2014, with the goal of having a base document by June 2014.
  • A new sub-committee has been established to develop written guidelines for local service committees. This committee will meet monthly beginning in January 2014, with the goal of having a base document by June 2014.
  • The next two CISC calls will be on January 19th and March 16th from 3:30 – 5:00pm EST. Please contact CISC@foodaddicts.org for phone number and access code. Anyone involved in doing service beyond the meeting level is welcome.

connection Committee (Anna B., chair)

  • connection Representative call: The next connection Rep Network Conference call is Sunday January 19th, 8 pm ET, 5 pm PT. Please email connectionrep@foodaddicts.org for further details. If you are a connection Rep and you are not receiving email updates, please check with your meeting's Intergroup or Web and Directory contact to make sure that you are listed as the Rep.
  • Writing Team Leaders: connection has been relying on Writing Team Leaders assigned to particular geographic areas to collect stories from the FA members who live in their assigned area. Typically, however, due to the geographic diversity of our fellowship, those leaders were often not in direct contact with the members in their assigned area. In an effort to increase the number of stories we collect, we are piloting a new system, in which the connection representatives will step into the role of the Writing Team Leaders. The representatives are already connected at the meeting level, there are more of them, and they come into direct contact with potential writers from their area. We hope this will maximize our resources, in encouraging members to write and send in their stories. For more information please contact connectionrep@foodaddicts.org.
  • Finances: The 2012-13 fiscal year was the first year connection covered its costs and finished in the black, without having to rely on a subsidy from WSI. A major reason for this accomplishment was an increase in subscriptions. Please continue to subscribe and help connection finish 2013-14 in the black.
  • Article Submissions: Do you have any light-hearted FA anecdotes? We need more “Lighten Up” articles! Please send to connection@foodaddicts.org.
  • Writing Kit: A revised “Writer's Guidelines” document was developed to help potential authors tailor their submissions to the needs of the magazine. Two versions will be available after the start of 2014. The longer version is intended mainly to be used at connection writing workshops; the abridged version is for individuals to use on their own. Two or three workshops have already been held, using the new connection “Writer's Kit,” and the response has been very enthusiastic.
  • EAI Writing Sessions: A connection writing session was held at the November Chapter Support Weekend. There are 2 more scheduled: Sunday, January 12, 2014 12:30 pm- 1:45 pm at the VA in Roxbury, MA, and Sunday, March 16, 2014, following the Maine Chapter Meeting. Writing Sessions are proposed for Toronto in January, and Naples, FL in March. Areas interested in hosting a writing session should please contact eaiconnection@foodaddicts.org
  • WAI: WAI continues to encourage members to submit articles to the magazine. At the November and December Intergroup meetings, the connection committee hosted writing workshops, using the new connection Writer’s Kit as a basis for helping members craft strong personal stories that will best reach other food addicts. About 25 people attended each workshop.
  • Subscription Reminders: Subscribers should be receiving email reminders, as their subscriptions draw to an end, and once they have expired. If you are not getting reminders, please check to see if they are going to your junk mail box. If so, please add donotreply@foodaddictsmail.org to your contacts list. If the reminder notices are not lurking in your junk mailbox, please let us know at connection@foodaddicts.org.
  • Author Contact List: To enable readers to contact authors when an article is particularly meaningful, the connection Committee has begun an Author Contact List. This will come into effect once the database of author’s contact info has been built up.
  • Artwork Submissions: connection is always looking for artists, illustrators and photographers. There are artist’s guidelines at www.foodaddicts.org (under Magazine/ Get Involved).

Convention Planning Committee (Adrienne P., Chair)-

  • We are pleased to announce that online registration for the 2014 FA Business Convention, being held on June 6th-8th in Danvers, MA, begins on January 30th. Reservations with the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel can now be made by going to our website and using the direct link that is listed on our Business Convention information page.

·       Please note the following important deadlines:

  • o March 6th- Due date for all WSB applications for the following positions; Chair, Vice-Chair, connection Chair, Convention Planning Chair, Office Chair, Bylaws Chair, and Traditions Review Committee Chair. Application forms can be found on our website on the Business Convention information page.
  • o March 6th- Registration deadline for all WSC members, (this includes WSB members, IG and Chapter Chairs).
  • o May 9th- Deadline for group room rate at the Doubletree by Hilton
  • o May 16th- Deadline for online registration for the 2014 FA Business Convention.
  • o May 16th- Deadline for refunds for online registration/ purchased meal

Please also note that all deadlines must be adhered to without exception.

