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WSI Twelfth Step Committee Manual

This manual outlines the purpose, responsibilities, methods, and overall operating procedures of the WSI Twelfth Step Committee. The manual is updated as needed to keep the information current and is intended to serve as a reference tool for committee and subcommittee members, as well as for anyone in FA interested in understanding the work of the WSI standing committees.

Twelfth Step Committee (12th Step)

The 12th Step Committee helps members of the fellowship grow in recovery through service at meetings, intergroups chapters and World Service, develops written and audio/video resources for members via phone and internet and offers support to those members isolated due to language barriers and physical limitations. 12th Step subcommittees include Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance (MESA), The Only Requirement (TOR) committee, Newcomer’s Support and Assistance committee (NSA), and the Service Opportunities Project Committee (SOP).

Chair Responsibilities

The 12th Step Chair oversees the 12th Step Service Core Committee and subcommittees, sets the agenda for the 12th Step Core Committee monthly calls, facilitates meetings, selects members for the core committee and subcommittees, acts as an information resource, prepares reports and serves as a member of the WSI Board. The Chair is elected by voting members at the annual convention and must have seven years of abstinence and have completed an AWOL.

Membership Responsibilities

The 12th Step Service Core Committee consists of the committee chair, the chairs of the subcommittees, the 12th Step Secretary, and includes ex officio the Intergroup 12th Step committees, and the chair of the Chapter 12th Step committees.The 12th Step committee consists of those members who carry out the committee’s work. Meetings of the  12th Step Service Core Committee are held by videoconference every month except in July on the first Sunday at 10 am EST. Committee meetings are held annually at the WSI business convention and as needed. Typically, the Service Core functions well with 7-12 members. All inquiries can be directed to 12Step@foodaddicts.org.

Subcommittee Chair Selection Process

Twelfth Step subcommittees include Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance (MESA), The Only Requirement (TOR) Subcommittee, Newcomer’s Support and Assistance Subcommittee (NSA), and the Service Opportunities Project Subcommittee (SOP).

The 12th Step Chair appoints the subcommittee chairs who must have five years of continuous abstinence, completed an AWOL, continue to participate in FA AWOLS and be working with an FA sponsor.  The subcommittee chairs are agreed upon and approved by the members of the  12th Step Core committee. The subcommittee chair appointment must be approved by the WSB.

Meeting Effectiveness Support and Assistance (MESA) Subcommittee

This Subcommittee of the 12th Step Committee consists of FA memberswho want to give service to FA meeting groups. Any FA member with such an interest should contact MESA at the email address below. MESA is committed to reflecting the diversity of our fellowship in its members.

The MESA Subcommittee chair is selected by the 12th Step committee chair. The subcommittee chair appoints members through an invitation/application process with approval of the 12th Step chair. MESA meets monthly by videoconference usually on the first Sunday of the month.

Because of the significance of meeting issues, MESA members are generally expected to have five years of continuous abstinence. Participation in the Advisory Group and Resource Call Team

Described below is one established route to membership on the MESA Subcommittee.

The Subcommittee oversees several teams:

The Accessibility Team:

This team advocates for members whose disability status makes access to meetings difficult or impossible. It also reminds groups to choose sites or platforms that are accessible and welcoming to all. Members are invited by the Team Leader in consultation with the MESA chair. Interested persons may reach the Team Leader at MESA@foodaddicts.org.

The Resource Call Team

This team is a support for MESA reps through a videoconference, usually on the first Sunday of the month. Each month has a pre-selected topic of significance to FA meetings and in turn FA reps. Participation in the Resource Call Team is open to MESA reps and all FA members with an interest in giving service to meetings. Interested members may reach the Team Leader through MESA@foodaddicts.org.  At least 90 days of continuous abstinence is required.

The Helpline Team:

This team provides confidential support and assistance to FA members with concerns or problems in the FA meetings. Because of the need for confidentiality and the sensitivity of the issues that may be presented, members of the Helpline team are limited to MESA subcommittee members. FA members seeking to reach the Helpline should email MESA@foodaddicts.org.

The Writing Team:

The writing Team fulfills MESA’s need for written material to help meetings become more effective, for example, the Meeting Effectiveness Questions. Membership on the Writing Team is limited to interested MESA Subcommittee members. FA members seeking to reach the Helpline should email MESA@foodaddicts.org

The Only Requirement Subcommittee (TOR)

The Only Requirement Subcommittee is a Subcommittee under the 12th Step Committee. The Subcommittee chair is chosen by the 12th Step Subcommittee chair and agreed and approved by the 12th Step Core committee,  and with the approval of the WSB.

The Only Requirement Subcommittee’s  mission is to explore ways to ensure that:

  1. The only requirement to recovery at FA meetings is a desire to stop eating addictively, and
  2. That all feel welcome at FA meetings specifically persons with disabilities, BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and other marginalized groups, including those with religious and medical/mental health considerations.

