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World Service Mid-Term Report 2023 July-December

Table of Contents

Letter from the Chair

Officer Reports



WSI Committee Reports

Bylaws Committee

connection Committee

Convention Planning Committee

Literature Committee

Office Committee

Public Information Committee

Service Group Support Committee

Traditions Review Committee

Twelfth Step Committee

Letter from our Chair, Lisa S

Dear Fellows,

Happy New Year!   

I was recently reading the Working With Others Chapter in Alcoholics Anonymous (2001), the Big Book and the paragraph below really touched my heart: 

Life will take on a new meaning. To watch people recover, to see them help others, to watch loneliness vanish, to see a fellowship grow up about you, to have a host of friends - this is an experience that you must not miss. We know that you will not want to miss it. Frequent contact with newcomers and with each other is the bright spot of our lives. (p. 89)

It touched me because it really captured what being of service has meant to me - it has given me something I didn’t really know I needed.  While I was in the food, I spent all my time focused on achieving through my work as a way to make me feel good about myself and to feel useful. This pursuit of accomplishment was driven by fear, doubt and insecurity and it didn’t make me feel better at all. It left me isolated and drove me to the food.

My introduction to true accomplishment came when I was introduced to service in this program. I finally found that sense of peace and fulfillment that I was looking for when I began to do service -  big or small. I am always inspired by all the service being done around me - whether fellow to fellow through sponsorship or at meetings, and at Intergroups, Local Service Groups and World Service. The World Service Board has been working steadily over the past six months and I hope you will read this report so you can see all service being done by the fellowship for the fellowship.

The first sentence of that paragraph in Alcoholics Anonymous (2001), the Big Book states “Life will take on a new meaning” (p. 89).  I can truly say that service has given my life new meaning. The start of a new year is the perfect time to get involved in service. There is much work to do so we can help each other and reach the still suffering food addict. You can find out about service opportunities on the FA website - Service Opportunities (foodaddicts.org)

I wish you all the best in 2024 and I hope to see you at the Business Conference in June.

Yours in service and gratitude,

Lisa S.


Vice Chair Report (Jen N.)

The VC is responsible for the Personnel Committee and Meeting Guidelines including our formats.

  • Personnel Committee
    • Assembled a new committee to support the changes expected for the office.
    • Hired an HR consultant to guide our planning, procedures, policies and actions.
    • Establish bi-weekly meetings to determine the needs of the office and outline our go forward path.
  • Meeting Format
    • Assembled a committee to update all 3 versions of the meeting format for presentation at the 2024 WSBC
  • Meeting Guidelines
    • Coordinated with the Bylaws committee to ensure meeting requirements were in concert with current SROs.  
    • Working to establish an ongoing chair of this committee for regular oversight and maintenance of the documents.

Treasurer Report (Patricia W.)

Revenue from member donations at meetings or directly to WSI provide significant and often unseen services to help our fellowship reach the still suffering food addict and your contributions make that work possible. 

As of December 31, 2023, donations from meetings increased significantly over the same period last year. The increase was expected when the current fiscal year budget was created. Donations from individuals held steady and this too was expected.

Unfortunately, WSI has incurred several unexpected expenses which will require the use of reserves unless donations from meeting and members continue to increase. Most of WSI’s expenses are fixed and there is very little room to reduce expenses.

The best way to donate to WSI is to set up a recurring donation on the FA website.  Other ways to support WSI are:

  • Subscribe to the connection magazine.
  • Increase your donation at your meeting if you are able and encourage the meeting to send any unused funds to WSI and your intergroup or chapter.
  • Encourage your sponsees and fellows to donate regularly.
  • If you attend a video conference meeting, encourage the meeting to accept donations electronically.

Other News

  • The pamphlet Your Seventh Tradition is currently being revised and is expected to be available before the end of June.  The pamphlet explains the spiritual principles that guide FA finances, how seventh tradition funds are used and how to make donations. Please order it for your literature table when it becomes available.
  • FA has moved its financial accounting system from QuickBooks Desktop to QuickBooks Online.  The change allows for better shared access to data, automatic backup of data on Intuit servers and options for future efficiencies.

