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World Service Business Convention Report - 2021


FA, as an international non-profit, is required to meet annually to provide conference members with a financial report and an opportunity to elect board members. FA follows Massachusetts statutes since it is incorporated in the state of Massachusetts.

Despite the pandemic, FA members continued their efforts to reach the newcomer. Since our incorporation in 1998, we have grown from fewer than 100 members to over 10,000 worldwide.

Structurally, FA is a “bottom- up” service organization. World Service, Inc., or WSI, is here to help reach the newcomer by serving FA as a whole and by supporting intergroups. Intergroups support chapters and meetings, who in turn support the most important entity--the individual FA member. WSI officers, committee chairs, and committee members are not here to exercise power or authority. It is just the opposite. Their role is to humbly serve and support.

To be useful to the overall fellowship, WSI needs some amount of formal organization. This includes a board made up of four officers and nine committee chairs. The specific committees are Bylaws, connection, Convention Planning, Literature, Office, PI, Service Group Support, Traditions Review, and Twelfth Step. Over twenty subcommittees support these WSI standing committees.

Six additional committees–finance, personnel, design, inquiry response, board motions review, and project resources–support the board. Each year, if needed, the Resolutions Committee and the Emergency New Business Committee are available to support the conference with main motions.


Prepared by Stella J. for the 2021World Service Business Convention

Spiritual Principles for FA Financial Management (From the pamphlet “Your Seventh Tradition”)

Our guiding principle is to carry the message

  • Use prudent financial principles & have “sufficient operating funds, plus an ample reserve” (Concept Twelve)
  • To maintain corporate poverty:
    • Be self‐supporting (Tradition Seven)
    • Use FA funds wisely (Concept Twelve)
    • Keep focused on our primary purpose (Tradition Six)
    • Keep a prudent reserve (Concept Twelve)
    • Pass on extra funds to support more FA work (Tradition Five)

Suggestions, Reminders and Questions

  • Donate Online to WSI
  • Automatic monthly recurring donations are now possible
  • Can do ‘Catch‐up’, quarterly, annual, or periodic
  • Mailed checks are still acceptable
  • Subscribe to connection for yourself or as a gift
  • Suggested donation: $2
  • Donation limits
  • A member can donate up to $3,000 per year
  • A member can make a one‐time bequest of $5,000
  • WSC members can request a detailed report of FA financials – contact WSI Treasurer at treasurer@foodaddicts.org


Prepared by Norma Jean P for the 2021World Service Business Convention

The Bylaws Committee meets regularly to review the bylaws and address related issues. If amendments are required or recommended, the bylaws committee prepares and presents the motions at the WSBC.

For the first time in FA history, the annual FA World Service Business Convention (WSBC) was held virtually. This was able to occur because of the Covid-19 global emergency statute from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

There were nine motions presented to the FA World Service Conference (the voting members of FA). All motions were adopted.


Maine Chapter moved that associations meeting by way of videoconferencing be acknowledged as FA Meeting Groups. This change to the bylaws passed with 70.54% and was adopted. The bylaws have been changed as follows:

ARTICLE IV Section 1:

(a) An FA meeting group is an association of two or more food addicts who regularly meet in person or using videoconferencing technology which allows telephone access, to share experience, strength, and hope about recovery from food addiction through the Twelve Steps of FA. FA meeting groups are the primary service body of FA.

FA-EAI MOTION ADD TELEPHONE MEETINGS: The FA Eastern Area Intergroup moves that Article IV, section 1(a) of the WSI Bylaws be modified to enable groups to meet not only in person and on video conference, but also on telephone conference platforms.

Note: This motion added telephone conferencing as an option for an FA meeting group to the bylaw change that was previously adopted. This change to the bylaws passed with 71.87% and was adopted. The bylaws have been changed as follows: (note this change includes the prior adopted motion):

ARTICLE IV Section 1:

(a) An FA meeting group is an association of two or more food addicts who regularly meet in person, or using videoconferencing technology which allows telephone access, or telephone conferencing to share experience, strength, and hope about recovery from food addiction through the Twelve Steps of FA. FA meeting groups are the primary service body of FA.


Executive Board moves that the 2021 World Service Conference direct the World Service Board and its committees to draft virtual meeting requirements and a model virtual meeting format to be submitted for approval at the 2022 WSBC.

The motion passed with 86.8% and was adopted.


WSI moved to revise the current policy regarding the meeting format and FA’s other intellectual property by changing the word anyone to any individual or entity and by eliminating redundant language.

The motion passed by general consent (there were no objections). The new policy will state:

Registered FA meetings, intergroups, and chapters may freely use WSI materials owned or controlled by FA for purposes related to registered FA meetings. Some examples of these materials are meeting formats, the FA logo, the definition of food addiction, the FA tools, and the Meeting Guideline documents. Use of such materials and any other FA intellectual property is otherwise restricted. The World Service Conference directs that permission by obtained from the World Service Board by an individual or entity wishing to use any of these materials on the internet or in any other medium of public communication.

WSI BYLAWS COMMITTEE SPECIAL MEETINGS: The Bylaws Committee of WSI moves to revise the provisions in the FA Bylaws regarding special meetings of the World Service Conference.

This motion passed with 77.42% and was adopted. The bylaws will read as follows:

ARTICLE VIII, Section 6. Special Meetings

  • (a) Special meetings of the WSI may be called by the WSI Chair, WSB, and/or upon the written request of 5% of the WSC members and shall state the purpose of any meetings. Any decision made at a special meeting will be readdressed no later than the following annual
  • (b) Notice of special meetings of the WSI will be given either by first class mail or electronically to all WSC members at least thirty (30) days prior to the meeting date and shall state the purpose of the Special meetings will be held virtually. Participation by remote communication shall be subject to procedures as the board adopts, provided the board shall implement reasonable measures to (1) verify that each person participating is a registered WSC member; (2) provide each person participating electronically with a reasonable opportunity to propose, object to, and vote upon a specific action, and to see, read or hear the proceedings of the meeting substantially concurrently with those proceedings; and (3) record and maintain a record of any votes or other actions taken by electronic communication at the meetings.
  • (c) The WSC may direct the WSB to create any policy or procedure necessary to meet the primary purpose of FA and continue FA business during a period of emergency, notwithstanding any existing bylaws of the corporation with which the proposed policy or procedure might conflict.
    • (1) A 2/3 vote of the WSC members in attendance at a special meeting will be required to pass a policy or procedure that would override any of the bylaws of the corporation for the period of the
    • (2) A majority vote of the WSC members in attendance at the special will be sufficient to pass a policy or procedure that does not have the effect of overriding any of the bylaws of the


committee moves the conference adopts a procedure for removing Conference approved literature. This is a change to the bylaws and was adopted by general consent (there were no objections). The bylaws will read as follows:

