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Quarterly Report 2014 - July-Sept

October 2014

Dear FA Members:

I am saddened to tell you that this month we lost a member who died unexpectedly in late September. On behalf of the World Service Board, we offer our sincere condolences to this member’s family and to the Toronto fellowship who have lost one of their own.

This member tragically died due to complications related to obesity and this disease. It is my hope that her passing, along with so many others who suffer and die from this disease, will not be in vain, and that their deaths will be a reminder and an inspiration to us to keep our recovery as a number one priority each day in our lives.

We all live with a disease that can be deadly and a program that gives us a new life. FA works. It is a good program. And I have to continually remind myself to stick with the basics. It’s easy to get distracted and lost in my recovery – by personality conflicts, cliques, ego, and divisiveness, as well as overemphasis on trivial things like the length of abstinence of members and differences in how we work the program. I have learned that difficulties in life are best responded to by disciplines of recovery. It is the basics of recovery - regular calls with our sponsor, surrendering our food, committed meetings, consistent quiet time to strengthen our connection with the God of our understanding, and working the Steps where we find both the clarity and spiritual strength to walk a path of recovery. As we read in the 24 Hours A Day book, “the serene, steadfast, unmovable life—the rock home—is laid stone by stone—foundation, walls, and roof—by daily actions aligned with spiritual principles.”

May this loss in Toronto, that has brought their fellowship together in a special way, extend to all of us who are bound together with a common solution, reminding us of how much we need each other, and how important it is to be a part of, not apart from. It is a reminder of the importance to stay connected to our foundation, the rock of recovery of which we have been so freely given.

With Gratitude, Dave I.,

WSI Chair

WSI CHAIR’S REPORT – July/August/September, 2014 – Dave I.

It was wonderful to see those who could make it to the business convention in Danvers last June. Despite taking some time off from board meetings this summer, tremendous work continues to be done by the World Service Board chairs and their respective committees, as you will see in the reports below. There are so many dedicated servant leaders on our board, and it is wonderful to work with them all.

With most of our board meetings being monthly two-hour conference calls, we look forward to getting together face-to-face for a day prior to the Fellowship Convention in Santa Clara, California next month. It is at this annual retreat where we discuss the goals for our committees and plans for upcoming projects. We prioritize our projects and help each other know where to focus our activities, as well as identify needs for support from each other.

I am particularly grateful to the Office Committee, Adrienne C. and Lynne who continue to keep the organization of FA afloat so the Board is free to do all their committee work.

WSB TREASURER’S REPORT – July/August/September 2014—Holli N.

The final year-end numbers for fiscal year 2014 differed significantly from the projected year- end results that were shared at the 2014 Business Convention. Instead of the $22,000 loss, our actual financials at the end of fiscal year 2014 show a gain of $12,000 for the year. This change was due largely to higher book sales, higher business convention income, higher donations, and lower project expenses. FA remains in good financial shape with a strong balance sheet and active financial management and review. Thank you for your donations, and remember the most important service we all give is to remain abstinent.

WSI COMMITTEE REPORTS – July/August/September 2014

Bylaws Committee (Marti Mc., Chair)

The Bylaws Chair continued processing updates made to the WSB Manual by the various committees.

Service Group Support Committee (Norma Jean P., Chair)

Conference calls are proceeding on a bi-monthly basis. We have heard sharing from all intergroups, chapters, and local service committees regarding activities they have found successful in reaching the newcomer and strengthening their local fellowship. We have also discussed the types of guidelines the fellowship would like to see posted for local service groups and have received suggestions on other topics they would like to discuss at future meetings.

Local Service Group Guidelines and Suggestions Sub-committee: The committee has been working hard on developing guidelines. This document will be a living document. We are looking forward to it being uploaded by the beginning of 2015 with basic, fundamental questions such as “What is a local service group?” “What types of activities does a LSG do?” “How do activities get funded?” “How do you run your meetings?”

Web Update Sub-committee: With the change in direction from pre-chapter to the local service group concept, the web page related to the SGSC needs to be updated. The sub-committee is working on the update.

Policies and Procedures Update Sub-committee: Again, with the change of direction, there are significant changes to our policies and procedures. The sub-committee has been working on updates and it should be done shortly.

connection Committee (Adrienne P., chair) Digital connection survey-

Results from our survey regarding the question about having a digital version of connection have come in. Out of 1003 responses, 509 people who are not current subscribers said they would or might subscribe to a digital version. Our committee plans to further pursue this option and see what it would entail to make it available.