Thank you for your continued financial support of FA. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. When we give what we can, none of us has to give more than we can. If you have any questions, please reach out to treasurer@foodaddicts.org.


Bylaws Committee (Margaret O.)

Description of Committee

The Bylaws Committee maintains and clarifies the WSI bylaws, standing rules of order, and procedural manuals for the WSB, WSI committees, and WSC members. The committee proposes motions to modify the WSI bylaws and the standing rules of order and reviews any motions concerning these documents coming from outside the committee in preparation for each year’s world service business convention.

Chair's Report

In the months of July through December 2023 the bylaws committee met five times (no meeting in July) and accomplished the following tasks:

  • drafted two motions, one to amend the bylaws and one to create a new standing rule of order.
  • remained in contact with other potential motion makers so as to stay current with any motions to come through intergroups or the chapter.
  • updated or edited the WSC Member Manual, the FA Terminology list, and the FA Organizational Chart and submitted work orders to the office to have the changes made on the FA website.
  • communicated with intergroup and chapter chairs to inform them of deadlines for submission of business motions.
  • assisted with correcting an inconsistency between the WSI bylaws and newly revised guidelines for chapters.

connection Committee

Description of Committee

The connection committee produces a 10-issue per year magazine sharing art and articles submitted by FA fellows around the world.

Chair's Report

This term, our committee continues to meet on a regular basis, and works as a team to ensure timely creation and publication of each issue of the magazine. We regularly facilitate writing workshops and monthly meetings for meeting connection representatives to inform the fellowship about the magazine and encourage submissions. We have also had ongoing discussions about ways to improve the magazine, increase submissions of art and articles, and broaden the type of articles to be published. We have instituted a new column entitled “Notable and Quotable” which will include short anecdotes and quotes from a variety of members on different subjects each month. So stay tuned and we look forward to your submissions!

Subcommittee Reports

Art Subcommittee (Sharon C., Subcommittee Chair)

The art subcommittee continues to intake art submission and select art for each issue. As a subcommittee, we have also been:

  • Planning art and photography Zoom sessions
  • Discussing inside print images being in color vs. black and white
  • Discussing AI (artificial Intelligence) and how to respond to fellows about those submissions

Innovation (VACANT, Subcommittee Chair)

The idea behind creating the “Innovation” subcommittee was to explore new ideas for the magazine. Our subcommittee chair stepped down to join another committee. We are discussing whether a new subcommittee chair is needed and the direction of this subcommittee.

Articles (Karen. W., Subcommittee Chair)

The articles subcommittee continues to take in article submissions, work with members of the fellowship to create articles, and select articles for each issue. Additional information:

  • In 2023, 114 stories were edited.
  • In 2023, 97 stories were selected for publication.
  • As of January 2024, we are pulling stories for the April 2024 edition.
  • In 2024, connection will include a new section called Notable and Quotable. This one page addition will have tips and tricks or short "what it was/is like" quotes from long-term members.
  • Sometimes members contact us asking why their stories were never published; here are the most common reasons stories do not get selected for publication:
    1. Authors do not respond to connection editor's emails or phone calls regarding clarification or additions needed to finalize their submission. After three or more attempts, the committee marks these as unusable stories or publishes them as Anonymous.  
    2. Submissions are not "stories of recovery" and do not fit our current submission guidelines (i.e., poetry, songs, crosswords).
    3. Authors did not submit directly to articles@foodaddicts.org. While we do get forwarded submissions from the office committee and other committees (which we greatly appreciate), we have no control over whether submissions are lost or forwarded outside of our committee.
    4. Author does not include all contact information needed to claim credit for their article, the article is published as Anonymous and the author is unaware that their story was published.

Administrative (Deirdre H., Subcommittee Chair)

  • Took monthly minutes and distributed to committee
  • Began to seek information about magazine finances with the goal to manage and oversee budget moving forward.

Convention Planning Committee (Cayce K., Chair)

Description of Committee

Convention Planning Committee organizes FA’s business convention, held yearly, as well as a fellowship convention, typically held every other year.