  • Plans are still under way for the 2014 FA Fellowship Convention, as well. It will be held at The Santa Clara Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, CA, October 24th-26th 2014.

We hope to see many of you at both these events. Thank you for your consideration and service!

Literature Committee (Tracy G., Chair)

  • Writing and Editing Subcommittee:
    • o The Writing and Editing Subcommittee is rewriting the Living Abstinently
    • o This subcommittee is also working with EAI on the Informational
    • o The Writing and Editing Subcommittee will soon begin working with the PI committee to write a pamphlet for medical professionals.

·       CD Subcommittee:

  • o The CD subcommittee has chosen four speakers for the 2014 business
  • o The subcommittee worked with the Office Committee to create a CD catalog that can be printed from the website. This is a resource that can be placed on the literature table at FA meetings, alongside the CD The catalog lists the title and subtitles, recording date, and length of each CD.
  • o This subcommittee continues to work with the Office Committee to create MP3’s to download from the FA website

Office Committee (Jane M., Chair)

Accomplishments for Current Quarter Meeting Information & Registration subcommittee (MI & RS)

  • There are four distinct service bodies that make up the MI & RS:
    • o The Intergroups’ and Chapters’ Office Committee Chairs, and their support persons,
    • o The WSI Chapter/Intergroup subcommittee chair (CISC)
    • o The Website Database Committee
    • o The Local Service Area/Frontier Area
  • There are two main purposes of these groups:
    • o To assist the WSO, Intergroups and Chapters, and Local Service Area/Frontier service area fellows to effectively perform back office functions that support meetings and
    • o To educate members and meetings so that they can operate efficiently and correctly within the methodology set up by WSI and the WSI Office
      • Example: ensuring that meeting contacts are familiar with their roles and how to send meeting changes, how to properly send work requests, etc.

Website Quality Review subcommittee (WQRS): There are five distinct service bodies that make up the WQRS. The following are updates from these service bodies:

  • Website Documentation Consistency: Improved process for requesting editable versions of the PDFs. Improved process for posting documents to the website. Began to update relevant website pages with this information for members.
  • Website Editing: No report at this time
  • Website Testing: No report at this time
  • FAQ: The goal of the FAQ committee is to compile a list of responses to questions on how to access information on the FA website. The committee submitted a list of our questions to the WSO, and they are currently under review.
  • Website Integration: No report at this time

Secretary & Documentation subcommittee (S & DS)

  • Archive:
    • o Continued gathering information about FA timeline in the
    • o Began gathering information about FA timeline in
    • o Completed archiving for the 2013 business
    • o Established a protocol for documenting earlier business conventions, working backwards from 2012.
    • o Began archiving process for fellowship
    • o Set up the infrastructure for preservation of physical -     artifacts that have been located include: original parliamentary procedures document; first chapter manual; copy of the original statement outlining reasons for leaving OA; almost all connection magazines; original connection newsletters (pre-magazine); copies of pamphlets going back to 2009; business convention registration packets for the past three years.
  • o Began to establish a protocol for digital
  • o Continued to work on the overall timeline of FA
  • CD Speaker Contact Info: Over a period of about a month, committee members completed the first update of the FA CD speaker list in over three years. Members of the committee established contact with all but one FA CD speaker, in order to verify their current information.

·       Newcomer Email Response:

  • o Committee was formed and has begun monitoring incoming email on a daily
  • o Created a repository of online informational documents to assist committee members in their
  • o Created a digital filing system to store
  • o Reached out to relevant FA committees, when necessary, in order to gather the best information to relay to newcomers.
  • Phone Support: Started responding to phone calls after hours. One FA member for each weeknight, and all day on weekends, currently monitors the FA office voicemail system, and responds within 24 hours to phone inquiries requesting basic information about FA. This committee is in continuous contact with the FA WSO.

Goals for Next Quarter

  • Meeting Information & Registration subcommittee (MI & RS): Continue to develop the subcommittee and organize processes that will be most effective for supporting WSO, Intergroups and Chapters, and Local Service areas/Frontier members.

