Posts about Recovery

Dating Dilemma

In my journey through dating abstinently, I have many opportunities to ensure that I stay abstinent, no matter what. I am venturing through one such experience right now. I just had a “first date” with someone. We met at a coffee shop and talked there, then took a walk and talked some more. After that, we sat on a bleacher bench and talked some more. It was quite wonderful to have a pleasant conversation, considering the fact that, in the past, I’ve been socially inept, and more comfortable stuffing my face than interacting with others. He asked me if I wanted to go to a movie that night. I used to be 155 pounds. I have been abstinent for four years and am now 115, and so happy about it. I am a food addict with a very delicate nervous system. My dating history is riddled with moving too fast and eating... Continue Reading



Eating Humble Pie

I have never been a very humble person. I was the oldest in my family and as the first baby, I was adored by everyone. I got very good grades, got the lead in school plays, and was told by many adults how wonderful I was. This did not do much to grow my humility bone. When my father passed away when I was only 10 years old, my friends’ parents were amazed at how well I continued to achieve in school. I rarely missed any days of school and continued to get perfect grades. (I wasn’t above cheating to maintain the appearance of my perfect grades.) But all this high achieving early in life set up a major character defect to take root —perfection. I began to feel that if I couldn’t be perfect, I was nothing. This became a breeding ground for my food addiction to blossom. I... Continue Reading



Gratitude Ball Rolling

My husband let our dog in before he left for a hockey game tonight, but didn’t notice she was leaving a trail of bloody paw prints behind her. By the time I noticed, she had tracked two-way paths through most of the house. I was quite annoyed, because tonight was supposed to be my time to “do what I wanted to do.”  Instead of sewing, watching TV, or reading, I had to clean this mess out of our carpets and off the hardwood floors and tiles. I was less than halfway done with this task when I realized that my thoughts had shifted. What started out as self-pity and resentment had moved to gratitude. I thought: Thank you God I can bend over and kneel down to clean this up…I’m so grateful I have enough cleaning products and paper towels in my house…At least our dog wasn’t hurt badly. I... Continue Reading



Driver’s Ed

During a meeting, a fellow stood and shared an analogy. He said that the first few months of Program were like learning to drive a car. He said that there seemed so much to it that you thought you’d never figure it all out. He thought that it was similar to all the bells and whistles and numerous windows and mirrors you had to keep track of while learning to drive. Eventually, like driving a car, he said, there would be parts of the program that became second nature to you. On my drive home, I was reflecting about how that was the stupidest analogy ever! In my job, I drive a lot and far distances, so if anyone “knows” about driving, it is me. But the analogy sparked my remembering when I was 15 and learning how to drive. Taking instructions from a parent is torture to any teenager,... Continue Reading



Defenses Down

When I was 20 years old, I told my parents that I was addicted to sugar. At that time, “food addiction” was unheard of in my world. I was told that I just needed to have more will power and I should learn to say “no.” 30 years later, my bingeing was uncontrollable and I couldn’t stop. I was eating two-to-three family-size boxes of treats in my car at lunchtime every day, in addition to all my meals and nighttime junk. At 50 years old, 5’10” tall, and weighing 265 pounds, I was on my way to both my physical and mental grave, a place I didn’t want to go, but that didn’t know how to avoid. Then came divine intervention. God reunited me with my best friend from high school after a 23-year separation. We had so much to talk about. However, our conversation centered on her four successful... Continue Reading