Chair’s Report

Fellowship Convention 2023 Recap

  • On October 27 - 29, 2023 we hosted our Fellowship Convention at the Grand Resort and Spa in Phoenix, AZ.  This Convention was a special occasion as it was the first time we have had a Fellowship Convention since the COVID-19 pandemic and in a brand new location! What a wonderful time for all of us to be together again!
  • Nearly five hundred members and their guests attended from Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States.
  • Sharing sessions included themes such as “Gratitude as an Action: The Gifts of Abstinence,” “Lighten Up: Wearing the World Like a Loose Garment,” and “Acceptance: The Answer to All Our Problems.” Members with 15+ years of abstinence also shared on Sunday. Other events included the recording of 3 new podcasts, yoga, water volleyball, karaoke, live entertainment, and a lively dance party!

Business Convention 2024

  • Planning is underway for the 2024 World Service Business Convention to be held at the Doubletree Inn in Danvers, MA from May 31 - June 2, 2024.
  • Registration for the Business Convention will open February 2, 2024, and will remain open through April 29, 2024 at 11:59PM EST. No refunds will be offered after this date. After this deadline you can register on site but will not be able to purchase a food plan.
  • The deadline for World Service Conference (WSC) member registration, submission of motions, and applications for Board positions is March 2, 2024.
  • Additional details about the 2024 Business Convention can be found on the Business Convention page of the FA website.

Business Convention Format Announcement

Thank you to everyone that took the time to respond to our FA WSI Business Convention Format Survey. We had over 800 responses from fellows! The vast majority of members preferred the rotation of our business convention every year from a virtual format to an in-person format. 

To ensure that we have one in-person convention opportunity each year, the FA World Service 2024 - 2025 convention schedule is as follows:

  • May 31 - June 2, 2024, FA WSI Business Convention, in-person at The Doubletree Hotel in Danvers, MA
  • May/June 2025 FA WSI Business Convention, virtual convention. Dates TBD
  • October 2025 FA WSI Fellowship Convention, in person at The Grand Resort and Spa in Phoenix, AZ. Dates TBD

To get involved on our committee or for questions, please email convention@foodaddicts.org.

Literature Committee (Barbara S., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Literature Committee writes, records, and translates literature for the FA fellowship. 

Chair’s Report

The Literature Committee worked diligently to keep FA literature easily available, which included recording at least two audio recordings each month, printing at least seven pamphlets/booklets, providing free web access to the FA Book chapters, and supplying FA meetings with a new Virtual Literature Table.  Translation work continues in at least eight languages.

Subcommittee Reports

Audio Recording Subcommittee (Paula K./Kelly M.)

  • Increased podcast recording schedule
  • Posted the recording of The Forum
  • Updated the archival process
  • Launched the new Speaker Recommendation form and distribution
  • Produced two podcasts per month; four during the 2023 Convention
  • Audio recorded Living Abstinently booklet (English); it is being edited
  • Developing a process to transcribe podcasts for those whose hearing may be challenged.  

Operations Subcommittee (Barbara S.)

  • Arranged for a Spanish FA logo to be created
  • Worked with Kim H. to add a web page displaying the chapters of the FA Book
  • Developed a Virtual Literature graphic to assist the Fellowship easily access FA literature, podcasts and audio recordings. Interactive graphic created by Leah; other project participants included: Karen LB, Lynne M., and Kim H.
  • Worked with Proofreading Team, FA Office, FA Designer and Mailrite to print: 
    Living Abstinently (English)
    Before You Take the Bite (English)
    Are You Having Trouble with the Way You Eat (English)
    Teens and Twenties (English)
    Some Thoughts on Sponsoring (English)
    Overweight? Obese? Overeating? There is a Solution (English)
    Just For Today (German)

Translation Subcommittee (Sherry W.)

  • Worked with Designer to create a Spanish language FA logo
  • Created a Review Committee of four members for final review of literature before printing.
  • Drafted four Spanish language pamphlets; currently in review
  • Revised and printed Just For Today in German
  • Revised the Mandarin language tab on the FA website to Traditional Chinese

The Writing and Editing Subcommittee (Deborah F.)