·       Website Quality Review subcommittee (WQRS)

  • o Inventory the PI section of the website
  • o Update/edit any documents that require the new logo or other changes
  • o Re-post the PI Toolkit as separate links on the website, so that members can access individual documents more readily
  • o Re-write language on the website about how to request a Word version of the most frequently requested documents
  • o Complete review and updates to the pages in the “New to FA”, “Meetings”, and “Media and Professionals” sections of the

·       Secretary & Documentation subcommittee (S & DS)

  • o Archivist: Complete the overall Continue gathering physical artifacts. Continue to document the business and fellowship conventions. Begin digital storage process.
  • o CD Speaker Contact Info: Establish a regular interval for updating of CD speaker list. Continue to refine the information that is gathered in the Begin to document procedures, for the creation of an office committee manual.
  • o Newcomer Email Response: Continue to monitor newcomer emails; begin to document procedures for the creation of an office committee
  • o Phone Support: Continue to support the office staff by responding to phone Begin to document procedures, for the creation of an office committee manual.
  • Online subcommittee (OC): Discuss and develop procedures for WSI, IG and Chapter Boards or Committees to propose Website Work Projects.

Public Information (Kris M., Chair)

  • The PI Committee continues to ask the FA fellowship to focus on reaching out to doctors, physicians and health care professionals, and magazine editors.
  • Generic article For those who may have been approached by journalists who are seeking an article they can easily plug in to their publication, this generic article is now available by requesting a copy from pi@foodaddicts.org
  • Posters, Tablecloths, signs, etc. Since last quarterly report the PI committee worked with the Design committee and developed a proposal for making new tablecloths, signs, etc. available. Please hold off on making any new materials in your area. We are hoping the new materials will be available to order on our website by June. If you urgently need a sign or tablecloth, etc., please email: pi@foodaddicts.org
  • Paid Advertising. No new report.
  • Survey. The PI committee determined that we will be conducting another survey versus a census. We have received one volunteer to help with this service. Please contact PI if you are available to help or have any experience with SurveyMonkey.
  • Open PI Program Manager Position. An ad has been posted on Craiglist for a freelance/part-time paid PI Program Manager position. If you are interested in the role or in viewing the position description, please contact the PI committee at: pi@foodaddicts.org

·       MediaWatch

  • o MediaWatch established 261 contacts this quarter 393 contacts last quarter, including sending out 206 emails vs. 371 emails last quarter, and 55 hard-copy letters vs. 22 last quarter. (Received 11 personal responses vs. 15 last quarter, including some from notable experts in the field of obesity and addiction.)
  • o Volume continues to be high (Average 130 contacts going out per month).
  • o Added two more volunteers to Media Watch Core

PI Highlights:

  • Sent the FA Book to the following professionals, who expressed interest in FA after receiving our Media Watch letter/email:
    • o Nicole Avena, PhD (Assistant Professor University of Florida Department of Psychiatry and the College of Medicine; Princeton University Department of Psychology). She was the keynote speaker at the Obesity Action Coalition 2013 conference in Phoenix. She is very interested in helping
    • o Guang Sun, D. Researcher from Memorial University who did the study suggesting that 5% of Canadians are food addicts.
    • o Joanne Eglash, journalist with M.S. in nutrition. She is the national diets columnist for the We also sent her FA pamphlets.
    • o Tracy Burrows, B HSc (N&D), GTTT, AdvAPD, Senior Lecturer, Nutrition and Dietetics, School of Health Sciences, HA12, Hunter Building, University of Newcastle, Callaghan 2308.
    • o Jacque Wilson, a producer and writer for CNN’s health section has asked about attending an FA meeting in Atlanta. She has been in contact with a local FA member in Atlanta to attend a
  • Sent FA pamphlets to David Ludwig, M.D. (Harvard, Boston Children’s Hospital), drawing his attention especially to the “Teens and Twenties” as well as “To Our Families and Friends”.
  • Anahad O’Connor, writer for the New York Times, emailed an FA member in New York, asking about meeting times and locations. We followed up but did not hear back from him.
  • Response from South African Professor Tim Noakes, at the University of Capetown: “Thank you so much for your letter of 28 September…I am really glad to be informed about Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous and hope that I will be able to mention it in my future work. Thank you for taking the time to write to me. It is much appreciated.


  • We provided 140 tri-fold brochures for bag inserts at the International Nurses Society on Addictions Annual Education Conference on October 9-12, in Washington, D.C.
  • We attended the National Conference on Addiction Disorders (NCAD) from September 21-25, in Anaheim, CA. The event went well and was worth the effort.
  • We attended the Diabetes Expo on October 12, in Minneapolis, MN.
  • We attended the Obesity Society Obesity Week from November 13-15, in Atlanta, GA. The event went very well. Numerous contacts were made with the medical community that attended the event.


