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World Service Mid-Term Report 2024 July-December

Table of Contents

Letter from the Chair

Officer Reports



WSI Committee Reports

Bylaws Committee

Connection Committee

Convention Planning Committee

Literature Committee

Office Committee

Public Information Committee

Service Group Support Committee

Traditions Review Committee

Twelfth Step Committee

Letter from our Chair (Jen N.)

Dear Fellows,

Thank you for taking the time to read the mid-term report, which highlights the work of the World Service Board (WSB). 

Serving as Chair of the WSB is both a privilege and a blessing. I am often asked how I balance this role with a full-time job and raising teenagers. My answer is twofold:

First, I believe that my higher power never gives me more than I can handle. Serving seems to create time in my life, though I’m not entirely sure how that works.

Second, I draw inspiration from our incredible fellowship, which consistently shows up for service—both through paid and volunteer efforts. Countless hours of dedication come from the FA office staff, WSI, EAI, WAI, the Maine Chapter board, local LSG groups, and other service positions. This commitment to service is the heartbeat of our organization.

Service begins with our commitment to abstinence, and no act of service is too small or too large.

Here are a few highlights from the past six months:

  • Welcomed a completely new team of office staff and facilitated the transition of office subcommittees and volunteers.
  • Implemented a VOIP telephone routing system to provide live assistance to newcomers for 30 hours per week.
  • Added QR codes with news, puzzles, and games to the Connection magazine.
  • Rewrote "Some Thoughts on Sponsoring" and the "Food Addiction: Undereating? Underweight? Purging?" pamphlet for the 2025 Conference
  • Translated literature and pamphlets into six different languages.
  • Facilitated over fifteen e-forums to support newcomers, greeters, World Service Conference members, and sponsors.

We hope you enjoy reading the full version of the mid-term report.

As we approach the Convention, please consider volunteering for open WSB and its committees. We need and want you! The more diverse we are, the better we can serve the still-suffering food addict. Even if multiple people are interested in a position, please don't hesitate to apply. 

We look forward to seeing you at our inaugural hybrid World Service Business Convention in June. Thank you for all that you do.

Warm regards,

Jen N.

WSB Chair


Vice Chair Report (Stacy T.)

The Vice Chair serves on the WSB, is a member of the Executive Board, and oversees the Personnel, Meeting Guidelines, and WSI Technology Committees. The Vice Chair also sits on the Finance Committee.

  • Personnel Committee
    • Appointed former WSB Chair Lisa S. as co-chair to provide continuity given her work with the committee during her tenure.
    • Managed the hiring process for two positions including defining and writing job descriptions, placing job announcements, screening, and interviewing prospective candidates.
    • Established new and updated existing hiring policies and procedures.
    • Supported the off-boarding of two former staff and onboarding of two new staff members.
    • Continued bi-weekly meetings to determine the needs of the office, outline our go-forward path, and support the transition.
    • Concluded with the HR consultant we engaged to guide our personnel planning, procedures, policies and actions.
    • Continue to meet monthly to update and refine our personnel documents, policies, and procedures, as well as support the office and Office Chair, as needed.
  • Meeting Guidelines Committee
    • Solidified the appointment of a chair for this committee to perform regular oversight and maintenance of documents and procedures.
    • Created the new meetingguidelines@foodaddicts.org email for inquiries.
    • Liaised with committee members and kept master copies of guidelines updated for all.
    • Set up a process for all committee chairs to submit changes to roles and responsibilities for updates, as necessary.
    • Made periodic report to the WSB (August)
    • Answered meeting guidelines inquiries and requests from the WSB and the fellowship
    • Answered meeting guidelines inquiries and requests from the WSB and the fellowship.
    • Updated all versions of the meeting format adopted per the 2024 World Service Business Convention voter outcomes:
      • Three meeting platforms (in-person, videoconference, and telephone), and two different forms (Google Docs and Word).
        • In the process of deleting all unnecessary PDF and Powerpoint documents.
      • Added new (Italian) translated formats on the website
        • Others in process are Spanish, Bilingual, Greek, and Russian
    • Reviewed, edited, and streamlined all meeting guideline documents to make them more accurate, accessible, and user-friendly:
      • Coordinated with the Bylaws committee to ensure meeting requirements were in concert with current SROs.
      • Replaced MP3 with Podcast/Audio Files, capitalized Connection on all FA materials and media, frontier list, video conference meeting references, etc.
      • Streamlined all documents to have the same formatting, font, size, bullets, margins, capitalization, headings, revision dates, etc.
      • Polished and refined language for a more clear, succinct read.
      • Ensured all hyperlinks are working on every document and there is a title under each one (when mouse is hovered over it) that tells what it is – this is especially important for ADA compliance for those visually impaired.
    • Updated the website with the latest documents:
      • Updated and streamlined the meeting guidelines landing page on the FA website (foodaddicts.org/meeting-guidelines) to make it a more accurate and user-friendly experience.
    • Updating functionality of the FA website search engine to have more priority and accuracy when searching for meeting guideline documents.
  • WSI Technology Committee
    • Solidified the committee made up of Technology Chairs from EAI, WAI, and our Maine Chapter, as well as up to 10 committed, tech-savvy members throughout the fellowship.
    • Fellowship Tech Support Team:
      • Reinstituted monthly tech “office hours” to help individuals and meetings with FA-related tech challenges.
      • Maintained a phone list of fellows tapped to support FA members with tech challenges.
      • Reached out to all (170+) video conference meetings to help them protect their meetings, members and FA as a whole from Zoom bombers. 
      • Partnered with the MESA Committee to hold two forums on Zoom bombing prevention and provided general tech support.
      • Held an overview of best practices for video conference tech teams.
      • Instituted and continue to manage tech-specific voicemail through the FA office to field tech questions and challenges from the fellowship.
    • WSB Tech Support Team:
      • Supported the WSB with technology issues:
        • Chair managed/administered Slack.
        • Held several how-to sessions on Slack and Google Workspace.
    • Technology Education Team:
      • Created step-by-step Zoom bombing prevention and addressing PDFs with turn-by-turn screenshots for ease of adoption.
      • Overhauled and updated the Zoom bombing prevention landing pages on the FA website:
      • Began evaluation of existing tech training videos;
      • Created a how-to video to help meetings and members address Zoom bombers in real time.