  • Rewrote Some Thoughts on Sponsoring and also Food Addiction: Undereating? Underweight? Purging? pamphlet for the 2024 Conference and has drafted motions to use for the Conference.
  • Working on Food Addiction: Stories of Men in Recovery pamphlet with plans to bring it to the Conference at the 2025 Convention.
  • Refreshed its structure to include the Core Team, Ad hoc teams for each project, and Review Teams for each project.

Office Committee (Stacy T., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Office Committee (OC) serves as a resource to the fellowship, the World Service Board (WSB) and World Service committees, Intergroups, and Chapters. The OC oversees the World Service Office (WSO) which employs administrative staff and keeps records of all financial transactions, as well as some of the archives of the organization. The WSO also serves as the main point of contact regarding inquiries from the general public and is the central hub of communication with the fellowship, the media, health professionals, and newcomers to FA. 

In addition, the OC supports the WSO staff and volunteers in their efforts to facilitate communication between the WSB and the fellowship and its meetings, and maintain the FA website. The FA website houses all meeting information, informative materials for the general public, as well as materials related to each service body of FA. The OC also provides technical support to the World Service Board and the fellowship through oversight and support of the Tech Subcommittee.

Chair’s Report

The Office Committee had several major accomplishments recently. Here are a few highlights:

  • Refined our bi-weekly newsletter to the fellowship to make sure everyone is informed and inspired by all of the events and opportunities for service available
  • Supported updates/upgrades to our financial accounting, payroll system and processes
  • Explored opportunities to elevate our search engine optimization efforts in 2024
  • Kicked off a major documents cleanup project for the WSO and Board on the website and in internal drives
  • Updated programming for new meeting and meeting change requests to ensure accurate information for database
  • Supported registration for Fellowship Convention

Subcommittee Reports

Logistical Support Subcommittee (Kim H., Chair)

  • Improved online web forms to enable a more user-friendly work order processing and management system at the organizational level 

SEO Subcommittee (Margaret L., Chair)

  • Supported and managed search engine optimization (SEO) to improve visibility of the FA website
  • Explored options for improvement in 2024

Tech Subcommittee (Mish R., Chair)

  • Fellowship Tech Support Team:
    • Offered monthly “Office Hours” for the fellowship to help with meeting and individual needs (canceled until further notice)
    • Created and published a phone list of people that can support individual fellows with video meeting tech issues
  • WSB Tech Support Team:
    • Help, as needed, with the 2023 World Service Business Convention
  • Technology Education Team:
    • Offered live and video trainings on best practices for accepting the 7th Tradition online
    • Creating additional trainings to help meetings and individuals
      • Learn more at: foodaddicts.org/wsi-tech-team Or Menu → For Members → Technical Help

Website Projects Subcommittee (Adrienne C.)

This year, we focused on supporting and managing FA website improvements including:

  • Created Explore the FA Book webpage to have each chapter available electronically
  • Reviewed all web documents and webpages for owner and date of last review
  • Created process for annual review of documents and webpages to ensure accuracy and relevancy
  • Created a process for updating search engine terms for web pages and documents
  • Updated programming for new meeting and meeting change requests to ensure accurate information for database

Public Information Committee (Maggie M., Chair)

Description of Committee

Tradition Eleven states that FA’s public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion.  The PI committee’s mission is to make that tradition practical, i.e., to guide the fellowship to the most effective and appropriate means of communicating the message of FA.  

The committee provides guidance through materials posted on the Public Information page of the FA Website, in-person and virtual programs for PI Representatives, and coaching and mentoring of PI committee members at the WSI and intergroup levels. 

In all of our public relations efforts, the committee advocates for “tact and good judgment, as no publicity is far better than bad publicity that might harm FA or rob it of its dignity and appeal” (AA, 1986, p. 137).

Chair’s Report

Our task for this term half has been focussed on word crafting our mission statement which to date, is in draft and close to its final form.  The mission statement will articulate PI committee identity and aid in guiding the committee in what PI activities are relevant.   

For example, one goal is, through group efforts via committees, intergroups, service support groups and meetings, to segway ample opportunities for one food addict to help another food addict. In other words, to enable those poignant and powerful individual conversations to happen with the FA newcomer.  

