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World Service Mid-Term Report 2021 July-December

2021 Mid-Term Report of FA World Service Inc.

Reporting on July 2021 - December 2021

Letter from our Chair, Lisa S. 

Dear Fellows,

I hope this finds you well as our lives continue to be impacted by the pandemic in many, many ways. I, like many of you, continue to seek normalcy in what feels like daily changes to our lives. I find that sense of normalcy – of calm and grounding – in my recovery and in the daily practice of our tools. While all the tools are critical to my recovery, I find the most solace in service which helps me stay in the present. The feeling of helping a fellow food addict is the best antidote to the fear of these uncertain times. 

The World Service Board hit the ground running in June and we’ve been working very hard. I hope you will read the reports below to get caught up on all the service being done. I am grateful to everyone involved in this work for their commitment to service and the fellowship.  

I was reminded at a meeting this week that the Twelve Steps don’t start with “I”, they start with “We.” This is a “we” program and together, “we” are thriving despite all that’s going on around us. Together, we are living lives that are happy, joyous and free (even in a pandemic). I look forward to seeing you in June at the Business Convention. 

Yours in service,

Lisa S


Treasurer Report (Mac M.)

Based on current donations and forecasts, FA-WSI is projected to end our fiscal year nearly at budget, with only prudent reserve remaining. Though FA will meet its financial obligations this year, there will likely not be funds left over for our project reserve, which funds our committees and special projects in future years. FA-WSI is currently planning its 2022-23 budget, and will be making strategic choices about what projects to fund based on an overall decrease in donations since the pandemic. Although meeting and member donations increased since last summer, donations have not yet reached pre-pandemic levels. If you haven’t done so yet, please consider making a discipline of donating what you can when you can to your meeting, Intergroup, World Service, or any combination of the three. Donating online is easy – find out more here. If you are able, a monthly recurring donation to WSI is a best practice because it provides a steady, predictable source of funds.

Vice Chair Report (Dom K.)

Within six weeks of the June 2021 World Service Business Convention (WSBC), the Meeting Format and Supporting Documents Committee got to work developing formats for videoconference and telephone meetings and updating pertinent supporting documents. The committee shared these formats with the broader FA fellowship in September and started receiving feedback to make improvements ahead of the 2022 WSBC. Fellows can continue to provide feedback through these forms:


Bylaws Committee (Norma Jean P.)

Description of Committee:

The Bylaws Committee maintains and clarifies the bylaws, recommends changes to the bylaws, and reviews proposed amendments to the bylaws for recommendations to the WSC.

Chair’s Report:

  • Intergroups and Chapters have been sent notices and procedures, with a deadline date, for the submission of motions for the 2022 World Service Business Convention (WSBC). The motion submission form will be posted on the website by early February. Intergroups and chapter representatives will need to log onto the website in order to access the form. The deadline for motion submission is March 12th, 2022.
  • The WSI Bylaws Committee is discussing three motions to present at the 2022 WSBC.
  • World Service Conference (WSC) members will receive an email no later than April 12th listing motions being submitted by WSI committees, intergroups, and chapters. WSC members will be asked to submit a vote in relation to each motion. The question will be “This motion should be placed on the WSBC agenda. Respond Yes or No.” Please note that WSC members are not indicating if they agree or disagree with any motion. WSC members are voting to determine which motions have enough potential value for FA as a whole to merit discussion and vote at the WSBC.
  • World Service Conference (WSC) members will receive an email with all motions that have been placed on the 2022 WSBC agenda in early May. This will include motions from intergroups and chapters they agreed should be moved forward with the vote mentioned above along with any motion submitted by the WSB.
  • WSC members (voting members of FA) should be elected at your February business meeting. In addition to registering for the convention, WSC members must register as a WSC member by March 12, 2022. All WSC members should read the World Service Conference Member manual prior to the convention. To locate the manual, go to foodaddicts.org/documents/wsc-member-manual.

connection Committee (Joanna A., Chair)

Description of Committee 

The connection committee produces a 10-issue magazine sharing art and stories submitted by FA fellows around the world.