Treasurer Report (Patricia W.)

Revenue from member donations at meetings or directly to WSI provide significant and often unseen services to help our fellowship reach the still suffering food addict and your contributions make that work possible.

As of December 31, 2024, donations are down from last year and from the current budget as shown in the table below.


Compared to Last Year

Compared to Budget

Meeting Donations



Individual Recurring Donations



Individual Non Recurring Donations



Total shortfall from donations



Expenses are being incurred as expected and the Operations Director and Office Manager are finding ways to eliminate expenses and streamline operations while increasing the level of service to the fellowship and newcomers.

The best way to ensure that the FA office continues to provide excellent services and represent FA to the general public is to continue to provide financial support by making regular donations to your meetings and/or to World Service directly.

The best way to donate to WSI is to set up a recurring donation on the FA website.  Other ways to support WSI are:

    • Subscribe to the Connection magazine.
    • Increase your donation at your meeting if you are able and encourage the meeting to send any unused funds to WSI and your intergroup or chapter.
    • Encourage your sponsees and fellows to donate regularly to WSI
    • If you attend a video conference meeting, encourage the meeting to accept donations electronically.

Other News

    • The World Service Office Manager, hired in July, has successfully completed training to process all daily accounting transactions and continues to gain experience and knowledge at a rapid pace.
    • The June 30, 2024 financial statements have been reviewed by FA’s Certified Public Accountant and the annual tax returns have been filed.  Both are available on the FA website at: https://www.foodaddicts.org/wsi-financial-statements  and  https://www.foodaddicts.org/wsi-tax-returns

Thank you for your continued financial support of FA. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. When we give what we can, none of us has to give more than we can. If you have any questions, please reach out to treasurer@foodaddicts.org.


Bylaws Committee (Risa K.)

Description of Committee

The Bylaws Committee maintains and clarifies the WSI bylaws, standing rules of order, and procedural manuals for the WSB, WSI committees, and WSC members. The committee proposes motions to modify the WSI bylaws and the standing rules of order and reviews any motions concerning these documents coming from outside the committee in preparation for each year’s World Service Business Convention (WSBC).

