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WSI Literature Committee Manual

Literature Chair


The Literature Committee (LC) oversees the ideation, creation, development, and maintenance of pamphlets, books, audio recordings, and other literature used within the FA fellowship (except connection magazine, the PI Kit, and any newsletter produced by a WSI committee). The LC reviews existing literature periodically, makes recommendations to the board regarding creation of new literature and revision or withdrawal of existing literature, manages the timeline and steps for the approval process for literature (i.e., board feedback and approval), ensures all literature up for conference approval is displayed on foodaddicts.org with enough time prior to the business convention, oversees the selection process and recording of FA audio recordings,and podcasts, and oversees the translation of conference-approved literature into languages other than English as directed. The LC collaborates with the design committee (DC) to prepare all pamphlets deemed ready for the Operations Subcommittee of the LC.

Committee Makeup & Selection Process 

  1. The LC consists of a chair elected by the conference, and members-at-large appointed by the chair according to the WSB Operating Procedures and the LC selection and application process. The LC chair may appoint new members to the committee without fostering an open search. Candidates for consideration will be asked to complete an application prior to being appointed. The LC chair should consult with the WSB by phone if there are any questions regarding an application that has been submitted.

  2. In addition to the LC chair, the committee comprises a secretary and chairs of the following subcommittees: Audio Recording, Language Translation, Operations, and Writing/Editing. Each subcommittee chair makes recommendations for its subcommittee membership and seeks approval from the LC chair.

  3. The committee secretary and all subcommittee chairs of the LC must have a minimum of five years of continuous current FA abstinence (ten years in the case of the WES subcommittee chair), knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA and completion of two studies of the Twelve Steps as defined in Article II, Section 3 of the Bylaws within the current term of abstinence, uninterrupted by a break in abstinence, and must continue to be actively involved in twelve-step studies during their period of service. Subcommittee members’ membership requirements are detailed below  in the “Membership Makeup and Selection Process” section under each subcommittee. 

Discussions and Communications 

  1. All requests or issues presented to the LC must be in writing and sent to the chair of the LC via email to literature@foodaddicts.org. The committee will determine the priority of requests or issues that it addresses.

Chair Responsibilities

  1. Provides the WSB secretary with most current names, telephone numbers, and email addresses of LC members. 

  2. Oversees all LC functions and projects.

  3. Serves as an ex-officio member of all LC subcommittees.

  4. Sets the LC agenda, establishes meeting dates and times, facilitates meetings, acts as an information resource, prepares reports, and serves as a member of the WSI board.

  5. Attends monthly WSB meetings, including the WS business convention.

  6. Maintains a directory with names, email addresses, phone numbers, and dates of appointment for all current members of the committee and its subcommittees. 

  7. Assigns the secretary or designee to take minutes at every meeting and to disseminate those minutes to committee members for approval at the next meeting.

  8. Minutes are kept in the LC’s shared Google Drive.

  9. Provides a bi-annual and annual written report of LC activities to the WSB secretary within established time frames.

  10. Submits Literature projects and budget to the WSB project review committee (PRC) once a year.

  11. Adheres to budget.

  12. Adheres to all WSB Operating Procedures.

  13. Maintains a Google Drive file of any current document (that affects FA as a whole) created by the LC that is approved by WSB and submitted for posting or emailing.

  14. Collaborates with the WSB bylaws chair in development and revision of LC procedures.

  15. Facilitates the review of LC procedures at least every two years and more frequently if warranted.

  16. Maintains and updates WSB Manual. 

  17. Receives instructions from the FA office director about the webmail site (to manage and respond to email sent to literature@foodaddicts.org) responding to members within a timely manner.

  18. Communicates passwords to incoming LC chair when term of office expires.

  19. Submits any expenses incurred for LC business to the WSB treasurer and/or office, using the approved reimbursement form.

  20. Develops an FA Book subcommittee when the WSB decides to revise the FA Book. 

  21. Follows the timeline as outlined in the SRO May 2009 for presenting literature to be approved by the WSB and fellowship 

Membership Responsibilities 

  1. The LC meets on an as-needed basis as determined by the LC chair. It is suggested that no member miss two consecutive meetings. A member who, without good cause and prior notice to the chair, fails to attend two consecutive meetings, or who fails to respond to two written communications of the LC regarding votes on proposed actions, may have their position declared vacant by majority vote of the LC.

  2. LC discussions are held in confidence by members of the committee.

Secretary and Subcommittee Chair Selection Process



The secretary takes minutes at all LC meetings and disseminates minutes to all members for approval.

Membership Makeup and Selection Process

The LC chair appoints the secretary. They must have a minimum of five years of continuous current FA abstinence, knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA, and completion of two twelve-step studies as defined in Article II, Section 3 of the Bylaws within the current term of abstinence, uninterrupted by a break in abstinence, and must continue to be actively involved in a twelve-step study during their period of service.

Audio Recording Subcommittee


The Audio Recording Subcommittee (ARC) develops audio recordings/podcasts to help carry the message of recovery to those who suffer from food addiction, for individual FA members, and for members who wish to play audio recordings at their meetings. Also, at the request of the LC and WSB, the ARC records pamphlets, books, and/or meetings. 

Membership Makeup and Selection Process

The LC chair appoints the subcommittee chair. They must have a minimum of five years of continuous current FA abstinence, knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA, and completion of two twelve-step studies as defined in Article II, Section 3 of the Bylaws within the current term of abstinence, uninterrupted by a break in abstinence, and must continue to be actively involved in a twelve-step study during their period of service.

Language Translation Subcommittee


The Language Translation Subcommittee (LTS) works to fulfill the needs of the worldwide fellowship by facilitating the translation of written FA materials into languages other than English.

Membership Makeup and Selection Process

The LC chair appoints the subcommittee chair. They must have a minimum of five years of continuous current FA abstinence, knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA, and completion of two twelve-step studies as defined in Article II, Section 3 of the Bylaws within the current term of abstinence, uninterrupted by a break in abstinence, and must continue to be actively involved in a twelve-step study during their period of service.

Operations Subcommittee


The Operations Subcommittee (OS) works to fulfill the needs of the worldwide fellowship by facilitating the publication of pamphlets, books, and other literature used within the FA fellowship (except connection magazine, the PI kit, and any newsletter produced by a WSI committee).

Membership Makeup and Selection Process 

The LC chair appoints the subcommittee chair. They must have a minimum of five years of continuous current FA abstinence, knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA, and completion of two twelve-step studies as defined in Article II, Section 3 of the Bylaws within the current term of abstinence, uninterrupted by a break in abstinence, and must continue to be actively involved in a twelve-step study during their period of service.

Writing/Editing Subcommittee


The Writing/Editing Subcommittee (WES) reviews, updates, and develops new literature requests received from the LC chair, and reviews all materials intended to be conference or board approved. The subcommittee reviews existing literature periodically and makes recommendations to the LC regarding creation of new literature and revision or withdrawal of existing literature. Any LC material intended for distribution to the fellowship or public must be reviewed for text and grammar by the WES.

Membership Makeup and Selection Process 

The LC chair appoints the subcommittee chair. They must have a minimum of ten years of continuous current FA abstinence, knowledge of the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of FA, and completion of two twelve-step studies as defined in Article II, Section 3 of the Bylaws within the current term of abstinence, uninterrupted by a break in abstinence, and must continue to be actively involved in a twelve-step study during their period of service.


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