Chair Report

The current goal of the committee is to explore ideas to make connection entertaining, meaningful, and enjoyable to read by a wide and diverse FA readership.  To that end, we spent time in the first months of the year streamlining and documenting the publication process for the WSB manual and creating subcommittees to focus their work exclusively in areas of need.  The Art subcommittee is now responsible for soliciting, collecting and selecting art for publication.  The Articles subcommittee is now responsible for everything related to articles; submissions, writing workshops, editing, proofreading, and content.  The Innovation subcommittee is an entirely new committee responsible for generating and exploring new and fresh ideas to improve the magazine generally, and make it accessible to, and representative of, the people in our fellowship.  The Administrative subcommittee is responsible for overseeing all administrative issues related to the committee; streamlining communications, taking and distributing minutes, and resolving technical issues as they arise.

Subcommittee Reports

Art Subcommittee (Sharon A., Subcommittee Chair)

  • Organized art files to be accessible and user friendly 
  • Appointed new art solicitor 
  • Received submissions from new, talented members of the fellowship 

Innovation (Chi Chi E., Subcommittee Chair)

  • Preparing survey for fellowship to develop new ideas 
  • Discussed long term goal to make magazine accessible to non-English speakers 

Articles (Karen W., Subcommittee Chair)

  • Selected four new (or returning) editors 
  • For 2021, received and edited 75 stories and published 83 stories (note:  since 2014, the committee has never received less than 100 stories, so it was a low year for story submissions) 

Administrative (Deirdre H., Subcommittee Chair)

  • Took monthly minutes and distributed to committee
  • Facilitated creation of direct email for subcommittee chairs

Convention Planning Committee (Gabe E., Chair)

Description of Committee

Convention Planning Committee organizes FA’s business meeting, held yearly, as well as a fellowship convention, typically held every other year.

Chair’s Report

  • Planning is underway for the 2022 virtual Business Convention to be held June 11-12, 2022.
  • Registration for the Business Convention will open February 12, 2022, and will remain open through April 30, 2022 at midnight EST. No late registrations will be accepted.
  • The deadline for World Service Conference (WSC) member registration, submission of motions, and applications for Board positions is March 12, 2022.
  • Additional details about the 2022 Business Convention can be found on the Business Convention page of the FA website.
  • Our next Fellowship Convention is scheduled for October, 2023 at the Arizona Grand Resort & Spa in Phoenix, AZ.
  • For questions, please email convention@foodaddicts.org.

Literature Committee (Karen LB., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Literature Committee writes, records, and translates literature for the FA fellowship. 

Chair’s Report 

The Literature Committee is bringing forth literature in all forms such as written and audio and also increasing the many languages of fellows around the world.

Subcommittee Reports

The Writing and Editing Subcommittee (Abigail H.)

The Writing and Editing Subcommittee has added two new ad hoc members for help revising two pamphlets: Bulimic? Undereating? Underweight? and Food Addiction: Stories of Teens and Twenties in Recovery. As a result of the addition of virtual meetings, WES also drafted motions to update the tool of "Meetings" in the format and the tools of "Meetings" and "Service" in the Living Abstinently pamphlet. 

Operations Subcommittee (Barbara S.)

  • Assisted with Literature Committee budget development.
  • Assisted with transition to new Translations SubCommittee Chair.
  • Received WSB approval to load the eBook and audiobook to Draft2Digital and FindAway Voices.
  • Amazon carries the FA books (Paperback $15.99; eBook $9; Audiobook $16.99 or 1 credit)
  •   Audible carries the FA audiobook ($24.94 or 1 credit)

Audiorecording Subcommittee (Paula K.)

  • Completed audio pamphlet "Food Addiction and the FA Solution"
  • Transitioned to qualification recordings open to the fellowship
  • Increased podcast recording schedule

Translation Subcommittee (Sherry W.)