Another goal is to practice vigilance with what messages and images are in the public realm.  FA public information work is inextricably public relations. The analogy of the job interview fits.  Are we groomed, credible and prepared to be taken seriously by prospective “employers” such as the medical community and the press? 

That said, subcommittee goals have been focussed on these public relations questions.   Subcommittee names have also been changed from outreach to relations to better describe this important objective. 

An important change related to public information activities was the FA World Service Board’s decision to withdraw the public information pamphlet  FA and the Health Care Professional until a revised edition is developed and instead advises member to give  health care professionals one or both of the following publications: the pamphlet Food Addiction and the FA Solution, linked here, and the booklet Food Addicts in Recovery the First Two Chapters, linked here.

An immediate action was needed due to concerns that information in this pamphlet was outdated, did not best represent us, and could, therefore, interfere with our credibility and our appeal to health care professionals. 

This decision did not require Conference approval because public information materials have traditionally been developed and approved by the WSI PI Committee with input from the Board and have not required a Conference vote.

Subcommittee Reports

Ad Hoc Mission Statement Committee

  • Draft and revisions of a WSI PI mission statement.
  • Mission statement will help shape relevant public information activities

Editing and Writing Committee

  • Writing and editing members are currently serving on the ad hoc mission statement committee.

Media Relations

  • Facebook Page
    The facebook page is a locked page that offers FA website contact information and periodically posts quotes from FA literature.  This page is not used for internal communications or external or internal comments.  
  • Media relations has minimal activity as future goals will be aimed at updating media materials prior to expansion of outreach activities.  

Health Professional and Spiritual Professional Relations

  • Minimal activity as future goals will be aimed at updating health professional and spiritual professional relations materials prior to expansion of outreach activities.

PI Mentoring and Coaching

  • Newly formed committee (morphed from PI Tools committee).
  • Minimal activity as future goals will be aimed at updating PI web materials prior to expansion of educational activities.

Note:  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - previously Digital Outreach has moved under the Office Committee as these technical activities are more relevant to oversight by the Office Committee’s technical advisory members. 

Service Group Support Committee (Regina M., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Service Group Support Committee (SGSC) supports local service groups (LSG), chapters and intergroups. The SGSC Chair is the liaison between the service groups and the WSI Board.

Chair’s Report

  • The core committee meets every month to discuss creative ideas to support LSGs, Chapters and Intergroups.
  • The Chair continues to liaison with the Eastern Area Intergroup (EAI) Chair and the Western Area Intergroup (WAI) Chair. This helps foster communication between the WSB and Intergoups.
  • The SGSC facilitated a Global call in October 2023, which was poorly attended. Therefore the SGSC has suspended the Global call at this time, to reassess its effectiveness in supporting the service groups. The committee will devise new and effective ideas to support service groups.
  • The SGSC updated the Chapter Guidelines to accurately reflect the FA Bylaws as it relates to establishing a new Chapter.
  • The SGSC continues to submit the SGSC Snippet to the FA newsletter. The SGSC Snippet encourages fellows to do service by forming and participating in service groups.
  • The SGSC and the WSI 12th Step Committee will together host eForums on 1/27/24 and 1/28/24, to encourage members to attend the World Service Business Convention. 

Traditions Review Committee (Cheryl W., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Tradition Review Committee’s mandate is to consider how the Twelve Traditions guide us on various issues raised by FA members or groups. Inquiries are submitted to traditions@foodaddicts.org. The committee meets to discuss these issues every other month, then shares their thoughts with the inquirer and with the fellowship (when appropriate) through various WSI reports and the TRC Index. The TRC is not a governing or policing body, nor does it get involved in resolving the issue; rather, it enables the person(s) to deal with the situation or the other person(s) involved.

Chair’s Report

From July, 2023-December, 2023, the TRC received 13 inquiries at traditions@foodaddicts.org.  Of those, 9 inquiries were responded to by the Chair, and 4 were discussed and responded to by the full TRC as follows. 
Questions about any of these inquiries may be directed to traditions@foodaddicts.org.