Chair’s Report

In the months of July through December 2024, the Bylaws Committee accomplished the following tasks:

  • Drafted two motions to present at the 2025 WSBC.
  • Remained in contact with other potential motion makers so as to stay current with any motions to come through WSI Committees, intergroups or the chapter. Two motions are currently in progress from WSI Committees. EAI is considering two motions brought by meetings. WAI is considering one motion brought by a meeting.
  • Worked on updates to the WSC Member Manual, the WSI Bylaws Committee Manual, and the WSB Manual.
  • Communicated with intergroup and chapter chairs to inform them of deadlines for submission of motions.
  • Created a historical list of updates to the WSI bylaws.
  • Assisted with correcting an inconsistency between a recently-passed EAI bylaw and the WSI bylaws.

Connection Committee (Sharon C., Chair)

Description of Committee 

The Connection committee publishes 10 issues each year, filled with beautiful art and real stories by food addicts who have found recovery through Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA).

Chair Report

This term, our committee continues to meet on a regular basis, and works as a team to ensure timely creation and publication of each issue of the magazine. We regularly facilitate writing workshops and monthly meetings for meeting Connection representatives to inform the fellowship about the magazine and encourage submissions. All FA meetings using Connection magazine should have a meeting subscription to Connection, and we encourage all members to subscribe. We encourage fellows with 90 days or more of continuous abstinence to be of service by submitting art or writing to share your experience, strength, and hope to all food addicts. Some recent committee accomplishments include many new Connection enhancements such as adding QR codes with news, puzzles, and games, production workflow enhancements, working on many major FA website changes and updates to make Connection more prominent there, better utilized, and for clarity, and coordination with PI committee to work on ways we can cooperate to best help the suffering food addict.

Subcommittee Reports

Art Subcommittee (Susan M., Subcommittee Chair)

The art subcommittee continues to intake art submission and select art for each issue.

  • Created a full-color art gallery using a QR code featuring the current issue’s art.
  • Creating an art gallery to display past art submissions for all to enjoy.

Articles Subcommittee (Karen W., Subcommittee Chair)

The articles subcommittee continues to take in article submissions, work with members of the fellowship to create articles, and select articles for each issue. Additional information:

  • In 2024, over 100 stories were edited.
  • In 2024, 88 stories were selected for publication.
  • As of January 2025, we are pulling stories for the May 2025 issue.
  • A recovery-focused crossword puzzle was introduced using a QR code.       

Writing Sessions Subcommittee (Susan F., Subcommittee Chair)

  • Continued to host writing sessions in person and online
  • Updated materials for any meeting or group that wants to host an in-person or videoconference session.
  • Made full training available with practice and support.

Admin Subcommittee (Kim H., Subcommittee Chair)

  • Took monthly minutes and distributed to committee
  • Documented workflow for production schedule
  • Reviewed financial expenses

Convention Planning Committee (Cayce K., Chair)

Description of Committee

Convention Planning Committee organizes FA’s business convention, held yearly, as well as a fellowship convention, typically held every other year.

Chair’s Report

Business Convention 2025

  • Planning is underway for the 2025 World Service Business Convention to be held at the Doubletree Inn in Danvers, MA from May 30 - June 1, 2025.
  • For the first time ever, the FA World Service Business Convention will be accessible to voting members and attendees BOTH ONLINE AND IN-PERSON.
  • Registration for the Business Convention will open January 15, 2025, and will remain open through April 28, 2025 at 11:59PM PST. No refunds will be offered after this date. After this deadline you can register on site but will not be able to purchase a food plan.
  • The deadline for World Service Conference (WSC) member registration, submission of motions, and applications for Board positions is March 1, 2025 at 11:59PM PST.
  • Additional details about the 2025 Business Convention can be found on the Business Convention page of the FA website.

Fellowship Convention 2025 - COMING SOON!

  • The next Fellowship Convention will be held on October 17 - 19, 2025 at the Grand Resort and Spa in Phoenix, AZ.
  • The last Fellowship convention in 2023 drew nearly five hundred members and their guests attended from Australia, Canada, Mexico, New Zealand, Singapore, the United Kingdom and the United States.
  • Sharing sessions included themes such as “Gratitude as an Action: The Gifts of Abstinence,” “Lighten Up: Wearing the World Like a Loose Garment,” and “Acceptance: The Answer to All Our Problems.” Members with 15+ years of abstinence also shared on Sunday. Other events included the recording of 3 new podcasts, yoga, water volleyball, karaoke, live entertainment, and a lively dance party!
  • Please plan to attend this wonderful event! More information to be available after the Business Convention!

Literature Committee (Barbara S., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Literature Committee writes, records, and translates literature for the FA fellowship. 