  • Presence on website for Spanish, Greek, German, Italian, Mandarin, Hebrew and French 
  • Mid-process of getting all languages their own FA email address
  • All languages in various phases of translating FA literature 

Office Committee (Stacy T., Chair)

Description of Committee 

The Office Committee supports the World Service Board, Intergroups, Chapters, FA fellowship, media and health professionals, the public and, most importantly, the newcomer to FA, and maintains the World Service office and FA website.

Chair’s Report

The Office Committee had several major accomplishments recently, not the least of which was the launch of the newly designed FA website. Well beyond a new look meant to align with our pamphlets, our redesigned website has updated features and functionality including a newcomer-friendly homepage, a much more navigable experience overall, more advanced search capabilities, an event calendar, and an updated, more robust profile page that gives each member the ability to easily manage meetings and subscriptions, address service position needs, and gain easy access to free MP3 downloads. 

The Office Committee also completed the required meeting registration/re-registration and member/profile verification processes — no small feat given how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted our fellowship as a whole. 

In addition, Carol C. was brought on as paid part-time staff to assist the office and its Director in accomplishing the heroic undertakings above. 

I want to thank our tireless teams for countless hours (years!) of true work on the website project well beyond the call of duty, and all of the volunteers, former and current World Service Board members, Intergroup and Chapter Office committees and support team members, and the FA fellowship for your participation in the huge undertaking of meeting registration and member/profile verification.

Subcommittee Reports

Technical Support Subcommittee (Kim H., Chair)

  • Supported the adoption of  Google Work Space for the WSB, IG’s and Maine Chapter
  • Supported re-registration and member verification subcommittee with technical support

Website Redesign Subcommittee (Leah H., Chair)

  • Supported the redesign and launch of the FA website

Re-Registration Meeting/FA Members Subcommittee (Janae M. Chair)

  • Facilitated and supported re-registration of FA meetings
  • Facilitated and supported FA member/profile verification

SEO Subcommittee (Margaret L. Chair)

  • Supported and managed SEO to improve visibility of the FA website

Public Information Committee (Lisa B., Chair)

Description of Committee

The PI Committee serves as a resource for the fellowship to carry the message of recovery from food addiction through the Twelve Step program of FA to those who still suffer. The committee provides support to local FA intergroups, chapters, meetings, and individuals in their PI work. Using the Twelve Traditions as a guide, we offer help  in discerning the most effective and appropriate means of communication to use for the general public and professional community.

Chair’s Report 

Our abstinence and our personal stories continue to be our most effective means of conveying hope to suffering Food Addicts and those wanting to help them. Meanwhile, PI Subcommittees work behind the scenes to support efforts at making information about FA recovery available to all who might need it. For more information, contact pi@foodaddicts.org .

PI representatives can access “Resources for PI Reps” on the FA website: https://www.foodaddicts.org/resources-for-pi-reps.

Subcommittee Reports

Media Outreach Committee

  • A new team has transitioned into their roles, and MediaWatch is in the process of building out their team. 
  • Six (6) FA members were interviewed for podcasts in the US and Australia. 
  • Clarified communication issues with the new WAI Board and have started to review all of the PI material that is currently posted on the FA website to ensure documents, various media links and other material are accurate and up to date.

PI Tools Subcommittee

  • Work continues on refining the PI tools on the FA website to ensure consistency of messaging and easy access for members.
  • After weighing the pro's and the con's, a decision was made to not renew the Cision contract (database of journalists and media outlets).  

