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Quarterly Report 2014 - Oct-Dec

January 2015

Dear FA Members:

The World Service Board and its various committees have been working hard this quarter on your behalf as a fellowship. Please be sure to look through this report so you can get a glimpse of the enormous efforts that are being made.

Our June business convention is just around the corner. If you can afford the time and have the resources, please join us Friday, May 29, through Sunday, May 31, 2015, in Danvers, Massachusetts. Check our website for information on how to register. This is a wonderful opportunity to participate in our growing worldwide fellowship.

When I came into program, there were only two of us in Canada, so I have some appreciation for those of you who live in outlying areas. Attending the conventions has provided a huge boost to my recovery over the years. I’ve also found it valuable to stay with members before or after the conventions, to see how those with more experience work their program, and to visit FA meetings.

We often hear the slogan “live and let live,” focusing on the “let live” part as we learn to accept others. Just don’t forget the “live” part of this slogan. Having a program of recovery, bringing gratitude to whatever we do, and making our lives primarily about service, all help us live better lives. With so many suffering from food addiction in the world around us, it is good to be part of the solution. May we continue to support one another in the development of our rehabilitated lives and never cease in our efforts to reach the suffering food addict. It’s a good time to be in recovery, and it’s a good time to be alive.

With Gratitude, Dave I.

WSI Chair

VICE-CHAIR and WSB PERSONNEL COMMITTEE REPORT – October/November/December 2014 (Jamie M., Chair of Personnel and Vice-Chair of WSI)

  • I have played a role in supporting the WSB Chair and I serve on the Executive Committee assisting in matters related to the WSB. I have offered support and suggestions to many of the chairs with inquiries regarding their committees.
  • As Vice-Chair of the WSB, I sit on the Finance Committee and lend my support, when necessary, on behalf of the WSB and the Executive Board.
  • As the IRC Committee Chair and the liaison to the board, I continued to give ongoing support to the IRC for issues brought to the Committee’s attention from our fellowship. I have made calls to various members of the fellowship when they have requested help regarding issues in their group meetings.
  • As chair of the Personnel Committee, along with committee members, I have helped to provide support to the chair of the Office Committee on personnel issues related to salary and overtime.

WSI COMMITTEE REPORTS – October/November/December 2014

Bylaws Committee (Marti Mc., Chair)

  • The WSB Bylaws Committee submitted two motions to the Board Motions Review Committee for presentation at the 2015 WSBC. The first motion is an amendment to the bylaws clarifying the intent that FA meetings are “in person” meetings and that there are no online or telephone meetings in FA. The purpose of the second motion is to clarify that the program is not for children. We are making this clear by using the word “adolescents” instead of “children.”
  • The WSB Standing Committees Manual is in the process of being updated.

Service Group Support Committee (Norma Jean P., Chair)

  • We have continued bi-monthly meetings for anyone interested in networking with others who are involved in service with a local service group, chapter, or intergroup. Our next two meetings will be on January 18 and March 15. If you are interested in attending and do not currently receive an invitation or the minutes, please email SGSC@foodaddicts.org.
  • By the end of January, the Local Service Group Guidelines document will be posted on the FA website under the tab that was previously called IG/Chapter. We are changing it and adding information about Local Service Groups to the website.

connection Committee (Adrienne P., Chair)

  • Our committee is pleased to report the magazine has continued to remain in the black this last quarter.
  • Moving forward into 2015, we hope to have a digital version of connection up and running. Research has been ongoing as to what the best and most cost efficient way there is to get this underway.
  • Article submissions in October hit a high of 30! (This is in comparison to only one that was submitted during that month the year before.) Thanks so much to all who responded to our request for more articles.
  • Writing workshops are still taking place as needed on both the East and West Coasts. Our hope is to encourage writing that will bring depth and authenticity to the magazine, and represent the stories that our members are truly living in their day-by-day recovery.
  • We are looking for experienced editors, with a year or more of continuous abstinence, to join our committee. If you are interested, please email connection@foodaddicts.org and specify in the subject line “Editing Position”. Thanks so much for any interest in this service.