Responded by Chair:

  1. Donating personal videoconference account to meeting
  2. Writing a personal memoir
  3. Meeting left off trifold
  4. Room setup
  5. Use of personal pronouns on video conference calls
  6. Adding to the Serenity Prayer
  7. Sharing personal story with a spiritual community
  8. Spiritual symbols in meeting space
  9. Changing the Serenity Prayer

Discussed and responded to by the Traditions Review Committee (detailed inquiries and responses below):

  1. Video Conference meeting disciplines
  2. Video on requirement
  3. Pro Bono work
  4. Vegan meetings and unity

Inquiries and Responses:

1. Video Conference meeting disciplines

An FA member attempted to enter a meeting 5 minutes after it started. She was not allowed entry. This statement is currently posted on the website: “For security reasons, the group conscience has decided to make this a Video Conference Only meeting. All participants are required to have their video on and their faces showing at all times during the meeting. This protects the security of our members and helps us overcome our disease of isolation. Please log in 10 minutes earlier to allow time for screening and admission. The meeting will be open until 7:05 am and then it will be locked.”  Is this in conflict with any Traditions?

TRC Response:

  1. Security - Zoom bombing is always a possibility, but technical training and assistance is offered by the FA office regularly to help FA meetings learn how to minimize this risk without locking the meeting 5 minutes after the start time.
  2. Traditions Concerns - Allowing only Videoconferencing access to the meeting, enforcing that faces must be shown on the screen,  and stopping access to the meeting at 5 minutes past the start time; are all issues that do not correspond with the 12 Traditions.
    1. Tradition 3 states that “The only requirement for FA membership is a desire to stop eating addictively.” This means that FA meetings are meant to be inclusive of all  members or prospective FA members, whether or not they have internet or videoconference access, whether or not they show their faces on a screen, and whether or not they arrive at the meeting exactly on time. Meetings are for the newcomer, therefore, creating ample room for all to be welcomed without encountering any barriers to finding help with food addiction. Adding requirements like these to the one requirement stated in Tradition 3 hinders the spirit of this Tradition. 
    2. Tradition 5 states that “Each group has but one primary purpose - to carry its message to the food addict who still suffers.” Tradition 5 is overlooked when such restrictions are put in place. In order to  carry the message to food addicts who are suffering, all must be welcomed, including those without access to videoconferencing, those who are uncomfortable to be on the screen, and those who are late. 
    3. Tradition 12 states that “Anonymity is the spiritual foundation of all our Traditions, ever reminding us to place principles before personalities.” If an FA member or prospective FA member chooses to protect their anonymity at a video conference meeting by keeping their camera off, it is important to the integrity of Tradition 12 that other FA members respect that choice.

While the TRC sees the value for each FA member’s personal recovery in attending videoconferencing meetings, keeping their camera on, and arriving 10 minutes early,  enforcing these disciplines is not in keeping with the Traditions.

2. “Video on” discipline

The TRC was asked for its opinion regarding a “video on” requirement outlined by a videoconference meeting. The meeting requests that all participants have their cameras on at all times while attending the meeting. The rationale for the request is that the “Video-on is simply another discipline and, when set as a standard, allows for greater participation and opportunity for the newcomer and other members to feel safe.” 

TRC response:

The TRC agreed that requiring current or prospective members to show their
faces on the screen is not in the spirit of Traditions 3, 5, and 12.

The requirements for FA meetings are listed in Document 1.  Note that Document 1 duplicates an SRO that lists meeting requirements, and SROs are conference approved.  A meeting may not add meeting requirements without conference approval.  Articulate IV, section 1 of the FA bylaws requires that any group that registers as an FA meeting “welcomes all who have a desire to stop eating addictively.”

The items listed in “the disciplines” section of meeting formats (such as no food, pets, or texting) are suggestions, not requirements.  Meetings have the autonomy to add disciplines or suggestions, and the TRC agrees that any meeting can suggest that videos remain on throughout the meeting; requiring it is a different matter.

In regard to concerns for a member’s anonymity, each person has the right to their privacy and should be able to make a decision about who knows they are attending FA. Tradition 12 encourages protection of everyone’s anonymity.  Perhaps a statement in the format reinforcing that “any names, or stories, that are heard today be kept in confidence when you leave the meeting” would reinforce that FA meetings are a safe place.  Our meetings are open.  Anyone who has a problem with food or knows someone who has a problem with food is welcome to attend.  Similarly, at an in-person meeting, we have no control over who may walk into the room. All are welcome.