Digital Outreach Committee

  • 90% of Digital Outreach files have been moved over to the FA Google portal and the FA website has been updated to reflect changes.
  • The following represents completed or ongoing work:
    • transferred old calendar announcement tracking responses to new tracking spreadsheet
    • preparing current Weblinks Database for a mass email to websites
    • upgraded from Universal Analytics to Google Analytics 4
    • continuing to improve and update Google Ads campaigns, click-through-rate, conversions, & bidding strategies to align with new website material/pages etc.
  • Analytics:
    • This shows that the new website is helping more people find FA organically and that the changes we have been making in Google Ads have effected a positive post launch result.
    • organic searches are up 35%, Ad Words clicks down 39%, weblinks (referrals) down 24%.
      • This shows that we are making good progress on the website and it’s find-ability, but that weblink referrals are down, probably due to many websites restructuring and taking off our link as well as other unknown factors. Some of these same factors may be affecting out ads campaigns showing a 39% decline over last year’s same period.
    •  last 6 months only (post Oct 17 website launch vs before launch): weblinks (referrals) up 29%; organic searches up 54%; Ad Words clicks to FA website up 22%.
    •  last 6 months vs same 6 months last year:
  • Pilot FaceBook Page
    • Exploratory effort for developing a forum for reaching prospective members, and not for internal FA communication
    • Continued to create and post 2 entries per week to the FA Facebook page.
    • Developing structure, strategy and analytical reporting for growing the project
  • Professionals Outreach
    • Work has begun on updating the current 95 slide, one-hour presentation that is currently focused on the physical health of the patients of Health Care providers. 
    • Starting January 2022, the subcommittee will meet monthly to look at incorporating the Healthcare Video into different versions that will target different audiences and time allotments.
    • Virtual Health Care Provider information session was piloted at Barry University with 25 students and their Professor. The Health Care Slide Show and Video were used, and two Members did a brief qualification. The session was very well received and, as was agreed, was not recorded.
    • Health Care Slide Show:

 PI Committee 2022 Bi-Monthly Phone Conference Calls (1:30pm-3:00pm U.S. Eastern Time): **held on the 4th Sunday of every other month except for November when we meet on the third Sunday.

  • January 23
  • March 27
  • May 22
  • July 24
  • September 25
  • November 20

Service Group Support Committee (Pam K., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Service Group Support Committee (SGSC) continues to support the maintenance and development of local service groups (LSG), chapters and intergroups. It also facilitates communication among all the service groups and the WSI board.

Chair’s Report

  • The core committee meets bi-monthly to discuss best practices to assist LSGs, Chapters and Intergroups in reaching the still suffering food addict. One of its mandates is to increase participation in the committee's global calls and we continue to see a steady increase number of participants.
  • Creating space for cooperative work and constructive dialogue between the WSB and the Intergroups, the WSI SGSC Chair, Eastern Area Intergroup (EAI) Chair and the Western Area Intergroup (WAI) were meeting quarterly. The calls were suspended for a period of time and have resumed monthly.
  • The SGSC holds bi-monthly global calls for all who are interested in getting the FA message out through the efforts of LSGs. Open to the global fellowship, the calls provide a platform for LSGs to come together to discuss initiatives, to brainstorm about relevant situations and to encourage each other to work together in service. The EAI SGSC Chair, the WAI SGSC Chair and the Maine Chapter Chair share highlights of the work their intergroup and chapter is doing.
  • We are currently drafting Intergroup Guidelines for the FA fellowship. Once approved by the World Service Board (WSB), the guidelines will be posted on the FA website. The intent of the Guidelines is to assist both established and potential Intergroups to effectively serve their affiliated meetings.
  • Position descriptions continue to be created for sub-committee, ad-hoc committee chairs and the committee secretary position. Work continues on procedure manuals for the SGSC, its sub-committees and ad-hoc committees.

Subcommittee Reports

Education and Information Subcommittee (E&I)

The purpose of the E&I subcommittee is to brainstorm topics they believe to be relevant to the service groups the SGSC supports. The following topic was coordinated and presented: "A lot has changed! Where do we start? Let’s start with literature."

Forum Planning Subcommittee

The primary work of the Forum Planning Subcommittee is to present programming at the Business Convention. An eForum was planned for December 2021; however, it was cancelled due to the number of eForum-type gatherings being offered in December.

Traditions Review Committee (Cheryl W., Chair)

Description of Committee

The TRC’s mandate is to consider how the Twelve Traditions guide us on various issues raised by FA members or groups. Inquiries are submitted to traditions@foodaddicts.org. The committee meets to discuss these issues every other month, then shares their thoughts with the inquirer and with the fellowship (when appropriate) through various WSI reports and the TRC Index. The TRC is not a governing or policing body, nor does it get involved in resolving the issue; rather, it enables the person(s) to deal with the situation or the other person(s) involved.