Participation in 2014 Fellowship Convention-

Plans have been underway for our participation in the 2014 Fellowship Convention. Along with having a table set up throughout the weekend where members can ask questions and get help signing up online for subscriptions, we will be holding two workshops during Saturday’s agenda. One workshop will focus on writing for connection and the other will be about submitting artwork. We hope that each one will provide valuable guidance and information to members wanting to contribute to the magazine.

Writing Workshops-

Both EAI and WAI are continuing to offer Writing Workshops in their respective areas.

As EAI has been having these sessions quite successfully for some time, WAI is planning to broaden its scope in regards to having these workshops be more available to our fellowship on the West Coast.

Convention Planning Committee (Ebony F., Chair)

2014 Fellowship Convention

Planning for the 2014 Fellowship Convention is underway and the Convention will take place from October 24 – 26 at the Santa Clara Marriott in California. Currently we have fellows coming from all over the world including Germany, Taiwan, Canada, Alaska, and Australia! We are excited to meet and welcome everyone to the Fellowship Convention.

  • Convention Theme: Strength Through Fellowship
  • Total Number of Meetings: 14
    • o Sharing Meetings: 3
    • o Discussion Meetings: 3
    • o FA Book Studies: 3
    • o connection Workshops: 2
    • o CD Recording Sessions: 3 (with a total of 6 CDs being recorded!)
  • Plus great opportunities for fellowship!
    • o Karaoke
    • o Live Band
    • o Photo Booth
    • o …and a very special Fellowship Activity!

2015 Business Convention

The 2015 World Service Business Convention will return to the DoubleTree by Hilton Boston North Shore on May 29-31, 2015. Please mark your calendars, as we would love to see you there! More information will be posted at www.foodaddicts.org.

Literature Committee (Jen N., Chair)

Writing and Editing Subcommittee

  1. Completed a draft for Living Abstinently and provided to the Literature Committee for initial review. Initial review determined that while the content was wonderful, the tone was too instructive. The committee is editing the document and plans to have it completed in January for a second review. Goal is to present to the fellowship in 2016.
  2. The PI group has given the okay for the WES committee to draft the pamphlet for Medical Professionals.
  3. WES Committee will be creating a second subcommittee to begin work on editing and revising existing pamphlets in parallel with the other group.

CD Subcommittee

  1. Added EAI History to CD Library and is available on website.
  2. Developed a policy on MP3 reproduction.
  3. Determined speakers for Fellowship Convention.
  4. Considering renaming the committee to “Recordings Committee”. Translation Committee
  5. Submitted German translation of Just For Today Card and There is a Solution to Design Committee;

documents were not provided in Word; in process of getting the documents in Word for the Committee.

  1. Worked with the Book Committee to develop draft of Informal Book Translation Policy.
  2. Obtained German translation of Documents 1-8 which will be translated by members of the fellowship.
  3. Reviewing and updating existing Translation Procedures in the Literature Committee Procedures.

Office Committee (Jane M., Chair)

  1. Banner Project: The Office Committee has been working with the PI Committee in obtaining new banners and to set up a process online to be able to order them. We anticipate this will be completed in the fall.
  2. Meeting Subscription Transfer Project: Beginning November, all connection subscriptions will now need to be ordered by the connection rep and will be sent to the connection rep. The office and the connection committee are collaborating to provide instructions for connection reps on how to order connection subscriptions for his/her meeting. We anticipate this to go LIVE at the beginning of November. More information will be provided during the FA Fellowship convention.
  3. FA e-Book project: all programming has been completed and we expect that the FA Book will be available electronically by the end of October.
  4. Completed website programming so that donations can now be made to EAI via credit card.
  5. FA Book bulk orders ordered in quantities of 20-39 will have a reduced postage rate by 50%. Quantities of 40 or more (in increments of 20) will be free postage.

Public Information (Kris M., Chair)

CISION/MEDIA LIST REQUESTS –We received between 2-6 requests for media lists from the Cision subscription database. Any area that wishes to receive a media contact list for their area can email pi@foodaddicts.org

Tablecloths, banners - New tablecloths and banners were developed and will be ready to be sold on the website most likely in November.

PI Kit – The PI kit underwent review and is still being edited. We are looking for someone to lead this project with another PI committee member. The kit is currently going through edits mainly to cut it down for a pull-down menu section of the FA website in order to make it easier for members to quickly access the sections of the PI that they need.