Membership to the Subcommittee is by invitation, upon consultation with the MESA Chair and the 12th Step Chair. The TOR works as diligently as possible to have representation of all members of the fellowship on the subcommittee. Ninety days of abstinence is required.  Meetings are held on the second Saturday afternoon of the month.  Any questions can be directed to TOR@foodaddicts.org.

The subcommittee work of the TOR includes two sets of Eforums, which are held on Saturday night at 8:00 pm EST and Sunday afternoon at 1:30 pm EST.  The topics most helpful to the fellowship is The Courage to Change.  The Eforums are noted on the FA Events Calendar, well in advance to allow all members the opportunity to participate. These time choices allow for all members the opportunity to participate in the discussion. The subcommittee operates well with 10-12 members.

Newcomers Support and Assistance Subcommittee

The Newcomers Support and Assistance Subcommittee is a Subcommittee of the 12th Step Committee. The Subcommittee chair is chosen by the 12th Step committee chair, with the agreement and approval of the 12th Step Core committee, and approval of the WSB.

The Newcomers Support and Assistance Subcommittee’s mission is to ensure that newcomers, members on the FA fringes and returnees have the resources they need to work the FA program. The subcommittee offers an opportunity for existing members to help the newcomer to want to keep coming back (and thereby retain members). The Subcommittee requires five years of abstinence.  The meetings are monthly on the 3rd Saturday evening of the month.  All inquiries can be directed at newcomerssupport@foodaddicts.org.

Service Opportunities Platform Subcommittee

The Service Opportunities Platform Subcommittee is a Subcommittee of the 12th Step Committee. The Subcommittee chair is chosen by the 12th Step Committee chair and  agreed and approved by the 12  Step Core committee and the approval of the WSB.  The subcommittee members developed and maintained the platform that allows WSI, EAI, WAI and Maine Chapter to advertise service positions within the fellowship, and maintains the platform for members to apply for those service positions.

The committee chairs have access to the platform to input information from their profile page on the website. Members of the fellowship have access to the platform also from their profile page to apply for service positions. 

When a committee chair of WSI,WAI, EAI or Maine Chapter submits a service position, it is lightly edited by the MESA chair, and then uploaded to the platform. The service positions are advertised until they are either filled at which point they are removed from the platform or re-upped for three more weeks by the committee chair. Subcommittee meetings are on an as needed basis. For further inquiries contact serviceopportunities@foodaddicts.org.


The  WSI 12th Step Committee is responsible for the FA Thank-a-thon. The Thank-a-thon is a series of back to back meetings, limited to one hour in length, held in the month of November with a focus on Gratitude. For example, a registered meeting may decide to list a Thank-a-thon from 8-9 am, (1 one hour meeting) or from 9-11 am (2 one hour meetings back to back), or 9-12 noon (3 one hour meetings back to back).  It is strongly recommended that all Thank-a-thons be affiliated with meetings registered on the FA website. Thank-a-thons can be attended in either virtual, telephone or in person meetings.  Thank-a-thon meeting formats are located on the FA website under 12th Step, click on Thank-a-thon, and click on meeting formats.

This is the recommended procedure for Thank-a-thons

  1. 12th Step Chairs from EAI, WAI and Maine Chapter should announce the Thank-a-thon at the monthly body meetings beginning in August and continue through November. An example of an announcement could be this or something similar:  It’s that time of year again, for the WSI 12th Step Committee to announce Thank-a-thon 20XX! What is a Thank-a-thon? It is a series of back to back meetings (not to exceed one hour ie: each meeting lasts one hour, and usually run from 9 am - 12 pm) in November with a focus on gratitude. The meeting formats are on the website for in person/ virtual and telephone meetings. Each Thank-a-thon must be affiliated with a meeting registered on the FA website. Any questions please contact: 12thstep@foodaddicts.org.
  2. A meeting needs to decide if it will be in person, virtual or by telephone. Any speakers for the Thank-a-thon need to have at least 90 days of back to back abstinence and working with an FA sponsor. Also, the meeting should decide if it will be a one hour Thank-a-thon, or a two or three hour Thank-a-thon. In one hour Thank-a-thons for example, up to three members may be asked to speak, each for 10 minutes, and the rest of the meeting be open to sharing from those with 90 days or more and working with an FA sponsor. It’s important to note that each meeting is autonomous, and can decide on the number of speakers  and back to back meetings for the Thank-a-thon.
  3. When the meeting can come to agreement on the date, time and speakers, the meeting should be posted on the FA events calendar. A member can post an event (such as the Thank-a-thon) and can review other Thank-a-thons also posted.
  4. It is recommended that meetings announce their Thank-a-thons during the Announcement phase of their meetings.
  5. For in person meetings, an announcement can be easily made noting the date and time of the Thank-a-thon and put on the literature table.

Revised 2023_0125


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