Chair’s Report

From July, 2021-December, 2021, the TRC received 17 inquiries. Of those, nine were responded to by the Chair, three were referred to another FA committee and four were discussed and responded to by the full TRC. In addition, the TRC reviewed the Health Care Professional video and advised the WSB regarding inclusion and diversity training as a response to feelings of marginalization by fellows. Any questions may be directed to traditions@foodaddicts.org.

Responded by Chair:

  1. Treasury funds from meeting leaving FA
  2. Zoom meeting costs/ donation of meeting costs
  3. Concerns on contents of LSG newsletter
  4. Unity building exercises
  5. Changing meeting time for Intergroup meeting
  6. Security sign in at meetings
  7. Registration of special composition meetings
  8. Zoom subscription and AWOL/AWOL donations to WSI
  9. Christian Radio providing free time slot

Referred to another FA Committee:

  1. Donations from Amazon Smile
  2. Backgrounds at virtual meetings
  3. Fellow soliciting meeting information by chat during meeting

Discussed and responded to by the Traditions Review Committee (detailed inquiries and responses below):

  1. Listing FA service work as credit on professional website
  2. Promotion of speaker
  3. Sending FA news releases to personal contacts
  4. Requirement of treasurer at virtual meetings
  5. Use of pronouns and promotion of political agendas on virtual meetings

Inquiries and Responses:

  1. Listing FA service work as credit on professional website

A member on the committee which produced a video for healthcare professionals on behalf of the FA Public Information Committee asked the Traditions two questions:

    1. An FA member who was on the video production committee, asked if it would be appropriate to list the video produced for FA as a credit on their professional website
    2. A non-FA member, who directed the video, also asked if it would be appropriate to list the video produced for FA as a credit on their professional website


The TRC reviewed these inquiries and did not believe there to be a conflict with FA Tradition for the non-member (director) to list the FA video as a credit on their professional website, as this person was paid for work as a contractor and not as an FA member. As such, they would be free to use the video to market their business and would not be risking breaking their "anonymity" since they are not an FA member. Conversely, the FA member listing the FA video on their professional website would be linking their FA service work with their name so personal anonymity would be a concern. Tradition Eleven guides us to avoid linking a member’s name to the media available at the public level. Tradition Twelve guides us to practice a genuine humility and advises that the principle of anonymity has an immense spiritual significance. The TRC believes that it is not aligned with FA Tradition to receive external credit or marketing benefit for service work done in one’s capacity as an FA member. Therefore the TRC guides the FA member to avoid listing the FA video as a credit on their professional website.

  1. Promotion of Speaker

Is the sending of texts and emails inviting fellows to a qualification and announcing the name of the qualifier a break of Traditions?


The TRC reviewed and discussed the issue and determined that there are concerns of potential conflicts with Traditions Two and Twelve.

Tradition Two states “For our group purpose there is but one ultimate authority--a loving God as He may express Himself in our group conscience. Our leaders are but trusted servants: they do not govern.” It is the collective opinion of the TRC that the FA member who promotes or is promoted could be mistakenly viewed as an authority figure or positioned as an authority figure.

Tradition Twelve states “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” In placing principles before personalities, we’re practicing genuine humility and putting aside any aspiration for personal distinction. The TRC considers promoting members/speakers at gatherings or meetings a clear disregard for the tradition.

3. Sending FA news releases to personal contacts

Fellow supplies contacts with FA “news releases” signing his company name.


There are multiple Tradition concerns associated with this inquiry even though there were missing facts. Because the content of the news releases was unclear, the TRC was unable to address potential concerns such as anonymity. However, there were Seventh Tradition concerns because management software is being used for public information. Meetings are self-supporting and, therefore, services or supplies provided by outside sources should not be used. In addition, signing the company name to FA information is in conflict with Tradition Six, which states that we should never affiliate with a company, actual or implied.