Convention Planning Committee (Ebony F., Chair)

  • We are pleased to announce that online registration for the 2015 FA Business Convention, being held on May 29-31, 2015, in Danvers, MA, begins on January 12.
  • Reservations with the Doubletree by Hilton Hotel can now be made by going to our website and using the direct link that is listed on our Business Convention information page. Please note the following important deadlines:
    • o March 6: Due date for all WSB applications for the following positions; WSI Secretary, Treasurer, PI Chair, Literature Chair, 12th Step Chair, and Service Group Support Chair. Application forms can be found on our website on the Business Convention information page.
    • o March 6 : Registration deadline for all WSC members
    • o May 5: Deadline for group room rate at the Doubletree by Hilton hotel
    • o May 8: Deadline for online registration for the 2015 FA Business Convention
    • o May 8: Deadline for refunds for online registration/ purchased meal plans
  • Please also note that all deadlines must be adhered to without exception.
  • Plans are still under way for the next Fellowship Convention, as well. As soon as we have confirmed a date and a venue we will send an email we will communicate to the fellowship.
  • We hope to see many of you at both these events. Thank you for your consideration and service!

Literature Committee (Jen N., Chair)

Writing and Editing Subcommittee

  • Continuing to work on revising Living Abstinently.
  • Began process of creating a second subcommittee to begin work on editing and revising existing pamphlets in parallel with the other group.
  • Working with book committee to determine best way to create Medical Pamphlet.

Recordings Subcommittee

  • Recorded 6 new CDs at Convention
  • Renamed Subcommittee from CD Subcommittee to Recordings Subcommittee

Translation Committee

  • In conjunction with the Office and Design Committees, completed publication of the German “Just For Today” card and “There is a Solution” to the Design Committee.
  • In conjunction with the WSI Office, created a new process for the design and publication of pamphlets. This includes a new relationship with our web developer PMG that will be managing this moving forward.
  • Continuing to work on reviewing and updating the Translation Procedures in the Literature Committee Procedures.

Office Committee (Adrienne C., Interim Chair)

  • The Office Committee is happy to announce that PI banners and table cloths are now available to order on the FA website. For questions on what and how to order the PI materials, please email web@foodaddicts.org.
  • The workspace project for use by the Intergroups and Chapters is now completed.
  • Registration for the 2015 Business Convention will go live Jan 8. More information is forthcoming.
  • The Office Committee is continually making improvements to the FA website.

Public Information (Kris M., Chair)

  • Over the last quarter, MediaWatch has sent out hundreds of emails and has been seeing a steady increase in the number of physicians, researchers, and treatment programs who are actually responding to the MediaWatch email. Regarding Healthcarewatch, FA participated in the following conventions:
    • o Obesity Action Coalition in Orlando – sent 450 trifolds for participant bags.
    • o International Nurses Society on Addictions in D.C. – gave out 15 FA books and received lists from nurses in the US and internationally.
    • o National Conference on Food Addiction in Worcester, Mass. – hosted booth, handed out 5 books with 15 additional requests, handed out many
    • o Obesity Week, Boston – spoke with at least 70 physicians, gave out 20 books, 10 additional mailed, received requests for follow-up from healthcare
  • Regarding the PI materials such as the new tablecloth and new banners, they were completed and, as referenced above, are now available to order on the FA website.
  • Weblinks continues to need volunteers and more colleges and organizations are agreeing to add FA’s link to the resource sections of their sites. Blogwatch continues to provide comments on relevant blogs. A new initiative to start a Google AdWords non-profit program is in the final approval stages. The improved Wikipedia page text was rejected by Wikipedia. We will seek to find out how to have the content on FA’s page on Wikipedia improved.

Traditions Review Committee (Dan B., Chair)

  • Individuals, meetings, chapters, intergroups, or the World Service Board may submit Traditions related inquiries by email to the Traditions Review Committee (TRC) at traditions@foodaddicts.org
  • Since the October Quarterly Report was published, the TRC received nine new issues, referred three others to board committees, and held one conference call (November).
  • In addition, the TRC subcommittees continued their work on the following projects:
    • o Historical Index Subcommittee – continued archival of TRC records
    • o Communication Subcommittee – published TRC content in Fall Gratitude in Action Newsletter

The following are selected examples of Traditions issues received during or prior to this quarter, all of which remain under review. Select issues will be reported on in more detail in the upcoming Annual Report. Members with specific interest in any of these issues are welcome to email comments or questions to traditions@foodaddicts.org:

  • Confusion between concepts of “anonymity” and “privacy.”
  • TRC thoughts on the documentary “The Anonymous People.”
  • The creation of FA bumper stickers.
  • Sharing of FA CD collections between meetings.
  • TRC thoughts on the “Sharing Meeting” at the Fellowship Convention, which required that member who share have 15 years of abstinence.
  • Announcement of AWOLs at FA Meetings.
  • The marketing of a non-FA book to members on FA meeting lists.
  • TRC thoughts on meeting making a donation to a charity in lieu of paying rent to meeting facility.
  • Use of 7th Tradition funds to pay for a holiday party for meeting members.
  • Meeting considering making an extra donation to meeting facility as a holiday gift, in addition to rent, rather than sending excess funds to intergroup or WSI.
  • TRC thoughts on meeting facility that would like to host FA meeting but refuses to accept rent or donation.

Twelfth Step Committee (Linda N., Chair)

  • In October, two new links were added to website for Frontier Phone List and Universal Language Lists signups.
  • We held our bi-monthly conference call in November. Discussed committee’s role at October Fellowship Convention, how things went, and possible ideas for the 12th Step table at future fellowship conventions and at the 2015 business convention.

Communications Subcommittee

  • The committee prepared and distributed the October Gratitude in Action E-newsletter. Focus was on the Fellowship Convention, as well as holidays and travel. Included was a short segment on the Traditions Review Committee, sharing an example of a member’s question and the TRC’s response. Also listed were available service opportunities and some upcoming dates to get on calendar.
  • Prepared and distributed the November Gratitude in Action E-newsletter, which included the WSI Vice Chair’s and Chair’s Opening and Closing Remarks made at the October 2014 World Service Fellowship Convention, and some sharing by members re their experience at the Fellowship Convention. It also contained a section sharing several

members’ questions addressed to the Traditions Review Committee and the responses provided by the TRC.

  • Beginning preparations were made for the February 2015 edition of GIA, which will include a section on staying abstinent through the transitions of life, a TRC question and response section, the upcoming 2015 Business Convention, and the FA E-Book.
  • Updated Universal Language List in preparation for early January 2015 distribution.

Frontier Subcommittee

  • Conference call was held in December.
  • Published monthly the Frontier Phone List.
  • Frontier Communications Liaison assured preparation of monthly E-letters in October and December that were distributed to all members on the Frontier Phone List along with the updated phone list.
  • Published quarterly the Frontier Sponsor List. Note included in recent email to FSL members encouraged them to adhere to the commitment to respond to callers within 48 hours and to help the caller to locate a sponsor. Note to list members also encouraged all messages to be made slowly and clearly.

Meeting Effectiveness, Safety & Accessibility Subcommittee (MESA)

  • Ordered Braille meeting formats.
  • Supported two meetings concerning issues of environmental sensitivity. Helped them find ways of going fragrance-free.
  • Supported meeting around issue of service animal in meeting.

EAI 12th Step Committee / Maine Chapter 12th Step Committee

  • EAI hosted 14 Thank-a-thons on November 27, 2014, U.S. Thanksgiving Day.
  • Of the 10 Thank-a-thons that reported their attendance, there were a total of 391 attendees, with a handful of newcomers, including one that only had three days of abstinence and reported that the Thank-a-thon was very helpful.
  • Per recommendation of EAI Board, the EAI 12th Step Committee made decision to hold off on holding EAI’s “Fellowship Day” in March 2015 due to an already crowded FA calendar at that time of year.

WAI 12th Step Committee

WAI hosted 13 Thank-a-thons on November 27, 2014, U.S. Thanksgiving Day.

Connection Subcommittee

Hosted writing session at intergroup, allowing time for members to get started on articles. Some participants took commitment to finish their articles and submit them to connection. General feedback was positive.

Homebound Meetings/Twelfth Step Calls Subcommittee

  • Held two homebound meetings.
  • Also created a service list for signups in order to compile a list of members willing to do service by attending homebound meetings when needed. Signup list was circulated to the Homebound Meetings members at intergroup.
  • One 12th Step Call made to individual in hospital who is unable to attend meeting due to physical constraints, but interested in hearing about FA program.
  • Discussion held re: possible mailing to get the word out as to availability of 12th Step Calls when needed.

TAR subcommittee disbanded. Partner Meetings continued to meet monthly at intergroup.


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