Chair’s Mid-Term Report

The Literature Committee developed a work plan listing project priorities through 2029-30 and worked diligently to keep FA literature easily available, which included recording at least two audio recordings each month, recording the Living Abstinently booklet and a Convention session.  Other activities included printing at least seven pamphlets/booklets, and reprinting the FA large print book.  Translation work, including print and web-based literature, non-English language webpages and meeting formats, continues in at least six languages. 

Subcommittee Reports

Audio Recording Subcommittee (Kelly M.)

  • Continued to use the Speaker Recommendation form to fuel the pipeline of speakers
  • In general, recorded two podcasts per month; four during the 2024 Convention
  • Recorded one podcast in Russian (plan to record a second one in 2025) and built a Russian podcast team
  • Made plans to record two podcasts in German in 2025 and started a German podcast team
  • Recorded ‘Why We Do What We Do’ for WSI Service Group Support at 2024 Convention; currently being edited
  • Living Abstinently booklet (English) recording edited; currently undergoing a final quality check

Operations Subcommittee (Barbara S., Interim)

Arranged to reprint (with small edits) - FA Large Print Book [English] 2,000 copies

Arranged for design, proofreading, edits, printing and loading to the website.

  • L-21 Undereating? Underweight? Purging? [English] (Conference-Approved June 2024)
  • L-16 Living Abstinently Booklet [English]
  • LS-03 ?Tiene Problemas en Controloar su Forma de Comer? (Are You Having Trouble with the Way You Eat?) [Spanish]
  • LS-04 Sólo por Hoy (Just for Today) [Spanish]
  • LS-05 Antes de Tomar ese Bocado (Before You Take That Bite)
  • LS-18 Adicción a la Comida y la Solución de FA (Food Addiction and the FA Solution)                             

 Translation Subcommittee (Chris B.)

  • Languages in alphabetical order:
    • FA Video conference Meeting Format (Document 4c) translated and uploaded to FA website by Meeting Guidelines Committee Chair 
    • Translation of flyer Living Abstinently - translated, reviewed and in submission process for uploading to the FA website
    • Translation of the First two chapters of the FA book - translated, reviewed and in submission process for uploading on FA website
    • FA Video Conference Meeting Format (Document 4c) translated and uploaded to FA website by Meeting Guidelines Committee Chair 
    • Translation of logo into German - submitted and design work completed
    • Translation of FA In-Person Meeting Format (Document 4) - in progress
    • Recording of 2 German podcasts scheduled for spring 2025
    • Translation of Before you take that bite - work in progress
  • GREEK:
    • FA Video conference Meeting Format (Document 4c) translated
    • FA Video conference Meeting Format (Document 4c) translated and uploaded to FA website by Meeting Guidelines Committee Chair 
    • Food Addiction and the FA Solution - translation completed
    • Before you Take that Bite - translation nearly completed
    • Support regarding FA podcast
    • FA Video conference Meeting Format (Document 4c) translated - to be submitted for uploading by the end of January 2025
    • FA In-Person Meeting Format (Document 4c) translated - to be submitted for uploading by the end of January 2025
    • Translation of Living abstinently completed - to be submitted for uploading by the end of January 2025
    • Translation of the first 2 Chapters of the FA book - work in progress
    • FA Video conference Meeting Format (Document 4c) translated and uploaded to FA website by Meeting Guidelines Committee Chair 
    • FA Video conference Meeting Format Spanish / English bilingual - in progress
    • Translation of FA book continues

The Writing and Editing Subcommittee (Deborah F.)

  • Rewrote Some Thoughts on Sponsoring and also Food Addiction: Undereating? Underweight? Purging? pamphlet for the 2025 Conference and has drafted motions to use for the Conference.
  • Working on two pamphlets: One on mental health and medication in FA recovery and a slogans pamphlet.
  • In discussions about writing an FA daily meditations book. Discussed ideas for supplementation of Twenty Four Hours a Day in the interim, including submitting A.A. Daily Reflections for approval by the conference.

Office Committee (Julie B., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Office Committee (OC) is a resource to the fellowship, the World Service Board (WSB), World Service committees, Intergroups, and Chapters. The OC oversees the World Service Office (WSO), which employs administrative staff, keeps records of all financial transactions, maintains technological infrastructure, and serves as the main point of contact regarding inquiries from the public and newcomers to FA.