Breakdown by Type

Organizations = 67 (5 in Canada, 4 in Australia, & 58 in the USA or non-geographically specified.)


40 organizations contacted,

1 college,

3 organizations


42, organizations contacted,

2 colleges,

52 organizations


39 organizations contacted,

2 colleges,

8 organizations.


28 organizations contacted,

0 Colleges,

4 organizations



Colleges = 5 (USA) Monthly Breakdown:

Breakdown by State:

CA - 21, CO - 1, FL - 1, KS - 1, ME - 19, MA - 2, MI - 1, NJ - 1, NC - 1, DC - 1, WI - 2

Breakdown by Weblink by Monthly Results:



Peralta Colleges: includes Merritt, Laney, Berkeley, & Alameda Jr. Colleges (California) http://web.peralta.edu/health-services/resources/


Web MD


211 Lee County (Florida) http://www3.irissoft.com/LCUW/

The Sponsor's Aid http://thesponsorsaide.org/12StepPrograms.htm#12%20Step%20Programs



Monroe Community College, (Rochester, Massachusetts) http://www.monroecc.edu/depts/stuhealth/resources/worried.ht Ohlone College (Fremont, California) http://www.ohlone.edu/org/healthcenter/links.html


Something Fishy: Treatment Finder:

http://www.something-fishy.org/treatmentfinder/Food-Addicts-in-Recovery- Anonymous.html

A Center for Addiction Recovery


EATING DISORDERS: Resources For Recovery http://www.edcatalogue.com/links_organizations.html

Nick Mirrione: Food Addiction http://nickmirrione.com/

Slideshare (sight where people post slide presentations) http://www.slideshare.net/VTer/prevention-of-eating-addictions

Recovery Clubhouses (USA) http://usrecovery.info/Clubhouses/


Monroe County, Michigan Self Help Links Meetings (Monroe Co., Michigan)


Leadem Counseling & Consulting (Toms River, New Jersey) http://www.leademcounseling.com/community-resources/12-step-recovery-support- groups/eating-disorder-food-addiction-support

Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church (North Carolina) http://cscpc.org/community/

Massachusetts Weight Control Services Directory (Massachusetts) http://www.weightcontrolservice.net/index.php?id_level2=20

Psychological Evaluation & Consulting Services, Inc. (Southeastern Wisconsin) http://pecsconsulting.com/library.html

Wisconsin Community Mental Health Counseling Centers, Inc. (Southeastern, Wisconsin)


Smart Recovery, Australia (Australia) http://smartrecoveryaustralia.com.au/about-smart-recovery/useful-links/

AngloInfo, Melbourn, Australia (Australia) http://melbourne.angloinfo.com/af/477/melbourne-counselling-and-therapists.html

AngloInfo, Vancouver, (Vancouver, Canada) http://vancouver.angloinfo.com/af/477/Counselling-Therapists.html#9301

HealthLink BC (British Columbia, Canada) http://find.healthlinkbc.ca/

Dolce Vita hair salon: Resources (Santa Rosa, California) http://www.dolcevitasalon-sr.com/resources-beauty-hair-salon.html

Survivorship: Survival from Ritual Abuse, Mind Control & Torture and Pro-Survivors (Oakland, California)


SFV CAMFT (San Fernando Valley, California Assoc. of Marriage & Family Therapists (California)


211 Mendocino County (California) http://www.211mendocino.org/en/searchforresources?searchbyservice=food%20addicts

211 Bay Area (California) http://211bayarea.org/find-help/

211 Marin County (California) http://211bayarea.org/find-help/

211 Napa County (California) http://www.icarol.info/ResourceView2.aspx?First=1&country=United%20States&sp=- 1&org=2339&agencynum=10595586

211 Sacramento (California) http://www.icarol.info/ResourceView2.aspx?First=1&country=United%20States&sp=CA &county=Sacramento&city=Sacramento&org=2264&agencynum=15209311