3. Pro bono work

A non-profit organization offered to help WSI at no charge. Is this in conflict with Tradition 7?

TRC Response:
The TRC discussed the offer for non-profit pro bono work.  The committee was in complete agreement that receiving such services would be in conflict with Tradition 7, “Every FA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions”.  Some members were not comfortable with the company’s corporate, commercial, and promotional approach which is not aligned with 12 step thinking and may compromise Tradition 6.
In addition, Article X, section 2(a) of the bylaws states:

  • Acceptance or bequests or donations from non-members, outside organizations, and anonymous donors is prohibited.
  • Donations restricted to a particular use are prohibited.

4. Vegan meetings and unity

MESA is questioning whether Vegan Meetings are a violation of FA Traditions. Meetings that feature a certain type of food fly in the face of unity, it seems. It also seems to elevate the type of food we eat to a higher position than recovery. After all, it is not about the food. We question why vegan food addicts benefit from special meetings, or if newcomers are served in that way. It may be that vegan sponsors can be easily identified at these meetings. But it also makes food addicts think about what foods are vegans getting that others are not. We distinguish food-specific meetings from affinity meetings like POC or LGBTQ+ which suffer from historic marginalization and do not carry these same concerns. 
TRC Response:
By consensus, the Traditions Review Committee (TRC) agrees that meetings that focus on vegan (plant-based) eating are not in keeping with FA traditions, specifically Traditions 1 and 5.
Tradition 1 reminds us that “Our common welfare must come first; personal recovery depends on FA unity”.  FA’s primary source of unity is our common definition of abstinence: weighed and measured meals with nothing in between, no flour, no sugar and the avoidance of individual binge foods. This definition applies to every food plan, regardless of the specifics. Recovery comes when we take our focus off our drug (food) and place it on our mental and spiritual recovery. Meetings where the focus is on a specific food plan would also divert us from our primary purpose which is to carry the message of FA recovery to any food addict who still suffers, regardless of the food plan that they follow. A meeting focused on only one subset of food addicts would be contradictory of Tradition 5.  

Subcommittee Report

Traditions eForum Subcommittee (Joan J., Subcommittee Chair)

On July 30, 2023 we hosted an eForum on the topic of Tradition Seven. It was an extremely informative and interesting eForum. Attendance was low; maybe due to the date and time of year. 

The committee is currently planning the next eForum for Sunday, Feb. 4, 2024 (10am, PT 11 am MT, noon CT, 1pm ET, 7pm to pm (for some European countries). The e-forum will spend 10 minutes on each of the following traditions; six, eight and nine.

The approach we are taking with these three Traditions is slightly different from previous e-forums as it will focus on educating the fellowship. The goal is to pose and answer questions specific to each Tradition to help broaden the fellowship’s understanding.   

Twelfth Step Committee (Yolanda P., Chair)

Description of Committee

During the last six months, the 12th Step Committee carried forward its mission: to help members of the fellowship grow in recovery through service at meetings, intergroups, chapters, and World Service; by attending in-person meetings, facilitating virtual meetings to support meeting representatives and members who volunteer for service positions at the meeting level; supporting fellowship gatherings that focus on service and staying abstinent, and supporting efforts that focus on the inclusion of members from historically marginalized communities.

Chair’s Report

  • Meets monthly with the core committee for subcommittee reports, project updates, and new initiatives.
  • Partnering with the Service Group Support Committee Chair to plan eForums starting January 27, 2024 with the intent to help FA members gain a better understanding of what goes on at the World Service Business Convention (WSBC) and what’s to gain by attending for non-voting members.
  • Serves on the Special Committee exploring how to increase the number of WSBC voting members and remove barriers that block diversity.
  • Created a subcommittee to create initiatives designed to support and welcome members attending the 2024 WSBC for the first time. Working with the WSBC Registration Chair on how best to distinguish first-time participants on the name tags and the Office Director to receive WSBC registration notifications.