Chair’s Report

The last half of the year brought significant changes to the FA Office, marking the start of an exciting new chapter. In June, we welcomed a completely new team of office staff and saw the transition of office subcommittees and volunteers. With fresh perspectives, the new team ensured seamless logistical, technological, and financial operations for the fellowship. It implemented notable process improvements within just six months.

Here are a few highlights of the Office Committee’s accomplishments in the first 6 months:

  • Implemented VOIP telephone routing system to provide live help to newcomers 30 hours per week
  • Reduced Office internet expenses by 50%
  • Launched a shared design platform (Canva) and built branded templates for use with social media and other committees
  •  Helped the Convention planning committee evaluate technical options for the first hybrid convention
  • Supported Literature committee printing new pamphlets and evaluating the cost of on-demand production
  • Recruited new volunteers for the Office Committee and leveraged these volunteers to manage meeting re-registration
  • Documented key procedures for the benefit of future Office staff

Public Information Committee (Maggie M., Chair)

Description of Committee and Mission Statement

Tradition Eleven states that FA’s public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion. As trusted servants the Public Information Committee (PI ) serves as the custodian of PI materials available to the public, including health care professionals, spiritual professionals, and the press.The PI committee's mission is to guide the fellowship to the most effective and appropriate means to communicate the FA solution to the public. In a guidance capacity, the PI committee will:

  • Review PI materials and activities for integrity, clarity of printed communication, and adherence to the Twelve Traditions.
  • Through the practice of group conscience, vet all PI materials using procedures outlined in the PI WSI Manual
  • Develop and present in-person and virtual programs to PI Representatives and the fellowship
  • Coach and mentor PI committee members at the WSI and intergroup levels
  • Maintain PI materials on the FA website PI sections 

Chair’s Report

  • Our Mission Statement has been completed and provides a description of our committee’s goals and activities (see above).
  • Reorganized our subcommittee’s into the following categories: Writing and Editing, Media and Press Relations, Cooperation with the Professional Community, PI Coaching and Mentoring and Social Media Engagement
  • Continue to examine and update our approaches and language when engaging with the public.  The editing and writing committee has drafted a message for media/press professionals, which will in the near future be posted, and be available on the web site as a PDF for fellowship use. 
  • Drafted an updated one panel flier which will provide a more graphically attractive and up to date presentation on heavy card stock.  Two options will be available that will include a blank square to list a local live meeting and another option which will show only the FA QR code linking the web site meeting listings.  
  • There have been several inquiries about what literature to use for community engagement with medical, mental health and spiritual professionals. We continue to encourage FA members to use one or both of the following publications: the pamphlet Food Addiction and the FA Solution, and the booklet Food Addicts in Recovery the First Two Chapters (both can be found on the FA website)

Subcommittee Updates

Writing and Editing Subcommittee

  • Role; Review, update and draft PI content and make recommendations to the PI committee on the creation of new materials and revision or withdrawal of existing content. 
  • Current projects include drafting the new one panel flier reviewing the health care professional page changes,  and completing the media page content. 

Media Relations

  • Role; Review, update and draft PI content for the media and press, make recommendations to the PI committee on the creation of new materials and revision or withdrawal of existing media content, establish an internal written policy for responding to media inquiries and educate media professionals on the importance of member anonymity.
  • Current projects on hold due to subcommittee chair vacancy.

Cooperation with the Professional Community

  • Role; Review, update and draft current PR materials for healthcare professionals and spiritual professionals, present methods for individuals and groups to build relationships and educate health care professionals and spiritual professionals and assist with inquiries from these professionals. 
  • Current project is updating the health care and spiritual  professional pages.

PI Mentoring and Coaching

  • Role; Assist intergroups and meetings with PI activities, Educate intergroups and meetings regarding anonymity and the importance of attraction versus promotion and Guide intergroups and meetings on applicable resources available on the FA web site and review, update and draft current PI activity resources on the FA web site.
  • Current projects on hold; Subcommittee chair vacancy will be filled in January 2025

Social Media Engagement

  • Role; Provide oversight of official FA public information activity on social media and Educate the fellowship regarding specific anonymity requirements for social media
  • Current projects: Maintenance of the FA facebook page. Projects planned include revision of social media policy, starting up youtube channel and Linked In page.
  • Social media subcommitee chair vacancy recently filled.  

Note;  Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - previously Digital Outreach has moved under the Office Committee as these technical activities are more relevant to oversight by the Office Committee’s technical advisory members.

Service Group Support Committee (Regina M., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Service Group Support Committee (SGSC) supports local service groups (LSG), chapters and intergroups. The SGSC Chair is the liaison between the service groups and the WSI Board.