Healthcarewatch Sub-Committee - Attended conferences including: the Obesity Action Coalition in Orlando – trifolds were sent for giveaway bags at this conference. Prepared materials for attendance at the International Nurses Society on Addictions annual conference.


Submitted more letters to websites to add the FA website link to their sites. Added links to university and healthcare-related sites in the US and Germany. Received confirmation from Google that FA has been granted free non-profit status for Google AdWords.


Wrote new copy using a compilation of content from existing FA materials, which will be submitted for approval to the WSB.


Continued to send out approximately 100 emails per month. Made contact with all physicians and relevant individuals mentioned in recent FedUp documentary.

Fed Up – Annie wants to follow up on this. We got one response. Andrew sent information on every contact who was mentioned in the movie. Annie split up those contacts and gave them to her team members.

Note from Helen R.: An email was sent to Nutrition Action with an attached article about sweetener. Annie will send the MediaWatch letter.

Helen R’s note: she sent an email to Nutrition Action. Helen sent an article about sweetener. She sent her own article to them.  Annie will send the MediaWatch letter.


FA has a response on over 100 blogs.


We submitted story angles to Oprah Magazine and Shape Magazine.

Traditions Review Committee (Dan B., Chair)

  • Individuals, meetings, chapters, intergroups, or the World Service Board may submit Traditions related inquiries by email to the Traditions Review Committee (TRC) at traditions@foodaddicts.org
  • Since the annual report was published, the TRC reviewed nine new issues, referred eight others to board committees, held two conference calls (May and July) and two in person meetings at the Business Convention.
  • In addition, the TRC subcommittees continued their work on the following projects:
    • Historical Index Subcommittee – continued archival of TRC records
    • Communication Subcommittee – published TRC content in last two Gratitude in Action Newsletters

The following are selected examples of Traditions issues resolved during this quarter:

  • 1) Relapse Support Group
  • 2) Video Recording of University Class
  • 3) Distribution of FA Meeting Phone Lists within a Chapter
  • 4) Members Calling in to Meetings
  • 5) Provision and Funding of Childcare by FA Meetings

Issue: Multiple members received blind copy emails with a flyer that promoted a “Relapse Support” group conference call from an FA member that co-facilitated the group. The call was intended for food addicts who have an FA program sponsor, but were unable to stay abstinent. It was indicated that participants must desire to be abstinent and want to learn how to get and stay abstinent using the tools that the facilitator had developed. The inquirer was asked to distribute the flyer at meetings and to let people who qualify know about this conference call.

Response: The TRC acknowledges and understands the difficulties faced by those fellows who have relapsed or continually relapse. The TRC is not aware of any “rules” or “bylaws” within FA’s governance structure stopping members from coordinating and promoting a conference call, however, distributing promotional material to FA meeting email distribution lists, or promoting the calls at a meeting in any way (announcement, handing out flyers, leaving flyers on literature table) poses multiple Traditions-related issues. Tradition 6 is involved because these actions constitute endorsement of an outside enterprise and Tradition 2 comes into play as someone is positioning himself or herself as an expert. The TRC believes that the “teaching” modality conflicts with the principles of FA’s organizational structure as it takes the emphasis away from the recovery found in our meetings and through working the FA program as it is passed down from our sponsors, our fellows and our higher power. The inquiring members were advised of the above noted thoughts and welcomed to take them back for discussion at their business meetings.

Issue: A professor at a University invited FA to send three members to present their stories of recovery to a class on addiction for psychology and health care students. The class is part of the distance-learning program and is presented on closed circuit TV for students sitting in 4-6 other geographical locations. Videos of the classes are kept in the library for 30 days for view by those students who miss the classes. Only those with a student ID have access. After 30 days, the videos are destroyed. The professor is unwilling to blur the FA members’ faces or have them sit facing away from the class, so as not to detract from the experience of the students not in the room. The TRC addressed this issue a number of years ago. Based on the TRC’s understanding of the technological setup at the time, in light of Tradition 11, it was suggested that FA members not participate in the videotaped classes. Recently, the Maine Chapter requested the TRC reconsider the issue based on their understanding of the new technology and policies outlined above. The TRC discussed this issue over a period of several months, both amongst its members and with representatives of the Maine Chapter to gain clarity about the class and access to the videos, and to suggest possible ways to limit the FA members’ exposure. Contact was also made with the AA General Service Office; generally, AA’s reservations regarding Tradition 11 relate to exposure that occur at the public level. Although, given advancements in digital technology, the potential exists for these recordings to become public, the intent of this use is private not public.

