SGSC Minutes March 2022
Global Meeting Minutes
Sunday, March 20th, 2022
3:30 pm – 5:00 pm ET
Serenity Prayer
Akia; Annie S., OH; Bettie; Carol F., AB; Cathy; Christine P., ON; Diane K.; Diane P., CA; Joanne E., OH; Karyn K., CA; Ketura; Linda C., ON; Lisa L., MD; Macel; Mary Ann, MD; Mary F., SC; Pam K., BC; Patty R., ME; Reina D., ME; Rob R., ON; Saundra, MI; Sharonda H., TX; Shirley H., MN; Susan T., ON; Yaser, AB
Intergroup and Chapter Updates
- The EAI presented a deep dive at the Eastern Area Intergroup Body Meeting this past month.
We are working on collecting tools (resource materials) that local service groups have in their back pockets that they may like to share with the FA fellowship. - The next EAI Body meeting is Sunday, April 3rd, 2022.
Maine Chapter
- See Chapter report attached
- The WAI is focused on trying to find out if any LSG's are up and running yet.
- Pam, Akia and Diane are trying to tackle what LSG's are in the new environment of videoconference meetings and fewer in-person gatherings. Once we get that figured out, we will rewrite the guidelines. We are meeting once a month to try and hammer this out.
Presentation - 12 Traditions - The TRC Index: Who? What? When? Where? and Why?
- TRC stands for the Traditions Review Committee
- The committee translates how the traditions guide the fellowship regarding specific issues and concerns raised by FA members or meetings or local service groups
- The TRC acts as a mediator for the FA fellowship; it does not resolve the issue
- The TRC Index is a historical database of issues/concerns related to Traditions available in two formats:
- Searchable PDF
- Searchable Database - TRC Index, the database is accessible using these two methods:
- Go to the website.
- Menu
- For members
- Traditions Review
- Traditions Review Committee (TRC) Index
- The TRC does not recommend printing it; it is a lengthy document
- The data is indexed up to 2018-2019. It is a work in progress.
- If, after searching the database, there is still a question, click on the link to submit a new inquiry.
What is the IRC?
- It is the Inquiry Response Committee
- Developed after the TRC
- Vice-chair + one or two other fellows as resources
- Gets involved with relationships between people - more delicate - helps to mitigate any situation
- Tackles topic of meetings that are operating outside of registration requirements
- Refer to the 4th Tradition - Each group should be autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or FA as a whole
Does the TRC enforce?
- It is up to the meeting or committee or member to resolve issues; the TRC mediates.
- The TRC issues an opinion
- The TRC wants it to be a dialogue.
LSG Reporting
Our LSG is not engaged. How to get fellows engaged?
- Reach out to a broader group
- Contact the Intergroup Chairs
- Eastern Area Intergroup Chair - Akia W. -
- Western Area Intergroup Chair - Diane P. - 415-350-5862