Posts about Recovery

Finally At Peace

On a recent crisp fall Sunday afternoon, I sat outside a coffee shop, having just finished my weighed-and-measured meal. I turned 39 this year, am in my ninth year of recovery, and have recently become much more “surrendered,” as we say in FA.  Experiencing a sense of peace from my Higher Power and the peace that comes from giving up the fight in a new way surpasses any temporary shock of aging.  Enjoying this new sense of serenity, I invited my brother, James, and my mom to join me for a chat in the autumn California sunshine. We talked, laughed, and enjoyed each other’s company. I basked in the glow of letting go and leaning into God, my sponsor’s guidance, and feeling safe deep within my soul, tucked securely into my recovery. So much peace! All of a sudden, my dear mother looked at me and said, “You look different.... Continue Reading



Stormy Weather

I live in a hurricane-friendly area of the USA and have just been blessed with another bad storm, which I got through abstinently. We had a very difficult time several years ago with no refrigeration, very hot temperatures, and no ice available for almost two weeks,  We coped in creative ways. My next-door neighbor used an extra-long extension cord to get electricity from a portable generator from the neighbor behind her so that her refrigerator worked. I used a shelf in her refrigerator for my food.  We had an outside charcoal grill and also used things like canned meats, fruits, veggies, and dry cereal. I know that these foods, in addition to a manual can opener, are essential to always keep on hand.   Thank God my husband saw how terribly difficult the experience was for this food addict. After that, we decided that a permanent generator would be the answer... Continue Reading



Really Ready

Approximately four months ago, I walked into a local FA meeting ready, willing, and able to join FA and to follow the program as it is laid out. I had some idea what was in store for me, since I had attended a few meetings ten years prior. Back then, I had a sponsor and a food plan, and I attended one meeting a week. I thought I did not have time for more than that because I was working full-time and raising three children. I didn’t make phone calls, read any literature, or do any writing. I hardly took any quiet time and never remember prepping any food in advance. I guess you could say that I did not engage in FA back then. Needless to say, I didn’t stay. I can surely add my name to the list of those who thought there must be an easier, softer... Continue Reading



The Non-Poisonous Fruit

Halloween at an elementary school is always a magical, yet chaotic, day for teachers, but I’ve been teaching for over three decades, so I expected the commotion. The halls were abuzz with excited children parading their costumes for each other. Even the adults were encouraged to join in the light-hearted frivolity and many were in costume for the day’s activities. I was already at work when I realized I hadn’t packed my fruit for the noon meal and I would have to find fruit somewhere in the school. I was on a mission. The usual places where food is commonly found bore no results, so I gave up. I decided to text my sponsor to tell her that I was going to give it to God and not have a fruit with my lunch. That’s when I saw my colleague dressed as Maleficent, the evil villain from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty.... Continue Reading



Simple Serenity

Twenty years prior to walking into an FA room, I thought I found “the solution” to my food issues: a custom food plan that I concocted as part of my nursing capstone project. It was based on my successful weight loss experience with Jenny Craig and my research on the food pyramid. For my 5 foot 2-inch height, it involved a 1,500 calorie plan for weight loss and an 1,800 calorie plan for maintenance. The 1,500 plan involved two fats, two meats, two milks, two fruits, three veggies, and four grains. Each exchange equaled 100 calories. If you used less calories with, let’s say a veggie (20 calories), this gave me license to use the rest of the 80 calories on something else I wanted, like junk food.  But this disease is progressive. Over time, my food plan devolved into all exchanges being junk food, with multiple daily caloric intakes... Continue Reading