Article VIII. Section 2

  • (d) Motions requiring prior notice by law or under these bylaws include, but are not limited to, election of officers and trustees, amendments to the bylaws, and conference approval, adoption or withdrawal of FA Conference-approved literature.


committee moves that the 2021 World Service Conference

  • Adopt the new pamphlet “Overweight? Obese? Overeating? There is a Solution”
  • Remove the 1999 pamphlet “Food Addiction: There is a Solution”, no longer needed since the conference approved “Food Addiction and the FA Solution” in 2019.

This motion passed with 72.73% and was adopted.


committee moves that the 2021 World Service Conference approve removing a reference to Abraham Lincoln from the “Just for Today” card.

The card will read:

JUST FOR TODAY I will be happy. Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be: Happiness comes from within; it is not a matter of externals.

The motion passed with 85.26% and was adopted.

WSB REGISTERING MEETINGS: The World Service Board moves to amend Article IV section 1(c) by deleting “or chapter” as a registration option, thereby indicating that all FA meeting groups must be registered with an intergroup.

The motion passed by general consent – there were no objections. The bylaws will read: ARTICLE IV: Section 1 (c):

An FA meeting group must register with an intergroup and comply with applicable provisions of these bylaws and the bylaws of the affiliated FA intergroup.

The WSI Bylaws Committee will continue to meet this year to review the bylaws and recommend necessary amendments.


All board members ran unopposed. The board was elected by acclamation. There are six new board members. Refer to the chart below.

2021-2022 FA World Service Board

Please note: Typically, terms are for 2 years. Because of the Covid-19 emergency, some board positions were held for an extra year. Thus, the term for those current positions will be for only one additional year.





Lisa S., MD

1 year

Vice Chair

Dom K., GA

1 year


Abigail H., PA

2 years


Mac M., TX

2 years


Norma Jean P., OH

1 year


Joanna A., MD

1 year

Convention Planning

Gabe E. MO

1 year


Karen LB., MA

2 years


Stacy T., CA

1 year

Public Information

Lisa B., CA

2 years

Service Group Support

Pam K., British Columbia

2 years


Cheryl W., MI

1 year

12st Step

Regina M., MA

2 years



Prepared by Dom K. for the 2021World Service Business Convention

The connection committee has continued to work hard on producing a magazine that resonates with all FA members. Our work to make the magazine more accessible continues; we continue to work toward publishing more stories in different languages, making sure the art and articles represent our diverse fellowship and is relevant to all FA members regardless of language, nation of origin, etc.

Our biggest achievement recently was piloting a way for folks to tell their stories without having to write it themselves. Sometimes people may not be able to type or write their own story, or they may feel uncomfortable about doing so. Some members of the core connection committee worked together to develop a process for members to tell their stories and have them transcribed into an article. This new process is still in progress, but the committee looks forward to hopefully being able to roll this out to the larger fellowship soon.

Joanna A. from Maryland has stepped into the role of connection Chair as of June 2021, and the committee couldn't have a better leader to continue to move the magazine forward.


Prepared by Vanessa C. for the 2021World Service Business Convention

Description of Convention Planning Committee

The Convention Planning Committee organizes our annual business meeting and fellowship conventions that are typically held every other year.

Chair’s Report

  • On June 5-6, 2021 we held our 19th annual World Service Business Convention virtually
  • 1571 members attended from Australia, Canada, China, Croatia, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Mexico, New Zealand, South Africa, Taiwan, and the United States
  • The meeting included a general overview of FA's structure, our treasurer's report, nine motions, acknowledgement of outgoing World Service Board Officers and Chairs, election of the 2021-2022 World Service Board, and closing remarks
  • Dates and locations for the next Business Conventions are to be determined For convention-related questions, please send an email to convention@foodaddicts.org


Prepared by KAREN L.B. for the 2021World Service Business Convention

Description of Committee

The Literature Committee writes, records, and translates literature for the FA fellowship along with recording podcasts for placement on podcast platforms.

Writing and Editing Subcommittee

  • Submitted motion for approval of the pamphlet “Food Addiction: Overweight or Obese, Now in Recovery” which was passed by the Convention.
  • Submitted motion to set a process for removal of Conference-approved literature that was approved by the Convention.
  • Solicited anonymous stories from the fellowship for a revision of the pamphlet "Bulimic? Undereating? Underweight?"
  • Will follow the same process for revision of "Food Addiction: Stories of Men in Recovery" and "Teens and Twenties" pamphlets in the future.

Operations Subcommittee

  • The FA audiobook is now available on Amazon.
  • The FA print book can now be ordered via Amazon in Australia
  • The two-chapter pamphlet was published and is available on the FA website.
  • Investigating how to get our FA literature into the major commercial vendors from which public and academic libraries purchase.
  • Assisted to analyze the survey data, helped to develop slides, and prepared PowerPoint presentation for the fellowship.
  • Assisted Translation committee to get three German pamphlets and two booklets produced.

Audio Subcommittee

  • REORGANIZED: Increased the number of committee members from 5-25+ and reorganized the committee structure to accommodate the production of virtual qualification recordings for the podcast.
  • FREE PODCAST RECORDINGS: Implemented a process to produce podcasts ...at no cost to FA!
  • SUCCESSFUL PODCAST LAUNCH: In partnership with the Public Information Committee and the Office Committee, launched the FA podcast to reach suffering food addicts around the world.
  • VIRTUAL QUALIFICATIONS: Held three virtual qualification recordings with plans to produce a podcast a week.
  • AUDIO PAMPHLET: Our first audio pamphlet project “Food Addiction and the FA Solution,” is in final production.

