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Create Your FA Profile

Privacy Policy

Anyone may participate anonymously in the 12-Step program of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous (FA), with our without a FA Profile. If you choose to create a free profile, the World Service office of Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous collects personal information to communicate with you. This includes your email address and phone number.

You can choose to subscribe to email notifications and text notifications separately. You can log on to your FA profile at any time to unsubscribe from emails or texts, or to change your notification settings.

Reach out to the FA Office with any questions at web@foodaddicts.org or at 781.932.6300. 

Read FA's full Privacy Policy here.

Help is Here if You Need It

If you already have a FA Profile, and you're locked out, please email web@foodaddicts.org or read these frequently asked questions.


Passwords must be 8-24 characters and include 1 letter and at least 1 number.

When you register, you will receive an email to confirm the email distribution list(s) to which you have chosen to subscribe. You must click the link on the confirmation email in order to receive FA emails.

To ensure you receive FA emails, add foodaddicts.org emails to your contact list and review your SPAM/junk email regularly for foodaddicts.org emails. For Gmail users, move any emails found in your SPAM or Promotions folders to your primary box or inbox to ensure you don't miss any FA emails. 

You will receive emails related to transactions or event registrations completed on the FA website.