A Story of Recovery:

A New Me

The first time I visited my brother after joining Program was an incredible experience. Through geographical circumstances, my brother and sister-in-law wound up being responsible for the care of our aging mother. It was not easy for them. My brother would often call me to vent his anger, and I would try to tell him what to do. If that didn’t work, I would dismiss his needs and feelings and say, “I am too tired to listen.”

This first visit in recovery was awesome. My brother and I went on an errand. Again he started to tell me how he was feeling, and then he stopped and said, “You wouldn’t listen anyway.”  I said, “Yes I would, I am different now, so please tell me what you are thinking.” He began kind of hesitantly and then continued to pour his heart out. We sat in a parking lot for a very long time and I listened and listened. Afterward he said, “You are different.” I was so happy and felt so serene. That was almost seven years ago, and our relationship has been wonderful ever since.


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.