211 Santa Cruz (California) http://211bayarea.org/find-help/

211 San Francisco (California) http://211bayarea.org/find-help/

211 Solano County (California) http://211bayarea.org/find-help/

211 Sonoma County (California) http://211wc.org/en/searchforresources?searchbyservice=food%20addicts

211 San Mateo (California) http://catalog.plsinfo.org:81/

211 Monterey County (California) http://www.unitedwaymcca.org/search

211 Orange County (California) http://www.211oc.org/211oc-database-search.html

Valliere Counseling & Professional Support (Portland, Maine)

http://www.vallierecps.com/Valliere_Counseling_and_Professional_Support/LOCAL_R ESOURCES.html

Mid Coast Hospital (Brunswick, Maine) http://www.midcoasthealth.com/healthline/default2.asp

Cumberland Times News Business Directory (Portland, Maine) http://local.times-news.com/south-portland+me/food+services.zq.html

Seacoast Online (Portsmouth, Maine) http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20130823-LIFE-308230307

York Hospital (York, Maine) http://www.yorkhospital.com/programs/support-groups.aspx

Waldo County General Hospital: Maine Health (Belfast, Maine) http://www.wcgh.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/weight-loss-resources-near- Belfast.pdf

Boothbay Region Community Resources (Boothbay, Maine) http://www.boothbayregioncommunityresources.org/addiction_resources.htm

Island Hospital (Waterville, Maine)

http://www.inlandhospital.org/Patients-and-Visitors/Support-Groups/Food-Addicts-in- Recovery-Anonymous.aspx

St. Michael Parish (Augusta, Maine) http://www.stmichaelmaine.org/documents/St%20Michael%20Bulletin%20April%2021. pdf

Global Medical Education Online (Kennebec, Maine) http://www.healthynorthernkennebec.org/resourcedocuments/healthWellness.pdf

Manta (Portland, Maine) http://www.manta.com/c/mmy7nwn/food-addicts-in-recovery

Healthy Northern Kennebec (Maine) http://www.healthynorthernkennebec.org/resourcedocuments/healthWellness.pdf

Parkview Adventist Medical Center (Maine)


We are linked here, although the name is listed as "Food Addicts in Recovery," without the "Anonymous" part.

Maine General Health (Augusta, Maine) http://www.mainegeneral.org/body.cfm?id=1470

We're there, but no link. Just phone numbers and meeting locations.

93.5 The Oldies Mid-Maine Greatest Hits Radio Station (Maine) http://935trueoldies.com/Article.asp?id=2456481

We're there, but no link. Just a phone number.

411 Maine

http://411.info/business/Maine/Portland/FOOD-ADDICTS-IN-RECOVERY- ANONYMOUS/1206722.html

We're there, but no link. Just a phone number.

Maine Cancer Treatment.com (Maine) http://www.mainecancertreatment.com/localprofile/Food-Addicts-In-Recovery- Anonymous/51865888

We're there, but no link. Just a phone number.

Maine Times Record (Maine) http://www.timesrecord.com/common/Misc/Support_Groups.html We're there, but no link. Just a phone number.

Maine. Gov: Support Groups for the State of Maine (Maine) http://www.maine.gov/dhhs/samhs/osa/help/meetings.pdf

Listing just says "Food Addicts," with people's phone numbers and lists of meeting locations. It lists FA meetings, dates, times, and phone numbers.



San Diego State University's Counseling & Psychological Services Center (Health Promotions Center was sent a packet) (San Diego, California) http://www.sa.sdsu.edu/cps/community_resources.html

Kansas State University: Disordered Eating (Manhattan, Kansas) http://www.k-state.edu/counseling/topics/eating/eatingresources.html


City of Stonnington, Community Directory (Australia)

http://www.stonnington.vic.gov.au/Community- Directory/?c=1159&n=Community+Health

Centre for Eating & Dieting Disorders (Australia)


AT Center LA: A Meeting Place for GLBT 12 Step Recovery (LA, California) http://atcenterla.com/?q=node/4

Marin Network of Care (Marin Co., California) http://marin.networkofcare.org/aging/library/article.aspx?hwid=shc42&cat=search#shc42-food-addicts-in-recovery-anonymous08

Canada Alcohol & Drug Rehab Programs (Canada) http://www.canadadrugrehab.ca/Eating-Disorder-Treatment.html

HealthlinkBC (British Columbia, Canada) http://find.healthlinkbc.ca/

The Frugal Exerciser Blog (USA) http://thefrugalexerciser.blogspot.com/2013/10/food-addicts-in-recovery- anonymous.html