Chair’s Report

  • The core committee meets every month to discuss creative ideas to support LSGs, Chapters and Intergroups.
  • The Chair continues to liaison with the Eastern Area Intergroup (EAI) Chair and the Western Area Intergroup (WAI) Chair. This helps foster communication between the WSB and Intergoups.
  • The SGSC Committee updated the SGSC webpage with the help of the FA office. A variety of documents such as past SGSC meeting minutes have been archived for any future purpose.
  • The committee intends to host a Global call in February 2025.
  • The Connecticut Area LSG was formed within this time period. The membership includes members from western MA.

Traditions Review Committee (Callie Z., Chair)

Description of Committee

The Tradition Review Committee’s mandate is to consider how the Twelve Traditions guide us on various issues raised by FA members or groups. Inquiries are submitted to traditions@foodaddicts.org. The committee meets to discuss these issues every other month, then shares their thoughts with the inquirer and with the fellowship (when appropriate) through various WSI reports and the TRC Index. The TRC is not a governing or policing body, nor does it get involved in resolving the issue; rather, it enables the person(s) to deal with the situation or the other person(s) involved.

Chair’s Report

From July, 2024-December, 2024, the TRC received 8 inquiries at traditions@foodaddicts.org.  Of those, 2 inquiries were responded to by the Chair, and 6 were discussed by the full TRC.

Questions about any of these inquiries may be directed to traditions@foodaddicts.org.

Responded by Chair:

  1. Creating an FA Journal
  2. Media Contact

Discussed and responded to by the Traditions Review Committee (detailed inquiries and responses can be found on the FA website by clicking on For Members then Traditions Review then TRC Index (traditions review committee index):

  1. Meeting Registration Requirements
  2. Accepting Donations Within the Fellowship
  3. Ideologic Messages on Apparel in Meetings
  4. Discussing Outside Issues During Breaks and Before and After (Video) Meetings
  5. Flag Viewable on Video Meeting
  6. Group Conscience at Business Meeting

Subcommittee Reports

Traditions eForum Subcommittee (Joan J., Subcommittee Chair)

On November 2, we hosted the final eForum.  The topic was Tradition Eleven. It was an extremely informative and interesting eForum. Unfortunately attendance has continued to dwindle which is why the decision was made to discontinue the Tradition eForums at this time. The TRC as a whole will continue to look for ways to inform the fellowship about the 12 Traditions.

One of the ways we are working towards that is by monthly submissions to the Connection Magazine. We submitted Traditions 1 and 2 for the January/February double issue. And recently submitted Tradition 3 for the March issue.

On Going Projects

  • The TRC submitted a long form of the 12 Traditions motion to the WSB at the November 2024 board meeting.
  • Continue to write monthly for the Connection Magazine.

Twelfth Step Committee (Yolanda P., Chair)

Description of Committee

During the last six months, the 12th Step Committee carried forward its mission: to help members of the fellowship grow in recovery through service at meetings, intergroups, chapters, and World Service. The mission was realized by attending in-person meetings; facilitating virtual meetings to support meeting representatives and members who volunteer for service positions at the meeting level; supporting fellowship gatherings that focus on service and staying abstinent; and supporting efforts that focus on the inclusion of members from historically marginalized communities.

Chair’s Report

  • Met monthly with the core committee for subcommittee reports, project updates, and new initiatives.
  • Secured six volunteers to serve on the Conference Member Support and Assistance (CMSA) Subcommittee.
  • Created draft scripts and secured over 25 volunteers to make outreach calls to FA registered meetings, specifically the World Service Inc. (WSI) Representative or Meeting Contact, about electing a Conference Member to vote on motions presented at the 2025 World Service Business Conference. One set of questions is tailored for meetings that did not have representation at the 2024 WSBC to see how or if we can support the meeting or remove any barriers. All volunteers enlisted to make calls have five or more years of continuous abstinence in FA and have previously served as a WSC member.
  • Coordinated with other WSI Chairs and committees to help communicate changes to meeting representatives, support WSBC efforts, edit literature and communicate meeting concerns received by the 12th Step Committee.
  • Submitted request to the WSB to consider a motion to add the daily reader, Daily Reflections, to the FA conference-approved literature list.