Translation Subcommittee

  • In the process of getting quotes on designing and printing three German pamphlets “Are You Having Trouble Controlling the Way You Eat”, “Food Addiction and the FA Solution”, and “FA and the Healthcare Professional”. Also, two Booklets, “Living Abstinently” and “The First Two Chapters”.


Prepared by Jan B. for the 2021World Service Business Convention

Description of Committee

The Office Committee is a resource to the fellowship, World Service Board and World Service Committees. It is responsible for the FA website, the FA office, communication with the fellowship and the general public, distribution of FA literature, and convention and intergroup/chapter event registrations.

Chair Report

The FA Office played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic. Under the direction of the Office Director, the office diligently:

  • Worked with the various committees to make sure the FA website provided easily- accessible guidance and tools to people looking for a solution to food addiction including greeter, available sponsor and online gathering lists, recordings of members stories (podcasts and mp3s), and literature
  • Responded and followed up to all inquiries until callers received the help they needed
  • Monitored and worked closely with the treasurer, chair, and appropriate board members on donations, and connection subscriptions, literature, and communication to the fellowship. Made it possible for members to make online donations to FA.
  • Re-designed processes to adapt to a virtual business convention, making sure information was immediately available on the website for voting members and members.

Other key initiatives included:

  • Development of a new FA website which will come online in the next few months
  • Updated social media guidelines and an official FA Facebook page exclusively for reaching people looking for a solution to food addiction. A communication to the fellowship soon.
  • Podcasts on website


Prepared by Annie H. for the 2021World Service Business Convention

PI Tools and Operations

  • Collaborated with the Web Design Team to streamline access to PI materials for members and interested professionals.
  • Replaced the 2013 PI Kit with updated PI webpages making PI tools and guidelines clearer and more accessible
  • Created updated webpages
  • outreach to Faith Community Leaders
  • a simplified “Help for PI Representatives” resource guide
  • streamlined instructions for publicizing meetings and information sessions via print, broadcast, and online
  • Collaborated with the Service Group Support Committee on clarifying roles and areas of PI
  • Helped complete the updated FA Guidelines on Internet and Social Media
  • Helped to pilot the new FA Facebook page focused on reaching prospective members.

Professional Outreach

  • Created a short video intended to
    • provide information to Health Care Professionals (HCP) about food addiction and the fact that it may be adversely affecting their patients
    • Introduce FA as a solution to the problem of food addiction

Media Outreach

  • Sent out 521 emails.
    • Eight interviews done in Australia (3CR living free program in Australia).

Digital Outreach Subcommittee

  • Podcasts: Uploaded 48 audio recordings of FA members' stories up on our FA Podcast channel. Over the past year, there have been over 110,000 downloads, an increase of 173.5% over the previous 12 months. FA podcast availability has been particularly helpful during COVID. We are continuing to evaluate all of our existing speaker recordings with the goal of uploading as many stories as possible to our podcast platform
  • Google AdWords: Google AdWords brought in approximately 232,000 users to our website, reflecting a 29% decrease from the previous year. There are a few reasons for this downtick of about 97,000 users From Nov. 9-30 Google interns tested a new campaign while halting ours. COVID lack of in-person meetings; the rest is unclear. 54% of our users came through mobile devices.
  • Google Analytics: Total website traffic (users) to the FA website was 329,000 (down 29% from previous year).
  • Google Alerts: The Google Alerts team sent 181 articles to Media Watch and 84 articles to Blog Watch for follow up.
  • Blog Watch: The Blog Watch team posted comments with information about FA on 67 blogs and articles relating to food addiction. We have begun using our FA Facebook account to post comments directing viewers to the FA website.
  • Weblinks: A link to the FA website was added to 116 other websites, including colleges and other health referral organizations. Approximately 13,692 people found FA through non-FA websites with our link; 24 users were from colleges; 7,865 from Facebook (up 16% from previous year).
  • College Outreach: 1137 emails were sent out to colleges offering FA as a resource. 2 colleges responded, 1 requesting an informational flyer and 1 requesting a virtual informational session. Due to anonymity issues, we will wait to do the information session until we are back in person.


  • Developed a description for the role of the Community Outreach area coordinator and linked it to the Community Outreach subcommittee on the website
  • Updated the WAI homepage to identify the (sub)committees that meet for trainings and to work on PI outreach during in-person Intergroup meetings
  • Pacific Rim/Western Area Intergroup PI Service and Fellowship-Building Conference Calls were held in July 2020 and January 2021 with a likely follow up in June 2021. Regional reports were given from fellows in Melbourne, Australia; Sydney, Australia; Gold Coast, Australia; Western Australia; and Wellington, New Zealand.
  • There are no recent or upcoming events in the five San Francisco Bay Area service areas (Contra Costa County, San Francisco, Mid-Peninsula/South Bay Area, Foothills- Sacramento, Sonoma County) due to Covid-19 restrictions.


  • Monthly Committee call has been focused on learning how to carry the message during this time of limited public gatherings. We have focused on hearing from fellows around EAI who have participated in virtual health fairs and other virtual events to hear of their experiences, successes and lessons learned.
  • After hearing from FL fellows who participated in a virtual health event, the Virtual Health Fair Slide show was developed and is now available to the fellowship at large who are participating in virtual health events.


Prepared by Pam K. for the 2021World Service Business Convention

Description of Committee

The SGSC supports the maintenance and development of local service groups, chapters and intergroups. It also facilitates global communication among all the service groups and the WSI board. All efforts support the overarching principle of

supporting FA recovery practices, strengthening existing recovery and helping others learn that recovery from food addiction exists.

