Service Group Support Committee Minutes - Sunday, December 20, 2020
3:30pm – 5:00pm ET
Serenity Prayer
Abi W Amherst MA, Akia W DC, Alia B SF, Angela T CA, Anita F FL, Barb C Alberta, Barbara S, Bob F FL, Carole A UT, Catherine L SC, Cheryl MI, Cindy A Annapolis MD, Cindy B, Claire T UK, Danielle B Calgary, Debra B TX, Di M FL, Diane K, Erica N, Helen H FL, Helen R NYC, Jackie W, WDC, Jean H, Joan J Alberta, Kelly L CA, Ketura, Leona WC CA, Linda C Toronto, Lucinda UT, Marcia W MI, Margaret L CA, Margie E GA, Maria, Mary Lou NYC, Nancy C Ontario Canada, Nancy M Toronto, Pam K, Canada, Roz H Amelia Island FL, Sharon C, Sherry W, Shirlee NM, Shirley H ME, Stacy SF, Stoney G MI, Susan T ON, Theresa H ME, Tina M Santa Rosa CA, Yaser A Canada
Intergroup and Chapter Updates
- Service Group Support weekend was very successful, with 756 people attending. The survey results are currently under review.
- EAI met last weekend and talked about motions that have been submitted for the June business convention; there were 5 motions submitted but some are similar, so likely there will be 3 motions submitted from EAI to WSI.
- The Traditions committee presented on what the traditions are all about; there is a traditions database on with reponses from the Traditions Review Committee to inquiries from the fellowship.
- At the upcoming January meeting, EAI will review the 3 motions that are going to be submitted to WSI and also practice remote voting. The motions will go forward for a vote in February.
Maine Chapter
- There are 22 meetings affiliated with the chapter, 18 have become gatherings since the pandemic. It is an exciting time for the chapter because their area is remote, so being able to have people from elsewhere join gatherings has been great.
- The chapter meets virtually on the 3rd Sunday of every month. There are 3 committees: the Office committee, PI committee, and the 12th step committee. There is also an ad hoc committee that works with the bylaws chair to submit motions to WSI. They have been meeting with motion makers since November. The chapter will vote on the motions in January.
- There were 2 motions submitted that have been consolidated into 1.
- The Office committee is the communication hub for the groups in their region and helps the community with requests about FA and keeps the website updated. The website is undergoing a major update right now and the committee is working to make sure everything is up to date. The Office committee also emails chapter agendas and everyone associated with the chapter – highlights keep everyone up to date on service opportunities, chapter activities, and gatherings.
- The PI committee works to educate the community about FA, focused lately about raising awareness about FA with both online and print paper listings. Ads direct people to the chapter phone line where people can get connected to the website and to gatherings. They are planning a virtual FA information session that will be held for one of the state-wide recovery conferences in January. There are two information sessions planned for January 19 at 9am and February 23 at 6:30pm. Attending LSGs can text
- Shirley H for information. Contact to get connected.
- How are you letting the public know about virtual information sessions? (Akia)
- The event is being publicized in adult education catalogs, newspapers, and online, just like a normal information session. Because it’s virtual, they’re publicizing all over the state geographically. There’s a contact person listed in the ad, and they can call the contact person to get the Zoom information.
- How do you publicize the most – print or online? The adult education catalogs – are those free or paid? (Abi W. from Amherst MA)
- Mostly free listings, print and online. Adult education listings are free.
- The announcement is adapted for online and digital literature table.
- WAI is not meeting right now due to heightened COVID restrictions; they have not met since March. There is a committee working on updating the WAI website. There are meetings holding gatherings on the phone and on January 9 and 10 there will be a Pacific Rim meeting which will cover fellows that are in New Zealand and Australia.
Getting the Word Out: How to Post an Event on a Media Site
(email to requesting a copy of the PowerPoint presentation)
- We want to send people to the FA website, but should we also list a phone number? (Di M, FL)
- Interested people can reach out to the meeting contact person to get the meeting information; we do not want to publish Zoom information for security reasons.
- Is there a list of rules for using the FA visual identity information? (Di M, FL)
- There are no rules at this time (Margaret L)
- Are we advised to post all meetings or just special events like PI sessions? Should we check the tracking form first to see if we can use existing login before creating a new account? (Yaser, Canada)
- You can check to see if there are people in your area who are posting and coordinate with them if you like (Margaret L)
- Will we receive a copy of the PowerPoint to use as a guide? Also what about receiving a blank Google sheet of the different forms? (Sherry W, FL)
- The PowerPoint will be distributed with the meeting minutes and can be obtained by emailing
- Once the posting is on Eventbrite, how does the newcomer find it? (Nancy C, Ontario)
- Eventbrite is a meeting announcement website, so the newcomer would find it on the site. There is a way to add hashtags or keywords to the announcement to make it more searchable. Also, Eventbrite links show up in Google searches.
- Can any of us do this or is there a requirement for it to be the Web & Directory person? (Carole, UT)
- It is usually the PI person or a LSG person or someone working with them (Margaret L)
- Is it recommended to send out email blasts through Eventbrite? (Helen H)
- It is not recommended to send anything out because that would be too much like promotion
- What is the difference between promotion and attraction and how does that apply to Eventbrite? (Debra B, TX)
- Eventbrite is just an information posting where people can find the posting if they go looking for it – we’re not seeking people out or pushing out the information to them
- I live in Lithonia, GA, who would be a contact person for me? (Margie E, GA)
- Send an email to to get the Online Calendar resource
- What email address are you using? (Abi W, Amherst MA)
- A generic email is provided when you contact weblinks for access to the Online Calendar Resource (Linda C)
- Can you list multiple meetings in one post? (Abi W, Amherst MA)
- Yes (Linda C)
- Does it make sense to list a local phone number so that we can change these to in person meetings when we’re back? (Sharon C)
- That can be discussed with the LSG or the PI reps to see if you want a personal phone number or group phone number listed. You can decide together what works best for your group (Linda C)
- I live in DC and two of us from one of the phone gatherings put together an Eventbrite and we got two “orders” on the Eventbrite. It has the local FA phone number where people can leave a message and our area Gmail account and the, but they didn’t contact those, they placed “orders.” In one case we wrote back from a personal email directing them to the LSG email. Can you speak to what happens if someone places an order? (Ketura)
- We are not familiar with that option; directing them to the LSG email seems to be the best course of action
LSG reporting
- Sherry, Cape Coral FL – LSG is doing a virtual local health fair with a local health care provider. They are working with Eric on the slide show, and won’t be showing faces. Will be promoted by Lee Health for people attending the health fair.
- Marylou from NYC – they started two Spanish speaking meetings that are doing very well. They went old school and printed up the flyer in a small size and posted them in grocery stores, laundromats, etc. People attending are CA, NM, TX, FL, Mexico and Colombia. In March they’re going to start the first Spanish AWOL.
Serenity Prayer
WSI Service Group Support Committee Conference Call Schedule - 2021
(Third Sunday of the Month)
- January 24: 3:30 – 5:00 ET
- March 21: 3:30 – 5:00 ET
- May 2: 3:30 – 5:00 ET
- June: Business Convention
- September 19: 3:30 – 5:00 ET
- November 21 3:30 – 5:00 ET