Response: Based on the additional information provided, the members of the TRC were nearly unanimous in accepting that FA member participation would not conflict with the intended principles of Tradition 11. A committee member spoke at length with a representative of the Maine Chapter, reviewing the TRC’s perspectives. It was suggested that the FA members who will share their stories in the class use false names. Also, the TRC suggested that FA members be made well aware of the potential, given the nature of technology, that their personal anonymity could be broken in a public forum (i.e. if a student were to record and post the video on YouTube or another form of social media), so that they may make a personal decision on whether or not to participate.

Issue: An FA Chapter was looking for confirmation that no FA Traditions are being infringed upon if they offer a service of storing phone lists for members to access when needed. The Chapter Office planned to receive, via email, PDF attachments of phone lists, from participating meetings within the Chapter (updated monthly), store the lists (either in a folder in the cloud or on a flash drive) and provide them, via email attachment, to meetings/members requesting phone lists within the Chapter. A member/meeting could request a specific meeting list, regional lists or all available lists. Each meeting's group conscience will determine whether their meeting will participate in the Chapter organized exchange. At the meeting level, it will be made clear that the list will be sent to the Chapter Office and that members have the choice not to be included on the submitted version of the meeting phone list. Some meetings may choose to have two separate lists, one for their meeting and one to be forwarded to the Chapter Office. At the end of each month, the Chapter Office will delete all prior versions of the meeting lists and meetings will replace them with updated versions. Meetings may choose not to participate by group conscience. Although meetings may forget or choose not to send their monthly update from time to time, the Chapter office will not "chase" meetings to provide their list. With lists being updated every month, newcomers will be given the choice to be on the list (or not).

Response: The TRC was concerned that this practice could conflict with the principle of individual anonymity since meeting phone lists would be distributed beyond the meeting attendees. The committee considered the inquiry in light of Tradition 12 and believe that, provided that individual anonymity is respected and the above process is followed, there is no issue with this practice.

Issue: A meeting voted by group conscience to allow homebound FA members to listen in on and participate in “in person” FA meetings using the speakerphone of one or multiple cell phones. A second inquiry indicated that this practice was being done for members who “could not make the meeting” and not just “homebound members”. Members also were participating in the meeting by calling into cell phones or other internet based services while they were at work or driving in their cars. This second member was uncomfortable with this practice for many reasons, primarily anonymity.

Response: The TRC believes that this practice is in conflict with Tradition 12 and is a serious anonymity issue. The use of cell phones to broadcast meetings will undoubtedly cause some members to feel uncomfortable because they will not know who is listening to the meeting. In particular, this practice could cause newcomers to feel apprehensive about returning to the meeting that leads to concerns relating to Tradition 5 - the primary purpose of the meeting is to carry the message to newcomers. The use of cell phones at the meeting could be distracting to all meeting attendees. For example, the phone can pick up noise from the background of the caller, the call can drop and then ring when the members call back in, and someone at the meeting would have to attend to each cell phone and therefore would not be fully present for the meeting. These distractions detract from our primary purpose – the newcomer. Based, in part, on the principles of Tradition 1 - our common welfare comes first - the FA conference has clearly expressed, in FA’s governing documents, the importance of the face-to-face experience for dealing with food addiction. The format and guidance necessary to take meetings to homes to help homebound members is available at www.foodaddicts.org.

Issue: An FA member, representing a group planning to start a new FA meeting, asked the TRC for an opinion on their plan for the meeting to provide childcare for children of members attending the meeting. The member indicated that they understood that the provision of childcare coordinated by an FA meeting was discouraged, but did not know why. Before proceeding, the organizers of the potential meeting wanted to ensure that they did not violate the 12 Traditions of FA. They hope, with a better understanding of why this was discouraged, they could find a way to incorporate childcare without causing controversy or affecting FA as a whole. They noted that their area is in great need of a meeting for various reasons and that their area has a very high rate of single parent families. They further noted, over many years, they have seen numerous women from the area begin the program and then leave. In some cases, this was because the new members were unable to afford childcare. In other cases, they did not have cars and became exhausted taking multiple buses to get to other parts of the city for their meetings. In terms of the logistics of the childcare, the plan they proposed would be to have the children in a separate room with at least one paid childcare provider. The member noted that they understand that paying for the childcare with 7th Tradition funds could expose FA, as a whole, to a liability claim, so they are prepared to pay for the childcare separately; primarily by the parents who bring their children. They also proposed to pass a second basket at the meeting with an announcement that they are passing the basket specifically for childcare if anyone wishes to contribute.