Andrea's Voice Foundation




Brett P. Kennedy, Psy. D (Boulder, Colorado) http://www.kennedypsyd.com/LinksResources.en.html

Acorn: Food Dependency Recovery Services http://foodaddiction.com/resources/

Addictions Unplugged (Toronto, Canada) http://addictionsunplugged.com/2013/11/12/november-26-are-you-having-trouble- controlling-the-way-you-eat/

Stanice Anderson Recovery Links (Washington DC) http://trywalkingonwater.com/12-step-links/

Traditions Review Committee (Dan B., Chair)

  • Individuals, meetings, chapters, Intergroups, or the World Service Board may submit Traditions-related inquiries by email to the Traditions Review Committee (TRC) at traditions@foodaddicts.org.
  • The TRC reviewed nine issues since the annual report was published, referring one to other WSB committees. The committee held one conference call (November).
  • In addition, the TRC subcommittees continued their work:
    • o Historical Index Subcommittee - mandate to improve maintenance of historical TRC information and records.
    • o Communication Subcommittee - mandate to implement new methods to communicate resolutions to Traditions-related inquiries to the FA

The following are selected examples of Traditions issues reviewed this quarter:

Issue: The TRC was asked by a meeting and both Intergroups to review the issue that some meetings have been, or are considering, taking up “special collections” to provide funding for elected World Service Conference Members to pay for or subsidize their travel and attendance at the annual FA World Service Business Convention.

Response: As reported last quarter, the TRC reviewed its index of historical inquiries and noticed that this question has been asked multiple times and involves multiple Traditions. The TRC published the committee’s thoughts as part of Document 8 of the FA Meeting Guidelines. The Guidelines are available at www.foodaddicts.org. If funding may be required by your meeting’s 2014 World Service Conference Member, a review of this document may be helpful.

Issue: As reported last quarter, multiple members have made inquiries to the TRC regarding what they feel to be “Crosstalk” at their meetings.

Response: In conjunction with the Inquiry Response Committee and the World Service Board the TRC is in the process drafting a note to the fellowship which, when complete, is expected to be added to Document 8 of the Meeting Guidelines.

Issue: The TRC has been asked by the Intergroups and a meeting to review voting practices at the intergroup level. Particularly, there are two questions under consideration:

  1. Should members from areas outside a reasonable driving distance for monthly attendance (i.e. greater than 100 miles) from intergroup meetings have the right to have a voice or a vote at intergroup when they make the effort to attend;
  2. Should members from areas within a reasonable driving distance for monthly attendance (i.e. less than 100 miles) from intergroup meetings have the right to have a voice or a vote at intergroup if they choose not to attend on a regular basis and only show up for elections and other important votes.

Response: The TRC is in the process of considering these questions and will be sending a draft document to the Intergroups and World Service Board for further input.

Issue: A meeting member inquired about the TRC’s thoughts about a situation occurring at their meeting. One of the FA members, who works as a “coach” specializing in a particular psychiatric disorder, scheduled a workshop to take place in the FA meeting room after an FA meeting, to run a private, paid workshop on this disorder. The FA member invited other FA members, using the meeting list. As well, a discount was offered to FA members.

Response: The TRC reviewed the issue and felt that this scenario contravenes a number of the Traditions, particularly 6 and 10. As the “workshop” is immediately following the FA meeting, members (particularly newcomers) could get the impression that the workshop was part of or affiliated with FA. As a result, it could be interpreted that FA has an opinion on these issues. The TRC recommends that this workshop be kept entirely separate from FA, particularly, not using FA lists for promotional purposes and not offering FA discounts. A clear separation between the FA meeting and the workshop (i.e. different time and/or location) is also suggested so as to avoid potential confusion about endorsement.

Twelfth Step Committee (Linda N., Chair)

One bi-monthly conference call was held in November. Discussion held regarding how to best connect potential members to available sponsors, once FA book goes public.

Further discussion to be held at beginning of 2014 regarding possibility of forming a subcommittee to handle this matter.