Chair Report

  • The core committee meets bimonthly to discuss best practices to assist Local Service Groups in reaching the still suffering food addict.
  • A thorough review was completed of the Local Service Group (LSG) Guidelines and Recommendations document. A draft document was presented to the World Service Board and was approved. The final revised document can be found on the FA website on the Local Service Group page.
  • Continuing to create a space for cooperative work and instructive dialogue between the WSB and intergroups, the SGSC chair, Eastern Area intergroup (EAI) chair and Western Area intergroup (WAI) chair meet quarterly. These meetings were suspended part way through the year; however, the plan is for them to resume during the summer of 2021.
  • The SGSC holds bi-monthly global calls for all who are interested in getting the FA message out through the efforts of local service groups. Open to the worldwide fellowship, LSGs have an opportunity to share their initiatives encouraging others to work together in service. SGSC chairs of EAI and WAI along with the Maine Chapter chair share highlights of the work their intergroup and chapter is doing. A mandate of the core committee is to increase participation on these calls, and we are seeing a steady increase in the numbers of attendees.
  • Continuing to work with the Twelfth Step committee, highlights of LSG work appeared in "Gratitude in Action" (GIA) in a section titled, "LSG Spotlight". GIA has suspended publication until further notice.
  • An online form was generated to capture information about active LSGs in addition to requests from fellowships about ways to start an LSG in their area.
  • Position descriptions are being created for the secretary position and the various subcommittee chairs. Procedure manuals are also in the process of being created.

Subcommittee Reports

  • Education and Information Subcommittee: Barb C, Chair
    • In conjunction with other World Service committees, Intergroups, Chapters and Local Service Groups, the following topics were covered on the bimonthly global calls: "Public Information and Local Service Groups Working Together" (August); "Zoom Your Way to a Fellowship Day" (October); "Getting the Word Out: How to Post an Event on a Media Site - Part 1" (December); "Getting the Word Out: How to Post an Event on a Media Site - Part 2" (January); "Online Presentation of Health Care Slides" (March); "Hosting a Virtual FA Information Session (May).
  • Forum Planning Committee (FPC): Mac M, Chair
    • The FPC held FA's first eForum, "Back to Basics: Staying Abstinent and Reaching the Still-Suffering Food Addict in Today's World" in
  • The FPC assisted other World Service committees in setting up eForums by sharing its


Prepared by Cheryl W. for the 2021World Service Business Convention

Description of Committee

The TRC’s mandate is to consider how the Twelve Traditions guide us on various issues raised by FA members or groups. Inquiries are submitted to traditions@foodaddicts.org. The committee meets to discuss these issues every other month, then shares their thoughts with the inquirer and with the fellowship (when appropriate) through various WSI reports and the TRC Index. The TRC is not a governing or policing body, nor does it get involved in resolving the issue; rather, it enables the person(s) to deal with the situation or the other person(s) involved.

From July, 2020-June, 2021, the TRC received 10 inquiries at traditions@foodaddicts.org which were responded to by the Chair.

Chair’s Report

Issues responded to by the chair:

  1. 7th Traditions funds used to pay for Zoom account
  2. Format for Zoom gatherings and group conscience
  3. 90 day requirement for sharing
  4. Modification to the Serenity Prayer and group conscience
  5. Author visiting an FA Zoom gathering
  6. WhatsApp and anonymity
  7. Guidelines for sharing at FA gatherings
  8. Phone list usage for personal business
  9. 7th Tradition funds donated through Amazon Smile
  10. Discussion of Step/Traditions at FA gatherings

In January 2021, the TRC sponsored an eForum on Tradition One: Our common welfare should come first; personal recover depends upon FA unity. Three speakers presented their experience with Tradition One in FA followed by sharing from FA fellows with 90 days of continuous abstinence in FA. The two one-hour sessions were well attended (at least 220 participants/session). A new TRC eForum subcommittee will offer a series of eForums on the Traditions starting August 2021.

A brief overview of the TRC was presented at the December 2020 EAI meeting.

The TRC is currently working to update the TRC Index which will be available to the fellowship when the new website is launched.

In addition, the TRC reviewed the new video for the Health Care Professional.


Prepared by Reggie M. for the 2021World Service Business Convention

Description of Committee

During this last year, the Twelfth Step Committee carried out its mission: to help members of the fellowship grow in recovery through through service at meetings, intergroups, chapters and World Service; to develop written and audio resources for members via phone and internet and offer support to those members isolated due to distance, language barriers and physical limitations.

Chair Report

  • continue to address issues which affect BIPOC and LGBTQ fellows.
  • formed a group under MESA to address issues of equity and inclusion.
  • suspended the GIA newsletter until further notice.
  • Simplified the Frontier webpage for easy accessibility for newcomers.

Subcommittee Reports

  • Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance (MESA) subcommittee: Franny M, Chair
    • Formed The Only Requirement (TOR) group to address issues of equity and The TOR’s members represent the diversity which is FA. The group prepared a letter to be submitted to the Literature Committee to ask that a pamphlet that addresses the Third Tradition be written. The TOR is working on a virtual meeting Forum for all fellows to attend in 2021. The MESA rep position description is complete and is now available in Document 7 on the website. The Meeting Effectiveness questions are posted to the website as Document 9. In addition, the Meeting Effectiveness service position, which takes the place of the Meeting Health position, is located on the website as an optional service position for meetings. It is located in the drop down menu under Register a New Meeting.
  • Frontier: Anna B, Chair
    • The committee continues to oversee the Long Distance Sponsor List, the Greeter List, and the Universal Language
    • Made improvements to the Digital Newcomer’s packet for easier access for the
    • The Welcome to the Newcomer page was simplified and also expanded, giving access to newcomers information to either read (such as the first chapter of the FA book and pamphlets) and/or listen to mp3’s and podcasts.
  • GIA subcommittee: John S., Chair
    • The committee published the 3rd Edition of the GIA, “Why do Service?”
    • The GIA has provided space for the WSI LSG committee to provide information on the benefits of local service
    • Due to the pandemic and limited opportunities to do service, the committee has chosen to suspend the GIA newsletter until further notice. The Twelfth Step committee will give thoughtful consideration on the future of the newsletter possibly making it more current with digital and electronic
    • We thank John S. for his four years of leadership with the Twelfth Step committee and the


Prepared by Christine W., EAI Chair

Eastern Area Intergroup (EAI) currently has a total of 329 meetings registered, 307 excluding ME Chapter. The countries EAI is currently serving are as follows: Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Israel, United Kingdom, United States. The following US states with EAI meetings register: CA, CT, DC, FL, GA, IA, IL, KY, MA, MD, MI, NC, NH, NJ, NY, OH, PA, RI, SC, TX, VA, VT. In the past EAI has only had meetings in states east of the Mississippi River, this year EAI has welcomed meetings from IA, CA and TX .

