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Service Group Support Committee Minutes - Sunday, January 23, 2022

3:30 pm – 5:00 pm ET

Serenity Prayer


There were 49 people in attendance.  

Aieda D.; Akai W., DC;  Amy D.;  Andrew L., CA; Barb C., AB; Barbie Jo C.; Bernadette G., ON; Beverly B., NV; Carol F., AB; Catherine R.; Colleen S., CA; Debbie C.; Debra A.; Diana C., CA; Diane K., CA; Frannie, MA; Gramel, OH; Helen P., ME;  Helen R.; Honey S., ON; Joann, OH; Joy W., FL; Kathryn W., NY; Kathy M., KY; Ketura, DC; Linda C., ON; Lois R., FL; Macel; Margaret M., NC; Margaret R.; Mary Ann, OH; Mary B., OH; Mary F.; Miriam H., GA; Nancy M., ON; Pam K., BC; Permelia, GA; Pia, CA; Reggie M., FL; Shannon N., AZ; Sharon C., CA; Sharonda H., TX; Sigal, AUS; Susan T., ON;  Susan W., OH; Ursula; Yaser, AB; Yolanda P., MD

Intergroup and Chapter Updates

Western Area Intergroup Report - Pam K. on behalf of Diane P. CA

WAI just held their 4th meeting since regrouping after a long absence due to covid. The schedule was originally set to meet the 3rd Sunday of each month at 8:30am. This was changed to the second Sunday to allow time for the board to send out the meeting recap prior to the end of each month.

Most of the discussion and voting in the first few meetings pertain to enabling WAI to function virtually. Since WAI has not met in 1 ½ years, some motions were passed that will get us aligned with the WSI schedule. They all passed by an overwhelming majority.

  • WAI can now hold meetings, and members can vote, via Zoom.
  • A vote was taken to allow the election of all four members to the new permanent board, to occur in February. The terms of service were changed to 1 year for chair/vice chair, and 2 years for secretary/treasurer. This is to align with the odd/even voting schedule set by WSI.

Two additional changes were proposed and discussed at the January meeting. If passed in the February meeting, these will be sent to WSI for consideration.

  • To change the words “alcoholic”, “alcoholism” and “alcohol” to “food addict” and “food addiction” in the text of How It Works, which is read at meetings. It was decided not to go forward with this motion.
  • To remove “credible body size” as a qualification for WSI board members. This will be voted on in February to potentially be forwarded to WSI.

Board members were nominated for all four positions. Voting will occur at the February meeting.

Maine Chapter Report - Catherine R. Maine on Behalf of Reina D.

The Maine Chapter is affiliated with Eastern Area Intergroup; there are 11 registered meetings from Maine and Southern NH affiliated with the Chapter. Of the 11 meetings, 9 are Video Conference and 2 Phone Conferencing. The Maine and NH meetings have really benefited from members from the frontier, other states and countries who have logged in or called in to the meeting.

The Chapter meets virtually on the third Sunday of the month. We have three standing committees: Office, PI and 12th Step Committee. Each year we also convene an Ad Hoc Committee to work with the Bylaws Chair, who prepares and sets timelines dates for possible Motions submitted to the Chapter for consideration at the World Service Business Convention (WSBC).

The Office Committee is the communication hub for the groups and the public in our region. The Committee:

  1. Responds to requests from FA members and the community.
  2. Keeps information up to date on the FA website. This is a big focus right now as we make suggestions and edits to the FA website Committee.
  3. Emails the Chapter Agendas, Minutes and Highlights to all FA members affiliated with the Chapter. The Highlights keep members up to date on events, Chapter resources, and PI and 12th Step service opportunities. The Highlights also include contact information for the 11 meetings in our region.

The PI Committee educates the community about FA.

  1. The committee is working to raise awareness online and in print papers about FA. The current focus is helping people find the FA website, the Maine Chapter Information Line and newly registered Video Conference and Phone Conferencing meetings.
  2. The committee is planning to staff an in person FA Booth at the Maine Osteopathic Association 111th Annual Meeting which is planned to run from June 11 and 13.
  3. The PI Committee in partnership with regional meetings is coordinating two Ad buys for print and online advertising in Southern and Central regions of the Chapter. The first, Southern Maine Ad buy covers 6 Publications in 3 county’s. The second, Central Maine Ad buy covers 10 Publications in 4 county’s. These are free papers which are accessible to all.
  4. The Committee also coordinates coverage for the Chapter’s phone line and looks for and responds to opportunities to raise awareness about FA.
  5. A Virtual PI Session was also just held on January 10, in collaboration with three meeting groups.
  6. The Committee has also listed all the Chapter Meetings on a Maine Online Calendar.

The 12th Step Committee:

  1. Maintains a Chapter wide service list which is a list of members willing to do service in FA when needs arise and also coordinates literature sales for meeting for the Chapter.
  2. The Committee is also planning a Spring eSession on Saturday, March 26th, from 11 to 12, followed by a fellowship Lunch from 12 to 1pm. The Topic for discussion is: “How are we reaching the sick and suffering food addict in our virtual meetings?”. If you are interested in attending you can text me at 207-504-2154 or the announcement and link will be posted on the Fa Website shortly.

Eastern Area Intergroup Report - Akia W. DC

  • EAI Service Group Support Committee submitted a work order to update the list of the EAI LSG meetings. Please help us keep the list updated by sending an email to eaiservicesupport @foodaddicts.org if there are any changes to your meeting dates, times, or LSG contact.
  • EAI SGSC will give a deep dive on the March EAI body meeting.
  • We have been discussing how LSGs can use the zoom platform for their meetings and funding available from EAI to support LSG work.

Presentation - Reggie M. WSI 12 Step Committee Chair; Franny M. MESA Chair; Yolanda R., TOR Chair

12 Step: Service With A Smile


  • - Dates and times of 12 Step Committee meetings
    • - MESA - first Sunday of month
    • - MESA Resource call - next one is 6
    • - TOR - second Sunday of the month
    • - Newcomer Support is still shaping
    • - For more information call Reggie , MA (508)317-3724 or email 12thStep@foodaddicts.org.
  • - Reach out to Akai , eaiservicesupport@foodaddicts.org on how to address language barriers such as providing written materials in other languages
  • - The intergroups are working to be more inclusive of fellows from Australia as well as others from other

LSG Reporting

GTA LSG - Toronto, ON, changed the time of meeting from midday to evening hoping to attract more fellows.

Serenity Prayer


WSI Service Group Support Committee Conference Call Schedule – 2022 (Third Sunday of the Month*


Meeting Type

March 20


May 15


July 17


September 18


November 20


Global Time: 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm Eastern Time

*Note: Revised dates due to national or religious holidays.


The Service Group Support Committee (SGSC) is a World Service Inc. (WSI) committee with the purpose of supporting local service groups, Chapters and Intergroups with the goal of carrying the message of FA to the still suffering food addict. The SGSC holds bi-monthly conference calls for anyone in the world-wide fellowship interested in learning more about service. The agenda for each meeting includes a discussion topic on service and a time for either Intergroups and Chapters or local service groups to share about their recent activities.