A Story of Recovery:

Breaking Down Barriers

In early recovery I was told, “This program is portable and can be worked under all conditions.” Fortunately, that has been my experience.

This is my second time in FA. I was in for about a year about 10 years ago, where I was able to attend meetings. I struggled with the program and getting time up, trying to put FA on top of my “busy” life. I moved, where there are no meetings and left the program, doubting whether it was possible for me to get abstinent without meetings anyway.

The “gift of desperation” brought me back four years later. Since that first day, through God’s grace and the tools of this program, I’ve not needed to pick up the food, one day at a time. I believe this is largely due to the enormous support this program offers including outreach calls, the audio recordings on CDs and downloads, literature, including Gratitude in Action, Twelve-Step support calls, a very user-friendly website, and the support of a caring sponsor. All these things help me feel connected to the center of FA.

The connection magazine is the highlight of my month. I love reading how others came to the program, got through difficulties without picking up, and the gems of wisdom they share.

Each week I feel privileged to be able to participate in a telephone AWOL where I get to hear others’ experiences and share how it’s been for me.

Apart from my sponsor, by far the greatest support for me has been the outreach calls. They really break down any barriers of isolation I may feel. All the self-help books, weekend workshops and therapists I turned to for help with my addiction can’t compare with talking to another member about what’s really going on for me and them.

I had the opportunity to attend the business convention. I got to put faces to the voices of fellows I’d spoken with, and I saw the planning and organization that goes on behind the scenes to reach those of us on the frontier.

This program has given me so many gifts. The first was abstinence, which I could only dream of, and it continues getting better all the time. I feel so grateful to be supported by the structure of FA and fellows who’ve been there before me and guide me to becoming a better person.  I hope I can pass some of my experience, strength and hope onto others who come into this program.


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.