EAI has 9 committees and 4 officers. The following is a list EAI’s current committees, their chairs and accomplishments for the July 2020- June 2021 term.

The Purpose of EAI is:

  • To further the FA program in accordance with the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA;
  • To maintain a communication center for all FA Meeting Groups, Local Service Groups and Chapters affiliated with FA-EAI;
  • To facilitate unity for all FA Meeting Groups, Local Service Groups, and Chapters affiliated with FA-EAI;
  • To educate the public about the FA program

EAI Chair-Christine W.

Creates agendas and leads monthly EAI Board and Body Meetings. Appoints and supports Committee Chair members.

  • Lead EAI to a fully remote entity with capabilities for all international EAI members to meet, discuss and vote on bylaw changes.

EAI Vice Chair- Jennifer H

Leads EAI quarterly call and writes monthly EAI Report. Supports EAI Chair and Committee Chairs as needed.

  • Found creative ways to make the EAI report simple and engaging, and to support the fellowship via Information in the EAI report. Collected summaries from the committee chairs of the work done each month and included these in the EAI report.
  • Communicate regularly with the EAI Chair in order to support the work being done and to support/give feedback regarding the chair's thinking and process.
  • Attended and participated in occasional committee meetings at EAI meetings (especially 12th step committee since it’s topics are similar to the topics for the now defunct quarterly conference call).
  • Had a plan and tickets set to attend and support the European members of FA at the Germany fellowship weekend in April of 2020. This was cancelled due to Covid.
  • Initiated a subcommittee of members from the EAI board to create a model format and updated meeting requirements that help to guide the new online meetings (which may be approved by the WSConference this June).
  • Collaborated with the WSI bylaws chair and the EAI bylaws committee and chair to submit a motion to the World Service Convention. The motion is quoted as such:


The EAI Executive Board moves that the 2021 World Service Conference direct the World Service Board and its committees to draft virtual meeting requirements and a model virtual meeting format to be submitted for approval at the 2022 WSBC.

EAI Secretary-Trisha H.

Submits annual report to the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, writes and archives accurate minutes of all FA-EAI Executive Board, Board, and Body minutes. Reads a brief summary of minutes at beginning of each EAI body meeting.

  • Wrote the minutes for all the Executive Board, Board, and Body Meetings and archived them on Google Drive.
  • Provided a brief summary of previous Body minutes at all FA-EAI meetings.
  • Opened the FA-EAI Body meeting with 5 minutes of Quiet time followed by the Serenity Prayer.
  • Obtained access to all of the previous documents and they are now all on Google Drive.
  • Filed the Annual Report and noted any changes of the executive board member with the Secretary of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.
  • Participated in the Service Group Support Weekend.
  • Provided guidance on the format for the committees’ policy and procedures documents.

EAI Treasurer-Katie M.

Manages all EAI income and billing and committee reimbursements. Creates monthly treasurer’s report.

  • Updated Business Meeting Treasurer's Report
  • Created Online Expense Reimbursement Form
  • Did annual presentation to EAI body to share updates about effects of pandemic on donations and expenses, explain prudent reserve, and emphasize role of 7th Tradition
  • Explored idea of using Venmo to collect donations --> not an ideal match for 501(c)3 nonprofits
  • Updated donation page language on website
  • Started donating to WSI monthly

EAI IT- Cynthia R.

Oversees webcasting of the live EAI body meeting. Provides technical support to EAI Board.Coordinates and manages the registration of voting registrations.

Here’s a list of our accomplishments for 2020-2021:

  • Moved EAI to a remote platform migrating from GoToMeeting to the Zoom platform for all EAI business
  • Implemented a standardized security platforms
  • Integrated Closed Captioning into the EAI platform
  • Organized and trained volunteers and assisted with staffing for the following events:
    • WSI Forum September 26th 2020
    • WSI Forum October 24-25th 2020
    • Service Support Weekend November 7-8th 2020
  • Researched voting options
  • Created, organized, and executed a voting platform and trained volunteers for 2 voting sessions at EAI:
    • February 2021
    • May 2021

EAI Bylaws Committee- Evelyn C.

Ensures that EAI actions and activities comply with the group conscience of FA-EAI as expressed in our governing documents: Bylaws, Continuing Effects Motions, and Goals and Objectives.

  • Vote and Passing of EAI Intergroup Time Start to remain 8 AM EST.
  • In May of 2020 it was decided that FA-EAI Executive Board could & would remain in place per Mass Emergency Legislation that allows for this process during emergency due to COV-19
  • Drafted and published the Document known as FA EAI Guide regarding Main Motions Submission to the WSC.
  • 3 Main motions submitted to FA-EAI. Bylaw Committee worked with motion makers to have them present their main motions to FA-EAI Body.
  • Had vote on Main Motions and two out of the three main motions were voted on by the FA-EAI body to be sent to the WSC.
  • Worked with WSI Bylaw Committee regarding FAEAI main motions that were submitted.
  • Amended FA-EAI Main Motion 1 for clarity.
  • Worked with FA-EAI Executive Board for the passing of the FA-EAI Bylaw change regarding FA-EAI Executive Board and FA EAI Committee Chairs to have 5 years of continued abstinence.
  • Bylaw Committee has begun in earnest to update the FA-EAI Bylaws, a project that was started with Courtney, Michael & Evelyn in 2018.
  • Have successful recommended a new Bylaws Chairperson for 2021-2023.
  • Assisted with the passing of 3 Main motions at the WSC. 2 were monumental, the changing of the Bylaws to include Video and telephone conference platforms as well as face to face meetings to all be “ official FA meetings.”

EAI Public Information Committee-Lisa G.

Function is to help meetings and local service groups convey information about the FA program to the general public and to professionals.

  • The PI early call and regular call transformed into a place where fellows have shared what they are doing to spread the word about FA during the pandemic.
  • Virtual Health Fair Slide Show created by the EAI PI Committee and approved by WSI PI Committee and is available to qualified fellows participating in a virtual health fair. (Thank you S. Florida for your inspiration and contribution to this project)

EAI Teens and Twenties Committee- Ann Marie S.