Response: The TRC recognizes the challenge of being a parent and working the FA program, in terms of both time and cost. It is apparent that the effort to provide childcare during FA meetings is well intentioned. In reviewing this inquiry the TRC reviewed the two issues presented separately:

    • whether it is advisable to provide childcare at FA meetings, coordinated by the FA meeting, and, if so,
    • whether it is advisable to pass a second “7th Tradition” basket in order to cover the childcare expenses

In respect to the provision of childcare at meetings, two traditions may advise us to avoid this practice, as currently described: Tradition 1, protecting our common welfare and FA unity, and Tradition 5, focusing on our primary purpose.

Regarding Tradition 1, providing childcare in another room could distract both the parents and the other meeting attendees from the FA meeting. If the childcare room is close to the meeting room, the noise could be distracting. In any event, parents could be interrupted with calls or text messages from the caregivers or may be called during the meeting to leave the room. The quality of the meeting is impacted by these disruptions. This does not protect the common welfare of the group and could lead to resentments and disunity. Nor does it support the parent’s recovery experience of being able to focus uninterrupted attention on the content of the meeting. Further, in terms of protecting our common welfare, is the question of liability. If there is an incident, by providing the childcare service, “hiring” the caregiver, and committing funds, FA could be seen as affiliated with the childcare provider and could thus be at risk of being liable for damages.

Tradition 5 might be seen to support childcare, in that our primary purpose is to carry the message to the food addict who still suffers. By providing childcare, a still suffering food addict may find recovery that was unavailable to them without childcare. However, FA has repeatedly interpreted Tradition 5 as relating to our responsibility at a meeting to be available to share our recovery with newcomers and those still suffering, as well as to greet and interact with our fellows before, at break and after the meeting in order to combat the isolationism that is part of our disease. A parent who is distracted by their child(ren) being cared for at the meeting may not be available to serve the newcomer.

In respect to passing a second basket for childcare funding, the TRC sees several difficulties with this practice, involving both the letter and spirit of Tradition 7, as well as Traditions 1 (unity), 5 (primary purpose), and 12 (principles over personalities). The intent of the 7th Tradition is that "every FA group ought to be fully self-supporting." Being “self-supporting” includes collecting the money needed to pay for rent, literature and other expenses necessary to keeping the meeting functioning; childcare is not such a necessary expense. The inquirer acknowledges this and offers the potential solution of passing a second separate basket clearly identified as money collected for a purpose outside of the 7th Tradition. However, the TRC feels that passing a second basket is a distraction from our primary purpose because it requires further explanation and may be confusing, especially to newcomers. Seventh Tradition funds are to be used for “a stated FA purpose”, not for supporting certain individuals over others, which would have the potential to raise the 12th Tradition tenet of placing personalities over principles. Based on this potential to foster disunity and disputes over money, the FA Meeting Guidelines recommend against a second basket to fund the meeting’s World Service Conference Member, even though this would surely serve a stated FA purpose. The TRC believes that the same principle applies in this case. When a second basket is passed, members may feel a high level of peer pressure to contribute and a perceived concern about the judgment of others if the member chooses not to contribute. Would it be assumed that the non-contributing member is not supportive of helping struggling parents? Are they not supportive of the FA meeting? Are they not supportive of a particular parent who is a member of the FA meeting? “Experience has often warned us that nothing can so surely destroy our spiritual heritage as futile disputes over property, money, and authority.”

Summary: The TRC understands the conflict between the demands of being a parent and the ability to attend committed FA meetings. Based on the issues identified above, the TRC unanimously believes that the coordination and funding of childcare is not aligned with the purpose of an FA meeting. It would be more appropriate for members with children to coordinate group childcare completely independent of FA. If, notwithstanding this guidance, a meeting determines, by group conscience, to coordinate the provision of childcare for members, the TRC recommends that the childcare area be located in another building or on a separate floor of the building in which the FA meeting is located, far removed from the meeting room. Childcare providers could be instructed not to interrupt the meeting unless there is a true emergency.