Subcommittee Reports

Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance (MESA) Subcommittee (Linda Y., Chair)

  • Conducts monthly meetings to plan MESA Resource video calls, eForums, and other initiatives that support meeting effectiveness.
  • Monitors the MESA Helpline and responded to six inquiries within 48 hours during this reporting period.
  • Revising 35 Meeting Effectiveness Questions (MEQs) for submission to the board by June of 2024.
  • Conducts monthly MESA Resource Calls with MESA representatives and others interested in meeting effectiveness. Topics vary monthly based on feedback from the monthly MESA Resource video calls.
  • Sends monthly email notifications to all registered MESA Representatives and other interested parties with information about the upcoming MESA Resource video call as a reminder. This notification invites recipients to share ideas or topics for MESA Resource video calls, and asks MESA Representatives to reply if there is a change in service positions or wish to be removed from the distribution list.
  • Monitors and updates the FA database monthly to ensure that MESA Representative data is reliable.
  • Conducted the December MESA Resource video call with a Spanish-speaking panelist that was interpreted in English to include participation from Spanish-speaking FA members. Plans are underway to have interpreters available every three months.

Newcomers Support and Assistance (NSA) Subcommittee (Lou C., Chair)

  • Created a Newcomers Support and Assistance Web Page on the FA website
  • Developed and posted a video entitled, "A New Way of Life" to help newcomers better understand why we do some of the things we do in FA
  • Hosts bi-monthly Greeter Resource Video Calls to help greeters network and better serve the newcomer experience

The Only Requirement (TOR) Subcommittee (Franny M., Chair)

  • Conducts monthly meetings.
  • Added three new members.
  • Monitors the TOR email inbox.
  • Settled on TOR mission which is to support and assist the efforts of the organized groups within FA to be truly welcoming and inclusive to all who want to stop eating addictively, particularly those from historically marginalized communities. By organized groups, we mean the WSI Board, intergroups, chapters, committees, meetings, LSGs, conferences, and fellowship events. Any member of an FA-organized group may request assistance from the TOR.
  • Discussed the issue of participation of historically marginalized groups at the WSI Business Convention and offered its point of view to the Special Committee studying the issue.
  • Started discussing a subcommittee name change that better describes the committee’s purpose.

Service Opportunities Portal (SOP) (Brande G., Chair)  

  • Maintains the list of open service positions by promptly removing positions as the positions are filled or no longer needed.
  • Improved the look and feel of the Service Opportunities page.
  • Removed an embedded webpage on the parent page and started editing the information manually to make it easier for committee chairs to use the portal.
  • Captured metrics and submitted a report to the 12th Step Core Committee on January 6, 2024 that reflects a significant decrease in participation by committee chairs in submitting open service positions during this reporting period prompting a closer examination into the causes for this decline. Efforts are underway to modify and move the portal information provided in the FA Newsletter to make it more visible.

EAI 12th Step Committee (Maggie O., Chair)

Hosted quarterly informal gatherings:

  • Helping Others Walk Through the Door, October 21-22, 2023
  • So You’ve Agreed to be a Greeter, Now What?, July 15-16, 2023
  • Greeting the Newcomer and Welcoming Back Returning Members, April 22-23, 2023
  • The H.O.W. of Sponsoring, February 18-19, 2023

WAI 12th Step Committee Sheryn N., Chair

Hosted two eForums:

  • Staying Abstinent While Traveling , September 15-16, 2023
  • Don’t Eat No Matter What: Taking FA into the Holidays, November 11, 2023

Maine Chapter 12the Step Committee (Kathy C., Chair)  

  • Conducted in-person Connection writing and art session on September 9, 2024.
  • Launched the “Chapter Meeting-of-the-Month” initiative where a Maine Chapter board or committee member signs up to attend a Maine FA meeting ensuring that every meeting receives a visit throughout the year in a show of support.
  • Preparing for an in-person Meeting Support Day scheduled for April 21, 2024 at the Alliance Administration Office located at 50 Lydia Street in South Portland, Maine.


Alcoholics Anonymous. (1986). The Little Red Book. Hazelden Foundation.
Alcoholics Anonymous. (2001). Alcoholics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc.


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