Function is to reach out to people who are under age 30 and heighten awareness of the FA program, with emphasis on colleges, high schools and universities.

  • We were able to pivot seamlessly to the Zoom platform and have held 3 Virtual Informal Gatherings - inviting all EAI Contacts, and their family/friends/health care professionals to join. Each gathering included a moderator and panel of 4 fellows who shared their experience of either joining as a teen or someone in their twenties, is a parent of someone who joined young, or has a family member who they are concerned about. Each gathering welcomed over 60 participants.
  • These Gatherings are taking a break for the summer, but will resume again on a bi-monthly occurrence in September.
  • We held 9 Virtual Outreaches at high schools and colleges. October 2020 - Stonehill College
  • February 2021 - High School in Ohio February 24, 2021 - Stonehill College
  • March 8, 2021 - Marblehead High School - 4 days, 6 different classes
  • Service Support Weekend - We welcomed over 30 participants from all over the world

EAI Financial Aid and Resource Committee- Jen N.

Provides financial aid for FA related activities. In order to protect the anonymity of financial aid applicants, membership to this committee is by invitation, and the meeting is closed to visitors. Those interested in joining this committee should speak to its chair.

  • No financial aid applications received due to Covid 19 pandemic
  • Chair and various members supported the Service Support weekend planning committee in planning the 2020 virtual SSW.

EAI Service Support Weekend Planning Committee- Cayce K.

Hosts, plans and coordinates a fellowship weekend known as the Service Support Weekend. Occurs every even number 2 years .

  • After COVID-19 canceled our plans to hold Service Support Weekend (SSW) in-person, EAI board decided to host the weekend virtually.
  • The committee pivoted and recruited over 70 volunteers to plan the FA fellowship-wide event.
  • In November, the SSW was held virtually and had 770 registrants from all over the world.
  • Due to the low cost of the weekend, EAI was able to pull in a much needed profit of over $6ooo The attendees were surveyed after the event and with 210 responses, feedback was overwhelmingly positive! It was decided to hold the next SSW in November of 2022 in its original pre-pandemic location of the Washington DC area. Planning for the next SSW will resume in September of 2021 with the focus of holding the event in-person with a potential virtual element.

EAI Service Group Support Committee- Anita F.

Function is to support Local Service Groups in the Eastern Area

  • Partnered with WSI and WAI to rewrite the LSG Guidelines and Recommendations (definition, purpose, benefits and activities)
  • Continuous support various LSG’s in local service group activities, e.g. Fellowship Days, Virtual Info Sessions,
  • Core member of the Service Support Weekend committee
  • Design and development of LSG repository of best practices, e.g. Flyers, Racks, PSA language, Media Links and QR’s)

Office Committee - Kim H.

Function is largely action based with short term and long-term goals to help foster communication among EAI, its chapters, overall fellowship, and potential new members.

  • Supported the registration of the first virtual SSW
  • Supported the registration and voting of the first virtual Bylaws Motion
  • Maintained EAI website for relevance and accuracy
  • Helped increase awareness of staying connected to FA by creating an FA profile to receive emails

EAI Twelfth Step Committee - Lou C.

Function is to carry the message of recovery to members of the fellowship and acts as a resource through a variety of support activities.

To offer support and provide another opportunity for service during the challenging time of COVID, our committee hosted monthly Informal Fellowship Gatherings (2 per month), starting in May of 2020. The topics for these 12th Step Gatherings included: The Twelfth Step, Some Thoughts on Sponsoring, Gratitude (in lieu of Thank-a-thon cancellations), Twelfth Step Calls, and Crosstalk

  • Developed a “Thank-a-Thon Fellowship Gathering Slide Deck” that local fellowships/groups could use on Thanksgiving Day. Mass emailed to all members in FA in PowerPoint, Google Slides, and PDF formats.
  • Conducted live EAI Orientation Sessions held on the same morning that the EAI Body meeting was held. Provided resources (people, map) to guide members in the Boston area to the various committee meetings held in the West Roxbury VA Medical Center. Eventually, changed the process to include an EAI Orientation video and Newcomer Orientation Guide that FA members could access anytime from the FA website.
  • Developed a “Crosstalk Video” that local fellowships/groups could use in their gatherings or with their sponsees to surface a dialogue on the subject.
  • Made suggestions for changing the 12th Step Committee Webpage on the FA website.


Prepared by Brandon C., WAI Chair

Public Information Committee (Su S., Chair)

Description of WAI PI in-person intergroup meeting outreach

Four groups (Digital Outreach, Media Watch, Community Outreach, Service Group Support) meet at WAI to carry the fact of FA’s existence and the FA message of recovery to the general and professional public through all forms of media and provide support to local and regional meetings and members.

Community Outreach informs healthcare professionals, employment sites, colleges and community lay groups about the FA program of recovery through participation in Information Sessions and health fairs.

  • Community Outreach services five geographic areas in the Greater San Francisco Bay Area
  • Informs healthcare professionals, employment sites, colleges and community lay groups about the FA program of recovery
  • Coordinates volunteers for health fairs and public information sessions
  • Partners with Web links and Service Group Support Committee
  • Provides trainings to Intergroup subcommittee members on ways to get the word out through public information
  • Reaches out to organizations interested in learning more about FA to schedule an information session, participate in a health fair, arrange FA literature for display/distribution, or to present the power point slide show for health care professionals

Chair Report

  • Developed a description for the role of the Community Outreach area coordinator and linked it to the Community Outreach subcommittee on the website
  • Updated the WAI homepage
  • Pacific Rim/Western Area Intergroup PI Service and Fellowship-Building Conference Calls were held in July 2020 and January 2021 with a likely follow up in June 2021. Regional reports were given from fellows in Melbourne, Australia; Sydney, Australia; Gold Coast, Australia; Western Australia; and Wellington, New Zealand.

Outreach Subcommittee Report (Diane Pr.)

  • There are no recent or upcoming events in the five San Francisco Bay Area service areas (Contra Costa County, San Francisco, Mid-Peninsula/South Bay Area, Foothills- Sacramento, Sonoma County) due to Covid-19 restrictions.