The TRC strongly recommends against using any funds collected at an FA meeting (from one or two baskets) to pay for childcare. The 7th Tradition’s use of the word “self- supporting” could also be interpreted to suggest that we as individual members strive to become self-supporting. The TRC believes that childcare is best left to the responsibility of the parents involved to both organize and fund, outside the FA venue, and that it not be discussed at the meeting or business meeting. Alternative options to achieve this end, used previously by FA members have included:

  • o parents paying to “enroll” in consistent childcare, organized by FA member parents, independent of the meeting; or
  • o FA members not committed to that meeting volunteering to be of service by babysitting, without pay, for the children of members that are committed to the meeting (also coordinated independent of the meeting).

Twelfth Step Committee (Linda N., Chair)

  • Four service positions on this committee were filled: Frontier Subcommittee Chair, Frontier Communications Liaison, EAI 12th Step Committee Chair (ex officio), Maine Chapter 12th Step Committee Chair (ex officio)
  • Held two bi-monthly conference call meetings, July & September. Focused on preparation for October Fellowship Convention and 12th Step Committee table’s purpose. Continuing efforts to grow established 12th Step resource lists in effort to support newcomers, some potentially frontier members, due to widening distribution of FA Book.
  • Continued discussions on ways to encourage service among FA members and to provide support for members on the frontier & meetings/members in outlying areas. Decision made to add links to website for Frontier Phone List and Universal Language List signups.
  • Began coordination of Thank-a-thons for U.S. Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 2014, and preparation for posting of worldwide flyer on website by early November.

Updates from individual subcommittees:

Communications Subcommittee

  • Continued to work on bringing relevant and timely information to FA fellowship, with goal of inspiring members to get involved and do service in support of recovery at individual and group levels.
  • Gratitude in Action (GIA) newsletter published in July included re-cap of the 2014 WSBC opening remarks of WSI Chair and closing remarks of WSI Vice-Chair.
  • Published newsletter for distribution on Oct. 1, 2014. Focus on October 24-26, 2014 Fellowship Convention and advice to members regarding planning for holiday travel while keeping one’s focus on recovery. Also listed current service opportunities and other upcoming events such as EAI’s Chapter, Region and Meeting Support Weekend on November 15-16, 2014.
  • Universal Language List was updated and distributed quarterly, as scheduled. It currently represents members in FA from eight countries, and contains approximately 58 members and 13 unique languages.

Frontier Subcommittee

  • Held quarterly conference call meeting in September.
  • Frontier Phone List Manager published monthly the Frontier Phone List.
  • Frontier Communications Liaison assured preparation of monthly E-letter with a message of inspiration & support that was distributed to all members on the Frontier Phone List.
  • Frontier Sponsor Update Coordinator updated and published the Frontier Sponsor List quarterly, as scheduled.

Meeting Effectiveness, Safety & Accessibility Subcommittee (MESA)

  • Committee consulted and responded to members’ inquiries regarding:
  • meeting safety in regards to predatory behavior;
  • use of other 12th Step program banners at FA meetings;
  • issue of fragrances at meetings;
  • Committee began process of looking into Braille Format for Sample Meeting Format.

EAI 12th Step Committee

  • Road trip to support meeting in Newport, Rhode Island;
  • EAI Meeting Resource Guide condensed into trifold.
  • Established Thank-a-Thon Coordinator.
  • Established Note Taker for EAI Quarterly Orientation Call.
  • Established Road Trip Coordinator for 12th Step Committee. WAI 12th Step Committee
  • Homebound Subcommittee/12th Step Calls Subcommittee organized two homebound meetings. One 12th Step Call was made to a member in California.
  • Target Area Resource/Partner Meetings Subcommittee continued support for outlying area meetings by monthly phone calls to them. Informed members about intergroup activities, resources, Fellowship Convention & associated deadlines, and upcoming November Thank-a-Thons. Efforts continued in partnering meetings to support meeting health.
  • Thank-a-thon Coordinator began process of getting word out to members, and organization of Thank-a-thons to be held on U.S. Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 27, 2014.

Maine Chapter 12th Step Committee

  • Featured making calls to fellows on the Frontier Phone List.
  • FA road trip to Bangor and requests from 2 other meetings being planned.
  • Connection writing session after chapter well attended.
  • Speaker's List is being revamped into a Resource/Service list.
  • Thank-a-thon information disseminated.
  • Began planning for Meeting Support Day for March 2015.


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