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Your FA Seventh Tradition

Reaching the Suffering Food Addict

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA) is a fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience and mutual support, are recovering from food addiction.

Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous offers a solution to all forms of food addiction. Many people are finding recovery in FA from obesity, undereating, purging, and obsession with food. There are no dues or fees; we are self-supporting through our own contributions.

Notice to FA treasurers: all treasurers should refer to Document 7: Service Positions for best practices related to Seventh Tradition donation collection, record keeping, donation distribution, and reporting.

Every FA group ought to be fully self-supporting, declining outside contributions.

-FA’s Seventh Tradition

We Have No Dues or Fees

In FA there are no dues or fees. We are self- supporting through our own contributions. FA does not accept outside donations or voluntary professional services from non-FA members without payment under any circumstances. FA members follow this principle when they make Seventh Tradition donations at their meetings, whether those meetings are in-person, online, or by telephone. The same principle extends to financial practices at all FA service levels.

We Give Out of Gratitude

We who have found recovery in FA feel very fortunate. Our gratitude at being lifted out of the misery of addiction can genuinely be shown by doing service, giving of our time and money. We give what we can, when we can, at both the member and the meeting levels. Individual fellows make donations within their means. As we give, we are showing gratitude as well as generosity, and we are doing service that reaches beyond our meetings or local area. This service strengthens all of FA. Meetings pass on what they can to the rest of the FA service levels. The responsibility rests with each of us to ensure that FA services continue and that FA will be here to serve the existing fellowship and reach the newcomer.

Spiritual Principles that Guide FA Finances

Our contributions are critical to sustaining and growing FA’s service to members and newcomers. Our collective donations allow us, both as individuals and as meetings, to participate in the process of reaching out to food addicts everywhere.

Together, the Twelve Traditions, and the Twelve Concepts guide FA to:

  • Be self-supporting, paying our own expenses (Tradition Seven)
  • Use FA funds wisely (Concept Twelve)
  • Avoid problems that divert us from our primary purpose (Tradition Six)
  • Maintain an appropriate prudent reserve to ensure services can continue (Concept Twelve)
  • Pass on extra funds to support more FA work and to carry the message of recovery to those who still suffer (Tradition Five)

How Seventh Tradition Funds Are Used

Meetings provide a meeting space, whether it is online, over the phone, or physical, and are responsible for covering the costs—we pay our own way. Each online meeting should purchase its own video conference license and not use a member’s personal account; nor should online meetings share a videoconference license with another meeting. We do not accept free physical space, free video conferencing services, or free telephone services.

Instead, we offer donations to the service hosts or providers. In addition to contributing to the venue, meeting groups also provide literature and may conduct public information sessions or other public information activities to raise awareness of FA in their meeting vicinity.

Intergroups and Chapters initiate or support public information activities and serve as the local arm of FA.

WSI supports the overall functioning of FA by providing information through the website, the FA office, FA publications, conventions, and public information materials.

A partial list of WSI expenses includes:

  • Office rent, telephone, utilities
  • Staff salaries
  • Translation services for literature
  • Design/printing/distribution of Connection magazine
  • Literature printing/storage/shipping
  • Convention hosting
  • Audio recording
  • Website hosting/design/maintenance
  • Professional services (insurance, legal, tax, etc.)

After expenses are paid, prudent reserves are maintained. The prudent reserve allows FA services to continue during challenging times such as global emergencies.

FA financial statements are available at: www.foodaddicts.org/wsi-financial-statements and tax returns are available at: www.foodaddicts.org/wsi-tax-returns.

Seventh Tradition donations ensure FA remains self-supporting and free of outside influences. We donate out of gratitude and in the spirit of service. The amount of the contributions is secondary to the spiritual connection that unites all FA groups around the world.

How to Donate

There are several ways to donate to FA.

  • Donate at meetings either digitally and/or physically.
  • Donate directly to WSI, an intergroup, or a chapter. Donations may be completed online. Visit the FA website at foodaddicts.org/donate for instructions.
  • Donate by mailing a check to the address listed on the FA website.
  • Donate monthly by creating a digital recurring donation plan. Visit the FA website at foodaddict.org/donate.

FA members may donate up to $3,000 in a calendar year, and, in addition, make a one-time bequest of up to $5,000 directly to WSI (FA Bylaws Article 10). The identity of individual donors is disclosed only to the WSI treasurer or WSI treasurer designees who keep such information confidential.

If you have questions about donations or need help, please email the FA WSI office, web@foodaddicts.org.

The pamphlet "Your FA Seventh Tradition" is FA Conference Approved Literature. © 2024



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