WAI Office Committee Chair Report (Jim D., Chair)

Description of Committee

This committee manages and maintains communication and meeting information for FA-WAI groups. It maintains meeting registration records, responds to voicemail messages left on the FA- WAI phone line, and when meeting in person operates the FA literature “store” at the WAI monthly meeting. It also holds a newcomer orientation session for the first-time members or returning members.

Chair Report

  • We continue to direct new members who email waioffice@foodaddicts.org to gathering lists and to the Digital Newcomer page on the website.
  • Meeting registrations and change requests continue to be made as needed.
  • The phone lines continue to receive calls from those new to FA or from members needing logistical information. For newcomers we are directing them to the page “Important News for Newcomers” page on the FA website.
  • The office Committee worked with the WSI Website Redesign committee and updated all the WAI webpages on the website

WAI Convention Resource Committee Chair Report (Mery L. Convention Resource Chair)

Description of Committee

Convention Resource Committee supports and acts as a liaison for the WSI Convention Planning Committee. This committee relays information to the Western Area Intergroup about the annual business convention and fellowship conventions that are typically held every other year.

Chair Report

  • Planning is underway for the 2021 virtual Business Convention to be held June 5-6
  • Registration for the Business Convention will remain open through May 5, at midnight ET
  • The deadline for World Service Conference (WSC) member registration, submission of motions, and applications for Board positions is March 5
  • Additional details about the Business Convention can be found on the Business Convention page of the FA website
  • Our next Fellowship Convention is scheduled for October 8-10, 2021 at the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa in Phoenix, AZ--it's to be determined whether or not it will be held due to COVID-19

WAI Twelfth Step Committee Chair Report (Erin S., Chair)

Description of Committee

The 12th step committee, under Western Area Intergroup, has two parts. First, we offer Twelve Step Calls to people not currently in FA but who are interested in hearing about FA. The second part of this committee is bringing a Homebound Meeting to FA members who are working with an FA sponsor. If the person is unable to attend their regular meetings due to a physical condition or surgery, this committee will bring a meeting to the place where the member resides.

When WAI intergroup was meeting, we held subcommittees under 12th Step for the Homebound subcommittee.

Chair Report

  • No report due to not meeting during Covid. Looking forward to meeting in person and being of service in this manner for those in need when we can.

Homebound Subcommittee Report (Linda Grace)

  • No report due to not meeting during Covid.

WAI Office Committee Chair Report (Jim D., Chair)

Description of Committee

This committee manages and maintains communication and meeting information for FA-WAI groups. It maintains meeting registration records, responds to voicemail messages left on the FA- WAI phone line, and when meeting in person operates the FA literature “store” at the WAI monthly meeting. It also holds a newcomer orientation session for the first-time members or returning members.

Chair Report

  • We continue to direct new members who email waioffice@foodaddicts.org to gathering lists and to the Digital Newcomer page on the website.
  • Meeting registrations and change requests continue to be made as needed.
  • The phone lines continue to receive calls from those new to FA or from members needing logistical information. For newcomers we are directing them to the page “Important News for Newcomers” page on the FA website.
  • The office Committee worked with the WSI Website Redesign committee and updated all the WAI webpages on the website

WAI Convention Resource Committee Chair Report (Mery L. Convention Resource Chair)

Description of Committee

Convention Resource Committee supports and acts as a liaison for the WSI Convention Planning Committee. This committee relays information to the Western Area Intergroup about the annual business convention and fellowship conventions that are typically held every other year.

Chair Report

  • Planning is underway for the 2021 virtual Business Convention to be held June 5-6
  • Registration for the Business Convention will remain open through May 5, at midnight ET
  • The deadline for World Service Conference (WSC) member registration, submission of motions, and applications for Board positions is March 5
  • Additional details about the Business Convention can be found on the Business Convention page of the FA website
  • Our next Fellowship Convention is scheduled for October 8-10, 2021 at the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa in Phoenix, AZ--it's to be determined whether or not it will be held due to COVID-19
  • For questions, please send an email to convention@foodaddicts.org.



The FA-EAI Maine Chapter was established in 2002. Due to COVID-19 restrictions over this past year, the Chapter met monthly via videoconferencing/phone to continue activities which support the recovery of current FA members and ensure information about the FA program remains accessible to anyone seeking recovery from the obsession and compulsion of food addiction in our region. In January of 2021 an Information Technology (IT) Chair position was added to the Board to assist with these efforts.

This past year the Office Committee played a pivotal role in facilitating communication among the meetings affiliated with the Chapter and maintaining the Chapter presence on the FA website. The PI Committee coordinated a virtual FA Information Session for a statewide recovery conference, an FA Booth for a nurse practitioner conference and coordinated two regional ad-buys and a press release about the FA program. The 12th Step Committee worked with FA members throughout the fellowship to host the first Winter E Session which fostered hope and recovery during this challenging time. The new IT Chair offered skill and expertise in hosting these virtual events, supporting committee work and assisting FA members challenged by our new virtual world.

Currently, fifteen of the meetings registered with the Maine Chapter have opted to host informal gatherings, at regular meeting times, online and/or by phone. The gatherings have kept the local fellowship connected, carried the message of recovery and expanded the network of support as FA members from around the world have participated in these gatherings. These meetings have also, with Chapter support, continued to carry the message of FA recovery in their local community.

The Chapter serves meetings throughout Maine and border communities in Southern New Hampshire.