Subcommittee Reports

Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance (MESA) Subcommittee: (Linda Y., Chair)

  • Conducted monthly meetings to plan MESA Resource video calls, eForums, and other initiatives that support meeting effectiveness.
  • Monitored the MESA Helpline and responded within 48 hours.
  • Conducted monthly MESA Resource Calls with MESA representatives and others interested in meeting effectiveness. Topics vary monthly based on feedback from the monthly MESA Resource video calls.
    • July 7, 2024: Preventing Zoom Bombing
    • August 4, 2024: Are you ready for the Zoom Tech Support?
    • September 1, 2024: How can MESA Support your meetings?
    • October 6, 2024: All about Telephone Meetings
    • November 3, 2024:  I’m a MESA rep, now what? (Meeting Guidelines, Documents 7 and 9)
    • December 1, 2024: Crosstalk with a Spanish-speaking panelist that was interpreted in English to include participation from Spanish-speaking FA members.
  • Implemented plan to have Spanish interpreters at every third Resource Call.
  • Sent monthly email notifications to all registered MESA Representatives and other interested parties with information about the upcoming MESA Resource video call as a reminder. This notification invites recipients to share ideas or topics for MESA Resource video calls, and asks MESA Representatives to reply if there is a change in service positions or wish to be removed from the distribution list.
  • Submitted updates to the Meeting Effectiveness Questions and the Meeting Inventory Questions to the Meeting Guidelines Team of the World Service Board; updated version posted to FA website in October 2024.

Newcomers Support and Assistance (NSA) Subcommittee: (Lou C., Chair)

  • Developed and hosted three Greeter Resource Calls (July 13, August 13, and October 5) to help meeting greeters better understand their service position in a way that provided resources and helped promote networking amongst meeting greeters so that they could better serve newcomers to their meetings, summarized as follows:
    • Reviewed the responsibilities for the Greeter position as outlined in the FA Meeting Guidelines, emphasizing the critical role of welcoming newcomers to foster growth in both their meeting and the broader fellowship.
    • Each session featured two or three speakers who shared specific practices they use to greet newcomers in their meetings, which led into an open-sharing session.
    • Distributed attendee phone lists to facilitate networking among meeting greeters
    • Developed and distributed the following resources for Resource Call participants:
      • List of conversation starters
      • Recommendations for assembling a Newcomer Packet (for in-person meetings)
      • Link to the Digital Literature Table (for virtual meetings)
      • Other helpful links and materials to support members holding the Greeter position.
  • Developed a video that explains the Greeter position responsibilities along with suggestions from the Newcomer Support Committee
  • Collaborated with EAI and WAI to deliver four well-attended eForums on sponsorship.

The Only Requirement (TOR) Subcommittee: (Vacant, Chair)

  • Conducted monthly meetings.
  • Monitored the TOR email inbox.
  • Started working on a FA Diversity Statement to present to the board for consideration.

Conference Member (Voting) Support and Assistance (CMSA) Subcommittee: (Ana O., Chair)

  • Conducted a CMSA Subcommittee Orientation Meeting and Planning Session on November 10, 2024 to conduct the following business:
    • Elected the Chair
    • Created a task list and identified volunteers for each task
    • Scheduled two eForums encouraging participation in the 2025 World Service Business Convention, FA's first hybrid conference
    • Approved the draft scripts for outreach calls to FA registered meeting initiative
    • Secured 25 volunteers make outreach calls to meetings
    • Distributed welcome letter to volunteers with project details and tentative schedule on November 13, 2024.
  • Committed to sending the detailed instructions to the volunteers for calls by January 5, 2025 with a completion date of January 20, 2025.
  • Scheduled two Information Sessions on January 25-26, 2024 with the intent to help FA members gain a better understanding of the World Service Conference (Voting) member requirements and responsibilities, encourage participation, disseminate important information pertaining to the WSC member elections, and address questions.

EAI 12th Step Committee: (Maggie O., Chair)

Co-hosted four eForums on sponsorship in collaboration with WAI and the NSA Subcommittee:

  • July 21, 2024 (100 participants)
  • August 18, 2024, (78 participants)
  • September 15, 2024 (58 participants)
  • October 20, 2024, (51 participants)

WAI 12th Step Committee: (Sheryn N., Chair)

Co-hosted four eForums on sponsorship in collaboration with EAI and the NSA Subcommittee:

  • July 21, 2024 (100 participants)
  • August 18, 2024, (78 participants)
  • September 15, 2024 (58 participants)
  • October 20, 2024, (51 participants)


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free resources.