A Story of Recovery:

FA Is Where I Belong

Looking back to when I entered into that threshold that is the first 90 days of FA, three-and-half years and one-hundred-thirty pounds ago, I can say that I never want to go down that painful road again.

Coming off of flour and sugar was so hard for me that if I knew then what I know now, I would have taken time off from work and stayed at home for a several weeks! I was an emotional basket case, to say the very least. My feelings were a roller coaster of never-ending ups and downs. My mood was completely unstable. I was extremely rude to those closest to me.

Mostly, I regret my behavior towards my coworker and friend during that time. Putting it simply, I acted “holier than thou” toward her because I had found recovery from food addiction and she had not. In my early days in Program, I took it upon myself to feel that it was necessary to induct her into the program as well. I criticized her eating and drinking habits and cleverly pointed out how unmanageable her life was. I feel that I owe her an amends today for my behavior, which was a direct result of that detoxification period.

It took me a year and a half before I began to work the actual Twelve Steps, and it has only been because of their application that I was finally able to learn how to focus on my character defects and not someone else’s. Until I was able to start this process, I was what AA calls a “dry drunk.” I had no idea that my lifelong over-consumption of flour, sugar, and quantities had such a negative impact on me and on those around me. The first 90 days were but a small window of the negative effects. I cannot imagine what havoc I caused my whole life to people, not to mention myself, while actively using my drug.

I made a pact with myself after those first few months were over and done with that I would never again consume flour and sugar. I have kept that promise to myself for all these years, with of course the help of my HP!

While I wasn’t always completely abstinent, I never had to detox from my drug of choice again. Had I had a better relationship with my higher power and perhaps been working the Twelve Steps during that time, I might have made better choices. All I knew was that I never wanted to go through that hell again.

I know for a fact that FA is where I belong. My higher power brought me here for a very big reason and has shown me a lot of really amazing things. I truly believe that staying abstinent is the gift that keeps on giving. If I want to develop a stronger relationship with G-d and be shown even more gifts and miracles in my life, then abstaining completely from all flour and sugar is the first way to do it. Thank you, G-d, that the only roller coaster that I ride on today is the one of life, and I’m not sick to my stomach doing it!


This story was originally published in the Connection Magazine. Subscribe to the Connection Magazine for more stories of recovery. Or submit your own story of recovery.