Posts about Recovery

Quiet Time

I love my morning quiet times. 5:00 am is my “date” with God each morning. To sit and listen, before everyone’s lights come on, horns blare, and the world starts humming and bustling.  This is indeed a cherished gift. My time with God is a “Come as you are”-type party. I can come “just as I am” authentically, and just show up.  That’s my part. Showing up. And anticipating. Some days, the reading smacks me in the face and I “get it”. It is my marching orders for the day, or something that challenges or “pings” my consciousness. Sometimes my heart is encouraged as I see the impossibility of a situation and I hear that God is even bigger than my situation. And in the quiet, I get to be quiet, and just listen. Meditate. Listen to my breathing. Close my eyes and occasionally have an intuitive thought, or a direction,... Continue Reading



A Fork in the Road

I found FA after my doctor told me I was headed for serious health problems and that I needed to lose weight. After my first month in Program, I had lunch with a dear friend, who asked me all about FA. She wanted to come with me to a meeting.     I remembered how scared I had been when I attended my first FA meeting, so I recognized the fear when I got a text from my friend the morning of the 8 a.m. meeting that read, “I cannot go.”  So I took a chance and answered, ” Have something to eat and I’ll meet you there.” To my delight, she answered back, “Okay.”     After the meeting, she told me she had only had a glass of milk before she came, and that we needed to go get something for her to eat. We went in her... Continue Reading



FA is My Home

Today is December 23.  I woke up this morning thinking about this day in many years ago, my first day in an 8-week residential treatment program for food addiction.  I was 41 years old and had been bulimic off and on for 25 years; I was underweight and unhappy.  It was 2 days before Christmas and although I did not particularly want to be there, I didn’t want to be anywhere else either.      How had I gotten there?  At the time I had my own business and had been married for the past 15 months to a man I adored.  Those were 2 of the things on the top of my list of “if only I had (fill in the blank) then I would stop this crazy eating”.  Yet there I was unable to stop on sheer will.  Thus I found myself in Florida where all the palm trees were... Continue Reading



Abstinent Anywhere, Through Anything

I love my morning bus ride to work. I get to have someone else weave through the rush hour traffic while I relax. Relaxing was something I never did before FA. I was always racing to my diet club meeting, speed walking up and down the city streets, or heading to the gym to work off the slice, or plate, or cup of whatever I had just eaten.  But today, I wasn’t doing any of that, and I hadn’t done it in the seven years since I’d found FA. Today, I was smiling at strangers, and feeling grateful for the fact that I could sit in one bus seat without spilling over into the next. In fact, I even have room to tuck my purse and my lunch bag next to me every day. Today was like most days in recovery. I had packed my lunch last night, and this... Continue Reading



Living Without You

It was the spring and I had been in Program for two weeks. Waiting for the meeting to start, I heard another newcomer share how she loved the program and how she was never hungry. “What’s she getting to eat?,” I wondered, because my hunger pangs were ever-present. “My sponsor is great! So loving and understanding,” she continued. Really? Give me a break. I felt like my sponsor was a dictator. Just that morning, she talked to me about how to do the required reading correctly. Yesterday she said I had to weigh my food precisely—4 ounces of protein, not 4.1, not 3.9, but 4.0 exactly! As I sat there, that song started in my head again. Michael Bolton’s voice singing nearly non-stop for almost a week now: “How am I supposed to live without you now that I’ve been lovin’ you so long?” His song was about unrequited love;... Continue Reading