Sub-committee Reports:

  • Communications Subcommittee
    • o The committee worked on preparing and distributing the last Gratitude in Action (GIA) for the year. The focus was on traveling through the holidays. Tips were outlined, as well as ideas for supporting abstinence through a busy, emotional time of the Preparations were made for what was coming in 2014 and topics were discussed that would be relevant for the Gratitude in Action. The next edition of Gratitude in Action is scheduled to come out in the latter half of January.
    • o January GIA will be focused on presenting a “Year-At-A-Glance” - a look at what is coming this year in 2014, and what you can do to prepare, be involved and do Other topics include recaps of both conventions. The spring edition will be titled, “Spring Forward Into Action: - Ways You Can Do Service And Be Involved In Your Fellowship.”
    • o Universal Language List was updated and distributed, as scheduled, which is on a quarterly

·       Frontier Subcommittee

  • o Published the monthly edition of the Frontier Phone List.
  • o The Frontier Communications Liaison provided a monthly E-Communication which was distributed to all members on the Frontier Phone List, along with their updated phone list,
  • o Published the next quarterly edition of the Frontier Sponsor List.

·       Meeting Effectiveness, Safety & Accessibility Subcommittee (MESA):

  • o MESA received an inquiry from a hearing-impaired potential member asking about the availability of sign language resources at meetings. This issue is still
  • o MESA responded to an inquiry about announcements at FA meetings, regarding AWOL and phone meetings. The member(s) wanted to add a paragraph to the meeting format, stating that phone meetings are not registered FA meetings. Members of the MESA committee felt that this seemed like policing, and therefore recommended that the meeting not include this announcement. Meeting members decided to accept the committee’s reccomendation.

·       EAI 12th Step Committee

  • o 10 Thank-a-thons were held in EAI on 28, 2013, U.S. Thanksgiving Day.
  • o EAI Orientation call held in Six people were on the call. Two were from the U.K.
  • o Decided to discontinue the practice of providing additional copies of the Frontier Phone List and Frontier Sponsor List at Intergroup, as it is available at
  • o At the combined Intergroup and Chapter Region Support Weekend in November, the committee welcomed seven guests at their monthly
  • o Discussed uses of the 12th Step List:
    • Sent out a communication piece with the December EAI newsletter regarding arranging rides to Intergroup.
    • In response to the discussion on Saturday of the Chapter Region Support Weekend, we have started a new policy for the 12thstep list: we are letting people know that if they sign up on the 12th step list, their individual names and phone numbers may end up on other meetings’ literature tables. This message will go out to all EAI contacts, with a new sign-up sheet that explains this.

·       Maine Chapter 12th Step Committee

  • o Provided help to meetings requesting assistance, through organization of three FA Road
  • o Updated FA Speakers
  • o Provided outreach calls to support members on the Frontier Phone
  • o connection subcommittee held its second writing
  • o Began update of Orientation to the Maine Chapter packet, which will include information about New Meeting Support Committee.
  • o Thank-a-thon Coordinator began process of getting word out to members. Also provided information about Thank-a-thons to be held on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 28, 2013.

·       WAI 12th Step Committee

  • o connection Subcommittee:
    • The committee continued to request that all FA members, with 90 days or more of continuous abstinence, submit articles to connection@foodaddacts.org.
    • Working with the new Writer’s Kit, the connection committee hosted several discussion/writing sessions on writing quality. The discussions focused on essential elements that can be used to write impactful connection articles that best serve the FA Fellowship.
    • Continued to provide assistance with subscription sign-ups for the connection each month following Intergroup meeting.

o   Homebound Meetings/Twelfth Step Calls

  • 4 homebound meetings were held.
  • Committee continued to discuss how to develop the 12th Step Call component of this committee, and to spread the word that Twelfth Step calls can be made.
  • o Spanish-Speaking Meeting Support Liaison: The Spanish Speaking Support Liaison provided tri-folds to the PI committee, to be handed out at the upcoming health

o   Target Area Resource (TAR)/Partner Meetings:

  • A Melbourne, Australia meeting partnered with a Sacramento meeting for strength & support.
  • TAR focused on notifying outlying areas about the 2014 Fellowship Convention.
  • o Thank-a-thons: 13 Thank-a-thons were held in WAI on Nov. 28, 2013, U.S. Thanksgiving

Treasurer’s Report (Holli N.)

Just a friendly reminder to meeting treasurers to send in your excess funds. FA operates on the principle of corporate poverty. In keeping with this principle, FA recommends that each group pay all meeting expenses (rent, literature, PI, etc.), keep 1-2 months expenses as a prudent reserve, and then send any excess funds to their Chapter/Intergroup and WSI. These service bodies will use the funds to help make FA available to the food addict who still suffers. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration.


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