The Public Information Committee offers support for a wide variety of service opportunities for individuals and groups. It is recommended that fellows refer to the PI kit or their intergroup, local service group or meeting for directions when performing PI service.

4. Requirement of Treasurer at virtual meetings 

Are meetings required to have a Treasurer if it has no expenses?


The Traditions Committee has been asked why a meeting needs to have a treasurer if there are no expenses, especially in regard to online meetings. Perhaps the first question should be “what types of expenses do donations cover?”

The Seventh Tradition states that every FA group is fully self-supporting. The implication is that every FA group accepts donations only from its membership. When a meeting group decides upon a venue, whether it is physical or virtual, the meeting is responsible for offering a donation to the organizers or owners of the venue. We pay our own way. We do not accept free space. There are several no-cost online venues, however they accept donations. Some send out notes every few months reminding users that donations are welcome.

In addition to contributing to the venue, meeting groups can also send money to World Service, Intergroups, and Chapters. Meeting donations are an important source of revenue for our fellowship. What is this money used for? The WSI treasurer for FA has offered this partial list:

    • Office rent, telephone, and internet costs
    • Staff salaries
    • Translation services for FA literature
    • Design, printing, and distribution costs for connection magazine
    • Literature printing, storage, and shipping costs 
    • Convention hosting costs (less when held virtually)
    • Audio recording costs
    • Website hosting fees and design
    • Credit card processing fees
    • Insurance fees 

In sum, we have the costs one would expect to find in any small business.

Simply put, every FA meeting group should have a treasurer so venues can be paid and our World Service, Intergroup, and Chapter offices can continue to provide and maintain the level of service offered to the fellowship and to newcomers.

  1. Use of pronouns and promotion of political agendas on virtual meetings

In virtual meetings, are there any Traditions concerns regarding participants naming themselves on the screen with accompanying pronouns? Hashtags, T shirts, hats, etc. promoting political, religious or social issues have also been seen at virtual meetings. Is this in conflict with the spirit of the Twelve Traditions? How can this be addressed?


The TRC had a detailed and interesting conversation about these topics. Regarding the pronouns accompanying a person’s name in a meeting on a virtual platform, the TRC did not see that there was any conflict with the Traditions. As it relates to sharing from the front of the room, the TRC agrees with the statement that, “Anytime we speak outside of ‘I’ or ‘me’ we are engaging in crosstalk.” Currently, there have been opportunities presented within our fellowship to help members understand crosstalk and work to decrease its occurrences at meetings. The TRC agrees with these best practices. At the same time, when engaging with one another in a breakout room, or before or after the meeting, it is possible that one might need to refer to someone by their pronoun. Thus, it is important to respect one’s personal choice to include their pronouns.

However, regarding the use of hashtags accompanying a person’s name in a meeting on a virtual platform, the TRC agreed that this practice raises some Traditions related concerns. If the hashtag is making a political, religious, or social statement, the principles outlined in Tradition Ten (“Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous has no opinion on outside issues, hence the FA name ought never be drawn into public controversy”) are not being respected. The long form of Tradition Ten explains this well: “No A.A. group or member should ever, in such a way as to implicate A.A., express any opinion on outside controversial issues-particularly those of politics, alcohol reform, or sectarian religion. The Alcoholics Anonymous groups oppose no one. Concerning such matters, they can express no views whatever.”

This, in turn, also influences Tradition Five (“Each group has but one primary purpose—to carry its message to the food addict who still suffers”). Newcomers to the rooms may see these hashtags and feel that they must believe in the same political stance, follow a specific religious order, or believe in the same social issues to feel welcome or feel like they belong in the fellowship of FA.

This also ties into Tradition Three (“The only requirement for FA membership is a desire to stop eating addictively”). FA members mentioning political, religious or social issues in their hashtags most likely do not have negative intentions but the interpretation for a newcomer could be confusing/distracting, pulling their attention away from the fact that they only need to have a desire to stop eating addictively.