Registered Meetings in the Maine Chapter:

Number of individual, registered meetings at beginning of fiscal year: 23 Number of individual, registered meetings at end of fiscal year: 22

Vice Chair Report: (MEViceChair@foodaddicts.org)

  • Drafted the FA Maine Chapter Highlights, a monthly email about resources, activities and service opportunities available throughout the Chapter. This included maintaining a regularly updated list with contact information for the Informal Gatherings
  • Served as the Liaison Coordinator, which promotes communication and unity between the FA Maine Chapter and Meetings affiliated with the FA Maine Chapter

Office Committee: (MEOffice@foodaddicts.org)

  • Provided support and training for the Chapter Board to use the Chapter Google Drive as a secure online workspace and the Chapter Archives
  • Produced and/or distributed the monthly Maine Chapter Meeting Directory , FA Maine Chapter Highlights & and the 12th Step Outreach/Service List to Chapter Contacts and other interested persons/organizations
  • Maintained Chapter Post Office Box in Augusta

Public Information Committee: (MEPI@foodaddicts.org)

  • In addition to virtual events the committee assisted with an outdoor FA Booth at the 13th Annual Healthy Aging Expo (Supplied FA Banners, FA tablecloths, Meeting Directory Trifolds, FA Information Booklets and registration fees to support participation)
  • Managed and Coordinated the FA Maine Chapter Phone Information Line

Twelfth Step Committee: (ME12thstep@foodaddicts.org)

  • Organized and provided a monthly orientation for FA Members attending the Chapter Meeting for the first time
  • Updated the Chapter’s 12th Step Outreach/Service List monthly
  • Offered FA Conference approved literature for purchase through the Chapter

Bylaws Committee: (MEBylaws@foodaddicts.org)

  • Convened an ad hoc committee to consider two motions submitted to the Chapter for the WSBC consulting with EAI and WSI Bylaws Chairs throughout the process
  • Submitted a Motion (combining the two submitted to Chapter) to WSI for the 2021 WSBC

Intergroup Liaison: (MEIGliaison@foodaddicts.org)

  • Informed the Chapter regarding EAI resources, current issues, activities and events

Information Technology Committee: (MEITCoordinator@foodaddicts.org)

  • Updated the Maine Chapter Infoline
  • Designed Maine Chapter logo - working with Chapter Board and WSI using updated FA brand
  • Explored Zoom capacity for various Chapter functions
  • Provided consultation, review, training and support of technical capacities as requested by Maine Chapter Board Members, Maine Chapter committees and individuals

Treasurer: (METreasurer@foodaddicts.org)

FA EAI Maine Chapter Annual Report of Transactions from June 1, 2020 to May 31, 2021

Income Amount

Meeting and Maine Chapter 7th tradition donations

$ 6,108.54

Literature Sales


Anonymous Donation


Total Income



Expenses Amount

Fixed Expenses

(Rent, PO Box, Phone, Liability Insurance)


Board (including Supplies)


Office Committee


Public Information


12th Step Committee


Meeting Support Day


Bylaw Committee




WSI/EAI Donations


Total Expenses



* liability insurance refund deducted

A LETTER FROM THE WSB CHAIR (closing remarks)

Hi Everyone,

I’m not going to keep you long. I just want to say a few parting words.

I want to thank everyone for being here this weekend and participating in this wonderful process of recovery. This program has grown from 100 members in 1998 to now over 13,000 of us. Over 1500 of us decided to show up and be a part of this weekend. We were given a very simple program back in 1998. And I pray that we can move forward, helping newcomers and the still suffering food addict, without compromising those humble beginnings.

We made it through our first virtual convention and I am extremely grateful. We had more motions presented to the voting members than ever before. We listened to each other, we didn’t necessarily all agree, but we heard each other and we were kind. Many of us had differing ideas or views, but the one common factor is that we are all food addicts wanting to get well; wanting to be the best people that we can be and wanting what we believe God wants us to be! We don’t all think alike, but that is human nature. The differences are what keep us unique. My sponsor would say “how boring it would be if we were all alike.” When we talk about unity—I believe we have it! The Twenty-Four Hours a Day book talks about unity and action in order to improve ourselves, our relationships, and our world. Isn’t that what we have here in FA?

Fourteen months ago a lot of words most of us rarely used began to enter our everyday vocabulary; words like pandemic and quarantine and lockdown. But as weeks turned into months, other words appeared; Perseverance, Gratitude and Hope. The COVID-19 pandemic really took us by surprise, but it taught us all so many things. It taught us how tenacious we all are. We remained strong, and learned how to go to gatherings rather than “live” meetings; we learned how to guide newcomers into the rooms WITH NO ROOMS! We learned how to utilize the website to send newcomers literature and most importantly we learned how to safely ensure that we had our abstinent food!

Things will take a while to get back to normal, but I trust God and I know he is guiding us all. Challenges help us grow and we all know that with God everything is possible. We are all doing the best we can with the understanding, knowledge, and awareness we have. We are a pretty resilient group.

Throughout this past year the board has received many letters from fellows expressing the varying ways that they have been marginalized. There are so many ways that we all feel different, but this program should be a place where we all feel welcome and are greeted with love and respect. The board has hired a consulting team that can hopefully help us to learn how to best serve this fellowship in that endeavor. We are all beautiful, unique and special. We just have to keep working on ourselves through these Twelve Steps and this incredible program. The May 4th Twenty-Four Hours a Day book talks about it being the work of a lifetime to develop to full stature spiritually.

And that we must train our minds constantly in quiet times of communion with God. This is what we are on Earth for.

We belong because we say we belong. We can always find things that we don’t like or things to complain about, BUT, our goal is to practice finding the good, finding the commonalities rather than the differences. Our very recovery depends on us going to God and asking Him for His will to be done in all things; especially, to keep our focus on our recovery and not eating one day at a time. In order to do this we have to slow down and listen; listen for that little small voice that guides us in our daily lives. All in all we have a really brilliant program and I, for one, feel SO grateful that I stumbled into these rooms and continued to bring my body until the miracle happened to me.

We have a solid group of abstinent people in recovery. Moving forward I see nothing but growth. But, in that growth, I pray that we can keep the integrity of what has already been given us and that we can keep the clarity that was passed down to us from a very humble soul. Please God help us to not screw this up. We were given simplicity — let’s keep things simple. I also pray that we keep our primary purpose on that still suffering food addict.

Again, I want to thank Michael, Vanessa, Adrienne, Cynthia, Kim, Leah and Annie. Without them this convention would not have been possible. Also, for the 50 plus people that they had supporting them.

Usually at this point the chair is saying travel safe and be careful with your abstinence when you get home. Well, fortunately we are in the comfort of our own homes but still these conventions can be very stimulating and that isn’t the best thing for us addicts. So please be careful with your abstinence, be well and thank you all!!

Bonnie H.

cross-talk, cross talk, crosstalk


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