Wearing t-shirts and hats that have any political, religious or social issue statements on them fall into the same category and conflict with the principles of the same Traditions. The TRC maintains its opinion about this issue, as it has been brought up in the past when we were attending in person meetings.

The TRC agrees that the best way to confront these issues with the Traditions is through education. This information will be forwarded to the committee that is creating the new meeting format and meeting guidelines that will be voted on at the 2022 Business Convention, for them to consider adding to those guidelines. It will also be forwarded to the MESA committee to add to their best practices document. The Traditions eForum committee will also use this information at the appropriate eForum Session in the future.

Along with the information will be the recommendation that the meeting format use wording such as this for renaming participants: “For simplicity please rename yourself using your first name and last initial, country and/or state, and phone number.”

Subcommittee Reports

Traditions Review Committee eForum Subcommittee (Joan J., Chair)

The TRC eForums subcommittee started meeting in January 2021 with the intent to help FA members gain a better understanding of the Twelve Traditions and their application to “real life” recovery. The members of the committee are Rachel W. (Michigan), Rachel W. (Israel), Mac M. (Australia), Jim M. (Michigan), Joan J. (Alberta, Can.). The Tradition One eForum was held on August 14 (8pm ET) and 15 (1pm ET), 2021. It appeared to be very successful and after some discussion about what could be better, the committee began to prepare for the Tradition 2 eForum which was held on October 23 and 24/21. Attendance was not as big for this one, but since number of attendees is not the only measurement of success, it was still considered successful by those in attendance. That weekend ended up having other FA events that may have contributed to lesser numbers. The Tradition 3 eForum is scheduled for Feb. 26 and 27/22 and we are in the process of planning it. With the new FA Calendar we are hopeful that there might be less overlap of FA events on the same weekend for future eForums. 

Twelfth Step Committee (Regina M., Chair)

Description of Committee

During the last six months, the 12th Step Committee carried forward its mission: to help members of the fellowship grow in recovery through service at meetings, intergroups, chapters and World Service; to develop resources for members via phone and internet;and to support those members isolated due to distance, language barriers and physical limitations.

Chair’s Report

  • Inaugurated the new MESA rep service position.With all meetings registering, MESA began to support and assist the MESA Representatives, in an initiative that had been planned for three years, but interrupted by the pandemic.
  • Elevated the TOR from a team under MESA to subcommittee under the 12th Step Committee, as the group had matured since its inception.
  • Discontinued the Frontier Subcommittee, after FA meetings became globally available.
  • Formed the Newcomer Support and Assistance (NSA) Subcommittee under the 12th Step Committee, to address needs of the many newcomers who have recently found FA.

Subcommittee Reports

Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance (MESA) Subcommittee: Franny M.

MESA conducted a MESA rep Information eforum in early November 2021to explain the new MESA rep position and how to register for it.Since then, many MESA reps have been registered. MESAhas invited all MESA reps and any other interested by an informative email to two Resource Call virtual conference meetings; there were sixty-plus attendees at each meeting. The Resource calls and emails will take place every month going forward. By supporting reps, MESA hopes to help meetings become more effective so the members can get and stay abstinent and carry the message of recovery at meetings.

Newcomers Support and Assistance (NSA) Subcommittee: Linda Y., Chair

NSA was recently formed. The goal is to welcome newcomers wherever and however they come into FA. The NSA will take the place of the Frontier committee, which did tremendous service in reaching out to members on the frontier through resources available on the website and via monthly resource calls. We sincerely thank Anna B. for her leadership of the former Frontier committee. 

The Only Requirement (TOR) Subcommittee: Yolanda P., Chair

TOR is no longer a team under MESA, but now a subcommittee under the 12th Step Committee. The TOR’s mission is to ensure that the only requirement is the desire to stop eating addictively. The goal is that all members, especially  BIPOC,  members with medical/mental health considerations, those with religious sensitivities, LGBTQIA+, and those with disabilities feel welcome. The TOR anticipates conducting an eforum in Spring 2022, followed by eforums through the year.

cross-talk, cross talk, crosstalk


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